Code folding for LaTeX in Emacs - emacs

Is there an Emacs minor-mode (or piece of elisp code) that lets you selectively hide/show environments while in LaTeX mode? For instance, I would like to move to the beginning of a long \begin{figure} block, hit a keystroke, and have the contents of that figure environment hidden from view. Similarly with \begin{proof} and so on, and ideally even with \subsections.
Is this possible? I just tried hs-minor-mode, allout-mode, and outline-minor-mode, but most of them don't recognize LaTeX's environments, e.g. hs-minor-mode fails with "scan error: unbalanced parentheses". I would prefer not to have to enter explicit folding marks like {{{ as in folding-mode.
[Ideally it would be great if the folding were persistent, but I see that that question doesn't have an accepted answer yet.]

AUCTeX does folding:
A popular complaint about markup languages like TeX and LaTeX is that there is too much clutter in the source text and that one cannot focus well on the content. There are macros where you are only interested in the content they are enclosing, like font specifiers where the content might already be fontified in a special way by font locking. Or macros the content of which you only want to see when actually editing it, like footnotes or citations. Similarly you might find certain environments or comments distracting when trying to concentrate on the body of your document.
With AUCTeX’s folding functionality you can collapse those items and replace them by a fixed string, the content of one of their arguments, or a mixture of both. If you want to make the original text visible again in order to view or edit it, move point sideways onto the placeholder (also called display string) or left-click with the mouse pointer on it. (The latter is currently only supported on Emacs.) The macro or environment will unfold automatically, stay open as long as point is inside of it and collapse again once you move point out of it. (Note that folding of environments currently does not work in every AUCTeX mode.)
In order to use this feature, you have to activate TeX-fold-mode which will activate the auto-reveal feature and the necessary commands to hide and show macros and environments. You can activate the mode in a certain buffer by typing the command M-x TeX-fold-mode RET or using the keyboard shortcut C-c C-o C-f. If you want to use it every time you edit a LaTeX document, add it to a hook:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda ()
(TeX-fold-mode 1)))
If it should be activated in all AUCTeX modes, use TeX-mode-hook instead of LaTeX-mode-hook.
Once the mode is active there are several commands available to hide and show macros, environments and comments...


How can I define auto-indent and auto-pairing in .emacs file for emacs 24.3.1?

Just FYI, I am new to the .emacs file.
I would lik to set up my .emacs file to auto-indent and auto-pair a certain way to make writing code a little faster. I have found some info as to how to do these things independently but I'm not sure how to put it all together for the emacs version that I have. Ultimately, I would like to set up these definitions specific to which ever language I am coding in. Just to get me started I will use java as an example.
Obviously auto-pairing for ", (, ' are pretty straigforward. I would just like it to auto insert a closing ", ), ' and place the cursor in the middle.
For {, I would like it auto insert two newlines and the closing } whith the cursor in the middle.
while (true) {
<--- cursor would be here with auto-indent of 2 spaces
I would also like this to work for nested curly braces which the appropriate indentation.
while(true) {
if (...) {
Here is what I have so far in my .emacs file:
(defun java-autoindent ()
(when (and (eq major-mode 'java-mode) (looking-back "[{;]"))
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'java-autoindent)
Obviously this just inserts a line and auto indents, but I also want the closed } to be included on the line below. I also tried using electric-pair but that didn't work.
My wish list may be a little unrealistic. I'm not even sure that this is possible, but I would be happy with the closest that I could get.
Any help to get me going in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Emacs defines modes for each type of language you code in. Some modes are derived from others and there is a mode called prog-mode which most programming modes are derived from.
The mode for a language is where things like indentation are defined because these tend to be language specific. The rules for indentation can be quite complicated, which is why people often use a mode with similar indentation style as the parent and derive a new mode from that.
Have a look at modes and derived mode in the emacs elisp manual.
With respect to adding matching/closing delimiters, have a look at electric-pair-mode (I think it was in emacs 24.4 - I'm running 25 and forget when it was introduced).
With respect to your requirement to enter some code, some newlines and position the cursor in a specific place, you probably want to look at one of emacs' template solutions. yasnippet is a popular choice and it is easy to define new templates in it. There are also many existing packaged yasnippet templates you can download/install. If you don't like yasnippet, google emacs template and have a look there are quitre a few frameworks.

Some questions about emacs mode

As we know, mode is very important in emacs. But I feel I am not very clear about how to set it. For example, I often see something like (***-mode 1) or (***-mode) in .emacs file. And some tutorials also say that a mode can be set by M-x ***-mode. Could you tell me what's the differences between them and how to use them? Thanks!
A Lisp function is a piece of code which declares a name for another piece of code to be executed later.
(defun hello ()
(message "Hiya!"))
Now, you can invoke the named code from anywhere else in Lisp.
Only at this point does the message form get executed.
Many Lisp functions contain an interactive form which specifies how they should behave when called interactively (for example, should it prompt for an argument, or use the cursor or mouse position as the argument, etc). Those which do can be invoked with M-x and the function name.
A major mode specifies a function which sets up some variables to exclusively control the behavior of Emacs. For example, M-x text-mode sets a (very basic) regime for word wrapping and cursor movement which is suitable for text files. When you are in text mode, you cannot be in C++ mode, or Lisp mode, or fundamental mode. These are other major modes which define different or additional functionality suitable for editing other types of text.
Because a major mode is exclusive, it is usually a function which doesn't take any arguments. So to put the current buffer in text mode, the Lisp code is simply
Minor modes, by contrast, specify additional behavior which is independent from the major mode. For example, Overwrite mode specifies a different behavior when inserting text before some other text -- normally, Emacs pushes any existing text ahead, but when overwrite mode is active, existing text in front of the cursor will be replaced as you type.
You can have multiple minor modes active at any time -- you could have flyspell (spell checking as you type), tool bar mode, menu bar mode, and line number mode active at the same time as you are in text mode and overwrite mode.
Because of this, a common (though not universal) convention for minor modes is to perform a toggle. When you are already in toolbar mode, M-x toolbar-mode will disable this minor mode. To unambiguously disable the mode, pass it a negative numeric argument;
(toolbar-mode -1)
Without the argument, the code will toggle -- the result will depend on whether the mode was already active, or not.
(As noted in a comment, this changed in Emacs 24; I'm describing the historical behavior.)

Buffer menu to select a set of filenames in Emacs

I have a directory "a" with a set of templates, for instance
$ ls a
b bcc cc ccdd
I would like to implement a keyboard shortcut in Emacs that will show a buffer with the template names, similar to dired or buffer-menu and then be able to select a template name by using arrow keys or mouse. Then insert the selected template into the current buffer at point.
How can this be done?
To augment Chris' answer with a little code, here is a small wrapper around ido-insert-file:
(require 'ido)
(defvar so/template-directory "/tmp/templates"
"Directory where template files are stored")
(defun so/insert-template ()
(let ((default-directory so/template-directory))
This allows you to run (or bind a key to) so/insert-template no matter what directory you are currently in. Obviously set so/template-directory to your preferred directory.
insert-file, bound to C-x i by default, can insert a file into your buffer at point, but it doesn't give you a nice menu. Both helm and ido enhance this behaviour.
helm does not come with Emacs, but it can be installed via MELPA. When helm-mode is active, insert-file uses Helm's narrowing features. Once you're in the a directory, the up and down keys may be used to select a file, and Enter will insert it.
ido is shipped with Emacs. When ido-mode is active, C-x i is rebound to ido-insert-file. Once you're in the a directory, the left and right keys may be used to select a file, and Enter will insert it.
Both tools are excellent, both can be used in many other situations, and both offer effective filtering and navigation. Try one or both and use whichever you prefer.
Everything #Chris said about Helm and Ido is true also for Icicles, and with better "narrowing" features and on-the-fly sorting in different orders.
There is nothing extra to do --- just load Icicles and turn on Icicle minor mode. Whenever you use standard command insert-file (bound to C-x i) you get the behavior you requested for free. This behavior is in fact available for all completion in Emacs. In Icicle mode, standard commands become menus you can use the arrow keys on, etc.
In addition, your question title asks to be able to "select a set" of files. You can do that easily in Icicles, but not otherwise. IOW, selection is also multi-selection.
(However, I suspect that your question is mistitled, since the text describes something different, and I doubt that you want to insert a set of files. You probably meant that you want to select one file name from a set of file names. Consider retitling the question, if so.)

Emacs - How to keep text formatted to other editors?

I'm a beginner with emacs. Altough I'm finding it amusing and challenging, I still don't know some basic things, like, when I open a text or a piece of script wrote in another editors, emacs don't show the text formatted properly (missing all tabs, all text left-aligned) and vice-versa.
Also, when I copy a link with emacs with M-w, my clipboard is still empty and I can't paste it in a browser. I already did my "homework". I've read the tutorial and I'm almost finishing the manual and didn't see anything to address that.
tnx in advance.
Some editors, like Intellij IDEA for example, will indent code based on how they understand it and not based on how it was actually indented, there's no Emacs mode that operates in the same way, not to my best knowledge. If you were using something like Eclipse or MS Visual Studio before - then you probably just have a different size of tab character (this is why some programmers insist on indenting code with spaces rather than tabs). But the width of the tab character is adjustable. In order to customize it you would:
add in your initialization file (usually .emacs file in your $HOME directory, you can create one, if it is not there yet):
;; makes tab character as wide as four space characters
(setq default-tab-width 4)
though some other major editing modes override this variable, you would need to tell what language you are dealing with to get better instructions.
Clipboard, see this answer: How to copy text from Emacs to another application on Linux if you are on Linux, then likely you need to set x-select-enable-clipboard to t.
Aligning text to the right (or left for LTR languages) is not possible in Emacs, as far as I understand. You could align block of text, if you split it into lines and align on the line ends, but that would mean aligning by adding spaces at the beginning - something you don't really want to do.
Tabs should work (you might need to fix the width). Use mouse to select to the clipboard, or use CtrlInsert to copy and ShiftDelete to cut.
Assuming emacs has picked the right mode for the file - it usually does - you can press C-x h to select all, then TAB to indent all selected lines. What other editors are you using, and what platform(s)?
As for the clipboard issue, some builds of emacs work correctly with the native clipboard, some don't. You might want to investigate CUA mode.

Emacs remember text selection

I decided that I was ready to try something new, after a few years of using gEdit for most of my coding needs, and try to learn using Emacs. I knew this would be difficult, as I have heard how complex Emacs can be, but I was lured by its power. The hardest thing has been getting used to writing ELisp in the .emacs file to change things about the editor. I can't currently do it myself, but I have found a few helpful snippets here and there to change some options.
One thing I have been having a lot of problems with is getting Emacs to remember the text I have selected after a command. For instance, I commonly highlight a section of code to mass indent it. However, if I do this in Emacs, it will move the selected text only once before unselecting all of the text. Does anyone know a way around this?
Anyway, I apologize for what seems to me to be an easy question, but after an hour of Google searching and looking around here on SO, I thought it was worth asking. I have a few more questions about Emacs, but I will save them and ask separately after I get this straightened out. Thanks!
A few people have asked about what mod I am using and what type of text I am entering. While I don't know much about Emacs modes, I am editing a pure text file at the moment. Something like this:
Hello, I am a simple text file
that is made up of three separate
If I highlight all three lines and hit TAB, I get this:
Hello, I am a simple text file
that is made up of three separate
This is great, however, if I use C-x C-x like some suggest below to reselect the text and hit TAB again, I get this:
Hello, I am a simple text file
that is made up of three separate
I hope this helps!
FWIW, here is the reason for the behaviour of your newly-added example. (I'm not 'solving' the issue here, but I'm posting it to demystify what you're seeing.)
This was determined with emacs -q which disables my customisations, so the following is default behaviour for emacs 23.2.
You are in text-mode. You should see (Text) or similar in the mode line at the bottom of the screen, and C-h m will tell you (under the list of minor modes) "Text mode: Major mode for editing text written for humans to read." Emacs decides (by way of the auto-mode-alist variable) that it should switch to text-mode if you visit a filename matching certain extensions (such as .txt).
In text-mode pressing TAB with a region highlighted causes indent-according-to-mode to be called on each line of the region in sequence. The slightly convoluted path to finding this out starts at C-h k TAB, which tells us that TAB is bound to indent-for-tab-command, which in this instance calls indent-region -- that function name is not stated explicitly in the help, but can be seen in the code -- which checks the buffer-local indent-region-function variable, which is nil, and: "A value of nil means really run indent-according-to-mode on each line."
indent-according-to-mode checks the indent-line-function variable, which has the buffer-local value indent-relative.
Use C-h f indent-relative RET to see the help for this function. (Read this).
Although you probably won't yet have had the experience to know how to check all that (or necessarily even want to!), and fully understand everything it tells you, this is an example of how the self-documenting aspect of Emacs enables a user to figure out what is going on (which then makes it feasible to change things). I essentially just used C-h k (describe-key), C-h f (describe-function), and C-h v (describe-variable) to follow the documentation. Looking at the source code for indent-for-tab-command was as simple as clicking the file name shown as part of its help page.
I suggest doing the following to help see what is happening when indent-relative runs on each line:
M-x set-variable x-stretch-cursor t
M-x set-variable ruler-mode-show-tab-stops t
M-x ruler-mode
Now for each line in turn, put the cursor at the very start of the line and press TAB. You'll end up with all three lines indented to the first tab-stop ('T' in the ruler).
Now repeat this -- again, ensure you are at the very start of each line, in front of the existing indentation.
The first character of the first line (which is currently a tab) is once again indented to the first tab-stop, as there is no preceding line for it to examine.
Next, the first character of the second line is indented to match the position of the first non-white-space character of the preceding line. Because the first character of the second line is also a tab, the actual text of the second line is pushed one tab further along.
The third line follows suit. Its first tab character is lined up with the first non-white-space character of the second line, with the same relative effect as before, giving you the final state in your example.
To emphasise, note what happens if you now put enter the line "a b c" above the existing lines, then move back to the start of the next line (what was previously the first line) and press TAB. The first tab character will now be indented in line with the 'b'. Provided that the indent-tabs-mode variable is true (meaning you have actual tab characters), then this will have no practical effect on the position of the words in the line, as 'indenting' a tab with spaces will not have an effect until the number of spaces exceeds the width of the tab (but that's another kettle of fish entirely!)
All this really means is that text-mode in Emacs doesn't behave the way you'd like it to in this situation. Other major modes can do completely different things when you press TAB, of course.
As is invariably the case with Emacs, things you don't like can be changed or circumvented with elisp. Some searching (especially at the Emacs Wiki) will frequently turn up useful solutions to problems you encounter.
Try typing C-x C-x after Emacs unselects it.
Then, instead of hitting tab (I never knew that tab does what you said! That's totally whacked.), do M-8 C-x C-i. Pity it's so many keys, but it ought to do what you want -- namely, shove everything over 8 columns. Obviously replace the M-8 with something else if you want some other number of columns.
What I usually do is simply type C-x C-x (exchange-point-and-mark) after a command that deactives the region.
How are you indenting, and in which mode?
The indentation rules in any programming mode should generally just get it right. (If they don't, that's probably more indicative that you want to configure the rules for that mode differently, but I suspect that's a different question which has been asked already).
If you're in text-mode or similar and just using TAB, then I can see the problem.
Note that if you're using indent-rigidly (C-x C-i, or C-x TAB which is the same thing) then you can repeatedly indent the same region simply by repeating the command, even if the highlighting has disappeared from view.
You can also use a prefix arg to indent-rigidly to make it indent many times. e.g. C-u C-u C-x C-i (easier to type than it looks) will indent 16 spaces (4 x 4, as the prefix arg defaults to 4, and it multiplies on each repeat). Similarly, M-8 C-x C-i indents 8 spaces. This is fine in some circumstances, and way too cumbersome in others.
Personally I suggest putting (cua-selection-mode 1) into your .emacs and using that for rigid indentation. Trey Jackson made a handy blog about it. With this, you can C-RET to start rectangle selection, down as many lines as you need, TAB repeatedly to indent the lines, and C-RET to exit the mode.
While the rectangle is active, RET cycles through the corners. For left-hand corners, typing inserts in front. For right-hand corners, typing inserts after. For the single-column rectangle, bottom counts as 'left' and top counts as 'right' for this purpose.
Trey's blog lists all the available features (or look in the source file: cua-base.el)
Be warned that indentation in Emacs is generally an unexpectedly complicated topic.
You can do this with something like the following:
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook (lambda ()
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-region-function)
(lambda (s e)
(indent-rigidly s e tab-width)))))
Then selecting a region and hitting TAB. will indent the region by a tab-width. You can then exchange point and mark with C-x C-x and hit TAB again to repeat.
I do, however, agree with the previous answers that suggest using indent-rigidly directly.