Oracle 10g - JAXB unmarshalling is not working as expected - oracle10g

We're using Oracle 10g application server and deployed the Web service and trying to deploy the web service client. Server is working fine i.e.; marshalling is working fine. We're getting the output from the service properly but the search client is not unmarshalling (parsing) the response received. We're using all the tags under same name space so there is no name space problem. Different collections would exists in the XSD. Has anyone faced similar kind of issue? Is there any solution for this?

Well... the issue was due to the library which was not running as expected in Java 1.5. We've developed the web service client with JAX-WS 2.2 which was running properly when running with Netbeans IDE 6.8 but not on the standalone server. We've downgraded the Netbeans and modified the libraries to JAX-WS 2.1. It worked...
Good to know. JAX-WS 2.2 is not compatible with Java 1.5


Error when deploying legacy application to Websphere Liberty

I'm having issues when trying to deploy a somewhat legacy application to Websphere Liberty to facilitate development.
The application runs fine in regular Websphere Server 8.5.5 but won't start in Websphere Liberty. We have another legacy application based on mostly the same technologies/frameworks that runs ok. Unfortunatelöy we won't move to a newer platform anytime soon.
I have the following features configured for my server:
When I try to start it I get an exception during annotation processing:
[VARNING ] CWNEN0047W: Resource annotations on the fields of the class will be ignored. The annotations could not be obtained because of the exception : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.resource.spi.IllegalStateException
whiich seems strange since this would be a part of the JRE?
I have searched various forums/pages for an answer but can't faind the answer. Hopefully someone here can be of assistance.
I'm happy to provide more details of configuration and setup if needed.
javax.resource.spi.IllegalStateException is part of the JCA (Java EE Connector Architecture) specification (see JavaDoc here). You do not get it automatically from Java. Try enabling the jca-1.6 feature,
FYI - if anyone else hits this who has newer level Java EE features, they would instead need:

Can't get data from my generated web service

I generated a restful web service with netbeans from oracle database, baut when i try to get data that's what i get!!
Any suggestion and thanks.screenshot
I found a solution guys :)
It seems the error came from tomcat server i switched it with glassfish and everything is fine.

could not reach CMS from JBOSS

I have ran into something interesting. We are upgrading our SAP BO from 4.2 SP2 to 4.2 SP5. So we have a java application which runs on JBoss connects to the BO reports.
So as part of upgrade I have updated all my SAP jars and tried connecting to the new CMS. To test out initially i used the below code and ran it using main method I was able to connect to the CMS and get the Session.
ITrustedPrincipal trustedPrincipal = sessionMgr.createTrustedPrincipal("user1", "myCMS:6400");
session = sessionMgr.logon(trustedPrincipal);
But when I run the same code on JBoss, I get
Could not reach CMS 'myCMS:6400'. Specify the correct host and port
and check for network issues
Can some one please suggest what I am doing wrong?

Tomcat Server gets unresponsive

I am new in JPA and java Web App development.Please help me.
I am developing one java web application with Apache Tomcat Server [Version 7.0.70]. And It is multi-user system.
Platform : JVM Java 1.7
Framework : JPA
Database : My-Sql Workbench 6.3
Jars: MySQL Connector and Eclipse-link
Once deploying war file into server 10 clients parallel accessing to the server with 10 unique log-in sessions . After sometime [Uncertain] server gets un-responssive and no database operations working.
After this it need to restart the tomcat server. and system gets work finely. its a continuous process to handle the system.
Image : My Tomcat Server Error
This image content that shows error when server gets un-responssive
Is there any caching problem
Image persistence.xml : Persistence Unit Cashing
Thank you,
Please give me solution.

Mule IDE plugin for Eclipse url not working (

Mule id plugin Url is not working. Can any one help to get an alternate url for the same plugin.
This url is also mentioned in the below tutorial.
Below is the error which i am receiving after accessing this url in browser.
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Connection refused"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
Mule version 2X uses the url :- and for Mule version 3X the url :- is being used.
You need to check the version of Mule you are using and need to use the url that matches your Mule version.
If you are using Mule Enterprise edition you can take support from the MuleSoft Support, else if you are not using Enterprise you can post the issue in their forum
I seriously doubt there is still support for the Mule IDE, it was deprecated in favour of Mule Studio (that then became Anypoint Studio).
Do you really need to do a new development on Mule 2.x? If not, please consider using the much better Anypoint studio. If you need to stick to the 2.x version, you could just use a vanilla version of eclipse that will take care of the the autocompletion and then export to the apps directory of a running mule container for a hot deployment.