How do I simplify these NUNit tests? - nunit

These three tests are identical, except that they use a different static function to create a StartInfo instance. I have this pattern coming up all trough my testcode, and would love
to be be able to simplify this using [TestCase], or any other way that reduces boilerplate code. To the best of my knowledge I'm not allowed to use a delegate as a [TestCase] argument, and I'm hoping people here have creative ideas on how to make the code below more terse.
public void ResponseHeadersWorkinPlatform1()
public void ResponseHeadersWorkinPlatform2()
public void ResponseHeadersWorkinPlatform3()
void DoResponseHeadersWorkTest(Func<ScriptResource,StartInfo> startInfoCreator)
ScriptResource sr = ScriptResource.Default;
var process = startInfoCreator(sr).Start();
//assert some things here

Firstly, I don't think the original is too bad. It's only messy if your assertions are different from test case to test case.
Anyway, you can use a test case, but it can't be done via a standard [TestCase] attribute due to using more complicated types. Instead, you need to use a public IEnumerable<> as the data provider and then tag your test method with a [TestCaseSource] attribute.
Try something like:
public IEnumerable<Func<ScriptResource, StartInfo>> TestCases
yield return Platform1StartInfo.CreateOneRunning;
yield return Platform2StartInfo.CreateOneRunning;
yield return Platform3StartInfo.CreateOneRunning;
public void MyDataDrivenTest(Func<ScriptResource, StartInfo> startInfoCreator)
ScriptResource sr = ScriptResource.Default;
var process = startInfoCreator(sr);
// do asserts
This is a more concise version of the standard pattern of yielding TestCaseData instances containing the parameters. If you yield instances of TestCaseData you can add more information and behaviours to each test (like expected exceptions, descriptions and so forth), but it is slightly more verbose.
Part of the reason I really like this stuff is that you can make one method for your 'act' and one method for your 'assert', then mix and match them independently. E.g. my friend was doing something yesterday where he used two Actions to say ("when method Blah is called, this method on the ViewModel should be triggered"). Very terse and effective!

It looks good. Are you looking to add a factory maybe ? Or you could add these methods to a Action List(in test setup) and call first action delegate, second action delegate and third action delegate.


nunit : global variable initialisation in setupfixture

I am very new to C# and nunit. Pls bear with me if this is basic and has been already been asked here.
We have a global setup,defined by [SetupFixture] class,which is expected to be run only once. The private variables are defined in it's [setup]. We wish to use the same variables in all our testfixtures,hence inheriting the testbase class in all our testfixtures.
But, while executing Testcase1, i observe that globalSetup() is called more than once. Can anyone point me the issue? sample code is as below.
namespace CTB
public class Testbase
private byte val1;
private byte val2;
public void globalSetup
val1 = 5;
val2 = 10;
public void globalTeardown
namespace CTB.Testcase
public class TestCase : Testbase
public void Setup()
public void Teardown()
public void Testcase1()
byte val3 = val1 + val2; // Expect 15
I'm assuming that the answer to my comment is "No" and that you are using a current version of NUnit 3. Please correct me if I'm wrong. :-)
You have made the class TestBase serve two functions:
It's the base class for your TestFixture and therefore it's a TestFixture itself.
It's marked as a SetUpFixture so it also serves that function - a completely different function, by the way.
To be clear, you should never do this. It's a sort of "trick" that almost seems designed to confuse NUnit - not your intention of course. Your test fixtures should have no inheritance relationship with any SetUpFixture. Use different classes for the test fixture base and the setup fixture.
With that out of the way, here is the longer story of what is happening...
Before your tests even execute, the SetUpFixture is first "run" - in quotes because it actually does nothing. That's because it doesn't contain any methods marked with [OneTimeSetUp] or '[OneTimeTearDown]`.
NOTE: As an alternate explanation, if you are using a pretty old version of NUnit, the [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods are actually called at this point. Nnit V2 used those attributes with different meanings when encountered in a SetUpFixture versus a TestFixture.
Next your tests execute. Before each test, the inherited [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods are run. Of course, these are actually the same methods as in step 1. NUnit has been tricked into doing this!
Here is some general guidance for the future...
If you want multiple fixtures to use the same data, a base class is useful. Any public or protected fields or properties will be shared by the inheriting fixtures.
If you want to do some common setup or teardown for a group of unrelated test fixtures, use a SetUpFixture. Note that the only way to pass data from a SetUpFixture to the test fixtures is through static fields or properties. Generally, you use a SetUpFixture to set up the environment in which the test is run, not to provide data.
Never use the same class for both purposes.

Unit Testing MVVMLight Messenger

Is it possible to write a Unit Test that calls the Messenger.Default.Register method and then write an Assertion to be used by the Action?
I would like to determine if my ViewModel is sending the correct message after calling an Execute on one of my Commands.
I have tried writing the Assert.AreEqual as the Action however this doesn't seem to be working correctly.
Sounds like a job for mocking! Assuming you're passing in the messenger interface to your viewmodel (because dependency inversion is a Good Thing, for this very reason), your code should look something like this if I understand you correctly:
public class YourViewModel
readonly IMessenger messenger;
public YourViewModel(IMessenger messenger)
this.messenger = messenger;
// setup of your delegate command to call Execute
void Execute(object parameter)
messenger.Send(new YourMessageType());
Then in your unit test you'd mock the messenger and verify that the right method is called, which in this case is Send. So, using the popular mocking framework Moq:
public class YourViewModelTests
public void Execute_Always_SendsYourMessageType()
// arrange
var mockRepository = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Loose);
var mockMessenger = mockRepository.Create<IMessenger>();
var systemUnderTest = new YourViewModel(mockMessenger.Object);
// act
// assert
mockMessenger.Verify(p => p.Send<YourMessageType>(
It.Is(m => /* return true if it's the right message */)));
Usually I'd move the just about all of the "arrange" phase into a test setup method, but you should get the idea.
If you'd still like to do it without mocking the messenger and also use Messenger.Default, you can do the following:
public class YourViewModelTests
public void Execute_Always_SendsYourMessageType()
// arrange
var systemUnderTest = new YourViewModel();
// Set the action to store the message that was sent
YourMessageType actual;
Messenger.Default.Register<YourMessageType>(this, t => actual = t);
// act
// assert
YourMessageType expected = /* set up your expected message */;
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected));
Alternatively, for each test it is possible to create a separate copy of the Messenger. For the runtime you want to use the Default instance of the Messenger, but for Unit Tests, as I said, create a separate copy for each test:
return new GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging.Messenger(); // Unit Tests
return GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging.Messenger.Default; // Runtime
Otherwise one might end up re-inventing the wheel, since in more complex situations where there is a need to test ViewModel communications, you will have to manage Messenger subscribers, message types an so on. Then probably writing unit tests for the messenger mock making sure it works in the same way as the original messenger. There is nothing in the engine of the Messenger that should be different when comparing Runtime and Test executions.
So for testing a factory returns the same instance of the Messenger. Test method subscribes and waits, ViewModel publishes; then Test accepts and exits. Otherwise Test times out and reports an error. I found this approach more "closer to reality" than mocking the messenger and verifying through the mock that the method was called.

Unit testing with EF Code First DataContext

This is more a solution / work around than an actual question. I'm posting it here since I couldn't find this solution on stack overflow or indeed after a lot of Googling.
The Problem:
I have an MVC 3 webapp using EF 4 code first that I want to write unit tests for. I'm also using NCrunch to run the unit tests on the fly as I code, so I'd like to avoid backing onto an actual database here.
Other Solutions:
I've found this the most accepted way to create an in memory datacontext. It effectively involves writing an interface IMyDataContext for your MyDataContext and then using the interface in all your controllers. An example of doing this is here.
This is the route I went with initially and I even went as far as writing a T4 template to extract IMyDataContext from MyDataContext since I don't like having to maintain duplicate dependent code.
However I quickly discovered that some Linq statements fail in production when using IMyDataContext instead of MyDataContext. Specifically queries like this throw a NotSupportedException
var siteList = from iSite in MyDataContext.Sites
let iMaxPageImpression = (from iPage in MyDataContext.Pages where iSite.SiteId == iPage.SiteId select iPage.AvgMonthlyImpressions).Max()
select new { Site = iSite, MaxImpressions = iMaxPageImpression };
My Solution
This was actually quite simple. I simply created a MyInMemoryDataContext subclass to MyDataContext and overrode all the IDbSet<..> properties as below:
public class InMemoryDataContext : MyDataContext, IObjectContextAdapter
/// <summary>Whether SaveChanges() was called on the DataContext</summary>
public bool SaveChangesWasCalled { get; private set; }
public InMemoryDataContext()
SaveChangesWasCalled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize all MyDataContext properties with appropriate container types
/// </summary>
private void InitializeDataContextProperties()
Type myType = GetType().BaseType; // We have to do this since private Property.Set methods are not accessible through GetType()
// ** Initialize all IDbSet<T> properties with CollectionDbSet<T> instances
var DbSets = myType.GetProperties().Where(x => x.PropertyType.IsGenericType && x.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDbSet<>)).ToList();
foreach (var iDbSetProperty in DbSets)
var concreteCollectionType = typeof(CollectionDbSet<>).MakeGenericType(iDbSetProperty.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments());
var collectionInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(concreteCollectionType);
iDbSetProperty.SetValue(this, collectionInstance,null);
ObjectContext IObjectContextAdapter.ObjectContext
get { return null; }
public override int SaveChanges()
SaveChangesWasCalled = true;
return -1;
In this case my CollectionDbSet<> is a slightly modified version of FakeDbSet<> here (which simply implements IDbSet with an underlying ObservableCollection and ObservableCollection.AsQueryable()).
This solution works nicely with all my unit tests and specifically with NCrunch running these tests on the fly.
Full Integration Tests
These Unit tests test all the business logic but one major downside is that none of your LINQ statements are guaranteed to work with your actual MyDataContext. This is because testing against an in memory data context means you're replacing the Linq-To-Entity provider but a Linq-To-Objects provider (as pointed out very well in the answer to this SO question).
To fix this I use Ninject within my unit tests and setup InMemoryDataContext to bind instead of MyDataContext within my unit tests. You can then use Ninject to bind to an actual MyDataContext when running the integration tests (via a setting in the app.config).
Let me know if you have any feedback on this however, there are always improvements to be made.
As per my comment in the question, this was more to help others searching for this problem on SO. But as pointed out in the comments underneath the question there are quite a few other design approaches that would fix this problem.

Can I use NUnit TestCase to test mocked repository and real repository

I would like to be able to run tests on my fake repository (that uses a list)
and my real repository (that uses a database) to make sure that both my mocked up version works as expected and my actual production repository works as expected. I thought the easiest way would be to use TestCase
private readonly StandardKernel _kernel = new StandardKernel();
private readonly IPersonRepository fakePersonRepository;
private readonly IPersonRepository realPersonRepository;
public PersonRepositoryTests()
realPersonRepository = _kernel.Get<IPersonRepository>();
_kernel = new StandardKernel(new TestModule());
fakePersonRepository = _kernel.Get<IPersonRepository>();
public void CheckRepositoryIsEmptyOnStart(IPersonRepository personRepository)
if (personRepository == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("Person Repostory never Injected : is Null");
var records = personRepository.GetAllPeople();
Assert.AreEqual(0, records.Count());
but it asks for a constant expression.
Attributes are a compile-time decoration for an attribute, so anything that you put in a TestCase attribute has to be a constant that the compiler can resolve.
You can try something like this (untested):
public void CheckRepositoryIsEmptyOnStart(Type personRepoType)
// do some reflection based Activator.CreateInstance() stuff here
// to instantiate the incoming type
However, this gets a bit ugly because I imagine that your two different implementation might have different constructor arguments. Plus, you really don't want all that dynamic type instantiation code cluttering the test.
A possible solution might be something like this:
public void CheckRepositoryIsEmptyOnStart(string repoType)
// Write a helper class that accepts a string and returns a properly
// instantiated repo instance.
var repo = PersonRepoTestFactory.Create(repoType);
// your test here
Bottom line is, the test case attribute has to take a constant expression. But you can achieve the desired result by shoving the instantiation code into a factory.
You might look at the TestCaseSource attribute, though that may fail with the same error. Otherwise, you may have to settle for two separate tests, which both call a third method to handle all of the common test logic.

Handling MVC2 variables with hyphens in their name

I'm working with some third-party software that creates querystring parameters with hyphens in their names. I was taking a look at this SO question and it seems like their solution is very close to what I need but I'm too ignorant to the underlying MVC stuff to figure out how to adapt this to do what I need. Ideally, I'd like to simply replace hyphens with underscores and that would be a good enough solution. If there's a better one, then I'm interested in hearing it.
An example of a URL I want to handle is this:
with this Controller:
public ActionResult List(string First_Name, int My_Age)
To repeat, I cannot change the querystring being generated so I need to support it with my controller somehow. But how?
For reference, below is the custom RouteHandler that is being used to handle underscores in controller names and action names from the SO question I referenced above that we might be able to modify to accomplish what I want:
public class HyphenatedRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString().Replace("-", "_");
requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString().Replace("-", "_");
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
Have you tried [Bind(Prefix="First-name")]? It might work...
One way would be with a custom model binder. Another way would be with an action filter. Use the model binder if you want to do this on a specific type. Use the action filter if you want to do this on a specific action or controller. So for the latter method you could do something like:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var keys = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Where(k => k.Contains('-'));
foreach(var k in keys)
new KeyValuePair<string, object>(
k.Replace('-', '_'), filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString[k]));
I had the same problem. In the end rather than doing something too complex I just get the query string parameters using
string First_Name = Request["First-Name"];
You may want to check for NUlls incase the parameter is not there, but this sorted it out for me. You can also include an optional parameter for the ActionResult for test purposes etc..