How do you send a user to your app's settings from iPhone/iPad? - iphone

Is there a way to launch the iPhone/iPad's settings from within your app?

Check this out: It is a framework to display the apps's settings in both places, or just just on the app using the same type of display as the settings pane.

There is no way to do this. What apps usually do is recreate the same view the user would see if they opened the settings and then display that in-app.


Set default app as ON in Active Screen ios xcode

Now i am using swift to code my app. I used share extentions and it runs well.
But I have a problem.
app set default value in active screen as OFF. I want to set default as ON. Do you have any solution?
Thank you
By default, share extensions are turned off until the user manually enables them with the More... menu. That's just how iOS works and there is nothing you can do about it, other than instruct your user to open the share dialog and hit More to enable your app.
Only apps like Vimeo which have an agreement with Apple can default to visible in the share menu.
Source + more information.

Switching from View 1 to Bluetooth settings..can't possible?

I am facing problem in switching from view 1 to Bluetooth settings i.e in view 1 i have given 1 Button..on clicking on that button i want to switch to view 2(Bluetooth settings)..but it can't be possible in iPhone..since we can't access the default settings of iPhone..for that we have to create the application preferences..
Q.1 Is there any way to access the default settings of Bluetooth in iPhone?
Q.2 Is there any official link where it can be mention that we can't access the default settings?
I want suggestion..please help..
Thanks in advance
Apps cannot open the settings application to a specific screen. The reason that apps like MapMyFitness open preferences is because they ask for permission to use Bluetooth Low Energy. Asking for permission is managed by CBCentralManager on first usage.
These popups are shown automatically by the system framework. The message can be customized using the purpose property for location services, that is not possible in case of Bluetooth.
No private API was used for this, so there's no reason for the app to be rejected.
Credit goes to this bellow SO question
how some apps can open setting app programmatically within their app
que 2.
At previous we are opening Setting Page from app Using Bellow line of Code:-
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs://"]];
But now upto ios5.0 it was working after that this one depreciated. and Till now Apple not providing the URL Schema for achieving this one in newer versions.
Links of similar question and it's Answer:-
Call the official *Settings* app from my app on iPhone
iPhone- Open Settings from my application iOS 6
is it possible to open Settings App using openURL?
Programmatically opening the settings app (iPhone)
How can I open the Settings app when the user presses a button?
iPhone: Opening Application Preferences Panel From App
Open UIPickerView by clicking on an entry in the app's preferences - How to?
Open the Settings app?

PSMultiValue in app

I have a settings bundle in my app and I want user can edit settings in app. I dont know how to do it with PSMultiValue. How to load the array for the table and how to save it.
Thank you
Wenn you define a Settings.bundle the settings will be avialable in the iPhone settings section. It will handling saving and updating for you.
Read Implementing Application Preferences
To get the same settings view within your app you can use InAppSettingsKit.

Adding a button to an iPhone prefs / settings bundle?

Just wondering if it's possible to add a button like the "Clear History", "Clear Cookies" etc buttons in the Safari preferences to your own app's settings bundle? Been digging through the dev docs and can't find any plist specifier for a button, so I'm wondering if this is an internal API for the Apple guys?
After you hit the button, you get an action sheet asking you whether you really want to do it, and then presumably there is some callback based on the user's input.
Also noticed that the Nike + iPod settings have a clear button in them, but again, that app might have access to internal APIs that we don't.
No, this is not possible. The system only supports interacting with the values from within your app. You can't run code from the settings app so a button would be useless.
Nike+iPod is a root application. Anything running under root can run code from basically anywhere (with restrictions, Sandbox is a b**ch) If you're interested you can make a jailbreak preferencebundle with Theos or iOSOpenDev! Which allows you to make a root bundle that can run button action code.
iOSOpenDev, which extends Xcode for iOS jailbreak-style project development, provides project templates that have a check boxes to include either a simple PreferenceLoader (plist-based) or a full PreferenceLoader bundle.

Hide Settings Bundle in

I have created an iOS 4.0 app with a Settings bundle. I am using the InAppSettingsKit ( which presents the settings in the app. This allows the user to modify those settings directly from within the app, without the need to go to the external iPhone As the settings are accessible from inside the app (and I am doing some custom styling to the in-app settings screen) I would like to stop the Settings bundle from appearing in the iPhone Is this possible?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
InAppSettingKit allows the use of an internal only settings bundle. Rename Settings.bundle to be this and then the OS wont find it to put it in the Main Settings part
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