Multiple languages used in one eclipse project - eclipse

I was wondering whether it was possible for projects in Eclipse to have multiple languages associated with them, specifically PHP and Java. The purpose of this is that I'd like a common 'properties' file for the two projects.
If instead there's a way to hold a relative reference to a file so that both projects can reference the properties file, that will work too.

Part one of the question
whether it was possible for projects
in Eclipse to have multiple languages
associated with them, specifically PHP
and Java
No, a project in eclipse is language dependent. You could technically write some source in another language and then use another build method to compile from the secondary language - Not recommended !!!
For the second part of the question ...
Common Property files
Create another project and in that project put a java properties file.
Have both projects (Java and PHP) read the property file from here (In Java just add where you put the file as part of the classpath)
In PHP use this Java properties reader
If you are careful on how you write the Java properties file you could also use parse_ini_file

You could just place the properties you want the two languages to share into a plain text file. Then code a PHP file to read the plain text file, and code a Java file to read the plain text file. Be careful if you plan on having your two projects edit said-file though. If there's any chance that both of them could be editing the file at the same time, you're in trouble.


Output folder of the Kotlin compiler in Eclipse

The Jetbrains Kotlin compiler in Eclipse outputs to a hidden folder inside the Eclipse compiler plugin. This hidden folder is then made available through the Eclipse Kotlin classpath container.
In bndtools we need a normal file system folder since bnd can run both from the file system as well as in Eclipse. Since the folder is a linked resource there is no known way to translate it outside Eclipse.
Anybody knows how to tell the Kotlin compiler to just output it in the bin folder?
Currently, this is not possible in the Kotlin Eclipse plugin.
To make it possible that Kotlin code can be used from Java, Kotlin plugin produce so-called lightweight class files to this folder. These class files do not contain bodies for methods and they are stored in memory.
Actual class files, that are used to run an application, are being built only before launch and they are produced to the default output folder. For now, we cannot produce class files on each save reasonably fast as there is no incremental compilation in the plugin yet:
Feel free to upvote for this issue.
From the short analysis of the code of Kotlin plugin, it looks like the proper method is KotlinCompiler.compileKotlinFiles. It is being called in two contexts: — this is the one called on the project build; it makes a call stack trick (or rather a hack...) to check if being called from the LaunchConfigurationDelegate, and depending on the results, either compiles whole project (via its own private fun compileKotlinFiles), or just makes stubs in memory.
KotlinCompilerUtils.compileWholeProject — this is in fact being called from 1.; nice static method, perfect for abuse until the problem is correctly solved in the plugin. :)
So, I'd use the method from 2. wrapped in a similar way as compileKotlinFiles from file in 1.

Importing source files and folders into IAR Workbench

I have a cup of source files in a certain folder structure in my file system. I want to use this structure for a project in the IAR Workbench. Thinking of Eclipse, that could be so easy! But in the IAR Workbench, the folders will become to "Groups", which are only kind of virtual folders. The Workbench doesn't care about folders.
Is there some easy and fast way to import them?
Up to now I have to add the groups manually each and then add the files to the groups, and that's really annoying!
Is there maybe a tool to generate a proper project file (*.ewp) out of a file/folder structure path?
This would help me a lot!
You should have a look at IAR Project/Add Project Connection command.
Although IAR doesn't seem to have any public documentation on the xml syntax, or at least I couldn't find any, you can find Infineon DAVE (Config.xml) and Freescale PE (ProjectInfo.xml) files if you search around. These can be used as examples to figure out the syntax on how to write your own xml files in one of these interfaces, to allow you to specify where all your c, h, assembly and library files are from where ever they may be in your file system. They also allow you to define preprocessor includes for compiler/assembler, and DAVE allows you to define a path variable, which is also very useful.
I have modified a DAVE Config.xml file and found it EXTREMELY useful for managing and migrating even just a handful of project files. For example to upgrade to a new release with all files having a new directory root, you just change a single line in the xml file (defining the new root), and all source files, compiler includes etc are all updated to the new level. No more manually editing the preprocessor includes or replacing all the files in the project. And no more fiddling around with ../../ file system hierarchy navigation stuff, you just specify directly (or indirectly via a path to) where the files are, no more relative from where your project happens to be. VERY NICE.
IAR should consider opening this up (documenting) for general users, as it is very useful for project management and migration. While at it they should also consider generalizing the xml syntax a little bit and allow for definition of IAR group heading names, specifying linker file name, and definitely allowing multiple xml files to be included (connected) (so that subprojects can be easily added or removed without effecting the other subproject definition files) and a few basic things like that.
If they where to do a bang up job on this, they might consider allowing most/all aspects of IAR project configuration that might be required by the subproject, to be defined in these xml files, and then entire (sub)projects could just be plopped down anywhere and be up an running extremely quickly (OK, just let me dream a bit :)
For anyone who happens upon this you may want to check out They have a tool for pulling in file trees here.

How to prevent duplicate IDs / code in eclipse RCP plugins

When writting RCP Plug-ins it often happens that i need to declare and reference IDs in the extension specification (i.e. in the plugin.xml) and also in my java code. When I change one of those, I also have to change the duplicate.
I'm not sure if the problem is already that the same IDs must be used in the code and the plug-in declaration, but thats how the eclipse plug-in templates do it. If that's the root of the problem: how to prevent it?
If it's the correct way, to declare and reference IDs in the plugin.xml and in the java code: how to prevent that code dulication?
Also inside the plugin.xml there is something that may be regarded as duplication: ID definitions and the references pointing at them. If I change the definition, all references have to be updated. One could do that by simply replacing all text-occurence. But I normally edit the plugin.xml in the Plug-in Manifest Editor (i.e. in the forms, not in the plain text XML). Is there a way to refactor the IDs from inside the forms, without touching the plain text xml and without the fault prone approach of simple text replacement?
If you are referring to properties such as Bundle-SymbolicName then you should think of it as a package name, i.e something that shouldn't change at all.
Several of the other fields can very easily be externalized to strings, this is to simplify translations. See this help page. A wizard is available on the overview tab in the manifest editor.

Eclipse JSP editing with WTP doesn't find variable and class definitions

I'm using Eclipse (3.6.1 on OS X) to write Java and JSP. Unfortunately, our JSPs contain a lot of Java -- I'd prefer to keep as much Java as possible in .java files, but that won't change, at least for a while.
I recently installed the Web Tools Project (WTP) version 1.1 and 1.2 to get better functionality when editing JSP. However, it doesn't do many things I'd expect. E.g., I cannot select a class name in the JSP and hit F3 (unsure of the function name) to open the class definition. In addition, in many cases Eclipse/WTP isn't aware of variables and/or class definitions that are present in JSP files that include the file containing the variable or class reference. That is, it reports
" cannot be resolved to a variable", etc. I searched the Eclipse documentation -- especially -- for guidance on how to configure WTP to present this info, to no avail.
Unfortunately there's no way for Eclipse to be sure which main JSP file, if any, the fragment file you're editing is included in, and should be used for this purpose.

Is multi-value ANT property builds possible?

The problem we have are as follows:
We are using ANT to build our application. However, the application is built multiple times, once for each client (they have different skins / cms / i18n etc). Up to now, we had no need to compile them all at once (usually just work on one client at a time). Now, we want our build server to build all permutations for all clients in all languages. In other words, we need to create a war file for each client, each containing their own compilation.
At the moment, the client name is read in from the application's .properties file.
My question is this. Is there any way that the property (from the application's .properties) be overridden in the build.xml used by ant? Or is the only way to create a different target for each client and hard-coding the name?
If you use Hudson to do your build, and have more than one parameter to change, you should be able to do a Matrix Build. There is more detail in this answer.
If it is just one parameter, you should be able to do a properties file and use Ant to read this properties file and iterate through it - I'm not sure precisely how, but you won't be the first person to have this problem, and if you are it wouldn't be difficult to create your own task. Or if not use Macros.