how to create a auto-incremented attribute in xcode managed object model - iphone

Hey, what i want to do is to make a int that will be the ID of the entity and auto increment itself whenever a new entity is added (just like a SQL identity property). Is this possible? i tried using indexed (checked on attribute) however there is no description to what indexed even does.
I am adding annotations to a map, when you click the pin the annotationview with a chevron shows up. Now when you click this button i would like to load an associated picture. However the only way i know how to link the picture to this button is to give the picture a unique id, and then set the button.tag to this id and then load based on the button.tag.

This kind of concept is contrary to the principles of Core Data - the idea is that you're managing sets of entities with properties, not rows in a database or other things that need to be uniqued. (If you're using the SQLite store, Core Data will create an ID for you behind the scenes, but you can't access it.)
You should probably reconsider (or at least give more details about) the problem you're trying to solve, because as it stands, Core Data will not let you autoincrement a variable.
If you absolutely must, you can manually increment on insert by having some NSNumber ID field on your entity, then every time you insert a new entity, get the existing entities sorted by that ID and limited to one result (using a NSFetchRequest with various options), grab that entity's ID, add one, and set it as the new entity's ID. It's a lot of work, though, and probably error-prone.
Edit: Based on the extra information, I'd say rather than trying to autoincrement an ID yourself, find some other guaranteed-unique property of the annotation and either use that directly or write a hash function that uses it to generate your unique ID. For example, use the latitude & longitude to build a single integer that uniquely represents that point within your system. Other than that, there's no way around having to increment the ID yourself.
I agree that this is a sticky problem - I haven't ever come across something like this in Core Data before, and I can see where autoincrementing might be useful :)

This is the simplest way, but takes some effort.
Create an "index" attribute in your Entity. Make it a String
When you create a new one, generate a GUID using CFUUIDCreate() and CFUUIDCreateString()
Assign the GUID to the "index" attribute
Voila, you now have a nearly-perfect unique ID, ready to use for caching locally and using as needed
CFUUIDRef uuidRef = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
CFStringRef uuidStringRef = CFUUIDCreateString(kCFAllocatorDefault, uuidRef);
NSString* guidString = [NSString stringWithString:(__bridge NSString*)uuidStringRef];


Avoid entity duplication with Linq in ASP.NET Core Web API

I want to know the best way of avoiding entity duplication in an ASP.NET Core Web API project.
Imagine that you have a product with a name and manufacturer and you want to make sure if the name is not duplicated. Imagine that a new product with a name came from client (dto) and we need to look if the name (entity) already exists in the database (using EF).
You need to trim the name (name.trim()) for both names from entity and dto
You need to remove all the whitespaces in between (string.replace(" ", string.empty())
You need to change everything to lower case (string.lower())
Finally you need to compare these two
Is there any best practices how to do this without writing all the code? I tried to use with the compareoptions like ignorecase and ignoresymbols and also the string.equal() with ignorecase option but the EF gives me an alarm that it can not translate the code.
I have a suggestion for your approach.
Introduce another column (This can be a primary key with other keys) and save the name with trimming and lowercase when you insert a new record to that table.
Original Name : Amir Masoud Babaei -->
New Column value: amirmasoudbabaei
And when you insert a new record, do your trimming and lowercase changes and save it to the database. Since it is a primary key, it should throw an error.
So with this approach, you don't need to loop through all the names and validate if the name is already exist.

In Objectify, how do you load an entity by ID without knowing the parent key?

I have an entity group in objectify, typical SomeParentClass and SomeChildClass. I want to do something like this to load an instance of SomeChildClass from the datastore.
This is returning nothing found. Seems that you need to know the parent of SomeChildClass to get it from the datestore. This I know works.
Key<SomeChildClass> k = Key.create(someParentClass.generateKey(), SomeChildClass.class, idOfSomeChildClassInstace);
What if I want to load an instance of SomeChildClass without knowing the parent, by just having the id of SomeChildClass.
You cannot do that - the actual full identifier of an entity is the kind and id of each of its ancestors as well as it's own kind and id. That is why building the full key works, but using just the child entity id does not. Another way of looking at it that ids are only unique between siblings of the same parent.
The easiest way to solve your issue is to produce a key for your child entity, then get the 'web safe string' for it. This string contains all the information of the entity and all it's parents and can be used to fully reconstitute the full id.
Using objectify:
String websafeKey = Key.create(parentKey, Entity.class, id).getString();
Key<Entity> key = Key.create(websafeKey);
You can also do this with the low level api if you need to.
You need to know the whole Key to be able to get() an entity. A child key consists of: kind, ID and parent key. So you need to provide all three.

Entity Framework 4.1: HOWTO know the next identifier assigned by Database automatically

I have POCO objects which their identifiers are unique and generated automatically by the database, so the problem is when you want to know for some reason which will be the next identifier that the database is going to assign to the next record you are inserting. As far as I know it is only possible after performin dbContext.SaveChanges() so I would like to know if I am right or is there a way to know the next identifier assigned by database automatically.
is there a way to know the next identifier assigned by database
Well, the next one NO. And if your code depends on it, you really need to change your design.
If you need the identifier to insert related objects, you should check some other questions because you can assign entities to eachother instead of ID's and it will be fine.
I agree with the general purport of the comments that having to know an identity value is "smelly". But on the other hand sometimes you have to live with a given design.
You can't really get the value of the next id, but you can get the value of the assigned id in time by using a TransactionScope.
using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
// Create new object
int id = newEntity.Id;
dependentEntity.IdString = string.Format("{0:0000000}", id);

Core Data primary key ID for a row in the database

Suppose I have a list of books stored in Core Data. I want to search for a book by it's primary key ID.
I know the sqlite file created by Core Data has an ID column in each table, but this doesn't seem to be exposed to me in anyway.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
-[NSManagedObject objectID] is the unique ID for an object instance in Core Data. It can be serialized via -[NSManagedObjectID URIRepresentation]. You can retrieve the objectID from a persistent store coordinator with -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator managedObjectIDForURIRepresentation:] and then get the object from a managed object context with -[NSManagedObjectContext objectWithID:].
You should keep in mind that Core Data is not an ORM. It is an object graph management framework. That is uses SQLite (and unique row IDs) as a backend is purely an implementation detail. The sooner you can get yourself out of the SQL/RDBMS mindset, the faster you will be happy with Core Data. Instead of trying to find an object from a stored ID, consider why you need that object and what object needs it. If an instance of class Foo needs to be able to get to an instance of class Bar, why not just create an association from the Foo to the Bar and set the appropriate Bar instance as the target of the association on the appropriate Foo instance. Let Core Data keep track of object IDs.
As Barry Wark said, remember always that Core Data is not an orm. Pure SQL details are not exposed to the user and every row is just an object. By the way, sometime you should need to access the "primary key", for example when you need to sync the coredata db with external sql databases (in my case I needed it in a callback function to change the state of an object after INSERT it with success in the remote db). In this case, you can use:
objectId = [[[myCoredataObject objectID] URIRepresentation] absoluteString]
that will return a string like: x-coredata://76BA122F-0BF5-4D9D-AE3F-BD321271B004/Object/p521 that is the unique id used by Core Data to identify that object.
If you want to get back an object with that unique id:
NSManagedObject *managedObject = [managedObjectContext objectWithID:[persistentStoreCoordinator managedObjectIDForURIRepresentation:[NSURL URLWithString:objectId]]];
NB: Remember that if the receiver has not yet been saved in the CoreData Context, the object ID is a temporary value that will change when the object is saved.
This is the way you can get the object id as String using Swift from a NSManagedObject:
in Swift this will be done by getting ID of the row as URI then get last path of URI
the output of last path will look like this
this output is string so you can remove the p using:
// Like this
let id = entity.objectID.uriRepresentation().lastPathComponent.trimmingCharacters(in: ["p"])

Can I tell Core Data to use a specific unique ID for an y object when saving it?

Example: I read data from an XML file. This data has unique id elements. I want to store those objects with their original unique id. How would I do that?
I figured out I could ask the managed object for it's ID, like this:
NSManagedObjectID *moID = [managedObject objectID];
but here the problem is: The XML tells me with the id element which object this is, and I need to look up in the database of core data if this object already exists in there, or not. So is it the only option to make an id attribute in my managed object model for that entity and then query for that? Then I will have two id systems right?
Don't worry about the ObjectID of Core Data. This is an internal unique ID which is not guarantied to be constant during the object's life cycle (e.g. it will change when you save the object to sql store). Just create a new mandatory attribute in your model and flag it as indexed so retrieval will be fast.
In the entity associated to this kind of objects, simply add another attribute of type string, call it objectID or similar and declare it to be mandatory.