Advice moving from Eclipse to Xcode - eclipse

To Xcode xPerts:
I have been doing Java in Eclipse for about 9 years now and I have really gotten used to the power of the refactoring tools. There are a few operations I do all the time. I am looking for equivalents in Xcode since it has better support for objective-c than eclipse. (I'm not at my Mac as I write this. So some of this is from memory. I am still very new to Xcode.)
1 "rename".
It seems that the Xcode equivalent for variables is "edit all in scope". Does this work for files/classes/methods too?
2 "extract local variable"
select an expression it creates a local var initialized to that expression. It even creates a usable name for the variable.
3 "extract method"
select some code and it will create a method with that code and appropriate parameters/return value.
4 "inline" (variable or method)
opposite of extract, inlines all or just the selected occurrence of the selected var or method.
5 "find next"
occurrence of selected text. In eclipse I can select some text and hit ctrl-k to go to the next occurrence of that in the file. likewise shift-ctrl-k finds backwards. IIRC the Xcode "find next" ignores the selection and only uses what is in the find box.
6 "change method signature"
This would be very useful with ocjective-c's named parameter messaging syntax. This is great for adding parameters to a method.
7 "pull-up/push-down"
for moving methods up or down the class hierarchy.
8 "move"
for moving elements around to other classes etc.
Those are the ones that I use all of the time. I have estimated that these tools cut my coding time in half. Are any of these supported in Xcode?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

You can read the Xcode user documentation on Refactoring on any machine. It will answer most of these questions.

For #1, if you right click a symbol name, you should have the Refactor menu option that permits you to rename the ivar, property, type name (including file names), etc.

Yep, right-click on a symbol then select Refactor.
There doesn't appear to be a "change method signature". I've used that feature for years in other IDEs. I guess the only thing to do in xcode is change the signature and hope that you get a compile error for everything that needs changing...not a great refactoring tool.
Xcode look slick in many ways, but there are some annoying omissions (anyone want to view the content of collections in the debugger?)


Notepad++ and autocompletion

I'm using mainly Notepad++ for my C++ developing and recently i'm in need for some kind of basic autocompletion, nothing fuzzy, just want to type some letters and get my function declaration instead of having a manual opened all of the time..
The integrated autocompletion feature of my Notepad++ version (6.9.2) gives the declaration of basic C functionality like say fopen and parses my current file user defined functions, but without declaration.
I guess it's normal for a text editor to not give easily such information since it has nothing to parse i.e. other files where your declarations are (as it's not an IDE), but i don't want either to mess again with MSVC just for the sake of autocomplete.
Is there an easy, not so-hackish way to add some basic C++ and/or user defined autocomplete?
Adding declarations the "hard way" in some file cpp.xml is a no-no for me as i have a pretty big base of ever changing declarations. Is there a way to just input say some list of h/cpp files and get declarations? or this falls into custom plugin area ?
Edit the cpp.xml file and add all the keywords and function descriptions you'd like. Just make sure you add them in alphabetical order or they will not show up.
Another option is to select Function and word completion in the Auto-Completion area of the Settings-->Preferences dialog. NPP will suggest every "word" in the current file that starts with the first N letters you type (you choose a value for N in the Auto-Completion controls).

How do I get all symbol in python project using Eclipse+Pydev IDE

How do I get all symbol in python project using Eclipse+Pydev IDE, just like project symbol list in Source Insight IDE.
You can get the symbols in PyDev with Ctrl+Shift+T.
It'll open an editor which allows filtering by the name (accepting dotted paths).
I.e.: you can filter as:
Which can filter all tokens in any project starting with 'my' -- such as 'my_project' and any sub token which has a part as 'tok' in it.
When opened, the dialog has a description which explains it better.
Also, since you're at it, I really suggest reading: (it explains how to get to where you want in PyDev) (gives other tips you really should know about) (explains how to set things up).

Xcode 4 - Finder with Regular Expressions

TL;DR I want to use Xcodes finder with regular expressions to update outdated function calls.
Example 'numFrames:??? endFrame:#"step1*_0??? text=" "' where the question marks are replaced by a 1-3 digit number and * is a letter and just delete all of that.
Long Version First off I know I need to refresh my memory on regular expressions but I feel like I'm banging my head into a wall on this...
I want to use finder to update my calls to a function. I was playing ~400 image sequences in my application and it was impractical to keep updating the individual sequence lengths when they would get updated. Now to solve that I have my application figuring out the length on its own, but I still have outdated length declarations. I could go through one at a time and delete them out but I know Finder can use regular expressions...
What I want to delete out is 'numFrames:??? endFrame:#"step1*_0??? text=" "' where the question marks are replaced by a 1-3 digit number and * is a letter.
If you could point me to a good xcode and regular expression guide (Teach a man to fish...) or just tell me how to do this, either would be great.
In the find control click the magnifying glass and choose "Show Find Options". Change the Style option from "Textual" to "Regular Expression". Type your regular expression into the search box.

How to get around Eclipse swallowing double quotes for ${selected_text}

I am using Eclipse 3.6.1 Build id: M20100909-0800 and Aptana Studio 2.0.5 which is based on Eclipse 3.5.2 (both on OS X) and in both programs the external tools feature seems to swallow double quotes and whitespace for the ${selected_text} variable.
Isn't the ${selected_text} variable essentially useless with the mentioned behaviour?
Is there a way around that or maybe a hidden setting somewhere?
Thanks for reading.
This could easily be considered a safety/security feature.
I suggest "${selected_text}".
...but if it's eating ALL whitespace, that won't really help. Huh. Maybe it's clever enough to detect the quotes and preserve the whitespace... but probably not.
Okay, I did a little poking around. Quotes within the argument list itself are preserved, as per my initial suggestion above. I found the following auto-generated argument list that was working Just Fine:
-os ${target.os} -ws ${} -arch ${target.arch} -nl ${} -consoleLog
-debug "${workspace_loc:/com.cardiff.bpm.ide.webforms.ui/debug.options}"
But if your text selection contains quotes, I'd expect it to be handled as per the underlying OS. Windows "cmd" does some... creative things with them for example. My *nix-fu is Not Mighty, so I couldn't tell you what OS X will do under the covers, but I suspect that's where you'll find your solution.
You may have to do something goofy like URL-encode your selection, and use some command line tool to un-encode it before passing it to your desired external tool once the text is out of Eclipse's clutches.
A (very) quick look around my 3.6.1 UI didn't turn up that would do this automagically for you, but there's probably a plugin out there somewhere that'll add that feature to an editor's context (right click) menu.
I'd expect the HTML editor to have this ability already... but I don't see anything other than "smart insert mode" that sounds promising, and I don't see that working either.
That doth bloweth goats, most heartily, yay for weeks on end. E'en till yon goat hath a rash, most unpleasant in both severity and locality. Verily.
I don't think you're getting my proposed solution:
Set up your tool so it'll de-url-encode-ificate the incoming string with some proposed command line tool.
In your editor (in eclipse), URL-encode the text you wish to select and pass to the tool. Manually.
Run the tool on the selected (url-encoded) text.
Revert the selected text. Also manually. Probably just "undo".
"1" is why I was looking for some eclipse UI way of url-encoding a selection. The HTML Editor won't even do it when you paste into an attribute string. Sheesh.
Two Other Options:
Fix the bug yourself. Open Source and all that.
Write a plugin that exposes it's own version of ${selected_text} that doesn't strip out all the strings.
Hey! SED! Replace the quotes with some random (unused in any selection you might make) high-ascii character and sed it back to a double quote instead of the proposed de-url-encode-ificationizer. You'd still have to manually edit/undo the text, but at least you won't have to """ Actually search/replace over a given selection makes that less painful than one might think.
I'm not sure what the scope of #2 is, but I'd image if you don't have any eclipse plugin experience the thought might be rather daunting. There might even be a sample plugin that exposes such a variable, though I haven't checked.
I don't think we're communicating.
You don't select text with quotes in it. You select mangled text, and sed demangles it back into quotes for you.
For example, you have the string print("hello world"); in your editor and want to send that to your tool.
change it to print(~hello world~); in your editor. Manually or via a script or whatever.
select it
run your tool, maybe wrapped in a script that'll sed the ~s back to "s.
change it back to print("hello world");.
This is a manual process. It's not pretty. Bug workarounds are like that. You can probably come up with a monkey script to convert quotes to Something Else, and "undo" is easy. You might even be able to get your script attached to a keyboard short cut... dunno. And ~ is a lousy choice for a replacement character, it's just the first thing I could think of that was rare enough to be a decent example.
Are we communicating yet?
For the record, I put together a patch using some guidance from a gentleman in the bug comments.
I don't know if it will be accepted, but it fixes things for me so maybe someone else may find it useful.
Again, this is only for Mac OS X Eclipse.
Start Eclipse.
Go to Import > Plug-ins and Fragments.
Import From: Active Platform
Fragments to import: Select from all plug-ins
Import As: Projects from a repository
Next >
Pick org.eclipse.debug.ui and org.eclipse.debug.core
Once the projects are in your workspace, apply the two patches that compose proposed patch v1, found at the bug tracker page for bug 255619
Go to Export > Deployable plug-ins and fragments and make a jar out of your changed packages.
Hope it helps.

Lotus Notes Diff Tool

Is there any diff tool for Lotus Notes which allows to compare scripts, design elements and documents?
I see this is an old question, and most of the other answers are a little outdated now, so I thought I would add some hopefully valuable information for those who should stumble upon this now.
In Domino Designer, open either the Navigator or Package Explorer (Window menu -> Show Eclipse Views). Here you can expand databases/templates to see the design elements they contain. Select two or three elements (CTRL-click). They can be in different databases or the same database. Right click on one of the elements and select Compare with -> Each other.
You can also compare two databases element by element by selecting two databases/templates, right-clicking and selecting Compare with -> Each other. You will then get the differences between the two databases listed. You will be able to see which elements differ between the two databases, and which elements exist in one database but not the other. By double-clicking on a differing element, you will open a diff tool which lets you see differences line by line, and you can easily copy changes from left to right or right to left.
There is a tool from TeamStudio called Delta:
If all else fails (and by "all else" I mean the often ridiculous corporate procurement system) you can always do a an export to DXL (or a Design Synopsis for code alone) and use any decent text editor with a diff function. It's not TeamStudio Delta, but it will get you where you want to go.
There is a free tool from OpenNTF which does document comparisons:
Ytria also has a product which, among other things, will compare data documents (I don't believe it compares design elements).
And, I believe Martin Scott ( has a similar product which compares documents.
DDE (Domino Designer on Eclipse) let's you compare design elements natively. Same way as the search. It's pretty efficient (faster than a DXL exportation) and it's free.
I had a discussion on my blog a little while back about this:
However what I've ended up doing in the past is exporting the design to the filesystem and using standard text tools (WinMerge and SublimeText for me personally) to do what I need.
Being able to do the raw dump is something that was added with the Eclipse based designer, and isn't overly obvious, but you can read more about it here:
(link mangled as my rep is too low to post 2 links in one post yet!)
Teamstudio Delta is really nice. However it might kill you with too many details. As Ross pointed out the Domino Designer 8.5 can use the Diff tool inherited from Eclipse. You also could head over to and look for the DXLMagic project. It can generate a report that shows differences (including code) between 2 databases (typically a template and a variation of it). It is not as complete as Delta, but shows the essentials. It's free and source is included (Disclaimer: I wrote it).
This is what I do. I run a design synopsis of the database using the Notes Designer. Dump the file to a text file. You can actually split the synopsis out to different objects like Agents, Forms, Views, etc. Then you can run UNIX/Linux/Mac Unix commands to compare the elements. By doing this operation you find out what code is active, and have a complete documented source code. You do a lot of csplit and a few sed commands.
Version 12.0.1 has such a tool as part of the server. Look for comparedbs.ntf and designsynopsis.ntf on the Domino server.