Website Causes Mobile Safari Crash (Replicable) - iphone

For some reason is causing mobile Safari to crash. I've never seen anything like it and it's 100% replicatable so it's a bug on the site.
I've already tried ripping out all of the javascript but the bug persists even then.
Any other troubleshooting advice? Better yet, has anyone heard of this? I've been unable to find anyone experiencing similar problems via Google search :(

It turned out to be an issue with the new Google Fonts API. Removing the Google Fonts CSS Stylesheet got rid of the problem... Head's up Google!


How to debug a web application running on Opera on iPhone?

My web application has an issue. It breaks while running on Opera + iPhone. How to debug such combination?
I've looked into many online posts and posts that are similar to mine,
but those posts are either inaccurate or outdated, like
How to debug on Opera Mini?
It is easy to reproduce the bug. I am sure i can address the issue if I can observe what happened to the application during the process.
It is a really a margin case. I would be lucky and happy is someone had dealt with it before.

FB.ui not popping up on iOS browser

I am setting up Facebook's Share Dialog for a website that is done in React. It seems to be working everywhere except on iOS browser (chrome).
I know that iOS are more strict with permissions. I'm not sure how to debug this.
Anyone knows possible causes of this?
the fix for me was to use display:dialog for iOS instead of display:popup

Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

We're using the fb:registration plugin to sign up users on our site. Today I noticed the registration redirect is no longer working in Google Chrome and Safari (latest public release). I know for sure it was working with the same code as recently as last week. It seems to be getting stuck on submission with this error, which is coming from:
Firefox and IE have no problem, so it seems to be Webkit specific. Any ideas?
There is a bug report tracking this on Facebook's developer site.
Please go there and tell them you are seeing this issue too.

Facebook like button doesn't show in Chrome

I added a Facebook like button to my site, which was generated by the Facebook tool
it works perfectly in FF and IE
But doesn't want to work in Chrome 9
Does anybody know why it happens this way ?
Sorry guys, it was really stupid of me.
The cause of this mess is a Facebook Disconnect extension I enabled a few weeks ago -
Since it works for you I started exploring my own Chrome.
Thanks for your support, you helped me to understand the issue.
FYI - for anyone that finds this, Avast is blocking social media sites by default now with their web plug in! Grrr...

Works on Emulator and Safari browser but not on real IPhone

I am building a website that runs on IPhone. I am facing a issue where in the application works on browsers and emulator. But its not working on real IPhone device.(Basically my login submit is not happening on IPhone!)
Also the console doesnt shown me any error on IPhone. Have anybody faced such an issue. What could be the issue any idea.......solution is appreciated!
Justin Samuel.
I found the cause of the issue.Basically my config has a setting which gives my site url. eg: currently it was something like
Now this worked on normal browsers and emulators. But when it comes to IPHone i had to change the config variable with something like
Browser was smart enuf to find out what the handle this but not IPhone browser.
Thanks Mahboudz and Mike for you valuble time. Yes I should have added more details while giving the question. Sorry for that!!
Thanks All.