Options for transferring file to iPhone/iPad - iphone

I'm working on an app and need to add the ability to import CSV files into the app for processing. What are the options here? I've read posts about embedding http servers or fetching a CSV file from a web resource, but what is the easiest way to do this?

I've used NSData's dataWithContentsOfURL: just recently; it worked fine. Plus there's a convenient writeToFile:atomically: or writeToFile:options:error: message you can send to your data object.


File Uploading in Sakai

I want to know if there is a 'right' way to make file uploads through custom tools.
I've seen the https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/BOOT/File+Uploads+with+RSF guide and it seens ok, but It stops with the file in memory with no further info. I can built a random file upload code but I want to make it Sakai-friendly (Using ContentHosting and Resources service?)
Any hints?
The link you provided for the first part is a good example of how to get the upload initially processed. Going through RequestFilter will get your files validated, but you can use whatever method you want to upload it.
For the second part, I'd look at the ContentHosting webservice (createContentItem) for an example of how to add a file from a byte[] in memory after you've uploaded it.
These methods in ContentHostingService also accept InputStream as a parameter as of 2.7 (KNL-325), so you don't have to store the entire file in memory and can stream it as you're uploading, which you should do if the files are of any reasonable size.

iPhone, XML for preload data

I save XML file in Resources folder in xcode. And I parse it when application launches and use it for a default data set. I don't see any problem with this but people are talking about CoreData to handle a default data set. Can I just still use XML file for a default data? what is the disadvantage of using XML for default data set?
I'd say you're fine using an XML file, assuming that the data is small and you're not modifying it a lot. I use a CSV file for a couple of my apps and that's worked fine for me.
With that said, here are better answers to a similar question: Plist vs SQLite vs Core Data for a rss reader type application?

iPhone app that reads .csv file

Can an iOS app read a file that has been placed on that device e.g. a CSV file.
So the idea is when you're at home you create the file with a list of items or you get emailed it etc on your PC and then you place this file (in the correct format) on the device which reads it.
Is this possible?
You can read CSV data but "place the file on the device" would have to involve a web service of some sort. There is no way to add data to an application without getting in a from a web server. But if you have a web server that can host the csv file then opening and reading it is fairly simple.
this covers most o it
Import csv data (SDK iphone)
NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error
will take care of the rest
There is a string feature that will take each value and place it into an array:
NSArray *anArray = [yourString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
You can parse CSV on an iOS device.
You can place a data file on an iOS device.
Beware though of CSV format details. Just splitting a string on "," is a surefire way to get failures and random errors. Have a look at http://cocoawithlove.com/2009/11/writing-parser-using-nsscanner-csv.html for a good example on how to handle CSV data.
I've personally used the example from cocoa with love to create an operation that downloads a CSV from a http location, parses and processes it and then stores the results in a Core-Data store.
But you could just as well get the CSV file on your device by using an NSURLConnection. Beware though: NSURLDownload is unavailable on iOS. Also downloading data to the device is not recommended. Apple recommends processing the data and storing the results or just getting the data as you need it.

is it possible to download a file in my iphone throuh email

I am working on an application in which i write to an xml file and then send it through email and at the reciever end the receiver recives it in his/her inbox and download the file to the iphone and then open the same app on his phone and browse to this file and by clicking sync button the progra should parse the tags in the xml file.
Everything is cler but i am not sure whether we can download a file to our iphone and browse thru it our app.
Thanks, i appreciate. :)
No, I don't believe you can download a file from mail and pass it to your app to open and read. This would be for security reasons.
I think the only way to achieve this would be to not use an XML file, and instead construct a URL with parameters.
There are a few drawbacks here, though. Depending on how much data you need to pass, the url could get pretty large. You would have to take considerations to make sure that each parameter value is properly URL escaped. And you could have to write code to parse the data in the parameters.
This is how other apps pass data between apps, an example would be the iPhone's Phone app. You can make it call a number by using a tel:// URL.
You can register a URL scheme in your app and use it to pass data around.

Select a file on an iPhone

I want the user to select a file from an iPhone and upload to an HTTP server.
Example: The GoodReader application has this feature in it.
How can this be done?
You can't get all the files stored on the phone.
As the comment from Stephen Darlington states, your app is sandboxed and can only get to the files stored inside your app.
You could register your app to be able to open PDF, txt, doc and other files that you are interested in sending to your server and then users would be able to open these documents in your app. Once the files are inside your app you could then use any number of ways to upload them.
Please read the documentation here about registering your app to understand file types:
Registering the File Types Your App Supports
The file list would just be a UITableView, probably with a custom UITableViewCell.
There are a number of options for uploading data to a web service. The built-in way would be to use NSURLConnection. There are some open source frameworks that may be able to help but I have not used them.
The best way that I've found to upload images is to use the ASIHTTPRequest API. Here is a link on the documentation on POSTING data to a server. Download ASIHTTPRequest here and these are the setup instructions.
How to select a file depends on what kind of file you're trying to select. If you're trying to upload images you should look into a UIImagePickerController and UIImagePickerControllerDelegate. If not, you'll have to create a NSFileManager to search through your application's files.
NSFileManager Class reference:
Discovering Directory Contents:
– mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys:options:
– contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:error:
– contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:
– enumeratorAtPath:
– enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:
– subpathsAtPath:
– subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error: