How can I get a working Data::Alias in Perl 5.12? - perl5.12

I like Data::Alias. It seems to be broken in 5.12. Can it be fixed? Will it be fixed soon? Is there any nice alternative?

Any version of Data::Alias built before Version 1.08 (Released October 22nd, 2010 BST) won't work with Perl 5.12 as Data::Alias prior to 1.08 is broken in Perl 5.12. Upgrade to the latest version (1.08 or newer) and it should work!
As an interesting side note, it seems like being able to do aliases may be coming to Perl as a language feature in the future, with the cleanup of := no longer meaning an empty attribute list. Look forward to it! :)

The module hasn't been updated since 2007 but you can always send a message to the author (Matthijs van Duin: or file a bug report as Robert mentioned in his answer.
Here are some alternatives:
As far as additional CPAN modules for aliasing that work in 5.12+:
Variable::Alias - clean syntax
Tie::Alias - a pure perl solution
Lexical::Alias - clean syntax
Devel::LexAlias - a bit lower level
And searching for 'alias' on CPAN turns up a few more, none seem to provide the "do everything with aliases in this statement" feature of Data::Alias though. So until Data::Alias is fixed, you can use one of the above, or the following pure Perl methods:
Perl has built in support for aliasing any variable to variables that exist in the symbol table. This is done as follows:
my $x = 1;
our $y; # declare $y in the symbol table for the current package
local *y = \$x; # make $y an alias of $x in the current scope
print $x; # prints 2
But as always, be aware of what dynamic scope / local actually does before using it.
A lexical scalar can be used as an alias within the scope of a for loop:
my $x = 1;
for my $y ($x) {
print $x; # prints 2
this type of lexical alias can even be passed out of the loop in a closure if needed
You can create array aliases using Perl's aliasing magic for subroutine argument lists:
my $x = 1;
my $alias = sub{\#_}->($x); # return a reference to its argument list,
# which maintains its aliases
print $x; # prints 2
but that doesn't really give you any more functionality than references, just with a different syntax.
And an example using Perl's references:
my $x = 1;
my $y = \$x; # take a reference to $x
$$y++; # dereference $y
print $x; # prints 2

I just found another potential option: Scalar::Alias, which seems to work in Perl 5.12. Obviously, it only aliases scalars, but it doesn't require a fat comma in place of an equals sign.


The ?PATTERN? operator is not working for Matching Only Once in Perl

I am new to Perl and am practising some programs. I have encountered a syntax error. Please help me.
My Perl program
#list = qw/ food foosball subeo footnote terfoot canic footbridge /;
foreach ( #list ) {
$first = $1 if ?(foo.*)?;
$last = $1 if /(foo.*)/;
print "First: $first, Last: $last\n";
syntax error at line 9, near "if ?"
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
Output of perl -v
This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-t
Copyright 1987-2017, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.
$first=$1 if m?(foo.*)?;
?PATTERN? could be used as a shortcut for m?PATTERN?, but you can no longer omit the match operator's leading m when you use ? as the delimiter.
5.14 deprecated the ability to omit the leading m from m?PATTERN?flags.
5.22 removed the ability to omit the leading m from m?PATTERN?flags.
5.22 and 5.24's perlop lists both m?PATTERN?flags and ?PATTERN?flags, but only the former if legal in these versions.
5.26's documentation will be free of all mentions of ?PATTERN? (as opposed to m?PATTERN?).
If you are not using the default / pattern delimiters, you must specify the match operation as in $x =~ m{...}, $x =~ m!...! etc.
?...? is different than those other alternative delimiters as ?...? does something different than /.../. perldoc perlreref currently states:
?pattern? is like m/pattern/ but matches only once. No alternate delimiters can be used. Must be reset with reset().
That is misleading as Perl used to recognize the plain ?...?, but support for that was completely removed a few years ago:
[perl #120912] [PATCH] Remove support for ?PATTERN? without explicit 'm' operator
This has issued a deprecation warning since Perl v5.14 (commit
725a61d70), and precludes using ? as an operator after a unary operator
that defaults to $_, such as:
ref ? $_ : [$_]
Here is the motivation for the deprecation and eventual removal:
Deprecate ?PATTERN?, recommending the equivalent m?PATTERN? syntax, in
order to eventually allow the question mark to be used in new operators
that would currently be ambiguous.
If you are just beginning to learn Perl, you ought to enable strict and warnings. Declare your variables in the smallest applicable scope.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my #list = qw/food foosball subeo footnote terfoot canic footbridge/;
my ($first, $last);
foreach my $item (#list) {
$item =~ m?(foo.*)?
and $first = $1;
$item =~ /(foo.*)/
and $last = $1;
print "First: $first, Last: $last\n";
$ perl
First: food, Last: footbridge
A lot of things about Perl are unusual for a programming language, and you have happened upon a corner of the language that is rarely used
Perl was designed by a the linguist Larry Wall, and there are many similarities between Perl and spoken languages. Perl allows abbreviations of some constructs, for instance, a pattern match like
is equivalent to
$_ =~ m/abc/
That is to say, if it looks like a regex pattern it will be treated as one, regardless of whether the leading m is there or not. Also, many Perl operators work on $_ by default, which allows you to write a few lines of code without explicitly mentioning a variable
But m?...? is an old-fashioned construct that has really been edged out by lexical variables. If you declare a variable using my then there is no need for the one-shot match, or the corresponding reset operator. It is your declaration that defines the lifetime of the variable
If you are just starting with Perl, I recommend that you
Always start every program with use strict and use warnings 'all'. This isn't optional as it's the first line of defence against simple mistakes and errors
Always declare every variable using my as close as possible to its first use. Occasionally you may want to declare variables before a loop so that its value is kept across iterations, but generally variables should be temporary and useful only for a few lines of code
Forget about m?...?. I have never seen a program that uses it in twenty years of writing Perl professionally
I hope this helps

Why declare Perl variable with "my" at file scope?

I'm learning Perl and trying to understand variable scope. I understand that my $name = 'Bob'; will declare a local variable inside a sub, but why would you use the my keyword at the global scope? Is it just a good habit so you can safely move the code into a sub?
I see lots of example scripts that do this, and I wonder why. Even with use strict, it doesn't complain when I remove the my. I've tried comparing behaviour with and without it, and I can't see any difference.
Here's one example that does this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $dbfile = "sample.db";
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile";
my $user = "";
my $password = "";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password, {
PrintError => 0,
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1,
FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc',
# ...
It seems I was unlucky when I tested this behaviour. Here's the script I tested with:
use strict;
my $a = 5;
$b = 6;
sub print_stuff() {
print $a, $b, "\n"; # prints 56
$a = 55;
$b = 66;
print $a, $b, "\n"; # prints 5566
As I learned from some of the answers here, $a and $b are special variables that are already declared, so the compiler doesn't complain. If I change the $b to $c in that script, then it complains.
As for why to use my $foo at the global scope, it seems like the file scope may not actually be the global scope.
The addition of my was about the best thing that ever happened to Perl and the problem it solved was typos.
Say you have a variable $variable. You do some assignments and comparisons on this variable.
$variable = 5;
# intervening assignments and calculations...
if ( $varable + 20 > 25 ) # don't use magic numbers in real code
# do one thing
# do something else
Do you see the subtle bug in the above code that happens if you don't use strict; and require variables be declared with my? The # do one thing case will never happen. I encountered this several times in production code I had to maintain.
A few points:
strict demands that all variables be declared with a my (or state) or installed into the package--declared with an our statement or a use vars pragma (archaic), or inserted into the symbol table at compile time.
They are that file's variables. They remain of no concern and no use to any module required during the use of that file.
They can be used across packages (although that's a less good reason.)
Lexical variables don't have any of the magic that the only alternative does. You can't "push" and "pop" a lexical variable as you change scope, as you can with any package variable. No magic means faster and plainer handling.
Laziness. It's just easier to declare a my with no brackets as opposed to concentrating its scope by specific bracketing.
{ my $visible_in_this_scope_only;
sub bananas {
my $bananas = $visible_in_this_scope_only + 3;
} # End $visible_in_this_scope_only
(Note on the syntax: in my code, I never use a bare brace. It will always tell you, either before (standard loops) or after what the scope is for, even if it would have been "obvious".
It's just good practice. As a personal rule, I try to keep variables in the smallest scope possible. If a line of code can't see a variable, then it can't mess with it in unexpected ways.
I'm surprised that you found that the script worked under use strict without the my, though. That's generally not allowed:
$ perl -E 'use strict; $db = "foo"; say $db'
Global symbol "$db" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.
Global symbol "$db" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
$ perl -E 'use strict; my $db = "foo"; say $db'
Variables $a and $b are exempt:
$ perl -E 'use strict; $b = "foo"; say $b'
But I don't know how you would make the code you posted work with strict and a missing my.
A sub controls/limits the scope of variables between the braces {} that define its operations. Of course many variables exist outside of a particular function and using lexical my for "global" variables can give you more control over how "dynamic" their behavior is inside your application. The Private Variables via my() section of perlodocperlsub discusses reasons for doing this pretty thoroughly.
I'm going to quote myself from elsewhere which is not the best thing to do on SO but here goes:
The classic perlmonks node - Variable Scoping in Perl: the
basics - is a frequently
consulted reference :-)
As I noted in a comment, Bruce Gray's talk at YAPC::NA 2012 - The why of my() is a good story about how a pretty expert perl programmer wrapped his head around perl and namespaces.
I've heard people explain my as Perl's equivalent to Javascript's var - it's practically necessary but, Perl being perl, things will work without it if you insist or take pains to make it do that.
ps: Actually with Javascript, I guess functions are used to control "scope" in a way that is analagous to your description of using my in sub's.

What is wrong in "my $foo = $x if $y" syntax?

In my last question here, #amon gave an great answer. However, he told too:
First of all, please don't do my $foo = $x if $y. You get unexpected
and undefined behavior, so it is best to avoid that syntax.
Because the above construction I was see in really many sources in the CPAN, I'm wondering how, when, where can be it wrong. (Some example code would be nice). Wondering too, why perl allows it, if it is bad.
His wording was actually a bit laxer. That wording is actually mine. Let's start with the documentation: (Emphasis in original)
NOTE: The behaviour of a my, state, or our modified with a statement modifier conditional or loop construct (for example, my $x if ...) is undefined. The value of the my variable may be undef, any previously assigned value, or possibly anything else. Don't rely on it. Future versions of perl might do something different from the version of perl you try it out on. Here be dragons.
To be more precise, the problem is using a lexical variable when its my may not have been executed.
# Usage:
# f($x) # Store a value
# f() # Fetch and clear the stored value
sub f {
my $x if !#_;
if (#_) {
$x = $_[0];
} else {
return $x;
say "<", f(), ">" # abc
This is obviously not the documented behaviour of my.
Because the above construction I was see in really many sources in the CPAN
That code is buggy. If you want a value to persist between calls to a sub, you can use a state variable since Perl 5.10, or a variable outside of the sub.

perl s/this/that/r ==> "Bareword found where operator expected"

Perl docs recommend this:
$foo = $bar =~ s/this/that/r;
However, I get this error:
Bareword found where operator expected near
"s/this/that/r" (#1)
This is specific to the r modifier, without it the code works.
However, I do not want to modify $bar.
I can, of course, replace
my $foo = $bar =~ s/this/that/r;
my $foo = $bar;
$foo =~ s/this/that/;
Is there a better solution?
As ruakh wrote, /r is new in perl 5.14. However you can do this in previous versions of perl:
(my $foo = $bar) =~ s/this/that/;
There's no better solution, no (though I usually write it on one line, since the s/// is essentially serving as part of the initialization process:
my $foo = $bar; $foo =~ s/this/that/;
By the way, the reason for your error-message is almost certainly that you're running a version of Perl that doesn't support the /r flag. That flag was added quite recently, in Perl 5.14. You might find it easier to develop using the documentation for your own version; for example, if you're on Perl 5.12.4.
For completeness.
If you are stuck with an older version of perl.
And really want to use the s/// command without resorting to using a temporary variable.
Here is one way:
perl -E 'say map { s/_iter\d+\s*$//; $_ } $ENV{PWD}'
Basically use map to transform a copy of the string and return the final output.
Instead of what s/// does - of returning the count of substitutions.

perl encapsulate single variable in double quotes

In Perl, is there any reason to encapsulate a single variable in double quotes (no concatenation) ?
I often find this in the source of the program I am working on (writen 10 years ago by people that don't work here anymore):
my $sql_host = "something";
my $sql_user = "somethingelse";
# a few lines down
my $db = sub_for_sql_conection("$sql_host", "$sql_user", "$sql_pass", "$sql_db");
As far as I know there is no reason to do this. When I work in an old script I usualy remove the quotes so my editor colors them as variables not as strings.
I think they saw this somewhere and copied the style without understanding why it is so. Am I missing something ?
Thank you.
All this does is explicitly stringify the variables. In 99.9% of cases, it is a newbie error of some sort.
There are things that may happen as a side effect of this calling style:
my $foo = "1234";
sub bar { $_[0] =~ s/2/two/ }
print "Foo is $foo\n";
bar( "$foo" );
print "Foo is $foo\n";
bar( $foo );
print "Foo is $foo\n";
Here, stringification created a copy and passed that to the subroutine, circumventing Perl's pass by reference semantics. It's generally considered to be bad manners to munge calling variables, so you are probably okay.
You can also stringify an object or other value here. For example, undef stringifies to the empty string. Objects may specify arbitrary code to run when stringified. It is possible to have dual valued scalars that have distinct numerical and string values. This is a way to specify that you want the string form.
There is also one deep spooky thing that could be going on. If you are working with XS code that looks at the flags that are set on scalar arguments to a function, stringifying the scalar is a straight forward way to say to perl, "Make me a nice clean new string value" with only stringy flags and no numeric flags.
I am sure there are other odd exceptions to the 99.9% rule. These are a few. Before removing the quotes, take a second to check for weird crap like this. If you do happen upon a legit usage, please add a comment that identifies the quotes as a workable kludge, and give their reason for existence.
In this case the double quotes are unnecessary. Moreover, using them is inefficient as this causes the original strings to be copied.
However, sometimes you may want to use this style to "stringify" an object. For example, URI ojects support stringification:
my $uri = URI->new("");
my $str = "$uri";
I don't know why, but it's a pattern commonly used by newcomers to Perl. It's usually a waste (as it is in the snippet you posted), but I can think of two uses.
It has the effect of creating a new string with the same value as the original, and that could be useful in very rare circumstances.
In the following example, an explicit copy is done to protect $x from modification by the sub because the sub modifies its argument.
$ perl -E'
sub f { $_[0] =~ tr/a/A/; say $_[0]; }
my $x = "abc";
say $x;
$ perl -E'
sub f { $_[0] =~ tr/a/A/; say $_[0]; }
my $x = "abc";
say $x;
By virtue of creating a copy of the string, it stringifies objects. This could be useful when dealing with code that alters its behaviour based on whether its argument is a reference or not.
In the following example, explicit stringification is done because require handles references in #INC differently than strings.
$ perl -MPath::Class=file -E'
BEGIN { $lib = file($0)->dir; }
use lib $lib;
use DBI;
say "ok";
Can't locate object method "INC" via package "Path::Class::Dir" at -e line 4.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 4.
$ perl -MPath::Class=file -E'
BEGIN { $lib = file($0)->dir; }
use lib "$lib";
use DBI;
say "ok";
In your case quotes are completely useless. We can even says that it is wrong because this is not idiomatic, as others wrote.
However quoting a variable may sometime be necessary: this explicitely triggers stringification of the value of the variable. Stringification may give a different result for some values if thoses values are dual vars or if they are blessed values with overloaded stringification.
Here is an example with dual vars:
use 5.010;
use strict;
use Scalar::Util 'dualvar';
my $x = dualvar 1, "2";
say 0+$x;
say 0+"$x";
My theory has always been that it's people coming over from other languages with bad habits. It's not that they're thinking "I will use double quotes all the time", but that they're just not thinking!
I'll be honest and say that I used to fall into this trap because I came to Perl from Java, so the muscle memory was there, and just kept firing.
PerlCritic finally got me out of the habit!
It definitely makes your code more efficient, but if you're not thinking about whether or not you want your strings interpolated, you are very likely to make silly mistakes, so I'd go further and say that it's dangerous.