Android Eclipse OSX Creating AVD using Terminal launches AVD Manager - eclipse

I'm new to programming and working with Eclipse on a Mac. I'm trying to create a new AVD with Google Maps Support and when launch 'android' (in the SDK tools folder) I get "No command line parameters provided, launching UI". This launches the Eclipse Android SDK and AVD manager.
My question is how do I create a new AVD with Google Maps support? All of the information I've found seems to use commands from terminal. My issue is when I try to use terminal it launches the AVD manage?
Any help is appreciated as I'm very new at this.

You can easily do it with the GUI: Launch the AVD Manager by using the android command in the tools directory. In eclipse you can also access the tool from Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager.
Click the "New" button to create a new AVD.
In the dialog that appears, specify a name for the AVD and select the system image target that you want the AVD to use. Select one of the Google APIs (Google Inc.) targets, making sure to choose a version whose API Level matches the android:minSdkVersion attribute in your application's manifest.
Configure the other options you want and then click "Create AVD".


VSCode flutter how to launch Android Emulator instead of Chrome

All my old projects were able to launch debugging with Android Emulator. When I press F5, it will shows a list of installed Android Emulator for me to select for debugging.
But today, I have created a new project, and it launches debugging in Chrome instead.
First you'll need to check if the android platform has been initialized for the project. If you project has an android folder then it has been initialized, if you will need to create it with the following command: flutter create --platforms android .
To run the emulator, check the bottom right corner of the screen you should see the currently selected platform, if you click on the selected platform a pop up should appear allowing you to select from all supported platforms.
You can also you use quick-open (ctrl+p) and type in >flutter launch emulator, if no emulator is found it will provide you the option to create one as well.

Nativescript project running with Visual Studio Emulator

I have a Nativescript application that I'm developing using VS Code and have no issues when I try to run it using the Nativescript launch configurations from the Nativescript extension, when I'm using a real device connected with USB or when I use one of the android-sdk emulators.
Now I need to run Hyper-V on the machine too and those emulators cannot run when hypervisor is on. So I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Android Emulator which runs fine when I launch it manually.
Problem is that the nativescript project doesn't recognize this device either with tns device or adb devices commands and if I try to launch the application from VS Code it tries to launch one of the other emulators, which obviously fails due to the hypervisor/Intel Haax incompatibility.
Did any of you had this problem before and have any solutions you can share?
Microsoft MSDN say :
If the emulator is running, but it does not appear to be connected to ADB or it does not appear in Android tools that make use of ADB (for example, Android Studio or Eclipse), you may need to adjust where the emulator looks for ADB.
The emulator uses a registry key to identify the base location of your Android SDK, and looks for the \platform-tools\adb.exe file under that directory.
Here We Go!! Step By Step ;)
Copy Your ANDROID SDK PATH for me it look like this :
To modify the Android SDK path used by the emulator:
Open Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start buttons context menu, typing regedit in the dialog box, and choosing OK.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Android SDK Tools in the folder tree on the left.
Note : if Android SDK Tools folder doesn't exist, Create it under WOW6432Node, And open it, And Create a String Value name it Path:)
Modify the Path registry variable to match the path to your Android SDK.
Restart the emulator and you should now be able to see the emulator connected to ADB and associated Android tools.
Now! Open Your Terminal (CMD), and Run ADB command
adb devices -l
YES YES !! The Visual Studio Emulator is running, and connected to ADB!
Now We Want To Create A Demo App (for example FIRSTZAKI) ZAKI is my nickname :p
On Terminal (CMD) :
tns create FIRSTZAKI
Choose Android Platform
tns platform add android
Check if VS EMULATOR is ready!
tns devices
Finally Step (RUN/BUILD) :
tns run android
WOW ... Great :)
AND .. Good Luck ♥ — ZAKI

MAC OS genymotion device not show in list deployt of eclipse?

I use Mac OS 10.10, with genymotion 2.2.2 and virtual box 4.3. When I create ADV in eclipse to run app. It show normally in list deploy, but genymotion. although I ran it already, config setting...
This is a bug in eclipse - OSX yosemite, what you need to do is in the Android Device Chooser Window, try to RESIZE THE SERIAL NUMBER TAB and you will see the genymotion emulator that is running
If you don't see it, or the Android Device Chooser Window doesn't appear, check three things before running again:
Developer Options is enabled from settings (by repeated touching 7 times the build number in about phone), even though developer options is available in the list of apps in genymotion emulator
In Settings>Security, make sure "Unknown Sources" is enabled
Go to Run Configuration (for Android app), select the Target Tab, Enable Always prompt to pick device and hit apply.
Additionally I downloaded the jar files from Genymotion Download Page manually and replaced it in the plugin folder of eclipse.
Source: Genymotion devices not working in Eclipse on OS X Yosemite [SOLVED]

MoSync IDE: how to run apk in Bluestacks?

I'm trying out the MoSync IDE (special version of Eclipse to develop cross-browser Android and iOS apps with HTML/Javascript).
It currently uses the standard SDK Android emulator which is rediculously slow. I found Bluestacks which is a lightning-fast android emulator.
I already found out how to use Bluestacks with Phonegap from within Eclipse (by using the adb connect command), but I can't figure out if it's even possible to test apps on Bluestacks from within the MoSync IDE...
Any ideas?
This works on Mac, and I see no reason why it should not also work on Windows:
Start Bluestacks
Run MOSYNCDIR/bin/android/adb connect localhost:10001, where MOSYNCDIR is your MoSync installation directory
In the MoSync IDE, click the tiny arrow next to the Select Target Device toolbar item and in the dropdown select Scan for Android USB device
If properly connected, a dialog pops up with a list of connected devices. Select localhost:10001 and click Ok
To actually run on the emulator, select a project in the Project Explorer (usually the leftmost panel in the IDE). Then click the Send to Target Device toolbar item.

Android LicenseChecker from Emulator

I have been trying to run the Emulator (Android 2.2 - Level 8) with Google APIs level 9 to test my License Checker implementation to no avail. This is as recommended at:
It runs fine on the device, but not on the emulator.
On my AVD emulator, I don't have the Market installed. So I am not sure if the documentation is wrong because the architecture does show the dependency on the Market.
Has anyone had any luck running the LVL code on the emulator?
Sounds like you are trying to run Emulator with a target of "Android 2.2 - API Level 8". In order to get the LicenseChecker to run, the target for your Virtual Device needs to actually be "Google APIs (Google Inc.) - API Level 8". This will still open up the emulator for 2.2, but will have the Google APIs ready to use.
From the Licensing page:
To set up an emulator for adding licensing to an application, follow these steps:
Launch the Android SDK and AVD Manager.
In the Available Packages panel, select and download the SDK component "Google APIs (Google Inc.) - API Level 8" (or higher) from the SDK repository, as shown in the figure above.
When the download is complete, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to create a new AVD based on that component, described next.
In the Virtual Devices panel of the Android SDK and AVD Manager, click New and set the configuration details for the new AVD.
In the dialog that appears, assign a descriptive name to the AVD and then use the "Target" menu to choose the "Google APIs (Google Inc.) - API Level 8" as the system image to run on the new AVD. Set the other configuration details as needed and then click Create AVD to finish. The SDK tools create the new AVD configuration, which then appears in the list of available Android Virtual Devices.