Not able to call application delegate method - iphone

I am developing app with finding audio frequency by using FFT. In my app, I am not able to call application delegate method in app delegate class as given in below, but I could able to call other custom methods in app delegate class. What mistake I have done?
Please help me!
(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application

It looks like your project files have got a bit mixed up. To be honest, it's probably easier to start with a new application template as a base and then add your changes into it. If that is not possible, have a look at the following
In your {project_name}.plist file under the Resources folder you should see a setting
Main nib file base name
This will tell you which nib file is loaded at the start (normally MainWindow). Open this file and have a look for 'Files Owner' 'UIApplication'. Right click on this and there should be a link to the delegate. If it isn't there, then that's your problem

Check to make sure your application delegate inherits from NSObject and NOT NSApplication as NSApplication is a singleton. Otherwise your application object will be its own delegate.

You should now be using application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:


Understanding application flow of iOS 7 apps. What happens on launch?

I'm new to Objective-C and iOS programming. I've read through a few of Apple's "Getting Started" docs and I've downloaded a few sample applications to try and get familiar with what is going on in the app. What I'm confused about is what exactly happens from the application's launch. I see in main.m that UIApplicationMain gets called and invokes the AppDelegate. From what I've read, now, if applicationDidFinishLaunching returns true, the app will enter the main event loop.
Is this all correct? If so, how do I tie my code to events? Where do I create instances of my classes when an event occurs?
Finally, from my understanding, Xcode now creates all template apps with storyboards. However, some applications I am looking at are a bit older and don't use storyboards, but I don't see .xib or .nib files anywhere in the directory, but the applications successfully build. Am I wrong in assuming that applications require these files?
An application does not require a .xib or .nib to run. Many programmers do not use any of the visual design tools that generate storyboards or .nib files. You can define your UI completely in code if you wish.
The call to UIApplicationMain in main.m creates a singleton UIApplication object, sets up an event loop, and sets up your UIApplicationDelegate which works in tandem with UIApplication so you can customize the behavior of your app at key points in its lifecycle. UIApplication manages the event loop for you. It receives events from the system and dispatches them to your code for handling.
In order to really understand event handling you need to understand the responder chain. If you look at the superclass of your app delegate you will see it is UIResponder. This is the interface that lets objects respond to and handle events. It is the superclass of UIApplication and UIView and handles most of the raw event handling for you. Events follow a defined path through your code. In the simplest case, touch events, UIApplication pops an event from the event loop and hands it off to UIWindow. UIWindow will perform a hit test to try and deliver it directly to the UIView under the finger. It gets more complicated and motion events take a different path but the point is that much of the raw event processing is handled for you by UIKit. All you really need to do is setup your UIWindow and its rootViewController and events will follow a specific delivery path through all your UIKit responders. You can read about the responder chain in detail here
When your app starts, the following delegate methods will get called in this order:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions;
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application;
In addition, your initial view controller will get created and shown and the following methods will get called (assuming you are using storyboards or xib files):
-(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated;
As for "tying your code to events", what type of events are you talking about? What are you trying to accomplish?
You no longer need to use xib files if you are using storyboards, however, you can if you want to.

What's the purpose of the AppDelegate and ViewController files that Xcode generates?

I have written a few functioning iPhone applications, but mostly by following tutorials that tell you where to write the code. As a result I have gone without understanding what these files are actually designed to hold.
I made an app with code that is in the application method of the AppDeleagte file, so it gets called when the program runs. I wanted to make this code run on a button press instead, so I added a button, but when I came to put the code in the relevant IBAction, I realised all the variables and methods i needed were in the AppDelegate file, so I couldn't use them in the ViewController file.
So my immediate question is "how should I organise my code so that I can have it run on a button press?", but an explanation of the concepts behind it would be great too, becuase then I can do it without asking next time.
In short, the AppDelegate deals with application level events. Example: application becomes inactive, application starts etc. So whatever you need to setup when the application starts can go in there. As for your problem, I would suggest moving the variables to perhaps a singleton class or have another class that just contains variables and methods as a member in your appdelegate and do like madhu suggests. Having variables and methods directly in your app delegate works, but it can become big and nasty after a while.
import "AppDelegate"
in implementation file of viewcontroller
AppDelegate *app=(AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
[app inappDelegateDeclaredFunctionname];

Difference between AppDelegate.m and View Controller.m

Could anyone tell me when we use the AppDelegate.m and AppDelegate.h during iPhone programming? I have used only the ViewController.m and ViewController.h for basic learning. I just want to know when and why AppDelegate is used.
Both define classes, but the classes are used for different things. ViewController.h/m define a view controller class that manages a hierarchy of views -- basically, one screen of an application. You might have multiple screens that each have their own view controller.
AppDelegate.h/m define a class that manages the application overall. The app will create one instance of that class and send that object messages that let the delegate influence the app's behavior at well-defined times. For example, -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: is sent when the app has finished launching and is ready to do something interesting. Take a look at the UIApplicationDelegate reference page for a list of messages that the app delegate can implement to modify the behavior of the application.
I would like to add the following to #Caleb's answer.
If care is not taken, the AppDelegate could easily become one of the most accessed objects in the application. I usually refrain from calling methods in the AppDelegate from any of my ViewControllers. Unless, something needs to be reported to the AppDelegate that would influence the behaviour of the whole application.
I keep my AppDelegate for the following:
initialization: whatever needs to be done on the very first launch (after an install or an update)
data migration from version to version (e.g. if you use CoreData and migrations)
configuration of objects linked via IBOutlets from MainWindow.xib
determining the initial orientation to launch in
saving uncommitted data / state prior to the application being terminated or entering background mode
registering for the Apple Push Notification Service and sending the device token to our server
opening one of the supported application URLs (e.g. maps://)
For other use case scenarios and a more thourough description of the AppDelegate, see the iOS Application Programming Guide.
The view-controller. h/m is responsible of controlling the connection between your model and your view (more on MVC here).
AppDelegate. h/m is responsible for the life-cycle of your application. What to do when the user press the home button and exit your app, what to do when the app enter background. Things like this.

From iPhone OS to cocoa on OSX

I come from an iPhone OS development background. I'm now trying to write apps for OSX, but I don't understand where cocoa on OSX decides where the program gets control.
I can see the main function, but where does program control go from there? Say for example I want to programatically create a window with an NSView in it once the app has finished launching - how would I do that? There is no app delegate created that I can see, in iPhone OS I would wait for the -(void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application
method to be called. I really don't want to use the Interface Builder or NIB files to setup my window/view. How would I go about this?
It's much the same as the iPhone. In your application controller class, override NSApplication's applicationDidFinishLaunching delegate method. If you used the standard Xcode project template your app controller is already instantiated in your Interface Builder MainMenu.xib and set to be the application's delegate; if not you'll need to drag it in there and set up those connections yourself.
Speaking more generally, an OS X app begins its life in the main method, where Cocoa will automatically set up your application's run loop and load the .xib file you specify in Info.plist. This xib is usually where your application controller is instantiated. By overriding one of the methods such as +initialize, -init, -applicationWillFinishLaunching or -applicationDidFinishLaunching (which all have subtly different behaviors) you can load additional controllers and nibs with objects that interact with the run loop at a future date, so you can continue to execute code after your launch method has finished.

is applicationDidFinishLaunching the wrong place for setting an image for an UIImageView?

I found out this:
applicationDidFinishLaunching (an delegate method of the UIApplicationDelegate Protocol) seems to be called BEFORE my views from the nib file are loaded completely. So I tried all the day to change an image of an UIImageView right after my app launched in the iPhone simulator, but nothing happened.
Then I wrote a little action method that I call with the press of a button. And then it happened: WORKS!
So the applicationDidFinishLaunching delegate method isn't really the right place for stuff that has to be done after the app is really "ready". I gues there's something better that waits for the nib to be loaded completely. but where? and what?
I gues there's something better that waits for the nib to be loaded completely. but where? and what?
For application specific things like global settings, preferences, etc., -appDidFinishLaunching is the right place.
For UIView specific things, you typically use the -viewDidLoad method in a UIVIewController subclass. It is pretty much the only place you are guaranteed that the nib file is loaded, the IBOutlets are initialized and the IBActions are attached.
This is difference from the Mac OS X world, where -awakeFromNib was the place to do it.
Hey until your views and their view controllers instantiated you can't modify their ui. However just for the sake of your problem you can always declare the uiimageview as a property of your app delegate class and initialize it in the appDidFinishLaunching event. But that's the worst practise. As on the iPhone which has limited memory always lazy load ie: only initialize objects when and just before they are actually required by your UI. So ideally you should be doing this in the viewDidLoad event of the view where you want to use this UIImageView.
applicationDidFinishLaunching is usually used for stuff like database file checks, opening database connection, populating global variables, any other application wide logic, checking for an available Internet connection etc