Ways to call Blocks within Magento: createBlock vs Layout xml file - zend-framework

Context: I'm trying to include Adminhtml blocks in the frontend of the site to replace some of the user account blocks. The first thing I'm trying to do is simply display the block on the correct page. I can replace the entire page by setting the Body of the response inside the controller, but I'm having a hard time including the block in the layout xml file and then calling it within the template.
This block's default template is adminhtml/default/default/widget/grid.phtml. So I have placed widget/grid.phtml and widget/grid/ folder (needed by widget/grid.phtml) inside of the frontend theme.
I'm using community edition v1.3.2.2
Why would I be able to create an adminhtml/sales_order_grid from Mage_Sales_OrderController using createBlock:
But not from a frontend layout, using a declaration
<reference name="content">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_grid" name="orders_widget"/>
within app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/sales.xml
The latter produces an error without a stack trace:
Fatal error: Call to a member function toHtml() on a non-object in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Layout.php on line 526
That line is the function getOutput() that Alan refers to below. The data in callback[0] is blank. As far as I can tell, it's null. When output to a log, it's blank. get_class(callback[0]) returns nothing discernable as well.
As far as I can tell, no blocks are rendered. There is nothing shown in the browser except the error message. In the log, the only output from the getOutput() method within app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Layout.php is the one where it breaks - no block name in callback[0].
However, I do know that _prepareCollection on the sales_order_grid block is being called.
Update: It turns out that I can get the block to render by adding it to the layout file. The call that throws the error is in app/code/core/Mage/Sales/controllers/OrderController.php in public function historyAction(). The call to $this->renderLayout() is what causes the problem. Evidently, I can't have both the grid block and the history template rendered in the same action. I'm not sure why though.
Thanks for any guidance!

More details about the other customizations you've done to get yourself to this point might help people troubleshoot your problem. When I tried your "create the block programmatically" code I got the following error.
Warning: include(/path/to/magento1point4.dev/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/widget/grid.phtml) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/to/magento1point4.dev/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Template.php on line 189
I added a simple phtml template to the above location and was able to insert the block via a layout file succfully after that
<reference name="content">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_grid" name="orders_widget"/>
So I suspect something you've done along the way already is tripping things up.
Also, a Magento version would help things. Line 526 of the current version of community edition is a comment.
All that said my best guess is things are failing in the getOutput method of the Layout class. I'd add some logging to the function on your dev server to see what Magento is trying to do/instantiate when it bails on you.
public function getOutput()
$out = '';
if (!empty($this->_output)) {
foreach ($this->_output as $callback) {
Mage:Log('Trying to get the block ' . $callback[0] . ' and call its ' . $callback[1] . 'method');
$out .= $this->getBlock($callback[0])->$callback[1]();
return $out;


Working with layout object attributes and variables in FileMaker

This is the first time I'm encountering GetLayoutObjectAttribute and I am having serious issues with it. My variable $web won't set. I think it's because PD_WebV isn't the right object name to refer to, but I don't know how to find the right object name. I can't find the objects name when I hit Edit Layout, so does anyone know how to find an layout objects name?
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
#execute if statements
After Edit:
After some troubleshooting, I found out that PD_WebV is the right object name to refer and it's refered to correctly, so my new question is why doesn't the script go to the line If[$Web="done"] and how could I fix it? Ss my If statement not evaluating something it should be? Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something completely different? Would the problem possibly have to do with my WebDirect sharing settings? Any guidance would help. Thanks.
After, After Edit:
So now that my application is getting past Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")], the variable $web only equals <HTML></HTML>. Does anyone know a way, without using javascript, to test the inside of the html tags?
Also, I printed the bounds of the webViewer PD_WebV that I can't locate on the layout but am referring to in the script. The bounds that are printed are different each time I run the script. Is the usual or unusual? My source is also about:blank so it doesn't look like I'm sourcing from a URL
Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something
completely different?
If you're doing:
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
then the only time
will return true is when the web page loaded into your web viewer contains exactly the string "done" (in practical terms, that's never).
I have already suggested in a comment that you test for:
PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" )
This is assuming you want the subsequent steps to execute only after the page has finished loading. The entire script would look something like this:
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
Exit Loop If [ PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" ) ]
End Loop
# execute statements
You might also want to add a counter to the loop and exit the script after n trials.
Ah, I reread your question.
To set the object name for your webviewer so that the GetLayoutObjectAttribute function works you need to set it in the Name field in the inspector when you have the webviewer selected.
After that your variable should populate.
Be aware
What it will populate with will be all of the html from the browser, i.e. not a boolean true/false liek your conditional suggests.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but to be able to determine a result from your web viewer you'll need to either parse the HTML to see if it's content contains what you're looking for or within the code you're setting the webviewer with, fire a javascript function that calls back to the FileMaker file using a FileMaker url.

Perl:Undefined subroutine &main

One of my non-developer friend asked my help about that issue. I am a windows developer, i don`t know anything about Perl, also script languages. I tried to search the issue but could not find a solution. Is there anyone can tell me what is the problem here and how to fix it.
Error after clicking the button:
Undefined subroutine &main::quote_javascript called at /usr/libexec/webmin/chooser.cgi line 192.
And the line 192 is :
$link = "<a href=\"\" onClick='fileclick(\"".&quote_javascript("$dir$f")."\", $isdir); return false'>";
The code that's actually triggering the error is of the form
... quote_javascript(...) ...
You are calling a sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main). There is no sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main).

Karma html2js doesn't seem to have created any __html__ array

I am attempting to set up tests for a Polymer application using Karma. However an essential element of those tests is the basic html fixture.
However, when I get to the code that tries to read the __html__ array. this gives an undefined.
I have included all the key files in a gist
Because polymer.js needs to be loaded as the first script in head, and because Karma includes all the files as script tags, I have a PolymerTests.js script which adds the Polymer element to the head. It also defines a load fixtures function which should read one of the files that have been placed in __html__ and adds it to a container div in the main body of the test page.
var container; //Used to hold fixture
PolymerTests.loadFixture = function(fixture,done) {
container = document.createElement("div");
container.innerHTML = __html__[fixture];
This is called in a beforeEach routine for a specific test.
However when I get there, I get undefined.
The question of course is has anyone any idea how to work out what I am doing wrong. I tried a debug session, but can't see window.__html__ defined anywhere.
In order for the pre-processor to actually put files into the __html__ array is is necessary to ensure the files are also included in the "files" section of the karma configuration file. If there are not included there, they won't be put into the array.
Probably you also use ng-html2js preprocessor. And they have ugly thing in index.js:
// TODO(vojta): remove this in 0.11
'preprocessor:html2js': ['factory', require('./html2js')]
After removing it, it will work.

Magento - Error after disabling modules

I've disabled the Rss and Newsletter modules of my Magento 1.7 instance following the instructions of this post:
I just edited the app\etc\modules\Mage_All.xml file by changing to <active>false</active> in both Mage_Rss and Mage_Newsletter modules.
The problem is that when I try to load a customer page through admin panel, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function loadByCustomer() on a
non-object in app\code\core\Mage\Newsletter\Model\Subscriber.php on
line 267
Why is it happening? Why is this code being executing even though I've disabled such module?
First step after disabling a module through its <active> entry. Always clear cache and if you use the compiler, recompile so you don't have code referencing classes in the disabled module.
Often the problem is not with code executing after the module is shut off through the app/etc/modules/mod_name.xml by setting <active> to false, but with other modules, templates or layouts attempting to call code in the disabled module.
Where issues come in are if another module lists the module just turned off in its dependency list. Always check all the other module xml files dependency lists for mention of the module you are deactivating.
Also, you have to check for template .phtml files that reference classes in the disabled module. This can throw the dreaded call to a non-object type exception errors. As an example, one module that provides custom cart attributes asks you to add entries to your cart templates. Shutting off the module does not get rid of the references.
Make sure no layouts are attempting to load anything referencing this module as well (custom layout local.xml).
You also might want to go to System Config, Advanced and shut the Newsletter module output off there in case the Magento Customer Account is depending on testing for the module being disabled by calling that entry instead of actually checking to see if the Module is loaded. Sometimes Magento programmers forget to do proper error trapping, which has thrown me for a loop before.
I believe I could solve the problem (not sure if generated any side effect):
Just edited the file app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Customer\Edit\Tabs.php around line 90 by adding the external if clause:
if (Mage::helper('core')->isModuleEnabled('Mage_Newsletter')) {
if (Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('newsletter/subscriber')) {
$this->addTab('newsletter', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Newsletter'),
'content' => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/customer_edit_tab_newsletter')->initForm()->toHtml()
+1 if I saved your day and please let me know if you noticed and possible impact :D

Moodle local plugins and save_file

I've created a working form within a local plugin and it is inserting data fine into my custom table.
What I want tyo add now is a filepicker element that upon saving the form puts the file into a specified folder.
The filep[icker itself works fine but when I save the form no file appears, the code I'm using looks like this:
$mform->save_file('lowresCh', '/my_form/', false);
I've tried various things in the 'my_form' bit, but to no avail. The rest of the form still puts its data into the custom table and I can see my file in the mdl_files table (marked as draft).
With full debugging on I can get a warning of:
Warning: copy(/my_form/): failed to open stream: Is a directory in /...../lib/filestorage/stored_file.php on line 390
I don't know if I'm approaching it incorrectly or not, any help or pointers in the right direction would be most appreciated. 
Oh and I have read the Using the File API in Moodle forms page, useful in getting me to the point I'm at, but no further.
I solved it by using the filename as the second argument in save_file() and if I prepend a directory then all of the files will be saved within my plugin in a sub directory which is perfect.
So it looks like this now:
$mform->save_file('lowresCh', 'files/'.$mform->get_new_filename('lowresCh'), false);