Advanced iPhone Programming Books [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
Are there any advanced iPhone Programming Books? I don't want an introduction in Objective C, Cocoa Touch or UIKit, but a comprehensive collection of best practices.

If you're willing to look beyond books, the videos for my Advanced iPhone Development course are available for free on iTunes U. I describe what I've found to work best for me when dealing with various iOS frameworks and concepts. I also list many more advanced references for each topic in my course notes for the class.

Erica Sadun's Cookbook might be what you're looking for. But it's not too advanced, also helpful for beginners.


How to learn modelica? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm completely new to Modelica and was wondering what is the best way to learn on my own? Also I will be using it with MapleSim 5 (or 6 when it will be available) so any information regarding that would be helpful too.
I'll need Modelica to create a few components for a thermal model, then simulate with MapleSim and hopefully I will also manage to co-simulate with another software (EnergPlus) using FMI when it will be available for MapleSim and BCVTB.
Sorry for not being specific with my question, really any reference to a good Modelica guide would be great, thanks.
Clearly, I am biased, but I like to think that my book "Introduction to Physical Modeling with Modelica" is a great way to explore the features of Modelica in the context of engineering problems. I noticed that Wolfram seems to recommend the book as well.
But in the interest of balance, there are two books by Peter Fritzson on the topic of Modelica as well.

iPhone iOS a comprehensive list of Apple Demo code? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've spent about 15 minutes looking for the old WWDC 2010 code called AVCam and found it here
out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to see what other code is available, but the iOS developer library
keeps redirecting me.
Is there a way for me to browse the library of iOS examples from Apple as a member of the iOS development program? Maybe there's one centralized place where all the demos are listed so I can simply search for them by name?
Thank you!
You can easily search through all of the samples in the Xcode 4 Organizer.

For studying Catalyst [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to study catalyst MVC freamwork for perl but I don't have any idea about
catalyst or MVC freamwork so. from where I have to start..?? can you suggest me a book for that related topics which best.
The Catalyst::Manual distribution contains complete and thorough documentation for Catalyst, including a lengthy tutorial and a cookbook.
The Definitive Guide to Catalyst is an extremely good book, and covers Model-View-Controller design quite well. The official Tutorial is also very worthwhile for coming to grips with Catalyst.

What is the best framework for developing facebook applications? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I saw some frameworks and wanted to know which one is the best.
Raw PHP, .net, Java...? Another?
I would answer this question with another question:
Which is the language or framework
you are more comfortable with?
But if that does not answer your question, and you prefer to try some other language/framework to develop Facebook apps, I believe the best you can do is take a look at the Facebook developer site and check which SDK they offer.
You're going to get a lot of different answers here. Depending on what people prefer to use, they'll say it's the best.As long as you can get what you want done, go with what you know.

What's the easiest way to write a guide book-type application for iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any libraries that can help me?
I'm a Python programmer and have never used Objective C before, so the easier the better!
I suggest picking up a book like Oreilly IPhone Programming :
The author actually writes a city guide and explains very well how to build it using XCode and Interface Builder, which is a list of city, when selected it takes you to a detail view of the city. Also add feature to add, update, delete cities.
You can read to chapter 5 and you should be good to build your guide book. It'll take you like 2 days to read and build the city book. Well you can take the city guide code replace it for book guide and its done.