Eclipse progress view stop button listener - eclipse

I develop an eclipse plugin, and I created an progress view which indicates where the work runs. Everything works correctly, but I have a question. When I made this view an stop button appeared on it. But I haven't found any listener to control this. But the best should be that if there is an pause button within the view insted of the stop button. Please give me some idea! Thanks!

The Job where you do the work is given an IProgressMonitor when its run method is called. This progress monitor has an #isCanceled() method. I believe that when you click the stop botton in the progress view, then the isCanceled method on your progress monitor should return true.


How can I detect (programmatically) when openPKPassLibrary() is 'opened' / closed?

I understand that calling openPKPassLibrary() will open it, however - I would like to know when it is closed and how I can detect that and write code for that.
I have a button that is animating when I tap it and the button calls openPKPassLibrary() and then I've tried stopping the button animation in viewDidDisappear() in the button's hosted UIViewController, but it doesn't work. I think this is because the system isn't changing view controllers.
Right now, I am running a dispatch to stop it after openPKPassLibrary() is called but I want to know when it closes.

UINavigation bar reload/refresh button code

I know that at the end my question me sound silly and easy to solve but I have been trying for hours to make it work but it does not work at all.
I have a UINavigation bar with a "back" and a "refresh" button. The back button works perfectly but I haven't found any way to make the refresh button to work.
What I want from the refresh button is to load the whole view again. Like refreshing the whole "viewWillAppear" section.
I have tried view reload and setNeedsDisplay but none of the work.
Is there any way that I can do this?
Can anyone please help me?
Thanks a lot
Move all functions called in viewWillAppear: into a seperate function with appropriate name and call them when someone clicks the refresh button and in the viewWillAppear:. Example
-(void) gpsRedirect{
//Do stuff that you did in viewWillAppear:
And use this code for creating a selector that's activated for touch up inside event upon a button. This will trigger the method gpsRedirect which contains what you previously did in viewWillAppear:
[barButtonItemName addTarget:self

iPhone - SVProgressHUD - Can not get to appear on UIView

I am using the SVProgressHUD progress indicator, and it works very well most of the time.
I am having some issues with it not appearing as expected in certain situations, however.
For example, I would like to show the indicator when I click a button on a view. This button launches a synch call to a web service. At the end of the svc call, the SVProgressHUD indicator window is removed.
What is happening is - the progress window pops up and disappears immediately after the svc call finishes.. even though my code to display the SVProgressHUD window is the first line in my 'buttonPressed' action.
I think there are some UIView concepts I am missing here... any insight?
You shouldn't attempt to show user interface elements on a background thread. If you're in a background thread, access the main thread to update your interface.

How to block navigation/tabbar controller for 5 sec?

I have ATMhud. I' m showing hud with progress bar. I want to download actualization then.
But user can back to previous view and stop actualization.
I' m tried push "push black view", but i only cover current view without navigation/tabar.
How i can block clicking everything, before actualization finish?
If I understood your question correctly, you want to prevent user to interact with your view till your loading process is finished. You can set Views userInteractionEnabled property for that.
When you go for loading show at that moment set
self.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO
and after when your process is finished
self.view.userInteractionEnabled = YES
so this way you can prevent user to interact anywhere on your view while process is undergoing.
Hope it helps.

iphone animation stops after one pass

I'm running SDK 3.2.3 I have a simple tab bar controller with three view controllers. Each view controller has an NSArray of images for a simple animation. The animation runs a loop when each of the tabs is pushed however if you go back to tab one after you've pressed another tab, the animation doesn't run again. Any code I could put in here to have it run again and again? help would be much appreciated.
You should consider to stop your animation on the viewWillDissappear method and start it again in the viewWillAppear.
Anyway, if you dont paste ypur code is very difficult to help you