Plotting images over a graph in Matlab - matlab

Does anyone know how can one plot() a regular 2D plot in Matlab,
and draw little images over that plot?
Thanks for any tips.

Hmmm, my bad, it's all there in the basic Matlab commands:
You do your plot(),
call 'hold on',
and then call 'image(x,y,img)' to plot that image on top of the existing plot.


How to plot two 2D histograms on the same 2D image?

I wonder if anyone can help me to plot two 2D histograms on the same plot.
I do some lifetime imaging and I want to reproduce my result as histograms (phasor plot method). I know how to plot a single 2D histogram, but not more, without removing the preceding one.
I am currently using the DIPimage toolbox, but I have seen that for plotting 2D histograms you can use as well the function 'ndhist'.
Please, find attached the picture. This is not obviously what I am after, as the background should be all blue and I would like to plot more 'clouds' over the universal circle.

Is there a possibility to draw several cylinders or tubes in a matlab figure

I have 3-D plot in matlab and it contain several lines. I want to draw cylinder or hollow tubes around those line. Is someone has experience of plotting several cylinder in 3-D plot?
Yes, there is a possibility. There is a possibility of everything in Matlab!
Lets Google and find: cylinder()!
Fantastic, Matlab has a function to generate cylinders!
And... That's it. Go plot them wherever you want.
cmap = hsv(10);
for ii=1:10
hold on

Plotting 3-D Matrix *values* in MATLAB

I have a 3D Matrix M(256x256x136) and each index(i,j,k) in M has a gray level value in it. I am interested in displaying M in some sort of a 3D plot in MATLAB, but am unable to do so. I cannot use plot3 because plot3 is for plotting points, not the values.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to plot the 3D point cloud with i,j, and k as 3D coordinates and the gray level as the point value.
I would suggest using scatter3.
Sounds like you are looking for a volume renderer. For Matlab, you could try this one: Volume Render from Matlab Central
An isosurface plot might be useful as well.

scatter a vector Matlab

to plot a vector I am using something like:
Could scatter be used? How?
If you're asking how to plot only points, without lines connecting them, just specify the marker and line style in the call to PLOT:
plot(1:length(vector),vector,'o'); % Use a circle with no connecting line
Scatter can be used in a similar fashion to plot.
plot(vector,'o') is a simpler way.

Is it possible to add colorbar properties to a maltlab plot?

I'd really like to know if there's a way to add the colorbar properties we usually find in surface or mesh, but this time for a simple plot.
Thanx you!
Are you asking how to add a colorbar to a plot? The COLORBAR function does that, but it's really only useful if you have an object in your plot that uses a colormap, like a surface or an image.
For simple line plots, you're probably better off going with a legend.
In addition to what gnovice stated in their answer you can define your own colormap. I would suggest you model it off of a HSV scheme since you're wanting to vary the intensity. That was you can select the color you want and vary just the intensity value of it.