Login google account without openID - google-apps

Can I make a login form on my outside website that would allow users to login to our Google App? Is there an other possibility than using OpenID?

yes you can do that without open id,but for that you must have user-id and password of both ie your website and his/her's google user-id and password.
Then you just have to pass userid and password to google as url and u have to store session.


Using Facebook and Google Authentication

In my Angular2 app I am using Google, Facebook, Twitter and Github authentication. Twitter works fine. The problem is with Facebook and Google.
When I enter my username and password for Facebook login, it says App Not Set Up: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions. whereas while using twitter, the page which should show up on logging in appears.
When I am not logged in to any of the mail ids the Google authentication works fine. But if I am already logged in to any of my mail ids, then the authentication system takes that mail id itself and logs in to the app. Is there any way to make it such that the system asks which mail id I want to use, even when I am logged in through one id?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You can force prompt with Google by setting custom parameters. This will give the user the option to switch accounts:
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
provider.setCustomParameters({prompt: 'select_account'});

Can I used passport.js to login to Facebook from an app?

I and a friend are developing an app and would like to use Facebook as a way of users having their own accounts without us having to ask them to store passwords or make users for security and ease of use.
Passport.js has a facebook plugin but it talks about a redirect URL so my question is: is it actually possible to just send information like email address and password to facebook for authorisation and return the users profile without actually redirecting the user to a facebook login page.
I don't see how i could redirect the user to a facebook login while inside my app and also what on earth would i put as the callback URL? Am i just trying to use passport-facebook in the wrong way?
is it actually possible to just send information like email address and password to facebook for authorisation
No. Users are strongly discouraged from giving this information to any 3rd party app, and you are not allowed to ask users for them.
Login with username/email and password happens on Facebook, not in your app. You will get feedback from the login endpoint then that they logged in successfully.

Do I need a password for users who login via Facebook?

I have a website that allows a person to create an account with username/password. Once its created they can login and add their own content. Im now thinking about allowing them to login via their facebook profile, so when they go to my login there will be a button that says login with facebook. Then a window will popup to give permission to my facebook app so I can get their info. Once I do that do I need them to create a password still? Or once they initially give permission for their account I dont need a password, so when they come back to the site they just need to reconnect to their facebook profile? Hope this makes sense.
I would suggest the latter is true, and they don't need a password.
No, you dont need to save any password for facebook login. Facebook login box works great if you have implementes Facebook api correctly.
My buddy did the same thing. He has his setup to create a random password if they login via facebook as a precaution if they want to later login not via facebook but via their email or username then they have to recover the password.

authenticate blackberry application with facebook account

I am developing an application where user can register themselves by filling up the registration form or login with their facebook account to use the application. But my problem is- how can I hit the login page of facebook and retrieve the userid, token, session key, username etc when user successfully logins to his facebook account and then redirect him back to my application.
I am really confused searching here and there. I have to just authenticate my user with his facebook account and comeback to my application with userid and all the keys.
please help.
Kind Regards,
Apparently Facebook supports OpenID, so use that. A quick google brings up articles such as http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/246/

How to synchronise with facebook that username & password are valid or not?

I am creating an application in which I am trying to add facebook account in app. What I wish to do is when user enter his/her username and password my application should call some facebook api or any other thing by which it will confirm that the user credentials are correct for facebook.
Then the API will return some message by which I can add account or give an alert that credentials are not right.
it is not possible to login using the username/password directly to the api.
use facebook connect instead.