vertical color gradient - iphone

Horizontal gradient is working fine. Is there any way to get a vertical color gradient from horizontal gradient?
I have seen a related question regarding this where they did this by rotating the frames.
Is there any simpler way to achieve a vertical gradient?

The default startPoint and endPoint would have the gradient display your colors from top to bottom (which in my mind is a vertical gradient). If you want the gradient to display from left to right (again in my mind this is a horizontal gradient), use this code on your CAGradientLayer:
[gradientLayer setStartPoint:CGPointMake(0.0, 0.5)];
[gradientLayer setEndPoint:CGPointMake(1.0, 0.5)];
A 3D transform is unnecessary.

How about rotating it 90º?
edit judging from your comment, it seems that you're doing this via CAGradientLayer. CAGradientLayer is a subclass of CALayer, which has a transform property. This transform property takes a CATransform3D, which is a struct that represents some sort of linear transformation to be applied to the layer (such as scaling, translation, or rotation).
So really you just need to make a rotational CATransform3D and set it as the transform property of your CAGradientLayer.
You could probably also make this work by fiddling with the startPoint and endPoint (which would actually probably be simpler).


iPhone iOS which CGAffineTransform does isometric transform [ _ ] to /_/

I need to make a rectangular view [ ] appear as if it's top is rotated back, while the bottom is pinned in place: / \ . The resulting image is isometric with the bottom being wider than the top.
Which CGAffineTransform do I need to accomplish this goal?
As others have pointed out, you can't do this with a CGAffineTransform.
However, it's relatively easy to do with a CATransform3D, as I describe in this answer. You'll need to adjust the m34 component of the CATransform3D to give the transform some degree of perspective, rotate the view about the X axis, and potentially scale it so that the bottom edge remains at the same width as for your original unrotated view.
Alternatively, you might be able to adjust the anchorPoint of your view's underlying layer to be at the bottom, rather than the center. Rotations will then be applied from that edge, which should keep the bottom edge length constant and give you a receding perspective effect for the view. I believe a value of (0.5, 1.0) will set the anchorPoint to the lower edge.
Brad, I found this example (by you!) on how to do a perspective transformation:
For some reason it does not work in my code. My buttons have the 3d transform applied, but not the scaling effect.

I want to transform from rectangle view to curve view in ios

I want to add label in view. Not rectangle label but curve label.
middle point lower with certain rate. Like 'U'. how??
I think using CGContextAddCurveToPoint. but how to use? in ios.
You can't do this with a UILabel, but if you take the string you want to draw into a curve, you can draw each letter and then alter the angle of the drawing using the technique in this related question:
How do I draw an NSString at an angle?
(i.e. change the angle and position after every letter).

Clipping in MKOverlayView:drawMapRect

I'm having an issue with drawing to areas outside of the MKMapRect passed to drawMapRect:mapRect:zoomScale:inContext in my MKOverlayView derived class. I'm trying to draw a triangle for each coordinate in a collection and the problem occurs when the coordinate is near the edge of the MKMapRect. See the below image for an example of the problem.
In the image, the light red boxes indicate the MKMapRect being rendered in each call to drawMapRect. The problem is illustrated in the red circle where, as you can see, only part of the triangle is being rendered. I'm assuming that its being clipped to the MKMapRect, though the documentation for MKOverlayView:drawMapRect makes me think this shouldn't be happening.
From the documentation:
You should also not make assumptions that the view’s frame matches the bounding rectangle of the overlay. The view’s frame is actually bigger than the bounding rectangle to allow you to draw lines for things like roads that might be located directly on the border of that rectangle.
My current solution is to draw objects more than once if they are in a maprect that is slightly larger than then maprect given to drawMapRect but this causes me to draw some things more than needed.
Does anyone know of a way to increase the size of the clipping area in drawMapRect so this isn't an issue? Any other suggestions are also welcome.
I ended up adding a buffer to the rect passed in to drawMapRect:mapRect:zoomScale:inContext and using that to determine which objects to draw. This results in more objects being drawn than needed, but not by much.

How to Darken an Irregularly Shaped Transparent CALayer on the iPhone?

I'm putting an image into a CALayer that could be irregularly transparent:
theCardLayer.front = [CALayer layer];
theCardLayer.front.contents = (id)[cardDrawing CGImage];
In other words, it might be a square filling the layer or it might be an octagon that leaves the corners see-through.
I want to sometimes darken this layer, but without darkening the see-through bits. Any suggestions for how to do so in a programmatic way?
Take a look at CGBlendMode; a multiply blend, done by creating a new CGBitmapContext, drawing the image and then a grey fill, and assigning the resulting image to your layer, should work nicely.
You can use a CGShapeLayer. Set it's path to the shape you want to draw. You can also use shape layers as masks for other layers, if that's what you want.

Can I animate a radial gradient in iPhone?

I would like to animate a radial gradient to shrink and grow the inner radius, as if it were pulsing.
Right now I'm rendering the gradient with CGGradient, but I'm not sure how to animate it. I've seen this topic
Can you animate gradients using Quartz in an iPhone?
Which explains how animate a linear gradient with CAGradientLayer, but it doesn't seem like this will draw a radial gradient.
Is there an easy way to animate a CGGradient, or some way to create a radial gradient CAGradientLayer?
Any thoughts are appreciated.
If only Core Image was on the phone, this would be trivial. An animatable filter is what you need. ;-)
The CAGradientLayer does allow for animating its properties, however, it currently only supports linear gradients.
The only thing I can think of if you're wanting to animate using Core Animation is to animate the transform of the view into which you're drawing your gradient.
You can animate any view's transform pretty simply. Just draw your gradient in the view as you're probably already doing and then animate the transform using scaling. Using explicit animation, it would be something like:
CABasicAnimation *anim = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform"];
[anim setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:CATransform3DIdentity]];
// Scale x and y up
[anim setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:
CATransform3DMakeScale (1.0f, 1.0f,0.0f)]];
[anim setAutoreverses:YES];
[anim setRepeatCount:HUGE_VALF];
[[gradientView layer] addAnimation:anim];
Unfortunately this would look like expanding and contracting more than pulsing, I think (though I haven't tried it).
I think if you want a true pulsing with your gradient at this point, you probably have to do the animation manually using your own timer. Just re-draw periodically changing your inner radius value as you go. Ugh. I'm not absolutely sure that's the only way, but I have yet to see a compelling pulse animation on the phone with a gradient as you're wanting.
There is one other idea I would like to try at some point. Core Animation now allows animating arbitrary properties/values. You could theoretically set up an animation using some arbitrary keypath that you name (say innerRadius, for example) and override the -drawLayerInContext delegate method. Then you could grab the current value from the presentationLayer while it's in mid-flight and re-draw your gradient there instead. This is just theoretical as I haven't tried it, but it seems like it might be worth looking into.
Best regards.