Eclipse adding your own build command - eclipse

I am new to eclipse and wanted to do the following:
Use my custom build commands with eclipse. Until now I only saw make all. I use a shell script for building my project; how can I use that in an Eclipse environment?
When I create a new project with the existing source code, it doesn't add the files, without building the code and if code fails to build (because I generally don't have make all).
How do I resolve this issue?

You can add a custom builder in the "Builders" category of the project properties.
there you can also deactivate the default eclipse builders..
hope that helped

In addition to what smeg4brains said and assuming that you are using the CDT plugin you can go to:
project -> properties -> C/C++ Build
Uncheck Use default build command on the Builder Settings tab and replace make with e.g. scons.
On the Behaviour tab you can then specify the target to call for the Build and Clean phase.
To resolve your second issue open the Project menu and uncheck Build automatically.
This will prevent Eclipse from building the project when it thinks it is necessary.

If you want to add other your own commands then the easiest way is to write Ant file for your project so by clicking once you can execute all your commands.To see how to write Ant file click here

I was able to do something similar to have protoc run on my .proto files. I did it by adding a "Make Target" to the project.

A lot of stuff in Eclipse you can get around using Ant, which are XML scripts, and there is also a ANT project builder which uses those. If you don't like to mess with frankly quite touchy GUI options, just write a build.xml and use ANT build as the project builder.


Endless builds with eclipse

Workspace Settings
Build Options
Does anyone know why eclipse never ends building when I check "Refresh using native hooks or polling"?
Well I just found out that the build creates a jar file in the eclipse project, which triggers a build again and so on...
In case someone faces the same problem in the future:
To solve the problem right click on the folder, go to properties and add a resource filter so eclipse doesn't care about this particular file anymore.

How to automatically update Targets for an Ant build via Eclipse with new run configurations

We are creating some JUnit tests as part of QA development. So we are doing this daily and while running individual tests, or part of a package, they do appear under the Run arrow:
they do not appear in the Ant build Targets:
Well.. you can see that the Schedules_Load appears but that's because I have exported the Ant build again.
Note that even if I create Run configurations using the Eclipse menu:
It still doesn't update my Ant Targets list..
Under the menu item Project I do have Build automatically checked but don't think it makes any difference anyway, just thought I would mention it.
So is there any way to automatically update Ant targets with new run configurations without having to export the Ant build again?
try selecting the check-box: "Refresh automatically".
Window->Preferences->General->Workspace->"Refresh automatically"

Why does my eclipse project not have a build path?

What is the advantage with not having a build path in eclipse? Why is that setting default when it's like something you'd never use? It seems eclipse indigo was developed to make software development as obscure as possible. I just checked out a fresh copy of the project I checked in (called dungeonworld) this afternoon from another computer and automatically nothing works, can't compile, can't choose build path, can't add jre, can't add jdk, can't add that to project properties.
Is my eclipse broken? I can't believe this is happening, such an easy thing not feasible.
Nothing above solutions worked for me so i tried below
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
It looks like you did not add Eclipse project metadata files to your source control system, so Eclipse doesn't know what your build path is or whether it is even a java project. You can see that the little folder on your dungeonworld project is missing the little 'j', which means Eclipse doesn't think it's a java project.
Go back to your other computer and look for the following files in your original project root...
Make sure all of the end up in your source control system or nothing will work right.
I have same problem, but i have solved
project right click -> properties -> java build path -> src/main/sources
all remove items on "Excluded", and then that item turn the status "(None)"
I tried below steps and it works for me.
Right click on project >> properties >> project facets >> click on java
Eclipse has a build path.
It's stored in a (by default hidden) .classpath file in your project.
You can also access it through the UI in project properties (right click on your project, properties, java build path).
Well, this is probably not your problem, but similar is happening if you are in Eclipse different perspective (for example for Python).
There where no entrys after right click on my projekt in Eclipse. How to click something, wenn build path entries are missing. So my Eclpise didn't detect my java project. I used following Maven command and after that I cleaned the project too. Now Projekt works as expected. So...
If you are using Maven, try mvn eclipse:eclipse in cmd console in your project directory! Make sure to use the path to your Maven folder for the command.
For example:
cd C:\yourEclipseProject\
C:\yourPathToMaven\apache-maven-2.2.1\bin\mvn eclipse:eclipse
This was helping me. After unsuccessful web research, a coworker told me this tip.
I just had a similar problem and I figured out that I had been choosing General Project instead of Java Project while creating a project. After I chose Java>Project it solved my problem. Maybe it'll solve yours as well.
After choosing that, eclipse automatically included java libraries as well.
It's not a good practice to commit IDE related files into source control. What if someone in team uses different IDE? It might have been only option at a time when OP asked this question.
New versions on eclipse (4.x) takes care of this automatically. Probably by observing what kind of source and build files you have in your project.
Don't know the reason. But this works for me, so posting it.
Right click on project -> 'Properties' -> 'Java Build Path'.

Can NetBeans auto-build java free-form (Ant) projects?

After every save I need to right-click on the project in the project browser and click on build.
Is there a way to configure NetBeans to auto-build the project when I save a file?
See Compile on Save FAQ:
I don't use CoS myself, I highly recommend Jenkins for your auto-build needs (and so much more):
The compile on save option is not available for free-form projects as of NetBeans version 8.0. And I don't think it will be made available in future too. The very idea of free-form is that that IDE does not know anything about your project and completely relies on the ant-scripts and the mappings you provide.
If you don't want to build an entire project every time you make changes to a file, create a target in ant to compile a single file and map it to the IDE command compile.single. You could add a context menu for that if required, although the existing keyboard shortcut F9 should suffice.
You can read more on the advance free-form configuration here - Advanced Free-Form Project Configuration

Ant build consoles get clobbered by dependent projects in Eclipse

I have a set of dependent projects in Eclipse, each with its own Ant build script. If I make a change in multiple projects, then select "Build All" (Ctrl+B), each Ant build is invoked in the correct order. But if there is an error in one project, Eclipse still tries to build the other projects also, and in the process clobbers the Ant console so that the build errors are no longer visible. This wouldn't be quite so annoying if I could open up the offending project and select "Build Project", but Eclipse out-smarts me: it won't rebuild until I open some file in the project, edit it, and save (typically I add and remove a space character wherever my cursor happens to be). An answer to any of the following questions would be welcome.
How can I configure Eclipse to (in preference order):
terminate a "Build All" as soon as any project's Ant build fails?
save all console output for "Build All" instead of resetting the console for each project?
spawn a separate console for each new instance of Ant?
allow me to force a "Build Project" even if it doesn't think anything has changed?
[UPDATE] Bonus Question:
How can I configure Eclipse so that fixing any build errors in a depended-on project counts as a "change" for the purposes of "Build Project"?
Have you tried redirecting standard out to file via a run configuration? A few screen shots to help if not... (you may try 'append' this is not in my screen shot :) )
One alternative is to have each Ant build log itself, e.g., using the following in build.xml
<record name="build.log"
append="false" />
Oddly, Eclipse seems to disable this logging somehow when running an Ant build.
I am not too big on ant, but can't you make the builds dependent on one another?