ARM decompiler available for iPhone - iphone

Is there any iphone ARM based decompiler available?

You might have some luck with Ida Pro. It's kind of expensive though. I'm not sure if it has ARM support, but OllyDbg generally does well for my windows project.
(I just looked at it, and OllyDbg doesn't support ARM, but I'm leaving the link because it's still a great program.)

Ida Pro is the disassembler, it translates the binary into human readable ARM assembler.
hex-rays also provides a real decompiler, which translates the disassembled code into C.


Port AS3/Flex app to iPhone

I believe Adobe tools like CS5 have ways to output as an iPhone app, but what about a regular AS3 or Flex project? Are there any tools to auto-port, or AS3/Flex iPhone implementations out there?
Out of interest, how does the CS5 thing work? Is it a totally different code-path or something less drastic? For instance Flash supports Shapes and Timelines, etc... do they in fact provide an iPhone Flash runtime of some sort?
Packager for iPhone is what you should try out:
I guess its still a beta, but doesn't hurt in trying. It also has a standalone version (without the need of CS5).
Actually it is still the flash runtime, the same way that when you export a .exe in the publish settings (not an AIR native EXE, just a projector exe). It grabs the flash VM, and your source code, compiles your source and the flash vm wrapped up together into a single executable. It's just compiled down to ARM. There is still the flash runtime running inside that executable and your bytecode is still being executed against it. So virtualization is still essentially taking place. You're right in saying it's "native" assembly code but it's a far cry from a "native" application.
Regarding how it works, it is not a Flash runtime, but a way to compile ActionScript to native ARM assembly code, via LLVM.
Edit: also see Jesse Nicholson's answer.

Do you need Xcode to program iPhone apps?

I'm interested in making apps for the iphone. I was wondering if it were possible to make apps, WITHOUT Xcode. the only reason is because I'm dirt poor, and can't afford an Apple.
If it's games you're interested in developing, then another option might be to take a look at Unity ( This would let you develop on the PC for free in a friendly environment for a beginner. If you then develop something that you decide you want to publish on iPhone, then at that point you could invest in a Mac and just rebuild the Unity app for iPhone on that.
Also, Unity lets you write scripts in both C# and Java so you wouldn't have to learn Obj-C.
The short answer is no. The long answer is "not exactly," but you can get started in some ways while you're working on getting access to a Mac you can do the work you'd like to do on.
"XCode" is more or less really two things:
(1) an IDE
(2) a toolchain with a C/ObjC/C++ compiler (really a version of gcc) and a big library of apps
You don't have to use #1 in order to build iPhone Apps, though it's genuinely helpful. You can get by with #2.
But without #2, you're going to have a hard time building an App you can sell in the App store.
So, it depends on what your goal is.
If it really is to build an app and get it out there, the easiest path is probably going to be to find some way to get access to a machine running OS (probably 10.5 and up) you can do development on. That might be talking a friend who has one into letting you spend some scheduled time on it, or it might be working and saving up for a used intel-based Mac mini (probably something you could get for $300), or it might be turning a PC you've got into a Hackintosh (or maybe setting up a Hackintosh VM on the PC if you're sharing it with others who might not want it transformed thusly :).
If your goal is to start learning how to do things while you work out how you're going to do the above, though, the good news is that it's not hard to get a hold of tools that will help you learn the technologies/languages involved in iPhone apps. Like I said earlier, Apple's compiler is really just a version of gcc. You can probably install gcc on your machine and write objective C programs with it. You could also look into GNUStep which could help you get familiar with a lot of the concepts and practices underlying how the Cocoa libraries work for the iPhone and OS X. And you could learn OpenGL ES, which would be great help if you ever end up working on an iPhone game.
Actually You can develop apps without a Mac. You can use a number of languages and tools that enable writing apps for iOS like:
- Python
- PhoneGap
- Appcelerator
- Mono
- Unity3D
- Unreal Engine
These all can export to iOS.
The only step that requires a Mac is publishing to the app store. But You can use any Mac for that, so You can publish from a friend's/neighbour's or actually anyone's Mac. That is the last step when You're sure everything is running perfectly. Perhaps Your application will earn You Your own Mac.
Also there are a number of publishing service providers in the internet (which don't cost nearly as much as a Mac). I don't remember any particular one at the moment, but I'm sure if You search You will find many. Good luck!
Unfortunately, although there are 'alternatives' (phonegap, mono touch, etc.) I believe you ultimately need Xcode and its tools to package/sign/publish your applications.
If you are really motivated though, you can look about ways of installing Mac OS X on a PC, though that is beyond the scope of this website.
In short, you need a mac. There a number of screwed up ways to do this without a mac, but for all intents and purposes you need a mac. A mac mini you can buy used for $300 on ebay will do the trick. You don't need a powerful machine.
Though Xcode itself is free it does require an Intel based Mac running Snow Leopard. You have 2 options:
Buy a refurbished Mac Pro or Mac mini from Apple website. They are not that expensive. You can use non-Apple peripherals with them to bring down the cost. And you will not be disappointed with quality.
Use Hackintosh to run the OS X on other Intel platform. Its hacky, difficult (carshes) and illegal.
For Objective C you can refer a pretty good documentation of Objective C language at iPhone developer portal. There are many other documents like memory management and human interface guidelines which should help you get started.
Once you have developed the familiarity with Objective C, you can then browse through various programming guides on iPhone development centre. If you want to follow a systematic approach, you may refer to "Beginning iPhone Development" book which I found pretty good.
Yes it's possible to develop applications for the mac/ipad/iphone without Xcode and without a mac/ipad/iphone.I own a imac,an ipad,and and a mac book pro.I tried to develop in xcode.
After some quick search on the internet I found this This is a framework you can use to develop in the objective C language,using GCC (the GNU compiler).There are other tools you can use,like GNU STEP Application project:this seems to be a sort of IDE (I didn't test it yet).
Yes and no. You can use alternative SDK's but they can be a pain to use and don't offer the publish/signing capabilities that Xcode does.

Do i have to buy mac for iphone application development?

Is there any MacOS virtual machine that can run on PC?
Is there any source to get it?
What is the best way to develop apps for iphone?
Yes all the developer tools are OSX only.
There are lots of iPhone development books out there go check out amazon and find one with some good reviews and that will get you started.
You might not, in the strictest terms, have to get a Mac to develop for iPhone; but it will be extremely helpful. Apple is relatively talented at squashing efforts directed towards Hackintoshes and virtual machines running OS X.
The shortest answer that will give you the least hassle is: Yes you need a Mac.
But, as far as I know there are a few possibilites, that try to reimplement some Cocoa Frameworks (however they might be Mac OS X only and not iPhone): GNUStep is an example.
But I don't think you get something aquivalent to Xcode (the IDE for iPhone development) this way.
And I think there are some OSX86 Virtual Machines (however these seem to be against Apple's EULA and thus seem to be clearly illegal so I won't point you anywhere to get them).
So to conclude - if you want to develop for iPhone: getting a Mac is the easiest way, even though not cheap.
Hope this helps.
The short answer is - yes.
One possibility for learning some of what you need to know before getting a Mac is GNUstep.
However, GNUstep is mainly useful for learning Objective C, especially since it provides many of the classes that the Cocoa toolkit for iPhone does. This can be run on Windows.
It doesn't, however, support some of the key 2.0 language features that are used 'all the time' in any sample code.
What it will allow you to do is design a UI using their UI designer GORM, and use a near-identical message-based system for implementing a UI, and you could theoretically write Objective C classes in GNUstep and then use them on iPhone.
However, to compile an app for iPhone you basically need to have a Mac, because then you can get the key for signing an app, etc. Since you need to get a Mac at some point, there's really little point in going the much harder route of using GNUstep first and learning a more limited implementation, unless you really need to get started before funds are available.
Despite the new SDK terms that can other programming languages, if you're really wanting to start without a Mac, I'd probably be tempted to look at something like Unity, or perhaps even Appcelerator Titanium, and figuring out all the non-platform-specific logic first on whatever platform (Unity has a free version that can be run on Windows, for example).
I'm not that big a fan of xcode, but is is far and a way the best IDE for Objective C development simply because there's almost nothing else out there.
There are, as always, other options. If you do a web app type project, you can implement the website and test a lot of it in a browser. Furthermore, since Android and iPhone browsers are both WebKit based, you can use the free Android SDK to see what pages look like on a comparable mobile device. And since you can use C and C++ classes as well as Objective C (N.B. not for the GUI, since that needs the Objective C extensions for messaging between objects), another option for making a start without a Mac would be to use Eclipse, QT Creator or some other C/C++ IDE to implement non-GUI classes, so long as you make sure you don't use platform-specific libraries.
But the end of the long answer is still that whatever you do, to compile a proper iPhone app you'll be using xcode and associated tools to finally build it and sign it, and so you need a Mac in the end. If you want to create something targetting the iPhone and won't have access to a Mac, then perhaps you're best off looking at creating an iPhone-adapted website using iui or a similar toolkit to give the site a suitable look and feel.

Apple/iPhone Development IDE Preferences?

I'm going to do something I never thought I'd do... learn how to program for Apple hardware . After working in C, C++, C#, .NET, and even in the golden days of DOS (a little DOS4G/W memory extender in Borland Turbo-C, anyone?) and even as a kid, playing around with Atari 8-Bit Turbo-BASIC, I feel a little traitorous on multiple levels :) Anyway, I'm going to grad school, studying music full-time - it'll be the first time in years I won't have a full-time programming gig - and I thought it would be fun to pick-up some Objective-C in my free-time - and maybe a little extra pocket change (one can always hope :)
So, to the point of the post. I'm very used to Visual Studio, the designer, the XAML editor, the code-behind, blah blah blah. A friend pulled up X-Code on his little MacBook to show off how cool it's supposed to be. Sure, it has the same sorts of things as VS overall, but it seemed a little more scattered then I'd like. I'm sure once I got used to it, it would be fine, but I was just wondering if there are other good, free (or almost free)/or open-source editors out there for the Intel-based Apples that could also handle iPhone development. Or any tips on getting into xCode? I've just decided to do this, so I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I'm not slamming X-Code... I haven't really used it yet. I was just wondering what coders' preferences are.
Thanks for any advice!
There really is no alternative IDE on OS X for writing native applications. Some dislike the Xcode built-in editor, however. One very popular alternative is TextMate (non-free, but well worth the ~$50). Xcode can be configured to use your editor of choice for editing text files. Free alternatives include Emacs and Vim ports for OS X.
You can, of course, use the gcc toolchain without Xcode (e.g. using one of the Unix-style build systems such as Make). You can also use xcodebuild at the terminal command line to build an Xcode project without using the Xcode GUI at all (you'd be hard-pressed to configure and manage the project without the GUI, however). Combining these two, one could cobble together an IDE from e.g Eclipse to build an OS X app. iPhone would be harder since Xcode handles certificate signing etc. for you, but still possible. You would loose all of the nice Objective-C completion and documentation integration you get from Xcode, of course.
So, in summary, Xcode is pretty much the only game in town. It will undoubtedly take a while to get used to coming from VS. In particular, code generation is almost unheard of in the Cocoa world. When you feel yourself searching for those kind of tools, train yourself to try a different approach. Objective-C's late-binding combined with the power of NIB/XIB (bundles produced in Interface Builder that describe the UI of an app; XIB is a newer, version-control-friendly XML-based format that is automatically compiled into a NIB, the old-style format from NextStep days) makes code generation unnecessary.
For non-Cocoa/iPhone development, the ecosystem is naturally larger. Nokia has their own IDE for the Qt toolkit which can be used to write OS X (but not iPhone) apps. Eclipse can be used to write Java apps using any of the Java toolkits (including SWT and the Qt-Java framework, QtJambi).
For pure Windows-developer familiarity, there's also Mono which runs on OS X. MonoDevelop may run on OS X, but I'm not sure.
I think XCode is the most popular choice amongst Cocoa developers. I think the best thing you could do is go straight into writing apps and exploring. - Has some great tutorials, they're also usually very screenshot friendly.
For pure ease XCode will be the way to go since it integrates with the iPhone simulator and Interface Builder. Also, when you want to deploy your app to an actual device XCode does the certificate installation and management. I don't have experience with any other IDE's for OSX though so I can't 100% answer your question. But, these are things you'll want to be aware of during your investigation.
Let us know what you find!

MMX instructions for Iphone

Does iphone processor ARMV6 supports MMX instructions?
The short answer is no - MMX is an intel technology. The longer answer is that ARM Supports the Neon SIMD instruction set. It is a similar architecture to the MMX instruction (i.e. it computes vecors) but it is obvioulsy not the same. ARM ship libraries to help you generate SIMD code (Using OpenMAX and GCC compiler intrinsics).
The iPhone includes a ARMv6KZ which does not support NEON later models include a Samsung S5PC100 which is based on the ARM Cortex-A8 core and does support Neon. Similarly, the Apple A4 powering the iPad is a Cortex-A8 based SoC.
MMX is a SIMD instruction set for x86. The iPhone uses an ARM processor so you can't use MMX.
As others have posted here, MMX is the Intel SIMD technology for the x86 architecture. So no, the iPhone does not support MMX itself.
The iPhone features an ARM Coretex A8 CPU, specifically the Samsung SoC S5PC100 that provides a SIMD extension known as NEON (the ARM equivalent to MMX).
While this isn't explicitly documented by Apple yet, the toolchain seems to support it. There are instrinsics for NEON in gcc, so you should be able to write SIMD code using NEON.
NEON example for iPhone SIMD
GCC intrinsics for NEON Reference
Note that this feature is specific to the 3GS, so is not backward compatible. You would need to ensure your app was flagged to indicate it required the 3GS (I don't think you can access the status registers for runtime detection).
Possibly helpful link: ARM Processor Instruction Set Architecture.
Looks like ARMV6 has a SIMD unit of some kind...
ARMs are a bit configurable, so, it's possible that the ARM in the iPhone doesn't
have this. Somebody who's actually signed up for the program might be able to answer,
if the NDA allows.
If you have something that MUST work, you could, I guess, build bochs. My guess is that you want to use mmx instructions for speed, and, obviously, this won't help a whole lot. If you have some algorithm that could run slowly, but, you can't reverse engineer it to
run without mmx instructions bochs might solve the problem.