Adding a navigation bar to a web view in a tab bar app - iphone

I've built the tab bar application in IB, with three tabs. The third tab happily displays a UIWebview where you can browse. The only thing missing is a back button, as not all web pages supply such a link.
I need a navigation bar hooked up properly to the correct classes. I'm still a bit unsure about exactly how the hierarchy should look in interface builder and how to hook it up properly.
Currently, the third tab is hooked up to a referencing outlet called 'webnews' in the class 'thirdviewcontroller', and the UIWebView (under a normal IUView in the hierarchy, which in turn is under the third tab bar controller) is connected to the webnews outlet.
How do I make the navbar control the webview, and do I add code to the thirdviewcontroller.m that lets the navbar on the view control the webview 'back' function? What do I hook up as the delegate for it? Currently I have an app delegate, but that's hooked up to the tab bar.
I'm not really after specific code as much as a general 'how it works' clue :) (Unless I can just add the navbar dynamically to the functioning app... but I don't think addSubView on viewWillAppear {} in thirdviewcontroller.m will create the proper functionality?)
If I were to guess at the simplest solution, I'd guess create a navbarcontroller.h/.m, slap a navbar on the view in IB, connect the third tab to navbarcontroller, connect the navbar to the webview (?) and move the webnews outlet to navbarcontroller.h, and connect the webview to it. But I don't quite have the nerve to try, better to ask advice first.

Answering this, see similar Detect and handle, or override, clicks on a navigation bar


Tab bar at top and bottom

I would like to develop a ipad apps which has a menu at the top of the screen as well as at the bottom.
There are four buttons on the top of the screen, and there are 10+ buttons at the bottom tab bar, which can be scrolled horizontally.
How can I write the root view controller as a framework for this operation?
Should I customize the UIViewController class or UITabBarViewController?
Sorry for being unclear. Let me restate my question.
Actually my app will have the following hierarchy.
'Front Page' is simply a page (view controller) for user to choose language. After choosing the language, 'Menu Page' view controller is displayed.
Starting from Menu page and ALL view controllers (VC) in below, the page layout is something like this.
As you can see, there are top menu and bottom menu. Clicking on the buttons the app will quickly jump to the corresponding view controller (3rd level in the tree, VC1,VC2,VC3 etc) . And for every view, there is a BACK button on every page, clicking which will back to the parent view controller.
I was thinking to implement this by using a tab bar view controller and a navigation view controller but I still do not have a clear idea how to implement this.
Or maybe should I just use the navigation view controller and hide the top tool bar except the back button, and display an overlay UIView as menu which is on top of all other UIViews.
Can somebody help me? Thanks.
Since this is the outermost container for my app I hope to do it properly at start..
Sorry for my long question.
If you really want to develop a framework for this logic .You need to create Manager, ViewController, View, DAO ,Model and other classes according to your needs.
I assume you want to add the buttons dynamically to the tabbar (and if it scrollable , it must be a scrollview).You can use Toolbar for upper view but then it won't be in sync with the bottom-view(visually).In that case you will have to create your own customized views to look like a tabbar.
The manager will basically keep a track of all the buttons and different states of events and action on the views and the same information can be accessed via a static method form the viewcontroller.
Well you have not detailed on your needs , so it's difficult to predict the entire architecture.
You need a container view controller to manage selection of VC's 1-4.
clicking which will back to the parent view controller
Parent view controller is used to mean the container vc in a container view controller scheme - I'm not sure that's what you mean in this comment. Where exactly does the back button go?
See this link for more info about container VC's.
You should be able to embed a tab bar controller in the content view of the container VC. Should be able to but it might be really buggy if there is a lot of communication between the child vc's.
The hard part is the back button. Basically it must be a button that goes back to VC 1-4 depending on which section you are in. The easiest way to do it is to make sure that when you cycle view controllers, pass the back button information as to which VC is the current child so it knows which VC to navigate to when you press it.

UITabBarController functionality with UITabBar

I'm making an app with interface builder using storyboarding.
I want to have a tab bar where no item is selected. This can be accomplished by setting
TabBar.SelectedItem = null;
But if you try to do that, you get the following error:
'Directly modifying a tab bar managed by a tab bar controller is not allowed.'
So I can't use the standard UITabBarController. I've created a custom UIViewController, and added a UITabBar. Switching between tabs is working fine, and having no selection is also working as it should.
But I have no idea how to show my other view controllers from my custom view controller with the tab bar. Remember that I'm using interfacebuilder, so I can't just create my view controllers in code as new objects and add them to the view. (as suggested in UITabBar funcionality without UITabBarController)
So how do I show my own views without using the UITabBarViewController?
Edit: Still haven't found a solution, but I did a hacky fix. Simple create an other tab bar and place it on top of the original tab bar. Listen to those events and use SelectedIndex to change the view displayed. Then add some function that will select / deselect the items on your own tab bar.
In fact, even if you design your others UIViewControllers from IB, you can instantiate them from code. You'll probably have to play a bit with frame and autoresizing properties to make them fit the part of your main view you want them to display inside, but it's possible.
So, knowing that, a simple solution is to create a simple UIView (we'll call it 'tabFrame') in your main UIViewController, which fill the screen from the top of your UITabBar to the top of the screen; instantiate the UIViewController corresponding to your tabs and add their view as subview of tabFrame. Now you just have to catch item selection from tabbar to hide or show the desired subviews.
Hope I'm clear enough, else don't hesitate to question!
EDIT: pointed out this morning that in storyboarding context, you can effectively instantiate viewControllers / scene from code, but for not loosing designer settings it must NOT be done through directly calling their constructors, but through StoryBoard.InstantiateViewController("vc_identifier") calls, after having set identifiers to VCs in storyboard editor.
See for example

Create a Tab bar in part of a navigation-based app

I've yet to find an example that does this. A client wants a navigation-based app where two sections (one nav-screen each) need to have a few views, controlled by a tab bar. I'm having difficulty setting up the logic of connecting all of the elements and making sure the flow makes sense (ex. hitting the nav-bar's back button on any of the tabbed views will lead back to the same screen).
I answered a similiar question not long ago (if I understand your question right). This will add a tabbar as a rootcontroller and each tab has its own navigationcontroller.
Right design pattern for tabbed navigation views?
From UITabBarController documentation
Because the UITabBarController class inherits from the
UIViewController class, tab bar controllers have their own view that
is accessible through the view property. When deploying a tab bar
interface, you must install this view as the root of your window.
Unlike other view controllers, a tab bar interface should never be
installed as a child of another view controller.
As #Jolly good has mentioned, Apple HIG suggests not to do such implementations.
The only other way I can suggest is to try implementing a custom view controller that looks/behaves like a tabbarcontroller and make use of that.
Another hack I can think of, not sure if it'll work or if its possible, create a tabbarcontrller the usual way and then set the hideBottomBar property, and make the bottom bar visible only when you want it to be visible.
It is possible, despite the documentation that #Jolly good cited.
As a real world example, let me describe a game of mine. It consists of a UITabBarController (UITBC) and UINavigationController (UINC). The "main" window of the game is the Root view of the UINC, and when the game is active, it hides both the tab bar and nav bar to maximize screen real estate (not as necessary for iPad, but still...).
When the game is idle (paused, between rounds, etc.), it pushes the UITBC onto the nav bar. It also tells the UITBC to make a particular VC selected. That allows access to the additional screens (About, Scores, Instructions, Settings, etc.), and the player can navigate using the tab bar. In addition to the additional views on the tab bar is the game controller that simply pops the UITBC from the nav bar to revert to the game view to un-pause, go to next round, etc. (Obviously, the UITBC is cached within the game VC so it can be pushed back when necessary.)
Using this sort of logic, it is possible to mix and match tab bar and nav bar controllers for complex navigation. You can get away with this for games; just make sure that any non-game app follows Apple's HIG so as not to confuse the user.
I hope this helps.

UITabBarController's 'More' navigation controller disappears under UINavigationController

I am using a UITabBarController as well as a UINavigationController on my app.
In my UITabBarController I am using more than 5 items so I automatically get the 'More' item.
I've managed to add a saving procedure so the order of those items will be kept in case somebody changes the order etc.
With 'More' active I get the More navigation controller with the 'Edit' item positioned under my UINavigationController. Both navigation controller are visible. When I click on 'Edit though the More navigation controller disappears and seem to be hiding under my UINavigationController and therefore I can't see/use the 'Done' function to save my new order
What did I miss?
It sounds like you have a UINavigationController as the main VC of your app, and a UITabBarController as one of the VC's on its stack.
I believe Apple actively discourages people from doing this in their apps, and so do I. It is never done in the iOS itself, and I have never seen it in any third-party apps either, so users will probably be confused.
I think you should embed the UINavigationController inside the UITabBarController instead of the other way around, or you could just choose to use another way of showing what you want to show.
I believe iOS does use both navigation controller and tab controller at the same time in their iPod app. The navigation controller takes you to the playing song and back and at the same time you have the tab controller when you select songs/albums/playlists etc. However, the navigation controller (or tab bar controller) seems to be custom made as it handles the More->Edit case by hiding the navigation bar underneath the Edit bar, which is not what the default UITabBarController does.
All in all, I see Apple is rather "creative" when it comes to UI design. For example, in the email app, "New" button is in the lower right corner (bottom bar) while in the SMS app the "New" button is in the upper right corner (navigation bar). I think they pretty much make custom UI to fit the individual needs of the app instead or rigidly following some consistent design.

Current UIView Questions iPhone SDK

I posted earlier but am running into similar problems again. Basically the way that my app is setup there is a top bar that is basically just a static image that has UIButtons placed on top of it. That is the Main View Controller and is persistent no matter what view is shown beneath it. I can't use a navigation controller because it is not possible to change the height and I need the bar to be significantly larger than a navbar. However my bar is functioning in much the same way. There is a "Home" Button, a "Back" Button and several destination buttons.
I understand how to switch views from say the home screen. My confusion comes with the back button. In order to press back the app is going to need to know what view is currently being displayed so that it can be removed from view and a new subview can be added. Ideally I would use the UINavigationController so that I can push and pop views which is really what I want to do here, however that is not possible because of the visual problem.
Does anybody know of a method that returns the current displayed view so I could do something like the following
[currentview.view removeFromSuperView];
[self.view insertSubview:experienceViewController.view atIndex:0]
You can use UINavigationController with the nav bar hidden. Put the nav controller inside a view that does have your jumbo toolbar and you'll have access to the push/pop behavior you're looking for.