Where I should call [object release]? - iphone

I've subclassed some UITextField and added some custom properties.
In a UITableViewController, in the ViewDiDLoad I init them, and in the cellForRowAtIndexPath I add them to the cell with [cell.contentView addSubview:customTextField];
Each cell has a different customTextField as all of them are very different.
Where I should call the [customTextField release] ?
After I add them to the cell view ?
If for example I call [self.tableView reloadData] my customTextField are going to be added again to the cell, so maybe I should change my approach in doing this ?
thanks for the orientation ...

You release an object when you no longer have any interest in it. This happens for many reasons; it might be because you've finished with the object, or have passed the control over the object lifetime to another object. It might be because you're about to replace the object with a fresh instance, it might be because you (the owner object) are about to die.
The last one seems to be relevant in your case. You create these object in viewDidLoad and repeatedly need them (i.e. to add them to cells) until your object is no longer functioning. In this case, just as you create them in viewDidLoad, you can release them in viewDidUnload.
Edit: I should really mention autorelease, but this isn't relevant in this instance. Memory management is best handled with a notion of 'owner' - the person who creates something (or retains it) should be responsible for deleting it (or releaseing in ObjC parlance). autorelease handle some cases where you need to give an object to an alternate owner, having previously owned it yourself (typically via a method return). If you are the creator, you can't just release it before returning it to the new owner, as it will be deleted before the new owner has a chance to stake an interest in it. However, you can't just not release it; it will leak. As such, the system provides a big list of objects that it will release on your behalf at some point in the future. You pass your release responsibility to this list, then return the object to the new owner. This list (the autorelease pool) ensures your release will occur at some point, but gives the new owner a chance to claim the object as theirs before it's released.
In your case, you have a clear interest in owning the objects for the lifetime of your view controller - you need to, at any time, be able to add them to view cells in response to a table data reload. You're only done with them when your view controller dies, so the viewDidUnload (or possibly dealloc) is the only sensible place to release them.

I always release my controls directly after I added them to a view using addSubView. When I work with tables, I also initialize them in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method.
Therefor the object stays alive the shortest time.

Adam Wright explains the theory of this very well, but let me give you some practice. You're thinking about this problem far too hard, and that almost always leads to bugs. There is a simple solution that solves this problem almost every time: Retain all ivars using accessors; don't retain non-ivars.
#interface ... {
UITextField *_customTextField;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) UITextField *customTextField;
#synthesize customTextField=_customTextField;
-(void)viewDiDLoad {
self.customTextField = [[[UITextField alloc] init....] autorelease];
- (void)dealloc {
// I do not recommend accessors in dealloc; but everywhere else I do
[_customTextField release]; _customTextField = nil;
Never access your ivars directly, except in dealloc (even that is controversial and some people recommend self.customTextField = nil; in dealloc; there are arguments either way). But never assign your ivars directly. If you will follow this rule, you will find that most of your memory problems go away.

The safest way to handle object ownership is to autorelease the view directly after initialization:
FooTextField* textField = [[[FooTextField alloc] init] autorelease];
[myCell.contentView addSubview:textField];
Adding the text field to a superview (the UITableViewCell's contentView) retains it. This way you don't have to care about releasing the view afterwards.
There seems to be a resentment against autorelease in the iPhone developer community. In my opinion, this resentment is unfounded. Autoreleasing an object adds very little overhead to the program if the objects lives longer than the current pass through the run loop.

Every object in Obj-C has a reference counter (retainCount), and when this counter goes to 0 the object is deallocated. When you allocate and initialize an object, the reference count is set to 1 - but you can retain it as many times you want to.
UITextField *textField = [[UITextField alloc] init]; // Reference counter = 1
[textField retain]; // Reference counter = 2
[textField retain]; // Reference counter = 3
The opposite of retain is release, which subtracts from the reference counter;
[textField release]; // Reference counter = 2
[textField release]; // Reference counter = 1
You can always get the reference counter of your objects;
printf("Retain count: %i", [textField retainCount]);
The method addSubview of UIView does retain your passed in sub view - and when it's done with it it releases it. If you need your UITextField later, in another scope (when the UIView is done with it and has released it) - you should not release it after you've added it to the super view. Most of the time you actually don't need to hold on to a reference, so you should release it after you've added it to the super view. If you dont - you can release it in the dealloc method of your scope.

Take a look at UITableView -dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: and -initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:.
In -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, use -dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: and check if the result is nil. If it is, instantiate a new cell with -initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:.
Send -autorelease to your customTextField upon creation and adding to the respective cell.

You should not add subview in cellForRowAtIndexPath! This will slow down the view as you add a subview each time the cell is displayed. Try using custom UITableViewCell class for that purpose.
Here is a perfect solution of UITableView customization
works jut perfectly


removeFromSuperview and release memory management

I have a MBProgressHUD that I allocate as follows:
self.progressHUD_ = [[[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view] autorelease];
if I call removeFromSuperview then would I have to call progressHUD release again? Also if I declare a property with something like this:
NSString * title_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * title_;
then it is guaranteed that in my dealloc I should have a release on title right?
If progressHUD_ is a retain property, then you will have to release it in dealloc. However, the nice thing about a retain property is that you only have to set it to nil to reclaim the memory; making sure to use "self." before.
self.<property_name> = nil;
// or in your case
self.progressHUD_ = nil;
// the following will not release it because it's not accessing the property:
progressHUD_ = nil
I do not recommend using [progressHUD_ release] because it can cause problems. e.g. if elsewhere you had released progressHUD_ and not set it to nil, you may accidentally release a pointer which is no longer allocated (dangling pointer).
I also recommend calling self.progressHUD_ = nil; in viewDidUnload which is called during low memory conditions and the view is not showing. It doesn't kill your class instance, but just unloads the view. And of course this assumes that you call self.progressHUD_ = [[[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view] autorelease]; in viewDidLoad rather than in init...
No, you don't have to release it again. Views retain their subviews and release them again automatically when you call removeFromSuperview. As long as the view has been autoreleased when you attach it to the view, it will be released when it is removed from the view.
I didn't quite understand your second question, but yes, you have to release any properties of type "retain" or "copy" in your dealloc statement. You have to write those release statements manually, they aren't added automatically (unless you are using ARC of course, which I strongly recommend).
How is your progressHUD_ property defined? (btw, the ivar should have a trailing underscore, but not the property name).
In case it is defined as (retain, whatever), you will have to release it again:
When you create it, its retainCount is +1.
When you assign it to your property, its retainCount will be increased by one.
When you add it as a subview to the parent view, its retainCount will be increased by one.
At some point, autorelease will eventually decrease it by 1, but the view and the property still hold on to it.
So you'll have to either set your property to nil or call release on the ivar in your dealloc method.
Also, you probably want to use copy instead of retain when defining an NSString property. And yes: you'll have to release it either way.

how to release a class object which is manually retained

I am working on a Tab Bar based application
I have a class A with its .xib and a class B with its .xib
On class A i am loading multiple instances of class B.
i.e In class A ,i am doing.
in .m file
-(void)renderData:(NSArray *)Data
for(int i=0;i<[Data count];i++)
B *grid=[[B alloc]initWithNibName:#"Beta" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
. //do something with the grid object i.e assign new image etc..)
[self.myGrid addObject:grid]; //i have a NSMutableArray myGrid declared in .h
[grid release];
now in the myGrid Array i have all the objects of the grid saved.
Now i am adding them to the class Aplha view.
for(int i=0;i<[myGrid count];i++)
B *grid1=[[myGrid objectAtIndex:i]retain]; //i have done this retain because when i try to come back to this tab or try to call the same function it crashes by saying message send to deallocated instance.
[self.view addSubview:grid1.view];
now my problem is that how to release the grid1 object that i have retained.
You are approaching this wrong. The problem here isn't how to release the grid1 object, it's why you are retaining them in the first place. You most likely shouldn't be; you need to investigate the original crash more thoroughly.
If your grid1 objects are stored in self.myGrid then they are retained by that array. Are you releasing myGrid anywhere? As long as that is retained, your grid1 objects should be.
In addition, there are some conceptual issues here. Loading a view controller from a nib and adding it's view as a sub-view of another view controller's view is generally not correct. It's hard to recommend the correct approach without knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve though.
You do not need to pass in [NSBundle mainBundle] to initWithNibName:bundle: - you can simply pass in nil as the default behaviour is to use the main bundle.
Your comment says you have "assigned" an NSMutableArray in your header. You don't assign anything in your header, you just declare things. Have you actually initialised the NSMutableArray somewhere in your implementation?
You own any object you create when
You create an object using a method whose name begins with “alloc”,
“new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or
When you no longer need it, you must relinquish ownership of an
object you own
You relinquish ownership of an object by sending it a release message
or an autorelease message. In Cocoa terminology, relinquishing
ownership of an object is therefore typically referred to as
“releasing” an object.
To release grid1 use [grid1 release];
Note: There is no reason to retain/release your grid1 object in cycle. Just
B *grid1 = (B*)[myGrid objectAtIndex:i];
[self.view addSubview:grid1.view];
I don't know what happened with your rest code but it looks like you have some memory leaks in another place.

In dealloc method set any delegate to nil is needed or not needed

I have created tableview in my view by programmatic like below
table = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 44, 320, 370) style:UITableViewCellStyleDefault];
table.delegate = self;
table.dataSource = self;
table.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone;
[self.view addSubview:table];
in dealloc method i write like below
table.delegate = nil;
table.dataSource = nil;
[table release];
this the better way or below one is better
[table release];
I want to know if i dont reset delegate and dataSource what will happen
If you are deallocating an object that acts as the delegate to other objects, you need to make sure that you have set their delegates to nil, before you call [super dealloc] (assuming the normal pattern that objects do not retain their delegates). This is because when [super dealloc] has returned, this object is no longer a valid object and the objects it is a delegate to effectively have dangling references, if they have not been set to nil.
In this particular case, you would probably get away without doing it because your object's dealloc probably won't get called except when the UI is being dismantled and the table view no longer needs to use its delegate or data source, but don't bet on it.
From Setting delegate to nil in dealloc:
It's a defensive programming move. It's clearing out the reference to the delegate object incase something else in your object tries to access the delegate after you've told it that you're done with it. As part of your dealloc you might have a method or do something that triggers a KVO notification that makes a call to the delegate. So setting the delegate's reference to nil prevents that from happening. If it did happen you could end up with some oddball crashes that are fun to reproduce and fix.
To add to the answers above, you do not need
table = nil;
in your dealloc. It won't hurt, but it is not necessary to nil out your ivars. Your view is being dealloc'ed and therefore your ivars will no longer be accessible. You are probably confusing that with:
self.table = nil;
which can function as an alternative way to release if you are accessing the ivar via a property.
Of course if you have ARC turned on, then you don't need the release at all.
And to answer your actual question, if you don't nil out the table's delegate and datasource on the dealloc of the view....nothing will happen. They are set to the view, which is in the process of being released. In this case, you will have no issues not doing it. In theory it's good form.

Deallocating and removing UiButtons

I am trying to make a program that dynamically creates a button using the command:
[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]
But when I use these commands the delete the button I create:
[currentButton removeFromSuperview];
[currentButton dealloc];
[currentButton release];
I receive an error. How would I go about removing and deallocating the memory from a uibutton?
I got this problem long time ago, please notice that
[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]
has autorelease inside, so in your initialisation you need to do retain, like this:
_mybutton = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect] retain];
and later point, you can do:
[_mybutton release];
Hope helps
In the Objective-C/Cocoa framework, you encounter two different ways to receive objects: ones which you have explicitly allocated memory for (via a constructor) and ones that you have received memory reference to (via a class method).
FooBar *fone = [[FooBar alloc] initWithText:#"Hello, World!"];
In this example, memory is explicitly being allocated for the object by your call, using the alloc method, and then it is being initialized with data using the initWithText method that would have a method header like this:
- (id)initWithText:(NSString *)text;
On the other hand, you also will encounter objects that are created by classes automatically for you. An example of this would be below:
FooBar *ftwo = [FooBar fooBarWithWelcomeText];
In this example, a FooBar object is being returned even though we are not calling alloc to allocate memory for it. There are many different reasons to implement the method like this, but its mainly done to abstract certain details from the code that is using the object. The above example would have a corresponding method header like this:
+ (FooBar *)fooBarWithWelcomeText;
Depending on which approach is used, it changes how you interact with the memory of the object. So for the first example, after allocating the memory for the object you receive it back with a retain count of 1. If you are done using the object, you need to explictly release it with
[fone release];
In the second example, you are receiving an autoreleased object, which will be deallocated once the autoreleasepool is drained. If you want to keep it, you must explicitly retain with:
[ftwo retain];
If you do not wish to retain it, you can just leave it as is and it will be deallocated automatically. You can tell a method uses autorelease by two characteristics: 1) you will not utilize alloc when you receive the object; and 2) there will be a "+" next to the method heading. This means that the method is declared as a class method (similar to Java static methods).
So to finally answer your specific situation, you only need to make sure that the retain count is lowered to 1 (The only object having a reference to it was the autorelease pool). In your example, it would be done like this:
UIButton *currentButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
[someView addSubView:currentButton];
// some code later
[currentButton removeFromSuperview];
You do not need the release statements because you never explicitly retained it. When you added the UIButton to another view, it retained the object so it incremented the reference count to 2. By removing it from the view, it is lowered back down to 1 so that when the autorelease pool is flushed, your UIButton will be deallocated. Btw, never call the dealloc method directly. When the retain count of an object is decremented to 0, the dealloc method will automatically be called.
You can't not dealloced the UIButton which you get through buttonWithType from system,if you don't alloced any instance then you are not entitled to call release on that.
In your case, you can use removeFromSuperview but not either dealloc or release .
You can't call dealloc directly on object, this is invoked by the system when you say release on object.
you could create you button using initWithFrame function of UIView. But you will get only the button type UIButtonTypeCustom which is by default, and also can't not change the button type because it's readonly property. So you would get the rounded button by using your some images.
You're not supposed to call dealloc directly. Try removing the dealloc line and see how that works.

Autorelease and "assign" properties in Objective-C? (On iPhone)

I have an instance of a UITableView, and a separate class that adheres to the delegate and datasource protocols. I'm doing this like so:
SubjectTableViewHandler *handler = [[[SubjectTableViewHandler alloc] init] retain];
tv.delegate = handler;
tv.dataSource = handler;
[handler autorelease];
I don't want to maintain the handler as an ivar, and if I take off the retain call at the end, when the autorelease happens, it is sent release, then added to the pool, which causes an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. So currently, the retain count is:
(1) At init: 1
(2) At retain: 2
(3) delegate/datasource properties are 'assign', still 2
(4) At autorelease: 1, now in autorelease pool.
But then since the properties are 'assign', they will never be released, the retain count will never hit 0, and the handler will never be deallocated anyway. Is there any more efficient way to accomplish this than maintaining the handler as an ivar and releasing it in the dealloc method?
When you initialize the object using init, you are claiming ownership of it and there is no reason to call retain. You also don't want to call autorelease since that will cause the object to be released at the of the run loop.
Since you need to keep the handler (so that your tableView can call the delegate/dataSource methods) and a reference to the handler after the method returns (so you can release it when you are done showing the tableView), the cleanest approach would be to make it an ivar.
The only solution that I can see is, as you mentioned, to make it an ivar and store, allocate, and deallocate it in parallel with the table.
It all depends on your use of table view.
Common practice is you create a view controller which is a delegate to table and table may be a controller's member.
As another alternative you can inherit from UITableView and make it delegate of itself.
Sometimes it's better to use a singleton delegate.
Also, in table delegate methods first argument is tableview, so one delegate object can service multiple tables.