SQLite for iPhone issues/bugs/problems? - iphone

I am planning to develop an iPhone application heavily relying on sqlite DB ,
from different links I have gone through this seems to be a great tool and has some really good support.
As my app is still in the planning process
I would like to ask if there are any Issues with SQLlite database ? from memory management to Queries and data sizes and multiple access etc;
Please share your experience using SQLite DB in iPhone and what problems did you face?
I just want to make a note of these exceptions so that I may plan my App well and do not have any issues raised in the middle of the development process.
Thanx for your contribution.

If you are not looking to support the OS version 2.x or below I would (as the apple and may be the other developers) suggest to use the core-data. Its a lot simpler and easy to handle than sqlite. See the apple support and this sample for more help.


iPhone framework to measure performance

Is there any iPhone framework that help us keep track of the performance of each of the methods used when navigating throughout an iPhone application?
There is no framework but a tool "Instrument" where you can trace lot of things including your app performance. Click here How to profile memory usage & performance with Instruments?.
Hope i get you right and this may help you.
There is already something similar discussed in post
you can find more about performance tools on the apple developer website:
ios reference
hope that this is what you were asking for..

Storing data for iPhone app

What is the best way to store data for the iPhone? I will be developing an iPhone app in Objective-C which will take data from end users. This data will need to be save and loaded at various points.
Essentially, what is the best combination of languages and frameworks to use in order to develop the above (i.e. should I be aware of any compatibility or like issues regarding the objective-c language)?
EDIT: Are there any particular reasons why to choose sqllite over core data?
Hey, the best way to store and manage data is Core Data framework, you can read about it in official docs.
Two of the most popular and reasonable solutions:
Apple's native solution: CoreData
I used sqlite3 for my applications. If you use mySQL then you'll be very comfortable to use sqlite3. However, people recommend CoreData due to its ease of use and iOS support.
I would also like to add my vote for the CoreData solution. I investigated all the options (CoreData, sqlite3 and plists) and CoreData seemed to be the right option for me.
I found a brilliant tutorial on it for iOS 5 here

File sync api for objective c

I am trying to develop an application for file sync on the cloud.I came across the DropboxSDK which is fairly simple.I've kept this as an option for my app.I found another one called Box .Net, but its a bit complicated.Can anyone let me know what all api's are there similar to DropboxSDK which can provide the same functionality.Thanks!!
Did you hear about iCloud?
There's also Cloud App (might not be functionally equivalent – it's more for sharing files AFAIK).
With iCloud becoming built-in in OS X and iOS soon, however, it's likely to become the standard. Don't know how well it will work for legacy users, who don't upgrade to 10.7, though.

Help asked for iPhone and Android app

Im new to the development of apps and i've got some questions.
First let me tell you about the app i need to make.
As an intern at a company i need to develop an iPhone and Android app, they want me to create an app that is based on a existing CRM database.
I need to get data from the database and show it on the iPhone, this data should be edited and send back to the database.
The company itself does not has experience in the development of mobile apps.
The requirements i wrote above are the basic of the application, it will have alot more functionality implemented after the basic has been made. Something like an auto sync, either the database or phone will sync with each other once in a while. And when you are called on the phone it will also check the number in the database and if found the name is displayed instead of an unknow number. Just 2 things that should be implemented after the basic app
Is such a thing possible with an iPhone/Android?
As i have no experience with Objective-C, and little experience with java
Is it easy to learn, i have good knowledge of C#
What platform could you suggest for me?
As i need to develop for both iPhone and Android,
What is the quickest way of developing for both at the same time?
i've done research but as i do not have an mac at the moment i can't try stuff out for the iPhone.
Titanium Appcelerator is something i liked, and since this works for both iPhone and Android i think this might be a good option. But as i do not have any experience i want some good advice from those who have experience before i start programming.
tnx in advance,
~kamikze the rookie
You can also try PhoneGap.
You can use web services to connect to databases
As per your requirements, use Titanium Appcelarator, which will make you write your code in JavaScript, and will generate apps for both, iPhone and Android.
What you're wanting it to do is fairly simple and shouldn't introduce a lot of complexity before you.
Go ahead with Appcelerator, if you don't want to spend a lot of time learning Android SDK and Objectiv-C
It sure is possible to access/change databases.
If you have good C# knowledge then getting started with Java should not be an issue for you.
I think it should be quite easy to implement for Android, but I also have no experience in iOS development (don´t have a mac)

Iphone & Web App synch

I am trying to build an Iphone App client for our CRM solution so our sales people would be able to access the information available in our CRM through an Iphone App.
I am trying to find out what is the recommended approach to architect the application when it comes to the database. I am not sure where should the data reside, should I save a subset of the data on the iPhone, or should I just rely on webservices and pull the information I need from the database whenever I need it. Also, is there any best practices or frameworks to build such applications on the Iphone.
The "best" solution from a data synchronization standpoint is work directly with the web based database, the "best" solution from a user experience standpoint is probably not that, due to latency passing data back and forth from the server.
If you do not have experience doing iPhone apps & you have no desire to learn Objective-C & would like to leverage web development skills I recommend a combination of phonegap + jqTouch.
Hope I helped.
Is your CRM based on Rails? You might find ObjectiveReference handy. It's an Objective-C interface into ActiveResources on a RoR site: