Cocos2d IPhone sprite problem - iphone

The problem is - when i load game on iphone some sprites are shown, some are not, plus CCBitmapFontAtlas labels and CCMenu button are also not visible and when i tap on the place where button have to be - there is no effect. At simulator it worked just fine. What is the reason of such strange situation?
IPad aslo works ok.

Hard to say without more detail, but it could be some issue with your build. Try cleaning your targets and republishing to make sure that your iPhone device has the exact files you want it to have. The behavior you describe could come from older versions of image files being used (say, an Atlas sprite going to a frame that used to be blank but has content in the new version).


Scene freezes but game continues at back

I'm using 2020.3.15f2 at my project. Not regularly, but sometimes game freezes visually on mobile phone. I mean that moment is always on the scene even you change to different scene. You can click everywhere, also ads are coming too. There is no sign of error on profiler or XCode.
I've tried canvas with screen space camera, and I'm just rendering a changing text with a camera. It still doesn't change. So rendering is not the main problem here I guess. I did'nt find any release notes about it. Do you know what is the issue or what is the version with fix to that problem?

gwtbootstrap3-extras slider does not work properly on IPhone6s (OS.10.2.1)

I tried to use the Slider in my project.
When I tried to drag it using Chrome developer environment with device emulation turned on the tool-tips showing the current value are visible, but I cannot drag it.
When I tried the very same project on my IPhone, I can drag it perfectly but the tool-tips don't show up, so I can't see the value.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
I found out that using the attribute does the trick and it actually works on touch devices like my IPhone 6s . This is remarable because tooltips don't work on buttons using gwtbootstrap3. Actually they work but they take the first tip to show up. So you need to tip twice on a button which is not good.

Launch image can't be deleted from Xcode project

I added a launch image to my iPhone app in Xcode, but after while, I realized that it wasn't the right image, so I deleted it , but the problem, the image is still showing up on the app.
I have tried building and cleaning from scratch but still no luck .
Any help would be appreciated.
Considering that you have properly deleted the Default.png
In this Target Settings , go to Copy Bundle Resources. Remove the Default.png from there too.
Clean and Rebuild and Run the app. I am sure it won't show up then.
I think that should work for you.
Also try refering to following links:
can't remove splash screen image in iOS Simulator
Hope this helps.
Did you remove the reference to the image in your app's info PLIST and/or the project build properties? Did you delete the image from the filesystem or just delete the reference in XCode? I would check both those things and then do a clean build.
Good Luck.
I was founded another reason to have it. If u disable to use asset catalog for launch images, but keep images inside image set, Xcode anyway using images from image set (definitely bug in Xcode). After removing, clean and removing app from a device/simulator, problem is gone.
That’s not possible. Every iOS app have a launch image, which you can change. The shorter your app takes to load, the shorter you’ll see that image. There is absolutely no way around this, since it’s something Apple specifically did to ensure that the user is never left with a black screen (that’s somewhere in the documentation I think).
If you want an animation, change your first scene to a scene with that animation, which redirects to your home scene after the animation is done. You can make your user think the launch image is part of the animation by having your first animation frame be the same as that image. That’s how most games do (Infinity Blade for example).

iPhone game display is off the screen by 10 pixels or so on the device

I recently deployed my first iPhone app, a simple game, to my testing iPhone for the first time. Everything looks and runs fine on the simulator in Xcode, but on the iPhone the whole image is shifted up about 10 pixels or so. So the gameplay goes slightly offscreen on top and has a slim white/grey bar at the bottom. Has anyone encountered this before? I do have the status bar display turned off, I'm wondering if the device handles that flag differently than the simulator. I also have the rotation hardcoded to be in portraitRight mode at all times, and I have an extra line in the code to make the simulator do that automatically that's apparently not necessary on the device.
Everything is very simple, so I'm not sure where this glitch is coming from or even where to look.
Did you use Interface Builder to create your UI? If you did, then go and check each and every XIB file(s) objects' Size & Position as well as Autosizing in Size Inspector (command-3).
It's very important to check both: your coordinates might have gone wrong after some change you did and autoscaling works in weird ways unless you attach to correct edges. Apple documentation should help

iPhone Splash: "Default.png" displays on simulator but not the iPhone

I'm trying to give my iPhone a splash screen.
I've placed Default.png in my resources group. When I run the simulator it is displayed as expected, however when I install my application to the iPhone, no splash screen is displayed.
Does anyone know what the cause/solution to this problem is?
If Default.png is not showing up in device, but simulator... then try the following.
Be sure you delete any "default.png", "Default.png", "Default.PNG", etc. that you might have created in several wrong attemps from within XCode and in Finder.
Delete the App on your iPhone/iPod/iPad
In Xcode Build->Clean All Targets
In Finder go to your project and locate the build folder, delete all folders in there.
Create a new Default.png like in the following example:
Connect iPhone/iPod to Mac.
Start your App on iPhone
In XCode launch Organizer (Window->Organizer)
Select your connected Device
You should see a tab "Screenshots"
Push the Capture Button, to make a Screenshot of your App
Push "As Default Image..." Button (This will create the Default.png and add it to your project, so that's a really handy thing)
Build and Run again. It should work now
Problems can occur due to wrong format (should be 320 width and 480 height (yes, that means you can see the status bar in your default.png)) or because you might have named the first file default.png (WHICH IS WRONG), which worked in simulator because it seems to be case insensitive but then when it gets copied to iPhone, it won't be found, cause it is case sensitive. So it will still be there in build folder (i think) causing a next correctly named Default.png not to override the old default.png in this iPhone build folder and so it might seem, that you can't fix the problem (cause you see Default.png in project, but in build it's still default.png).
At least this is my understanding now (afterwards), since for me it simply didn't want to work even though I tried again and again with different solutions from other people.
So from my point of view this different file handling (case/not case sensitive) is a mess that you can solve, by simply cleaning all and everything and trying to generate a new Default.png with the organizer (after everything was cleaned).
If you want a different/modified splash screen. Open the generated Default.png with photoshop/gimp/whatever and edit it.
Make sure your image is 480x320 pixels, and placed in your application at the top level. The frameworks will display this image until your initial view has loaded and is ready for display.
If you are seeing a black background then there is something amiss, however if you are just seeing your app's initial view then be happy you have managed to launch your app and have it ready for use in good time.
If you really, really want the user to to see your splash screen then slow down your launch by adding a delay into your app before you present the initial view
The file name must be Default.png (with a capital D). Also, do a clean/rebuild of the entire project to ensure the most recent version of the file is being included in the project. Check the filename on the filesystem, it may display differently in XCode.
Make sure that is is added into the bundle. To do this, select the image in the XCode left navigation panel, get info on the file, and make sure the checkbox for your target is enabled. Also make sure the file is really a png and not just named that way.
Just check the spelling ... I think u r using "default.png" instead of "Default.png". just make "d" capital "D" of Default.png .
Another possible issue that is Default.png is actually Default.jpg that was renamed to .png.
This will work fine on the simulator, but won't work on the device.
If you are using an iphone 4 you also need to add a
Default#2x.png with the size 640*960 px.
That's what fixed it for me.
This naming convention applies to all images in your app btw.
I had a similar problem, but my images were being displayed as gray or gray bars. It turned out that there was an alpha channel on the PNG images that the simulator was having no problem with, but the iphone wouldn't display. I opened the images in preview on my Mac and re-saved them without the alpha channel and everything worked. Don't know if this is your problem, but it might be worth a try.
I know this is old, but I'm having the exact same issue. The image doesn't show on the device, but is fine on the simulator. I noticed a lot of really weird things with my project, like there were 3-4 "Default.png" images in my plist and that there were a few other "Default.png" images in different libraries and stuff that I didn't notice.
I tried everything to get them to show up, but after creating a new project and setting the launch images to the EXACT same images I was trying to use, they worked fine. The only thing I can think is that somewhere the project gets corrupted and won't figure out what those launch images do.
Had the same problem caused by saving the initial file as default.png, so it should be Default.png (normal) and Default#2x.png (retina) images.
Go to your projects plist and add a row "Launch image" - use a different file name. Save your images with this name (and add #2x.png for retina). Should be fine afterwards.
Also, if you've already install the app on device, delete the app from device (as previous installation may not affect the changes).