Debug Blackberry App in Simulator using Eclipse Plugin - eclipse

I have just started the Hello World App using Blackberry Eclipse Plugin.
I have tried one or two configuration for debug my HelloWorld Blackberry App, but unfortunately I could not..
Can anyone let me know that how can I debug any Blackberry App in simulator using Eclipse Plugin ?
Thanks in advance...
EDIT : When I am trying to do so using Debug Configuration option in Eclipse I am getting following error :
"Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection timed out.
with following stacktrace :
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.SocketTransportService.attach(
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.SocketTransportImpl.attach(
at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.SocketAttachingConnectorImpl.attach(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.SocketAttachConnector.connect(
at net.rim.ejde.A.L.E.doConnect(RIMEIDE:1273)
at net.rim.ejde.A.L.E.debug(RIMEIDE:769)
at net.rim.ejde.A.L.K.launch(RIMEIDE:608)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$

See page 30 of this manual
In Eclipse®, on the Run menu, click Debug Configurations or Run Configurations.
Expand the BlackBerry Simulator item.
Perform one of the following tasks:
To work with an existing launch configuration, under BlackBerry Simulator, click a launch configuration.
To work with a new launch configuration, right-click BlackBerry Simulator, and click New.
Click the Simulator tab.
Click the General tab.
Click run


Cannot start Chrome in dev mode from within Eclipse

When trying to start a Chrome browser in dev mode from Eclipse (launcher type "Launch Chrome), I get the following error message in a window:
"Error Launching Application"
"Could not launch browser - process terminated while trying to connect. Try closing any running Chrome instances.."
That's all. There is nothing in the Eclipse error log or consoles and the suggestion has no effect.
Does anybody know of a way I can get a more detailed error message, if not a solution, can I kick this off from a console, for instance? Thank you.
first set your default browser in eclipse as chrome -
path for that is as follows - in eclipse go to
Windows --> browser --> chrome
Then on your application, right click
Run as --> run on server (chose any server of your choice )
This should directly open in chrome .
Also please make sure in your chrome you have this plugin added - GWT dev mode.
It is called as - Super Dev Mode, and it is supported in chrome.

"Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily" error when trying to launch Tizen watch application from Tizen SDK

When trying to launch the native watch application from Tizen IDE, I see the strange message "Certain application categories, such as "Watch Application", cannot be launched by "Run As".
Indeed, I try to use Run As from the project local menu to launch my app. But how else I am supposed to launch my application on the emulator?
The emulator device (watch) is up and running, visible on desktop as a separate widget. It is selected. The signing configuration is set up.
On the console output I see the message processing result : FATAL_ERROR [61].
I also tried to launch through the created launch configuration but this results the same error message.
The IDE logs show the following stack trace:
[2015.09.06 12:16:48][ERROR] - Fail to get platform log
[2015.09.06 12:18:59][ERROR] - Cannot partially upload or reinstall
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: [RDS] Cannot install application
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.newCoreException(
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.postInstall(
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.partialZipInstall(
at org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeployer.deploy(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.deployApplication(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.launchApplicationForRun(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
Caused by: org.tizen.common.sdb.command.message.CommandErrorException:
Error code: FATAL_ERROR
Error message:
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -r -t tpk -n
Management: Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily.
P.S. I add "eclipse" tag because Tizen SDK is very clearly Eclipse based IDE. Using Tizen IDE 2.3.1.
Watch face applications(Web/native) are never installed as widgets. You cannot see them in app menu.
Within your tizen-manifest.xml file in your project, you'll find below line there
<watch-application appid="org.tizen.watchsample" exec="watchsample" ambient-support="true">
which makes your app as watch application and these apps are known as watch faces because they will be used in setting as the main watch in gear.
And on emulator, you cannot change the watch face on the home screen. Hence, you won't be able to test your watch application that way.
Had the same issue. My problem was certificate setup.
i followed there instructions:
(link is from help and should work in browser when Tizen IDE is up, alternately you can go to Tizen IDE -> Help -> Help Content and search Certificate.
More specific: Distributor certificate i had was wrong (use the pass received by Samsung by email)
After fixing certificate, don't forget to right click your device in Connection Explorer and click Permit to install applications.

Blackberry webview can not connect to internet and/or display a web page

I am creating a simple app using Eclipse and Blackberry JRE 7.0 as per the example given at:
I am trying to load a simple HTML page hosted on a remote server inside browser field in the app.
When running the app on 9930 Simulator I always get the error 'Local connection timeout after 120000 on simulator'. The same remote page shows up fine on the web browser of the same simulator..
I am making sure to start the MDS simulator.
The same link shows up fine in simulator browser. Its only when using browserfield, I am having the problem.
I get the folling error when clicking the icon to launch the app:
Error displaying content for:
Error message: java.lang.runtimeException:ApplicationRegistry:wai​tFor
(0xd0fe7d7338fourd7f0d) timeout
On waiting further I get the 'Local connection timeout error..
I know that in Android one has to enable internet connection when using the webview in the manifest file - is there any similar setting one has to do in blackberry?
I tried to run the BrowserField demo app on 9930 (JRE 7.0.0) and encounter the same issues as you did. On the other hand, the demo worked fine on 9800 (JRE 6.0.0). I tried again on 9930 and noticed that though I definitely enabled MDS (enabled the 'Launch Mobile Data System Connection Service (MDS-CS) with simulator' in the Run/Debug Configurations in Eclipse), the MDS window didn't appear which seemed very strange.
I googled a little and found this post on BlackBerry's forums. According to this post:
An incorrect version of MDS-CS simulator was included in 7.0. To correct it you can delete it and copy the version from 6.0.
Well done, RIM!
Then, I deleted the MDS folder from JRE 7.0.0 and copied the one from JRE 6.0.0 as described in the aforementioned post. Closed and rerun simulator and voilà, the MDS window appeared. Rerun application, and everything worked like a charm!

Starting emulator for JavaME in NetBeans

I've just installed NetBeans IDE 7.1 full with J2ME SDK. When I started any project, the emulator can not start, and there is an error message:
Failed to connect to device 0!
Emulator 0 failed to register in time!
C:\Users\Comp1\Documents\NetBeansProjects\MobileApplication2\nbproject\build-impl.xml:782: Execution failed with error code 1.
By searching on Google, I tried the following ways but do not succeed:
Turn off Windows Firewall
Add runMidlet.exe to the system DEP
Turn off Anti-virus software (only Avira is installed on my machine)
Please help me. Thank you in advanced
Please try following steps,
Go To Tool Menu , Select Java Platforms
Click on "Add Platform" Button
Select Second Option "Java ME MIDP Platform Emulator, Click on Next Button
Select your SDK / Wireless Toolkit folder path.
Now try executing your project again.

No application to launch in Eclipse Mobility Simulator

I am running Eclipse Pulsar with Java ME SDK 3.0. When I try running my application, a screen appears with select one to launch, but it contains no options. Both the active Java ME configuration is set to use the ClamshellCldcPhone1 and I am using the Project Device in the run configuration. The executable is set to a Midlet. Any suggestions on what I may need to do to get this working?
I had to open the Application Descriptor file, go to the MIDlets tab and add a new midlet with my midlet class.