Is there a way to load a profile inside Perl? - perl

Is there a way to load a profile inside Perl?
Like in shell files:
. ~user/.profile

What specifically do you mean by "profile"?
If you mean "retrieve the values of the shell environmental variables that your shell set via .profile", then yes - you do it through a special %ENV hash.
If you mean "read the actual variables set in .profile" like the shell itself does, it's possible but doing it "right" requires either parsing an arbitrary shell script and scrubbing anything that's not an environmental variable assignment, OR executing ". ~/.profile; env`"` and parsing the output.
If you mean "supply a generic configuration to any Perl program that runs via a separate configuration file", you need to add code to those Perl programs to read this configuration file (there are a number of CPAN modules for reading various config files).
If you mean "supply a generic configuration to any Perl program that runs without any special code in those Perl programs to read a separate configuration file, sort of like any shell script gets the stuff from .profile thanks to shell", then the asnwer is "may be". You can leverage PERLOPT environmental variable to supply options which would load up a special module (via -I) containing the configuration that gets set via its "import()". While somewhat doable, it seems like an awful hack that I would strongly recommend against using.

Env::Sourced should do what you need.
use Env::Sourced qw(~/user/profile);

If you have bash configuration values in (or other configuration set up by) a shell script and want that to take effect only for the duration of one execution of a program, you can use a subshell:
( source ~/; perl )
You can access shell environment variables in Perl using the %ENV hash (see the index of Perl's special variables, perldoc perlvar):
my $user = $ENV{USER};
my $home_dir = $ENV{HOME};
export HOME="/home/nowhere"
print "the value of HOME is $ENV{HOME}\n";
When executed as perl, prints:
the value of HOME is /home/ether
When executed as ( source ~/; perl ), the output is:
the value of HOME is /home/nowhere

$u=`echo -n ~user`;
open F, "<$u/.profile" || die;


Extract user name from perl script

I want to extract user name, executing a perl script, within a script itself.
I am executing whoami linux command from perl as follows and it works pretty well.
my $whoami = `whoami`;
chomp $whoami;
print $whoami;
My intention is to get away from calling system commands from perl script. Therefore I am looking for Perl only solution. I was wondering if there is any CPAN module available which can extract system information.
Your suggestions in this regards will be appreciated.
perl -le 'print scalar getpwuid $<'
Perl have direct mapping to system getpw* functions.
These routines are the same as their counterparts in the system C
library. In list context, the return values from the various get
routines are as follows:
$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell,$expire) = getpw*
-- from perldoc -f getpwuid.
Use getpwuid with $< as argument (which, according to perldoc perlvar is "The real uid of this process", and also available as $REAL_USER_ID and $UID) and get first returned value.
You should probably take at look at the hash %ENV. It contains useful information about the environment where your script is run.
One example (in windows) to get the username would be:
perl -E "say $ENV{'USERNAME'}"
For bash substitute USERNAME for either LOGNAME or USER.

What is the best way to share a config file between Perl scripts and bash scripts?

I have a system that is composed of both bash scripts and Perl scripts.
Is there a safe way to specify config values that are used by both Perl scripts and shell scripts?
We need both as there are common elements which are simple MY_VAR=toto declarations along with Perl specific config values, e.g. hashes.
BTW We don't have the Env module available in our hardened Perl build.
You don't have to have Env to be able to access environment variables. The following excerpt from the Env documentation makes this plain:
Perl maintains environment variables in a special hash named %ENV.
For when this access method is inconvenient, the Perl module Env
allows environment variables to be treated as scalar or array
%ENV makes constructing "config" hashes in Perl quite simple. In the following example, it'd probably be clearer to stick with %ENV itself:
my %config;
my #env_vars = qw/ foo bar baz quux /;
#config{#env_vars} = #ENV{#env_vars};
Why don't you write a Perl script which reads and writes the config files. You could make this code so that it works as a Perl module and as a script from commandline at the same time.
You can then call this code inside your Perl scripts and also inside your shell scripts to get and set those values.
You could use YAML as a format, there are several modules on CPAN supporting that.
But you can choose whatever you like since you have full control and even a change later on would only affect your get&set-script.

%ENV doesn't work and I cannot use shared library

I cannot use %ENV var on my Perl script to use Oracle libs.
$ORACLE_HOME = "/usr/lib/oracle/";
If I print $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} and $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} all seems ok but, when I run my script I have the error:
install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load '/usr/local/lib64/perl5/auto/DBD/Oracle/' for module DBD::Oracle: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 200.
at (eval 3) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
at persistence.perl line 22
Searching on web I saw that the correct way to set env vars on Perl is to use %ENV hash.
Exporting ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH through unix shell (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...) it works correctly. Any advice?
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable has to be set before your program starts — before perl itself is loaded. Changing it in BEGIN{} will affect new programs that you start, but it won't affect the loading of shared libraries — in this case (although I've never used the DBD::Oracle) you're loading an Oracle .so into the already-running program, so it's “too late” to change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The dynamic linker /lib/ (or so) is started before perl, so by the time your script is compiled and BEGIN{} runs, it's already set up.
You could try to re-exec your script as its own successor or something*, but a short shell script is almost certainly going to be the simplest solution:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/
export ORACLE_SID=prod
exec /usr/local/bin/your-db-program "$#"
*- this would be kinda crazy, but TIMTOWTDI:
eval {
use DBD::Oracle foo bar baz; …
if ($# =~ /install_driver\(Oracle\) failed/) {
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} .= ':/usr/lib/oracle/';
$ENV{ORACLE_SID} = 'prod';
warn "Restarting with LD_LIBRARY_PATH reset:\n\n$#\n";
exec { $0 } $0 => #ARGV;
I wrote a few test scripts to verify that the environment is being set when you change %ENV:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $foo = "bar-bar";
$ENV{FOO} = "$foo";
system qq(/bin/echo printing out \$FOO);
This prints out:
printing out bar-bar
which is what I expected.
I then tried this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $foo = "bar-bar";
$ENV{FOO} = "$foo";
system qq(./;
and created a program that looks like this:
#! /bin/sh
echo This is what I got: $FOO;
In this case, my Perl script is running which prints out the value of the $FOO environment variable that was set in my Perl script. Running I get:
This is what I got bar-bar
This shows that not only is Perl setting the environment variables, but that it is also exporting those variables, so called shell scripts have access to them.
You can try a similar technique to verify that both LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ORACLE_HOME are being set before they're used. I suspect you'll find that this is indeed happening, but that your program still isn't working when you set %ENV.
This points to one conclusion: Setting the environment for LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ORACLE_HOME might be occurring too late by the time your Perl script starts. I believe the operating system examines LD_LIBRARY_PATH before Perl starts. I found this doing a search on LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is an environment variable you set to give the run-time shared library loader ( an extra set of directories to look for when searching for shared libraries. Multiple directories can be listed, separated with a colon (:). This list is prepended to the existing list of compiled-in loader paths for a given executable, and any system default loader paths.
So, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for the runtime shared library loader, If has already been loaded, changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH won't do anything.
I found a similar discussion on Perl Monks. I noticed someone found rerunning env seemed to work.
One solution is to modify /etc/
On CentOS/RHEL 6.4, you could create etc/ with this:
Obviously, modify as suits your ORACLE_HOME.
Then run
ldconfig -v
You could put the export commands into the start up script for your unix shell which you should have permission to edit. That way, the environment variables will be set whenever you start a new shell and all scripts and programs that use Oracle will pick them up.
I just went through something similar. I had to make sure that the Oracle environment was setup before anything else called it. Make sure the BEGIN block is before any other "use" statements. In my case, something was being called in Apache's httpd.conf file, so I had to setup my environment there instead of in my package.

Have perl execute shellscript & take over env vars

I have a shell script that does nothing but set a bunch of environment variables:
export MYROOTDIR=/home/myuser/mytools
export MYVERSION=0.4a
I have a perl script, and I want the perl script to somehow get the perl script to operate with the env vars listed in the shell script. I need this to happen from within the perl script though, I do not want the caller of the perlscript to have to manually source the shellscript first.
When trying to run
the env vars do not "propagate up" to the process running the perl script.
Is there a way to do this?
To answer this question properly, I need to know a bit more.
Is it okay to actually run the shell script from within the perl script?
Are the variable assignments all of the form export VAR=value (i.e. with fixed assignments, no variable substitutions or command substitutions)?
Does the shell script do anything else but assign variables?
Depending on answers to these, options of different complexity exist.
Thanks for the clarification. Okay, here's how to do it. Other than assigning variables, your script has no side effects. This allows to run the script from within perl. How do we know what variables are exported in the script? We could try to parse the shell script, but that's not the Unix way of using tools that do one thing well and chain them together. Instead we use the shell's export -p command to have it announce all exported variables and their values. In order to find only the variables actually set by the script, and not all the other noise, the script is started with a clean environment using env -i, another underestimated POSIX gem.
Putting it all together:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my #cmd = (
"env", "-i", "PATH=$ENV{PATH}", "sh", "-c", ". ./; export -p"
open (my $SCRIPT, '-|', #cmd) or die;
while (<$SCRIPT>) {
next unless /^export ([^=]*)=(.*)/;
print "\$ENV{$1} = '$2'\n";
$ENV{$1} = $2;
close $SCRIPT;
You need to pass to env -i all environment your needs, e.g. PATH.
Shells will usually export the PWD variable; if you don't want this in your perl ENV hash, add next if $1 eq 'PWD'; after the first next.
This should do the trick. Let me know if it works.
See also:
Try Shell::Source.
You can set the environment variables inside the BEGIN block.
BEGIN block is executed before the rest of the code, setting the environment variables in this block makes them visible to the rest of the code before it is compiled and run.
If you have any perl modules to 'use' based on the enviornment settings, BEGIN block makes it possible.
Perl uses a special hash %ENV to maintain the environment variables.
You can modify the contents of this hash to set the env variables.
$ENV { 'MYROOTDIR' } = '/home/myuser/mytools';
$ENV { 'PATH' } = "$ENV{ 'MYROOTDIR' }/bin:$ENV{ 'PATH' }";
Wouldn't it be easier for a shell script to set the variables, and then call the perl program?
export MYROOTDIR=/home/myuser/mytools
export MYVERSION=0.4a
This can now be done with Env::Modify with few changes to your existing code.
use Env::Modify 'system';
print $ENV{MYROOTDIR}; # "/home/myuser/mytools"
or if all your shell script does is modify the environment, you can use the source function
use Env::Modify `source`;
print $ENV{MYVERSION}; # "0.4a"

How can I run a shell script from inside a Perl script run by cron?

Is it possible to run Perl script ( with shell sript inside ( & in cron or vice versa?
0 19 * * * /opt/perl/bin/perl /reports/daily/scripts/vas_rpt/ 2> /reports/daily/scripts/vas_rpt/vasCIO.err
Error encountered: not found not found
Perl script:
#date = <FH>;
close FH;
#array = <FH>;
system("sh $date[0] $array[0]");
close FH;
cron runs your perl script in a different working directory than your current working directory. Use the full path of your script file:
# I'm assuming your shell script reside in the same
# dir as your perl script:
system("sh /reports/daily/scripts/");
Or if your're allergic to hardcoding paths like I am you can use the FindBin package from CPAN:
use FindBin qw($Bin);
system("sh $Bin/");
If your shell script also needs to start in the correct path then it's probably better to first change your working directory:
use FindBin qw($Bin);
chdir $Bin;
You can do what you want as long as you are careful.
The first thing to remember with cron jobs is that you get almost no environment set.
The chances are, the current directory is / or perhaps $HOME. And the value of $PATH is minimal - your profile has not been run, for example.
So, your script didn't find '' because it wasn't in the correct directory.
To get the data from the shell script into your program, you need to pipe it there - or arrange for the '' to dump the data into the file successfully. Of course, Perl has built-in date and time handling, so you don't need to use the shell for it.
You also did not run with use warnings; or use strict; which would also help you. For example, $cat1 is not a defined variable.
Personally, I run a simple shell script from cron and let it deal with all the complexities; I don't use I/O redirection in the crontab file. That's partly a legacy of working on ancient systems - but it also leads to portable and reliable running of cron jobs.
It's possible. Just keep in mind that your working directory when running under cron may not be what you think it is - it's the value in your HOME environment variable, or that specified in the /etc/passwd file. Consider fully qualifying the path to your .shes.
There are a lot of things that need care in your script, and I talk about most of them in the "Secure Programming Techniques" chapter of Mastering Perl. You can also find some of it in perlsec/
Since you are taking external data and passing them to other external programs, you should use taint checking to ensure that the data are what you expect. What if someone were able to sneak something extra into those files?
When you want to pass data to external programs, use system in the list form so the shell doesn't get a chance to interpret possible meta-characters.
Instead of relying on the PATH to find the programs that you expect to run, specify their full paths explicitly to ensure you are at least running the file you think you are (and not something someone snuck into a directory that is earlier in PATH). If you were really paranoid (like taint checking is), you might also check that those files and directories had suitable permissions (e.g., not world-writeable).
Just as a bonus note, if you only want one line from a filehandle, you can use the line-input operator in scalar context:
my $date = <$fh>;
You probably want to chomp the data too to get rid of possible ending newlines. Even if you don't think a terminating newline should be there because another program created the file, someone looking at the file with a text editor might add it.
Good luck, :)