error issue on the debugging process - eclipse

In Eclipse®, on the Run menu, click Debug Configurations or Run Configurations.
Expand the BlackBerry Simulator item.
Perform one of the following tasks:
To work with an existing launch configuration, under BlackBerry Simulator, click a launch configuration.
To work with a new launch configuration, right-click BlackBerry Simulator, and click New.
Click the Simulator tab.
Click the General tab.
Click run
i have followed all the steps above but still i am getting the error failed to connect to the remote VM.Connection time
can anyboby help me in this issue

Do you see this every time you launch your test?
This thread mentions:
For the 8530 simulator just try it again.
I get that message sometimes when I am running too many apps/low memory (I do a lot)/just started Eclipse/etc.
Often if I run it a second, sometimes third time it works and continues to work after that.


How to add delays for launch configurations in Eclipse?

I have a launch group with several launch configurations. When it is ran, all configurations are launched one after the other quickly. I'm not sure if one launch needs to "return" in some fashion in order for the next to start.
I would like to add a delay between some of the launches. Either a manual time duration: launch1, wait 2 seconds, launch2; or some way to tell the next launch that it can happen now.
Is there any way to do it in Eclipse (I'm on 4.5.2)? Maybe a plugin or an option in the launch configuration? I'm also open for a script option if someone can guide me.
In Eclipse Oxygen this options became available as a Launch Group launch configuration. Go to Run > Run Configurations..., under Launch Group add a new configuration and then add the configurations you want to launch.
It's possible to set a delay in the Post launch action:

How can i know an application running in debug or run mode in eclipse

I do start/stop my application more than 15 to 20 times every day. Every time i start app in debug mode only. But some times the debug(break points) would not work, then i will get confuse that is my app running in debug or run mode.
Do you have any idea to find out.
Even some times, I started my app in debug mode and it runs in debug mode for some time, suddenly works as run mode, it would not consider my break points. so, if i restart my app in debug mode only, i can do debug again.
While the application is running, open the Debug view in Eclipse. If all that you see in the tree is a path to your Java distribution under the project name then you are in run mode. If you are in debug mode then you will see the above information plus all the threads that are currently running in your application.
When you launch your application, the mode into which it runs is indicated in the "server" panel, like this :
Sometimes, when the debug mode doesn't work(for example it can't start), I remove all the break points, then I set them again.
Make sure what you run 1st.
Debug mode should display you code with variables in debug tab in eclipse while program is running.
Is your application a standalone application or a server hosted application which you remote debug? In both cases as soon as the debugger is connected to whatever local or remote process the signs left to your debuger icon get enabled. Those are in a row a few arrows (Step back, Step into, Step over) a green Arrow for Resume, a Suspend Icon, one for Stop and one for Disconnect.
If you open the debug View (Window->Show View->Other... type in "Debug") you should as well see if your Debugger is currently connected to any process.

Eclipse doesn't run my project

In Eclipse I tried to run my project with Ctrl + F11 (Button Run in menu I also checked). Then coming Android Device Chooser, I choose my phone and wait my app running. But nothing happens. I checked with another project, and it works good, application was running in my phone. Why does it happen?
In Eclipse look at the out put from Console and LogCat.

How to have change debugger setting in Eclipse for a launch file

I have been trying to find out why starting DevMode with Debugger from Eclipse was so slow and noticed in the list of processes on my machine the following line:
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/bin/java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=localhost:47248 ...
Apparently the application is suspended to wait until the debugger is connected which takes about 2 minutes. I would like to set "suspend=n". Does anyone know where I could set this directive. The vm section in Eclipse launch configuration is empty and if I paste the updated debugger config there is a error telling that the values are entered twice.
As I understand it, Eclipse takes this config from somewhere and inserts it automatically when I run launch configurations in debugger mode.
You can't remove that parameter and, if you could, it wouldn't make a difference. When you connect a new browser to the GWT OOPHM instance it has to compile the entire project for use in development mode. This is what takes time, not waiting for the debugger to attach.

Applescript Xcode to clean, build and install on iPhone device

I'm trying to applescript XCode into building and launching on device. My script is as follows:
tell application "Xcode"
open "tmp:iphone:myproject:Project.xcodeproj"
tell project "Project"
end tell
end tell
My project consists of two targets, MainTarget and a SideTarget, the SideTarget is added as a direct dependency of MainTarget. I noticed that when my applescript runs on a pre-cleaned project (removing the build folder) only 65 files are compiled compared to when I press the "Build & Run" button in XCode 130 files are compiled.
The "launch" command in the script seems to be ignored when running the applescript - it simply does not launch on the device. The status in the bottom bar when the script is complete is "Build succeeded". What is the difference between "build" followed by "launch" compared to pressing the "Build & Run" button in the XCode top bar?
The project launches fine on device when building and running through XCode.
My main issue is that I can't get the applescript to launch on device. I do not know where things go wrong. Has anyone successfully scripted XCode to launch on device?
I've had this same problem. launch just does not work. You'll have to use debug instead.
Also, debug blocks forever, so invoke it with timeout and catch the timeout error and ignore it.
build and build and run are two separate commands within Xcode's GUI (v3.1.4 with build and go (run) and build and debug being the remainder). But the Dictionary for Xcode only shows build as being supported via Applescript. I would say both of these commands are the same as they are in the GUI, and in a perfect AS world we would see build and run in the Dictionary to make it more clear.
My question is whether launch is really building the app or just launching the previously built executable.