Open standard iPhone photo library application from iPhone app - iphone

I need to open photo library from my iPhone app just like standard iPhone Camera application does. Is it possible?
I don't want picking-style interface of UIImagePickerController - it has unnecessary controls like "Use" and "Cancel" buttons and does not have full photo library viewing functionality - zooming and sliding between photos etc. My goal is to navigate user to the photo library for viewing photos (with full functionality of viewing photos) and - when user has finished - return to my app - just like standard Camera application does when you preview last-taken photos.

I believe the "Three20"-framework has such a photo library.

seem like that it is possible to open only 1 photo using UIImagePickerController, can not open multiple photos.


Integrate Photo Gallery + iPhone

I am making an app in which on one of the view I want to display photo gallery photos thumbnails. If I click on any image then It must get zoom, there is also accept and delete functionality on zoom view. If user want to delete the photo then It must get delete from the photo gallery. I have tried a lot to implement this functionality but unable to get the required output.
How should I integrate the default photo gallery with my app? Following are the images which make you more clear about the functionality I want to implement. How can I start to make this functionality?
hi there is a good framework which is capable of this
If you want other similar things goto cocoacontrols
Use KTPhotoBrowser

iPhone, if possible to get a photo from album without use UIImagePickerController?

as topic, I want iPhone app can access the photo album and got a photo but without popup the UIImagePickerController, does it possible ?
thanks for tip
You can, with iOS 4 or later. Look at the documentation for ALAssetsLibrary and the associated AssetsLibrary.framework. You would have to determine what media you're interested in yourself and basically handle all the niceness the built-in picker does for you.

Load Gallery images in Viewcontroller of iphone

am new to iPhone and i have been given a task to show all the images from the gallery of the iPhone to the current view so that the user can select an image and view it and here's the second part of my problem i am having a share button and its functionality is that the selected image by the user on the touch of the share button must be shared on facebook.
Please help me regarding this,
To select image from photo library use UIImagePickerController, here's an example:
To integrate facebook in your app, you'll use facebook ios sdk:
Edit 1:
Ok, here's the link for uiimagepickercontrollerdelegate whose method you'll use to get the image, it's really not that hard:
Here's the demo for facebook connect:
link text

how to search for an image in iphone

how can i programmatically search for an image in iphone.
as i am developing the application like that which would browse for the image in iphone.
If you need to get the imaes stored in the photo library you can easily do it by using a UIImagePickerController.

Need way to view an album of pictures on iPhone

I don't need to take pictures or access the iPhone photo album. I simply need to display a bunch of pictures in thumbnail form and then let the user view the larger version when tapped.
Would I use an uiimagepickercontroller or another controller?
If so does anyone have an example of how I load in the pictures to view?
You can use the same tools that the facebook app uses: three20
Joe Hewitt, the developer behind the facebook app has open sourced much of his work. You can get it and many other goodies here: