What is the "Roster" in XMPP? - xmpp

I'm learning XMPP and I repeatedly see the word "Roster" but I have no idea what it is.

contact list (in XMPP this is called a "roster")
Source: XMPP-IM - RFC 6121 ยง 1.3: Requirements

In XMPP, one's contact list is called a roster, which consists of any number of specific roster items, each roster item being identified by a unique JID (usually of the form contact#domain). A user's roster is stored by the user's server on the user's behalf so that the user may access roster information from any resource.
Note: There are important interactions between rosters and subscriptions; these are defined under Integration of Roster Items and Presence Subscriptions, and the reader must refer to that section for a complete understanding of roster management.
See http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6121.html#intro-requirements
Let me know if anybody have any queries regarding xmpp/chat app in Android.

Roster is the name given to the list of contacts which appears in one's chat client


XMPP: How to query specific rosters presence

Whats is XAMP stanza for get specific(single or multiple) roster presence instead of all ?
I'm using Strophe.js for XAMPP(openfire) communication. As per Openfire didn't provide support for message status(read, received and read) at server side so, I have implemented some extra logic for make it work.
I'm retrieving my rosters by ajax call through querying Openfire db one self and returning rosters, also roster search functionality here. Problem is when I search and get roster through API so I can't get presence of roster. I want presence only for search result rosters instead all users through Strophe.js(XAMP stanza).
I found a partial solution, it's only working when the roster is online. we can take default user status offline and we can update online presence response.
<presence to="JID" type="probe" xmlns="jabber:client"/>

MAM XEP-0313 - Query conversation list for a particular user

I am developing a mobile messaging app (ios) and I support the logout feature. I want to keep the latest conversation list when the users logs in back again. Because the local storage of the app gets cleaned once logout.
I am using MAM XEP-0313 sucessfully but I have not found an IQ to query the conversation list of a particular user.
For example:
user_a -> user_b
user_a has had conversations with 4 users and he wants to logout of the app, when he comes back in he needs to get those last 4 conversation threads on his list.
What I do when a user messages another user is that I add them to my roster and have the logic of automatic subscription. So I was thinking to use the roster history logic to query this collection but I was also expecting the MAM module to have a more direct way..
I am using MongooseIM server
I understand your problem, the solution you have is probably the best one you can have with standard XEPs and their implementations.
The conversation list is actually sth missing in MAM spec or in general in XMPP. There are some works to define an extension to get you all the conversations where you have some unread messages (so called "unread sync"). Will this be enough for you or you would rather want to get some kind of "inbox". By "inbox" I mean a list of all recent conversations with unread messages count where there are some unread messages.

Server managed roster in Tigase

Generally in messenger services, user adds or deletes contacts and let knows server about it. Server then takes necessary actions.
However, our requirement is "server decides contacts list, makes roster changes accordingly and clients receives updates about the same". How can we achieve this in Tigase?
There is a dedicated API in the Tigase just for that. It is called a DynamicRoster. Maybe the name is the most accurate. Dynamic because it is managed by the server and it can change any time user requests the roster.
Anyway, there are code examples in the Tigase main code repository. You can have multiple dynamic rosters active at the same time and they can retrieve contacts from different locations.
There is also a roster protocol extension which allows you to keep extra information for the contacts in the dynamic roster such as phone numbers, etc... More info about this o the Tigase.org website in the devel guide section.
Hope this helps.

Facebook Chat limitations

My company develop a product for customer support on Facebook and we want to give the representatives a way to contact the customer via Facebook Chat.
I have read the Chat API documentations and it is not clear whether users MUST be friends on Facebook in order to chat or is it just enough they both installed a Facebook app? more limitations?
any insight will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for you answers,
Yaniv Hakim
Facebook provides an XMPP port to the outside world while internally it implements MQTT. As per XMPP specs, messaging works between two entities without they being in each other roster list (friend/contact list). However, Facebook seems to have this limitation as part of their own business requirement. I think even GoogleTalk disallows this if two federated entities try to send message to each other without being on the roster list.
In short, yes you can just send the message. You don't need a presence authorization from someone in order to send messages to them (in XMPP world). HOWEVER, some services has a policy of requiring this, despite the fact that this is not mandated by the XMPP specifications.

How can anonymous users exchange presence information with valid users on Jabber (Ejabberd)

I am working on a social network that should allow members to chat with visitors on the site. The concept is simple.
Users who have registered signup get their own account with rosters
When a visitor comes to the home page of the social network, he can see some of the online members of the community
Now he should be able to initiate a chat with them, by clicking on their name.
I have already got members to chat with their roster mates. My question is, how can I get an anonymous user to chat with a member and exchange presence info with him?
I have successfully managed to create anonymous accounts, members accounts and even send messages from an anonymous user to other members. But I cant get presence information from anonymous-user to member or vice versa?
BTW, the chat is JS based.
You're trying to break the XMPP model. Presence is an opt-in permission based system. You ask me if you can see my presence, I say yes. Generally my client will then automatically ask you if I can see your presence, and your client says yes. That's what the roster is -- yes's and no's to presence subscription requests.
You can make chat rooms (MUC, multi user chat) that are anonymous, as well as do presence in them. It's not a roster, though. It's the closest to what you're describing without going into crazy-land with pubsub, and I don't know if you could even bend that tool far enough to have anonymous roster entries.