Remove items from SWT tables - swt

This is more of an answer I'd like to share for the problem I was chasing for some time in RCP application using large SWT tables.
The problem is the performance of SWT Table.remove(int start, int end) method. It gives really bad performance - about 50msec per 100 items on my Windows XP. But the real show stopper was on Vista and Windows 7, where deleting 100 items would take up to 5 seconds! Looking into the source code of the Table shows that there are huge amount of windowing events flying around in this call.. That brings the windowing system to its knees.
The solution was to hide the damn thing during this call:
table.remove(from, to);
That does wonders - deleting 500 items on both XP & Windows7 takes ~15msec, which is just an overhead for printing out time stamps I used.
nice :)

Instead of table.setVisible(), you should rather use table.setRedraw(). This method on Control has exactly the purpose of suppressing drawing operations during expensive updates.


Parallel processing input/output, queries, and indexes AS400

IBM V6.1
When using the I system navigator and when you click System values the following display.
By default the Do not allow parallel processing is selected.
What will the impact be on processing in programs when you choose multiple processes, we have allot of rpgiv programs and sql queries being executed and I think it will increase performance?
Basically I want to turn this on in production environment but not sure if I will break anything by doing this for example input or output of different programs running parallel or data getting out of sequence?
I did do some research :
And understand each option but I do not know the risk of changing it from default to multiple.
First off, in order get the most out of *MAX and *OPTIMIZE, you'd need a system with more than one core (enabled for IBM i / DB2) along with the DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) (57xx-SS1 option 26) license program installed; thus allowing the system to use SMP for queries and index builds.
For *IO, the system can use multiple tasks via simultaneous multithreading (SMT) even on a single core POWER 5 or higher box. SMT is enabled via the Processor multi tasking (QPRCMLTTSK) system value
You're unlikely to "break" anything by changing the value. As long as your applications don't make bad assumptions about result set ordering. For example, CPYxxxIMPF makes use of SQL behind the scenes; with anything but *NONE you might end up with the rows in your DB2 table in different order from the rows in the import file.
You will most certainly increase the CPU usage. This is not a bad thing; unless you're currently pushing 90% + CPU usage regularly. If you're only using 50% of your CPU, it's probably a good thing to make use of SMT/SMP to provide better response time even if it increases the CPU utilization to 60%.
Having said that, here's a story of it being a problem...
Note that in the above case, the OP was pre-building work tables at sign on in order to minimize the wait when it was time to use them. Great idea 20 years ago with single threaded systems. Today, the alternative would be to take advantage of SMP/SMT and build only what's needed when needed.
As you note in a comment, this kind of change is difficult to test in non-production environments since workloads in DEV & TEST are different. So it's important to collect good performance data before & after the change. You might also consider moving it stages *NONE --> *IO --> *OPTIMIZE and then *MAX if you wish. I'd spend at least a month at each level, if you have periodic month end jobs.

MongoDB - Intermitted slowdowns involving sorting

A couple buddies and I have been having a serious issue with MongoDB. Before I get in to this lets just get some stats out of the way.
Running on a Dedicated VPS with Softlayer
-Ubuntu 13.04 inside an ESX VM
-4 Virtual cores running at 2.0 GHz each
-48GB of RAM
-All on an SSD
-MongoDB Version 2.6.5 (and issue happening on the last 6 releases)
Were doing polygon geo queries using a 2dsphere index, as well a few other variables with ints and booleans added. There's about 7 keys total we'll query at a time, and then sort them afterwards depending what the user requests to sort by (Price, closest point to location, ect).
Now here's where things gets stupidly complicated. At random time in the days, specific locations will stop returning queries in a reasonable time, instead of the 300 to 2000 milliseconds average it returns in like 30 to 150 seconds, and this is ONLY for specific locations. Searching for New York City will return, but searching for London England will take ages.
The second we change what key were sorting by (we've even tried sorting by _id) everything goes back to normal. Then later on, that sort key will break for random locations, and by flipping it it repairs. Another method we found to fix is completely reindexing the key were sorting by (deleting and recreating), but then our search goes down for the time it takes to recreate the index.
This method works, sure, but changing the sorting method defeats the purpose, and reindexing is just more and more downtime for something that shouldn't be happening.
This issue could be a bunch of things, so let me just go through quickly the ones we've diagnosed and found not to be the issue.
-Does not relate to amount of users accessing database (Could be 0, could be 1000).
-Lock is averaged at 2.5% or below.
-Btree is normal between 0 and 200.
-Happens even when not writing to database (and haven't done so in hours)
-CPU usage is minimal
-RAM usage is only 60% average.
-Data in listings are valid.
-All keys within the indexes are the proper types. No string in int indexes, no datetimes in float indexs, ect.
-Has nothing to do with how many results are returned. Issue happens in locations where there is 10000 results, or just 5.
-No errors in logs, no errors in MMS, no errors anywhere... Just slow.
I'm out of ideas here, I simply can't figure out what it may be. Has anyone ever come across something like this? Or have any ideas on what it may be? Anything is appreciated. If I've forgotten to mention something or need to redo how I've explained it please just ask, no issues rewriting. Thanks again.

Out of memory exeception for straightforward report

I'm trying to run an SSRS report. It's a straightforward report, just to render data from a table which has around 80K records.
No aggregation or data processing is done in report. There are around 50 columns along with 19 report parameters. I just have to display those 50 columns in report (no pivot).
Usually it takes around 5 minutes to render this report on our development server (off peak hours). Same is the case with our production server, but there users are getting "Out of memory" exceptions a lot, and also report parameter criteria are not utilized (that's the complaints I get from users).
I'm able to filter the criteria locally without any problem although it takes long time to render.
Why does it take such a long time to render the report, even though the report is straightforward?
The report runs fine when I hit F5 on VS 2008 but from time to time I get out of memory exceptions when I hit the "Preview" tab.
Some of the column's name(s) have a "#" character. If I include such columns in the report an "out of memory exception" is thrown (especially in Preview mode). Is there truth to this: doesn't SSRS like column names with "#"? E.g. my column name was "KLN#".
I have created a nonclustered index on the table but that didn't help me much.
Whats the difference between running the report in Preview mode vs hitting F5 on VS 2008? It's fine when I hit F5 even though it takes 5 minutes, but Preview mode has the problem.
There isn't much room for redesign (since it's a straight forward report), perhaps only can I remove of the report parameters.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
In addition to the already posted answers and regarding the problems with the preview in the Report Designer or Report Manager there is another possible solution: avoid too much data on the first report page!
It can be done by pagination into small record amounts, i.e. by custom groups with page breaks or sometimes automatically (see the answer of done_merson) or by adding a simple cover page.
These solutions are especially helpfull in the development phase and if you plan to render the report results to Excel or PDF anyway.
I had a similar case with out of memory exceptions and never returning reports with a simple report and its dataset containing about 70k records.
The query was executed in about 1-2 minutes, but neither the Report Designer nor our development SSRS 2008R2 Server (Report Manager) could show the resulting report preview. Finally I suspected the HTML preview being the bottleneck and avoided it by adding a cover page with a simple textbox. The next report execution took about 2 minutes and successfully showed the HTML preview with the cover page. Rendering the complete result to Excel only took another 30 seconds.
Hopefully this will help others, since this page is still one of the top posts if you search for SSRS out of memory exceptions.
Why does it take such a long time to render...?
I have created a Nonclustered index on the table but that didn't help me much.
Because (AFAIK) SSRS will construct an in-memory model of the report before rendering. Know that SSRS will take three steps in creating a report:
Retrieve the data.
Create an internal model by combining the report and the data.
Render the report to the appropriate format (preview, html, xls, etc)
You can check the ExecutionLog2 View to see how much time each step takes. Step 1 is probably already reasonably fast (seconds), so the added Index is not tackling the bottle neck. Probably step 2 and 3 are taking a lot of time, and require a lot of RAM.
SSRS doesn't like column names with #?? my column name was KLN#.
As far as I know this shouldn't be a problem. Removing that column more likely was just enough to make the report runnable again.
There isn't much to redesign (since its a straight forward report) such as except i can remove of the report parameters.
SSRS is just not the right tool for this. As such, there is no real "solution" for your problem, only alternatives and workarounds.
As #glh mentioned in his answer, making more RAM available for SSRS may "help".
Requiring the user to filter the data with a parameter (i.e. don't allow the user to select all those rows, only the ones he needs).
Schedule the report at a quiet moment (when there's enough RAM available) and cache the report.
Create a small custom app that reads from the database and outputs an Excel.
Use SSIS, which (I thought) is better suited for this kind of task (data transformation and migration).
Rethink your setup. You haven't mentioned the context of your report, but perhaps you have an XY Problem. Perhaps your users want the entire report but only need a few key rows, or perhaps they only use it as a backup mechanism (for which there's better alternatives), or...
Try to increase you ram, see this post for a similar error:
Need SSRS matrix to show more than 400k records
We just had a similar situation and set the "Keep together on one page if possible" option in Tablix Properties / General / Page break options to off and it worked fine.

Sphinx UPDATE performance

Sphinx 2.0.1 brings with it the ability to call UPDATE and update an individual item in an index.
Does anyone know what type of performance this brings to sphinx when called VERY frequently (as frequently as several hundred times a second)? The reason for this would be to keep a real time index of trending item scores which get updated every time a user performs an action. Obviously when there are lots of users this value can be update quite frequently.
I should mention that I am not using SphinxSE.
You are talking about sphinx rt indices... Updates are fast, but remember, this type of indices do not support enable_star. This means you can't perform searches like appl*.
Such attributes are stored in memory. So updates should be really fast.
But I've never benchmarked it. So try benchmarking it!
... although to be honest I would still be tempted to 'batch process' it. Write the actions to a log "file", and then process that log in batches. Maybe every 10 seconds. All actions on the same record can be run as one update statement.

tfs database size - version control

I have TFS installed on a single server and am running out of space on the disk. (We've been using the instance for about 2 years now.)
Looking at the tables in SQL Server what seems to be culprit is the tbl_content table, it is at 70 GB. If I do a get on the entire source tree for all projects it is only about 8 GB of data.
Is this just all the histories of the files? It seems like a 10:1 ratio just the histories...since I would think the deltas would be very small.
Does anyone know if that is a reasonable size given 8 GB of source (and 2 yrs of activity)? And if not what to look at to 'fix' this?
I can't help with the ratio question at the moment, sorry. For a short-term fix you might check to see if there is any space within the DB files that can be freed up. You may have already, but if not..
SELECT name ,size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int)/128.0 AS AvailableSpaceInMB
FROM sys.database_files;
If the statement above returns some space you want to recover you can look into a one time DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or DBCC SHRINKFILE along with scheduling routine SQL maintenance plan that may include defragmenting the database.
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE and DBCC SHRINKFILE aren't things you should do on a regular basis, because SQL Server needs some "swap" space to move things around for optimal performance. So neither should be relied upon as your long term fix, and both could cause some noticeable performance degradation of TFS response times.
Are you seeing data growth every day, even when no activity occurs on the system? If the answer is yes, are you storing any binaries outside of the 8GB of source somewhere?
The reason that I ask is that if TFS is unable to calculate a delta or if the file exceeds the size of delta generation, TFS will duplicate the entire binary file. I don't have the link with me, but I have it on my work machine, which describes this scenario and how to fix it, in the event that this is the cause of your problems.