Perl open file problem - perl

I am having some trouble trying to print from a file. Any ideas? Thanks
#Results of a sub-routine
open(INF,"/home/int420_101a05/shttpd/htdocs/receipt.html"); $emailBody = <INF>;
print $emailBody;
ERRORS: Filehandle STDOUT reopened as INF only for input at ./test.c line 6.
print() on closed filehandle STDOUT at ./test.c line 9.

This discussion addresses the technical reason for the message. Relevant info from the thread is this:
From open(2) manpage:
When the call is successful, the file descriptor returned will be
the lowest file descriptor not currently open for the process.
But STDOUT still refers to the
filehandle #1. This warning could be
useful. Although one can argue that
further uses of STDOUT as an output
filehandle will trigger a warning as
So, to summarize, you closed STDOUT (file descriptor 1) and your file will be open as FD#1. That's due to open()'s properties.
As other have noted, the real reason you're having this problem is that you should not use STDOUT for printing to a file unless there's some special case where it's required.
Instead, open a file for writing using a new file handle:
|| die "Could not open: $!";
print OUTFILE "data";
To print to filehandle from subroutine, just pass the file handle as a parameter.
The best way of doing so is to create an IO::File object and pass that object around
my $filehandle = IO::File->new(">$filename") || die "error: $!";
sub mySub {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "stuff" || die "could not print $!";
You can also set a particular filehandle as a default filehandle to have print print to that by default using select but that is a LOT more fragile and should be avoidded in favor of IO::File solution.

If you want to temporarily change the standard output, use the select builtin. Another option is to localize the typeglob first:
local *STDOUT;
open STDOUT, '>', 'outfile.txt' or die $!;
print "Sent to file\n";

Don't try to open the STDOUT handle. If you want to print to STDOUT, just use print (with no filehandle argument). If you want to print to something other than STDOUT, use a different name.


PERL Net::DNS output to file

Completely new to Perl (in the process of learning) and need some help. Here is some code that I found which prints results to the screen great, but I want it printed to a file. How can I do this? When I open a file and send output to it, I get garbage data.
Here is the code:
use Net::DNS;
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my #zone = $res->axfr("");
foreach $rr (#zone) {
When I add:
open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
$rr -> $fh; #I get garbage.
Your #zone array contains a list of Net::DNS::RR objects, whose print method stringifies the object and prints it to the currently selected file handle
To print the same thing to a different file handle you will have to stringify the object yourself
This should work
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Could not open file '$filename': $!";
print $fh $_->string, "\n" for #zone;
When you're learning a new language, making random changes to code in the hope that they will do what you want is not a good idea. A far better approach is to read the documentation for the libraries and functions that you are using.
The original code uses $rr->print. The documentation for Net::DNS::Resolver says:
Prints the resolver state on the standard output.
The print() method there is named after the standard Perl print function which we can use to print data to any filehandle. There's a Net::DNS::Resolver method called string which is documented like this:
print $resolver->string;
Returns a string representation of the resolver state.
So it looks like $rr->print is equivalent to print $rr->string. And it's simple enough to change that to print to your new filehandle.
print $fh $rr->string;
p.s. And, by the way, it's "Perl", not "PERL".

How to derefence a copy of a STDIN filehandle?

I'm trying to figure out how to get a Perl module to deference and open a reference to a filehandle. You'll understand what I mean when you see the main program:
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '/usr/local/share/custom_pm';
use Read_FQ;
# open the STDIN filehandle and make a copy of it for (safe handling)
open(FILECOPY, "<&STDIN") or die "Couldn't duplicate STDIN: $!";
# filehandle ref
my $FH_ref = \*FILECOPY;
# pass a reference of the filehandle copy to the module's subroutine
# the value the perl module returns gets stored in $value
my $value = {Read_FQ::read_fq($FH_ref)};
# do something with $value
Basically, I want the main program to receive input via STDIN, make a copy of the STDIN filehandle (for safe handling) then pass a reference to that copy to the read_fq() subroutine in the file (the perl module). The subroutine will then read the input from that file handle, process it, and return a value. Here the file:
package Read_FQ;
sub read_fq{
my ($filehandle) = #_;
my contents = '';
open my $fh, '<', $filehandle or die "Too bad! Couldn't open $filehandle for read\n";
while (<$fh>) {
# do something
close $fh;
return $contents;
Here's where I'm running into trouble. In the terminal, when I pass a filename to the main program to open:
cat file.txt | ./
it gives the following error message: Too bad! Couldn't open GLOB(0xfa97f0) for read
This tells me that the problem is how I'm dereferencing and opening the reference to the filehandle in the perl module. The main program is okay. I read that $refGlob = \*FILE; is a reference to a file handle and in most cases, should automatically be dereferenced by Perl. However, that isn't that case here. Does anyone know how to dereference a filehandle ref so that I can process it?
thanks. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Your $filehandle should already be open - you had opened FILECOPY, taken a reference and put it in $FH_ref, which is $filehandle. If you want to re-open it again use the <& argument in open or just start reading from it right away.
If I understand correctly, you want the 3-arg equivalent of
open my $fh, '<&STDIN'
That would be
open my $fh, '<&', $filehandle

Perl File Handling

The below is the Perl script that I wrote today. This reads the content from one file and writes on the other file. It works but, not completely.
open IFILE, "text3.txt" or die "File not found";
open OFILE, ">text4.txt" or die "File not found";
my $lineno = 0;
print OFILE "#var";
The issue is, it reads and writes contens, but not all.
text3.txt has four lines. The above script reads only from second line and writes on text4.txt. So, finally I get only three lines ( 2 to 4) of text3.txt.
What is wrong with the above program. I don't have any idea about how to check the execution flow on Perl scripts. Kindly help me.
I'm completely new to Programming. I believe, learning all these would help me in changing my career path.
Thanks in Advance,
<IFILE> reads one line from IFILE (only one because it's in scalar context). So while(<IFILE>) reads the first line, then the <IFILE> in list context within the while block reads the rest. What you want to do is:
# To read each line one by one:
while(!eof(IFILE)) { # check if end of file is reached instead of reading a line
my $line = <IFILE>; # scalar context, reads only one line
print OFILE $line;
# Or to read the whole file at once:
my #content = <IFILE>; # list context, read whole file
print OFILE #content;
The problem is that this line...
...reads one line from text3.txt, and then this line...
...reads ALL of the remaining lines from text3.txt.
You can do it either way, by looping with while or all at once with #var=<IFILE>, but trying to do both won't work.
This is how I would have written the code in your question.
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
# don't need to use "or die ..." when using the autodie module
open my $input, '<', 'text3.txt';
open my $output, '>', 'text4.txt';
my $lineno = $.;
print {$output} $_;
# both files get closed automatically when they go out of scope
# so no need to close them explicitly
I would recommend always putting use strict and use warnings at the beginning of all Perl files. At least until you know exactly why it is recommended.
I used autodie so that I didn't have to check the return value of open manually. ( autodie was added to Core in version 5.10.1 )
I used the three argument form of open because it is more robust.
It is important to note that while (<$input>){ ... } gets transformed into while (defined($_ = <$input>)){ ... } by the compiler. Which means that the current line is in the $_ variable.
I also used the special $. variable to get the current line number, rather than trying to keep track of the number myself.
There is a couple of questions you might want to think about, if you are strictly copying a file you could use File::Copy module.
If you are going to process the input before writing it out, you might also consider whether you want to keep both files open at the same time or instead read the whole content of the first file (into memory) first, and then write it to the outfile.
This depends on what you are doing underneath. Also if you have a huge binary file, each line in the while-loop might end up huge, so if memory is indeed an issue you might want to use more low-level stream-based reading, more info on I/O:
My suggestion would be to use the cleaner PBP suggested way:
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
my $in_file = 'text3.txt';
my $out_file = 'text4.txt';
open my $in_fh, '<', $in_file or die "Unable to open '$in_file': $OS_ERROR";
open my $out_fh, '>', $out_file or die "Unable to open '$out_file': $OS_ERROR";
while (<$in_fh>) {
# $_ is automatically populated with the current line
print { $out_fh } $_ or die "Unable to write to '$out_file': $OS_ERROR";
close $in_fh or die "Unable to close '$in_file': $OS_ERROR";
close $out_fh or die "Unable to close '$out_file': $OS_ERROR";
OR just print out the whole in-file directly:
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
my $in_file = 'text3.txt';
my $out_file = 'text4.txt';
open my $in_fh, '<', $in_file or die "Unable to open '$in_file': $OS_ERROR";
open my $out_fh, '>', $out_file or die "Unable to open '$out_file': $OS_ERROR";
local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR; # Slurp mode, read in all content at once, see: perldoc perlvar
print { $out_fh } <$in_fh> or die "Unable to write to '$out_file': $OS_ERROR";;
close $in_fh or die "Unable to close '$in_file': $OS_ERROR";
close $out_fh or die "Unable to close '$out_file': $OS_ERROR";
In addition if you just want to apply a regular expression or similar to a file quickly, you can look into the -i switch of the perl command: perldoc perlrun
perl -p -i.bak -e 's/foo/bar/g' text3.txt; # replace all foo with bar in text3.txt and save original in text3.txt.bak
When you're closing the files, use just
When you surround a file handle with angle brackets like <IFILE>, Perl interprets that to mean "read a line of text from the file inside the angle brackets". Instead of reading from the file, you want to close the actual file itself here.

How can I redirect standard output to a file in Perl?

I'm looking for an example of redirecting stdout to a file using Perl. I'm doing a fairly straightforward fork/exec tool, and I want to redirect the child's output to a file instead of the parents stdout.
Is there an equivilant of dup2() I should use? I can't seem to find it
From perldoc -f open:
open STDOUT, '>', "foo.out"
The docs are your friend...
As JS Bangs said, an easy way to redirect output is to use the 'select' statement.
Many thanks to stackoverflow and their users. I hope this is helpful
for example:
print "to console\n";
open OUTPUT, '>', "foo.txt" or die "Can't create filehandle: $!";
select OUTPUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
print "to file\n";
print OUTPUT "also to file\n";
print STDOUT "to console\n";
# close current output file
# reset stdout to be the default file handle
select STDOUT;
print "to console";
The child itself can do select $filehandle to specify that all of its print calls should be directed to a specific filehandle.
The best the parent can do is use system or exec or something of the sort to do shell redirection.
open my $fh, '>', $file;
defined(my $pid = fork) or die "fork: $!";
if (!$pid) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $fh;
# do whatever you want
waitpid $pid, 0;
print $? == 0 ? "ok\n" : "nok\n";
A strictly informational but impractical answer:
Though there's almost certainly a more elegant way of going about this depending on the exact details of what you're trying to do, if you absolutely must have dup2(), its Perl equivalent is present in the POSIX module. However, in this case you're dealing with actual file descriptors and not Perl filehandles, and correspondingly you're restricted to using the other provided functions in the POSIX module, all of which are analogous to what you would be using in C. To some extent, you would be writing C in very un-Perlish Perl.

How do I resolve a "print() on closed filehandle" error in Perl?

I am getting this error while executing my Perl script. Please, tell me how to rectify this error in Perl.
print() on closed filehandle MYFILE
This is the code that is giving the error:
sub return_error
$DATA= "Sorry this page is corrently being updated...<p>";
$DATA.= " Back ";
I hope that now I'm clearer.
You want to do some action on MYFILE after you (or the interpreter itself because of an error) closed it.
According to your code sample, the problem could be that open doesn't really open the file, the script may have no permission to write to the file.
Change your code to the following to see if there was an error:
open(MYFILE, ">", "/home/abc/xrt/sdf/news/top.html") or die "Couldn't open: $!";
ysth pointed out that -w is not really good at checking if you can write to the file, it only ‘checks that one of the relevant flags in the mode is set’. Furthermore, brian d foy told me that the conditional I've used isn't good at handling the error. So I removed the misleading code. Use the code above instead.
It appears that the open call is failing. You should always check the status when opening a filehandle.
my $file = '/home/abc/xrt/sdf/news/top.html';
open(MYFILE, ">$file") or die "Can't write to file '$file' [$!]\n";
close MYFILE;
If the open is unsuccessful, the built-in variable $! (a.k.a. $OS_ERROR) will contain the OS-depededant error message, e.g. "Permission denied"
It's also preferable (for non-archaic versions of Perl) to use the three-argument form of open and lexical filehandles:
my $file = '/home/abc/xrt/sdf/news/top.html';
open(my $fh, '>', $file) or die "Can't write to file '$file' [$!]\n";
print {$fh} $DATA;
close $fh;
An alternate solution to saying or die is to use the autodie pragma:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open my $fh, "<", "nsdfkjwefnbwef";
print "should never get here (unless you named files weirdly)\n";
The code above produces the following error (unless a file named nsdfkjwefnbwef exists in the current directory):
Can't open 'nsdfkjwefnbwef' for reading: 'No such file or directory' at line 7
In modern Perl, it could be written as:
open(my $file_fh, ">", "/home/abc/xrt/sdf/news/top.html") or die($!);
This way you get a $variable restricted to the scope, there is no "funky business" if you have weird filenames (e.g. starting with ">") and error handling (you can replace die with warn or with error handling code).
Once you close $file_fh or simply go out of scope, you can not longer print to it.
I had this problem when my files were set to READ-ONLY.
Check this also, before giving up! :)
Check that the open worked
if(open(my $FH, ">", "filename") || die("error: $!"))
print $FH "stuff";
If you use a global symbol MYFILE as your filehandle, rather than a local lexical ($myfile), you will invariably run into issues if your program is multithreaded, e.g. if it is running via mod_perl. One process could be closing the filehandle while another process is attempting to write to it. Using $myfile will avoid this issue as each instance will have its own local copy, but you will still run into issues where one process could overwrite the data that another is writing. Use flock() to lock the file while writing to it.
Somewhere in you're script you will be doing something like:
open MYFILE, "> myfile.txt";
# do stuff with myfile
close MYFILE;
print MYFILE "Some more stuff I want to write to myfile";
The last line will throw an error because MYFILE has been closed.
After seeing your code, it looks like the file you are trying to write to can't be opened in the first place. As others have already mentioned try doing something like:
open MYFILE, "> myfile.txt" or die "Can't open myfile.txt: $!\n"
Which should give you some feedback on why you can't open the file.