PowerShell Add-PSSnapIn from an advanced (cmdlet) function - powershell

I would like to create an advancedmodule with a cmdlet function which performs some logic and adds some pssnapins. This is the code:
function Add-DefaultSnapIns
begin {}
process {
# ...
Add-PsSnapIn SnapInName
end {}
export-module -function Add-DefaultSnapIns
If I invoke the function from any point (for instance, a powershell prompt), the operation succeeds, but the snapin is not available outside of the scope of the function. The snap-in appears registered, but none of its functions have been exported to the global scope. How could I solve it?

Well the idea is that Modules are self-contained and don't spill too much of their "stuff" into the global session space except the cmdlets, functions and aliases they export. It might be better to add the snapins yourself as part of the module initialization and then export those snapins' cmdlets via Export-ModuleMember.


Import-Module not working when called after a param() statement

I've a script which uses a parameter to pass details to it, and which needs to import the WebAdministration module.
The start of the script is :
Import-Module -name WebAdministration
however when I run the script I get errors from those cmdlets which use the module saying they're not found, since the module obviously hasn't been loaded.
If I put the Import-Module statement before the param() then the parameter isn't loaded. If I don't have the param() statement at all it works fine.
This script is for removing a website, but the companion creation script (which doesn't use param) works fine. In fact if I run that one it works, and if I then run this one (where the module is still loaded from the first) it works fine (annoyingly... since I didn't spot the issue in testing!), so I know I'm calling those cmdlets correctly.
Is there an alternate way I need to call one or both of these to allow both of them to work in my script?
I think this is to do with session states but would need more information to be sure.
By default, the commands in a module, including commands from nested modules, are imported into the caller's session state.
When you import a module from the global session state, it's available to the console and all modules. When the module is imported from another module, it will only be available to the module(s) that imported it. I think when you include Params it treats it differently, perhaps running it in a script state session instead of the global state session.
Try using Import-Module -Name WebAdministration -Global which, regardless of where it is called, should import it into the global state session and make it available to everything.

shared function in script and code block

I have a function that I use in my main script, and I also need to create a Job, which uses the same function. Right now I just have the code written twice, once in the main script, and once in the script block handed to the Job. I know I can add code to a variable, but not sure how to then unpack that variable in the code block, so the same code is effectively used in both places.
If it makes a difference, I am limited to v2 unfortunately.
Use a Module
Define your function(s) in the module.
In your main script, you import the module.
Import-Module MyModule
In your job, you import the module:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
Import-Module MyModule
# Invoke-MyFunction

Scope of functions defined in modules when used in psake tasks

I have a psake Task looking something like below (this is simplified for clarity):
Task Invoke-Deploy {
Import-Module "somefunctions.psm1"
Import-Module "morefunctions.psm1"
Set-Something #This is a function defined in morefunctions.psm1
Function Set-Something (which is defined in module morefunctions.psm1) attempts to call function Get-Something (which is defined in somefunctions.psm1). When it does I get an error:
The term 'Get-Something' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program.
Interestingly I modified "morefunctions.psm1" to also 'Import-Module "somefunctions.psm1"' and at that point everything worked fine. I would rather not have to do this however as i want my modules to be "loosely-coupled" insofar as they don't need to rely on the existence of other modules.
My knowledge of function/variable scope in Powershell is limited but I thought that functions in two different imported modules lived in the same scope and hence a function in one of those modules would be able to call a function in the other.
I am suspecting that that scope is being affected by the fact that I'm inside a psake task, I'm hoping that someone here can confirm that and also advise on what I should do to fix this. TIA.
I created a script module test-module.psm1:
function Invoke-Test {
Import-Module ".\somefunctions.psm1"
Import-Module ".\morefunctions.psm1"
Set-Something #This is a function defined in morefunctions.psm1
and a couple of dummy modules, somefunctions.psm1:
function Get-Something {
and morefunctions.psm1:
function Set-Something {
If I call
Import-Module .\test-module.psm1
then I get the error "Get-Something : The term 'Get-Something' is not
recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
program.". So it looks like a generic PowerShell issue dealing with script
modules. I tried PowerShell v2.0, v3.0, and v4.0.
Perhaps this cannot be resolved in psake without workarounds because it is a script
module. You can use the similar tool
Invoke-Build. It is implemented
as a script and avoids issues like these. It works fine
with this build script:
Task Invoke-Deploy {
Import-Module ".\somefunctions.psm1"
Import-Module ".\morefunctions.psm1"
Set-Something #This is a function defined in morefunctions.psm1
It outputs, as expected:
Build Invoke-Deploy ...\.build.ps1
Task /Invoke-Deploy
Done /Invoke-Deploy 00:00:00.0150008
Build succeeded. 1 tasks, 0 errors, 0 warnings 00:00:00.1450083
I ran into this today and got it to work.
In your module "morefunctions.psm1" you need to export the method you want like this:
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-Something
In your psake task, you need to prepend the module name in front of the method so PowerShell can find it:
Import-Module "morefunctions.psm1"

How can I use a PowerShell module in a script without leaving the module loaded in the user's session?

I have a script I wish to use interactively from the PowerShell prompt. The script needs to use a local script module.
I cannot see how to import/use the module such that it's not left loaded in the current session.
A module (MyModule.psm1)...
function Test-Method
write-host "Test-Method invoked"
... and a script (script.ps1)
Import-Module .\MyModule
Now running the script at the PowerShell prompt ...
PS C:\temp> Get-Module | % {$_.Name}
PS C:\temp> .\script.ps1
Test-Method invoked
PS C:\temp> Get-Module | % {$_.Name}
How can my script import and use MyModule.psm1 without it being left loaded in the caller's current session? Bearing in mind that the call may have already imported the module and would not want it unloaded by the script (so simply removing the module at the completion of the script is not really good enough).
I've considered dot-sourcing the module rather than importing it, but I want the module for the reasons covered in PowerShell Import-Module vs Dot Sourcing
It sounds like you already described in pseudo-code what you wanted. Here it is in actual code:
$checkCmds = Get-Commands -Module MyModule
Import-Module MyModule
# Do stuff here . . .
# unload only if we loaded it
if ($checkCmds -eq $null) { Remove-Module MyModule }
As far as I can tell, you don't get that automatic cleanup behavior from a "script" importing a module. OTOH if you import a module from within another module, when the parent module is removed then any modules it imported will be removed if there are no other modules using them (or unless ipmo -global was specified).
This builds on the previous answer and uses the following property.
If you import a module from within another module, when the parent module is removed then any modules it imported will be removed
You can exploit several techniques to create a wrapper:
Importing a module from a module
Anonymous modules
Call operator with the context of a module
Set script.ps1 to
& (New-Module {
function Invoke-Function {
Import-Module .\MyModule
}) { Invoke-Function }
If you run script.ps1 and then (Get-Module).Name then MyModule will not be listed in the output.
Note: In this example Invoke-Function is just another scope, and can be omitted, letting the New-Module just run when defined. In one line:
& (New-Module { Import-Module .\MyModule; Test-Method }) {}
You can import the module with -Scope local to restrict a module to your script's scope. If the module happens to also be loaded in the global scope, then it will still be available after your script exits.

Make PowerShell script run cmdlets in global scope

I have written the following PowerShell script:
function Reload-Module ([string]$moduleName) {
$module = Get-Module $moduleName
Remove-Module $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module $module
The only problem with this script is that Import-Module only applies inside that script's scope - it does not import the module in the global scope. Is there any way to make a script import a module so that it stays around after the script finishes?
Note: dot-sourcing like so: . Reload-Module MyModuleName does not work.
From the Powershell help:
-Global [<SwitchParameter>]
Imports modules into the global session state so they are available to all commands in the session. By
default, the commands in a module, including commands from nested modules, are imported into the
caller's session state. To restrict the commands that a module exports, use an Export-ModuleMember
command in the script module.
The Global parameter is equivalent to the Scope parameter with a value of Global.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
v3 also adds the -Scope parameter, which is a little more general:
-Scope <String>
Imports the module only into the specified scope.
Valid values are:
-- Global: Available to all commands in the session. Equivalent to the
Global parameter.
-- Local: Available only in the current scope.
By default, the module is imported into the current scope, which could be
a script or module.
This parameter is introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value Current scope
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
Note: the above help snippets are from v3.0 which is what I have installed on my system. The v2.0 help is available at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd819454.aspx. I'd heartily recommend getting PowerShell v3.0 if you can, if only because of the new ISE.