sed + awk + verify line in file - sed

I have the following example file
/etc/sysconfig/network/ = -exe $Builder
run_installation 123 44 556 4 = run_installation arg1 arg2 arg3 948
EXE somthing
I have three questions (I write bash script)
how to verify by sed or awk if the string "-exe" exist after "=" character
how to verify by sed or awk if the string run_installation exist in the first of the line (the first word in the line) and after the "=" character as example below (file)
the string EXE in file can be "EXE" or as "EXE=" , how to delete by sed the EXE or EXE=
I do:
sed s'/EXE//g' | sed s'/EXE=//g'
but its not nice way to do in my bash script
• I need three different answers!

you did not give further criteria on what to do if conditions 1 and 2 are not found...
awk '/=.*-exe/{f=1;}
/^EXE/{ gsub(/EXE=|EXE/,"") }
f && g{ print "ok" ;exit }
' file
The above code checks for condition 1 and condition 2 and print "ok" when both are found. The substitution of EXE for condition 3 is added for illustration purpose. State more clearly what you want to do and show your expected output next time
To verify them separately,
awk '/= -exe/{print "found"}' file
awk '/^run_installation.*=.*run_installation/{print "found"}' file


How to apply one command into another sed command?

I have one command which is used to extract lines between two string patterns 'string1' and 'string2'. This is stored in variable called 'var1'.
var1=$(awk '/string1/{flag=1; next} /string2/{flag=0} flag' text.txt)
This command works well and the output is a set of lines.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again
I want the output of the above command to be inserted after a string pattern 'string3' in another file called stat.txt. I used sed as follows
sed '/string3/a'$var1'' stat.txt
I am having trouble getting the new output. Here, the $var1 seems to be working partially i.e. only one line -
Do you hear the people sing?
Any other suggestions to solve this?
I would be tempted to use sed to extract the lines, and awk to insert them into the other text:
lines=$(sed -n '/string1/,/string2/ p' text.txt)
awk -v new="$lines" '{print} /string3/ {print new}' stat.txt
or perhaps both tasks in a single awk call
awk '
NR == FNR && /string1/ {flag = 1}
NR == FNR && /string2/ {flag = 0}
NR == FNR && flag {lines = lines $0 ORS}
NR == FNR {next}
/string3/ {printf "%s", lines} # it already ends with a newline
' text.txt stat.txt
It's a data format problem...
Appending a multi-line block of text with the sed append command requires that every line in the block to be appended ends with a \ -- except for the last line of that block. So if we take the two lines of code that didn't work in the question, and reformat the text as required by the append command, the original code should work as expected:
var1=$(awk '/string1/{flag=1; next} /string2/{flag=0} flag' text.txt)
var1="$(sed '$!s/$/\\/' <<< "$var1")"
sed '/string3/a'$var1'' stat.txt
Note that the 2nd line above contains a bashism. A more portable version would be:
var1="$(echo "$var1" | sed '$!s/$/\\/')"
Either variant would convert $var1 to:
Do you hear the people sing?\
Singing a song of angry men?\
It is the music of a people\
Who will not be slaves again

bash SED command explanation with semicolon

What is this sed command doing? and is there any online utility that kind of explains sed a little bit, like regex?
sed -i '1s/$/|,a Type,b Type,c Type/;/./!b;1!s/$/|,,,/' textflile.txt
I think in the beginning it is adding csv a type, b type, c type at the end of the line but what does the rest of the command too
I don't know of any such utility, but let me explain using a text editor:
sed -i '1s/$/|,a Type,b Type,c Type/;/./!b;1!s/$/|,,,/' textflile.txt
^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^
| | | | || || |
modify | End Non-empty || || input
the | of lines || |Negation, file
file | line only || |i.e. lines 2,3,...
in | || |
place | || First
First line Negation, i.e.| line
empty lines only|
Branch to
script end,
i.e. skip the rest
In other words, it adds |,a type, b Type,c Type to the first line, doesn't change empty lines, and adds |,,, to all the remaining lines.
sed -i '1s/$/|,a Type,b Type,c Type/;/./!b;1!s/$/|,,,/' textflile.txt
can be written as
sed -i '
1 s/$/|,a Type,b Type,c Type/
/./! b
1! s/$/|,,,/
' textflile.txt
on line 1 only, add some text to the end of the line
if the line is empty ("matches 1 character, not"), goto next "cycle" (i.e., print current line and go to next line)
on every line except line 1, add "|,,," to the end of the line
So, it looks like you're adding some blank fields to a CSV file.
info sed contains the complete sed manual.
This doesn't answer your question but it's important for people to know and requires more space and formatting than a comment so: FYI to do what #choroba says that sed script does, i.e.
it adds |,a type, b Type,c Type to the first line,
doesn't change empty lines,
and adds |,,, to all the remaining lines.
is just this in awk:
awk '
NR==1 { print $0 "|,a type, b Type,c Type"; next }
!NF { print }
NF { print $0 "|,,," }
or if you're familiar with ternary expressions and want to remove the redundant code:
awk '{
sfx = "|," (NR==1 ? "a type, b Type,c Type" : ",,")
print $0 (NF ? sfx : "")

How to print some free text in addition to SED extract

Well-known SED command to extract a first line and print to another file
sed -n '1 p' /p/raw.txt | cat >> /p/001.txt ;
gives an output in /p/001.txt like
John Doe
But how to modify this command above to add some free text and have, for example, the output like
Name: John Doe
Thanks for any hint to try.
You can do that in a single command (and no sub-shells):
sed 's/^/Name: /;q' /p/raw.txt >> /p/001.txt
This prefixes "Name: " in front of the first line, prints it, then quits so you don't process additional lines. Add a line number before the q to print all lines up to (and including) that number. The output is appended to /p/001.txt just like your original code.
If you want a range of lines:
sed -n '3,9{s/^/Name: /;p}9q' /p/raw.txt >> /p/001.txt
This reads from lines 3-9, performs the substitution, prints, then quits after line 9.
If you want specific lines, I recommend awk:
awk 'NR==3 || NR==9 { print "Name: " $0 } NR>=9 { exit }' /p/raw.txt >> /p/001.txt
This has two clauses. One says the number of record (line number) is either 3 or 9, in which case we print the prefix and the line. The other tells us to stop reading the file after the 9th record.
Here are two more commands to show how awk can act on just the first line(s) or a given range:
awk '{ print "Name: " $0 } NR >= 1 { exit }' /p/raw.txt >> /p/001.txt
awk '3 <= NR { print "Name: " $0 } NR >= 9 { exit }' /p/raw.txt >> /p/001.txt
It appears you're continuously building one file from the other. Consider:
tail -Fn0 /p/raw.txt |sed 's/^/Name: /' >> /p/001.txt
This will run continuously, adding only new entries (added after the command is run) to /p/001.txt
Perhaps you have lots of duplicates to resolve?
awk 'NR != FNR { $0 = "Name: " $0 } !s[$0]++' \
/p/001.txt /p/raw.txt > /tmp/001.txt && mv /tmp/001.txt /p/001.txt
This folds together the previously saved names with any new names, printing names only once (!s[$0]++ is true when s[$0] is zero (its default state), but after the evaluation, it increments to one, making it false on the second occurrence. When a bare clause has no action, the line is printed.) Because we're reading the output file, we need a temporary output. Upon its successful completion, we then move it atop the target output file.
printf "Name : %s\n" "$(sed -n '1p;q' /p/raw.txt)" >/p/001.txt
should do it. If sed is not a requirement do
echo -e "Name : $(sed -n '1p;q' /p/raw.txt)" >/p/001.txt
The q option with the sed quits it without processing any more commands or input.
The -e option tells echo to interpret escape sequences. This is a peculiarity of bash shell.

delete string for each line with sed

My file contains x number of lines, I would like to remove the string before and after the reference string at the beginning and end of each line.
The reference string and string to remove are separated by space.
The file contains :
global.pass string_err
#ttt...> ->
è_ 788 test.user.housse
How to remove the string at the start of each line which contain "test" string and also the end of each line separated by space or tab with sed?
The desired result is :
I interpret your question as: find the first word that is "word characters and at least one dots"
echo '
set fh [open [lindex $argv 1] r]
while {[gets $fh line] != -1} {puts [regexp -inline {\w+(?:\.\w+)+} $line]}
' | tclsh - file
sed -r 's/.*\<([[:alpha:]]+(\.[[:alpha:]]+)).*/\1/' file
perl -nE '/(\w+(\.\w+)+)/ and say $1' file
using sed like
sed -r 's/^[^ ]+[ ]+([^ ]+)[ ]+[^ ]*/\1/' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/.*(test\S+).*/\1/' file

find the line number where a specific word appears with “sed” on tcl shell

I need to search for a specific word in a file starting from specific line and return the line numbers only for the matched lines.
Let's say I want to search a file called myfile for the word my_word and then store the returned line numbers.
By using shell script the command :
sed -n '10,$ { /$my_word /= }' $myfile
works fine but how to write that command on tcl shell?
% exec sed -n '10,$ { /$my_word/= }' $file
extra characters after close-brace.
I want to add that the following command works fine on tcl shell but it starts from the beginning of the file
% exec sed -n "/$my_word/=" $file
I have solved the problem as follows
set lineno 10
if { ! [catch {exec sed -n "/$new_token/=" $file} lineFound] && [string length $lineFound] > 0 } {
set lineNumbers [split $lineFound "\n"]
foreach num $lineNumbers {
if {[expr {$num >= $lineno}] } {
lappend col $num
Still can't find a single line that solve the problem
Any suggestions ??
I don't understand a thing: is the text you are looking for stored inside the variable called my_word or is the literal value my_word?
In your line
% exec sed -n '10,$ { /$my_word/= }' $file
I'd say it's the first case. So you have before it something like
% set my_word wordtosearch
% set file filetosearchin
Your mistake is to use the single quote character ' to enclose the sed expression. That character is an enclosing operator in sh, but has no meaning in Tcl.
You use it in sh to group many words in a single argument that is passed to sed, so you have to do the same, but using Tcl syntax:
% set my_word wordtosearch
% set file filetosearchin
% exec sed -n "10,$ { /$my_word/= }" $file
Here, you use the "..." to group.
You don't escape the $ in $my_word because you want $my_word to be substitued with the string wordtosearch.
I hope this helps.
After a few trial-and-error I came up with:
set output [exec sed -n "10,\$ \{ /$myword/= \}" $myfile]
# Do something with the output
puts $output
The key is to escape characters that are special to TCL, such as the dollar sign, curly braces.
Per Donal Fellows, we do not need to escape the dollar sign:
set output [exec sed -n "10,$ \{ /$myword/= \}" $myfile]
I have tried the new revision and found it works. Thank you, Donal.
Update 2
I finally gained access to a Windows 7 machine, installed Cygwin (which includes sed and tclsh). I tried out the above script and it works just fine. I don't know what your problem is. Interestingly, the same script failed on my Mac OS X system with the following error:
sed: 1: "10,$ { /ipsum/= }": extra characters at the end of = command
while executing
"exec sed -n "10,$ \{ /$myword/= \}" $myfile"
invoked from within
"set output [exec sed -n "10,$ \{ /$myword/= \}" $myfile]"
(file "sed.tcl" line 6)
I guess there is a difference between Linux and BSD systems.
Update 3
I have tried the same script under Linux/Tcl 8.4 and it works. That might mean Tcl 8.4 has nothing to do with it. Here is something else that might help: Tcl comes with a package called fileutil, which is part of the tcllib. The fileutil package contains a useful tool for this case: fileutil::grep. Here is a sample on how to use it in your case:
package require fileutil
proc grep_demo {myword myfile} {
foreach line [fileutil::grep $myword $myfile] {
# Each line is in the format:
# filename:linenumber:text
set lineNumber [lindex [split $line :] 1]
if {$lineNumber >= 10} { puts $lineNumber}
puts [grep_demo $myword $myfile]
Here is how to do it with awk
awk 'NR>10 && $0~f {print NR}' f="$my_word" "$myfile"
This search for all line larger than line number 10 that contains word in variable $my_word in file name stored in variable myfile