matlab image processing 3d - matlab

i have 100 b&w image of smthing.the probllem is i want to scan each image in 0&1 formatin mby n format and then place each image to one over one and again scan and save them in mbynby100 form.
how i do this and from where i should start

Your question is vague and hard to understand, but my guess is that you want to take 100 M-by-N grayscale intensity images, threshold them to create logical matrices (i.e. containing zeroes and ones), then put them together into one M-by-N-by-100 matrix. You can do the thresholding by simply picking a threshold value yourself, like 0.5, and applying it to an image A as follows:
B = A > 0.5;
The matrix B will now be an M-by-N logical matrix with ones where A is greater than 0.5 and zeroes where A is less than or equal to 0.5.
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you could instead use the function GRAYTHRESH to pick a threshold and the function IM2BW to apply it:
B = im2bw(A,graythresh(A));
Once you do this, you can easily put the images into an M-by-N-by-100 logical matrix. Here's an example of how you could do this in a loop, assuming the variables M and N are defined:
allImages = false(M,N,100); %# Initialize the matrix to store all the images
for k = 1:100
%# Here, you would load your image into variable A
allImages(:,:,k) = im2bw(A,graythresh(A)); %# Threshold A and add it to
%# the matrix allImages


Dividing image into blocks in Matlab [duplicate]

I've been using blockproc for processing images blockwise. Unfortunately, blockproc is part of the Image Processing Toolbox, which I don't have on my personal computer.
Is there a combination of functions in base Matlab that can substitute for blockproc?
My initial guess was to use im2col to transform each block into columns, and then arrayfun to process each column. Then I realized that im2col is also a part of the Image Processing Toolbox, so that doesn't solve my problem.
Here is an example using MAT2CELL. It dividing the image into N-by-M tiles, and handles the case when the image size is not evenly divisible by the number of tiles.
%# 2D grayscale image
I = imread('coins.png');
%# desird number of horizontal/vertical tiles to divide the image into
numBlkH = 4;
numBlkW = 4;
%# compute size of each tile in pixels
[imgH,imgW,~] = size(I);
szBlkH = [repmat(fix(imgH/numBlkH),1,numBlkH-1) imgH-fix(imgH/numBlkH)*(numBlkH-1)];
szBlkW = [repmat(fix(imgW/numBlkW),1,numBlkW-1) imgW-fix(imgW/numBlkW)*(numBlkW-1)];
%# divide into tiles, and linearize using a row-major order
C = mat2cell(I, szBlkH, szBlkW)';
C = C(:);
%# display tiles i subplots
figure, imshow(I)
for i=1:numBlkH*numBlkW
subplot(numBlkH,numBlkW,i), imshow( C{i} )
The input image and the resulting tiles:
Won't mat2tiles together with cellfun and cell2mat do more or less what blockproc does?
You could write a wrapper yourself to make it use the same arguments as blockproc, I don't think it should be that hard to do.

Matlab: trouble with taking derivative of image?

So I need to take the derivative of an image in the x-direction for this assignment, with the goal of getting some form of gradient. My thought is to use the diff(command) on each row of the image and then apply a Gaussian filter. I haven't started the second part because the first is giving me trouble. In attempting to get the x-derivative I have:
origImage = imread('TightRope.png');
for h = 1:3 %%h represents color channel
for i = size(origImage,1)
newImage(i,:,h) = diff(origImage(i,:,h)); %%take derivative of row and translate to new row
The issue is somewhere along the way I get the error 'Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.'.
Error in Untitled2 (line 14)
newImage(i,:,h) = diff(origImage(i,:,h));
Does anyone have any ideas on why that might be happening and if my approach is correct for getting the gradient/gaussian derivative?
Why not use fspecial along with imfilter instead?
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
subplot 131; imshow(I); title('original')
h = fspecial('prewitt');
derivative = imfilter(I,h','replicate'); %'
subplot 132; imshow(derivative); title('derivative')
hsize = 5;
sigma = 1;
h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma) ;
gaussian = imfilter(derivative,h','replicate'); %'
subplot 133; imshow(gaussian); title('derivative + gaussian')
The result is the following one:
If your goal is to use diff to generate the derivative rather than to create a loop, you can just tell diff to give you the derivative in the x-direction (along dimension 2):
newImage = diff(double(origImage), 1, 2);
The 1 is for the first derivative and 2 is for the derivative along the second dimension. See diff.
As #rayryeng mentions in his answer, it's important to cast the image as double.
Given a N element vector, diff returns a N-1 length vector, so the reason why you are getting an alignment mismatch is because you are trying to assign the output of diff into an incorrect number of slots. Concretely, supposing that N is the total number of columns, you are using diff on a 1 X N vector which thus returns a 1 x (N - 1) vector and you are trying to assign this output as a single row into the output image which is expected to be 1 x N. The missing element is causing the alignment mismatch. diff works by taking pairs of elements in the vector and subtracting them to produce new elements, thus the reason why there is one element missing in the final output.
If you want to get your code working, one way is to pad each row of the image or signal vector with an additional zero (for example) as input into diff. Something like this could work. Take note that I'll be converting your image to double to allow the derivative to take on negative values:
origImage = imread('...'); %// Place path to image here and read in
origImage = im2double(origImage); %// Change - Convert to double precision
newImage = zeros(size(origImage)); %// Change - Create blank new image and populate each row per channel manually
for h = 1:3 %%h represents color channel
for ii = 1:size(origImage,1) %// Change - fixed for loop iteration
newImage(ii,:,h) = diff([0 origImage(ii,:,h)]); %// Change
Take note that your for loop was incorrect since it didn't go over every row... just the last row.
When I use the onion.png image that's part of the image processing toolbox:
...and when I run this code, I get this image using imshow(newImage,[]);:
Take note that the difference filter was applied to each channel individually and I changed the intensities per channel so that the smallest value gets mapped to 0 and the largest value gets mapped to 1. How you can interpret this image is that any areasthat have a non-black colour have some non-zero differences and hence there is some activity going on in those areas and any areas that have a dark / black colour means that there is no activity going on in those areas. Take note that we applied a horizontal filter, so if you wanted to do this vertically, you'd simply repeat the behaviour but apply this column-wise instead of row-wise as you did above.

MATLAB image patches around multiple coordinates (in vectors) without loops [duplicate]

I need to extract image patches of size s x s x 3 around specified 2D locations from an image (3 channels).
How can I do this efficiently without a for loop? I know I can extract one patch around (x,y) location as:
apatch = I(y-s/2:y+s/2, x-s/2:x+s/2, :)
How can I do this for many patches? I know I can use MATLAB's function blockproc but I can't specify the locations.
You can use im2col from the image processing toolbox to transform each pixel neighbourhood into a single column. The pixel neighbourhoods are selected such that each block is chose on a column-basis, which means that the blocks are constructed by traversing down the rows first, then proceeding to the next column and getting the neighbourhoods there.
You call im2col this way:
B = im2col(A, [M N]);
I'm assuming you'll want sliding / overlapping neighbourhoods and not distinct neighbourhoods, which are what is normally used when performing any kind of image filtering. A is your image and you want to find M x N pixel neighbourhoods transformed as columns. B would be the output where each neighbourhood is a single column and horizontally-tiled together. However, you'll probably want to handle the case where you want to grab pixel neighbourhoods along the borders of the image. In this case, you'll want to pad the image first. We're going to assume that M and N are odd to allow the padding to be easier. Specifically, you want to be sure that there are floor(M/2) rows padded on top of the image as well as the bottom as well as floor(N/2) columns padded to the left of the image as well as the right. As such, we should pad A first by using padarray. Let's assume that the border pixels will be replicated, which means that the padded rows and columns will simply be those grabbed from the top or bottom row, or the left and right column, depending on where we need to pad. Therefore:
Apad = padarray(A, floor([M N]/2), 'replicate');
For the next part, if you want to choose specify neighbourhoods, you can use sub2ind to convert your 2D co-ordinates into linear indices so you can select the right columns to get the right pixel blocks. However, because you have a colour image, you'll want to perform im2col on each colour channel. Unfortunately, im2col only works on grayscale images, and so you'd have to repeat this for each channel in your image.
As such, to get ready for patch sampling, do something like this:
B = arrayfun(#(x) im2col(Apad(:,:,x), [M N]), 1:size(A,3), 'uni', 0);
B = cat(3, B{:});
The above code will create a 3D version of im2col, where each 3D slice would be what im2col produces for each colour channel. Now, we can use sub2ind to convert your (x,y) co-ordinates into linear indices so that we can choose which pixel neighbourhoods we want. Therefore, assuming your positions are stored in vectors x and y, you would do something like this:
%// Generate linear indices
ind = sub2ind([size(A,1) size(A,2)], y, x);
%// Select neighbourhoods
%// Should be shaped as a MN x len(ind) x 3 matrix
neigh = B(:,ind,:);
%// Create cell arrays for each patch
patches = arrayfun(#(x) reshape(B(:,x,:), [M N 3]), 1:numel(ind), 'uni', 0);
patches will be a cell array where each element contains your desired patch at each location of (x,y) that you specify. Therefore, patches{1} would be the patch located at (x(1), y(1)), patches{2} would be the patch located at (x(2), y(2)), etc. For your copying and pasting pleasure, this is what we have:
%// Define image, M and N here
Apad = padarray(A, floor([M N]/2), 'replicate');
B = arrayfun(#(x) im2col(Apad(:,:,x), [M N]), 1:size(A,3), 'uni', 0);
B = cat(3, B{:});
ind = sub2ind([size(A,1) size(A,2)], y, x);
neigh = B(:,ind,:);
patches = arrayfun(#(x) reshape(neigh(:,x,:), [M N 3]), 1:numel(ind), 'uni', 0);
As unexpected as this may seem, but for me the naive for-loop is actually the fastest. This might depend on your version of MATLAB though, as with newer versions they keep on improving the JIT compiler.
Common data:
A = rand(30, 30, 3); % Image
I = [5,2,3,21,24]; % I = y
J = [3,7,5,20,22]; % J = x
s = 3; % Block size
Naive approach: (faster than im2col and arrayfun!)
Patches = cell(size(I));
steps = -(s-1)/2:(s-1)/2;
for k = 1:numel(Patches);
Patches{k} = A(I(k)+steps, ...
J(k)+steps, ...
Approach using arrayfun: (slower than the loop)
steps = -(s-1)/2:(s-1)/2;
Patches = arrayfun(#(ii,jj) A(ii+steps,jj+steps,:), I, J, 'UniformOutput', false);

Using SVD to compress an image in MATLAB

I am brand new to MATLAB but am trying to do some image compression code for grayscale images.
How can I use SVD to trim off low-valued eigenvalues to reconstruct a compressed image?
Work/Attempts so far
My code so far is:
%read the image and store it as matrix B, convert the image to a grayscale
photo and convert the matrix to a class 'double' for values 0-255
This allows me to successfully decompose the image matrix with eigenvalues stored in variable S.
How do I truncate S (which is 167x301, class double)? Let's say of the 167 eigenvalues I want to take only the top 100 (or any n really), how do I do that and reconstruct the compressed image?
Updated code/thoughts
Instead of putting a bunch of code in the comments section, this is the current draft I have. I have been able to successfully create the compressed image by manually changing N, but I would like to do 2 additional things:
1- Show a pannel of images for various compressions (i/e, run a loop for N = 5,10,25, etc.)
2- Somehow calculate the difference (error) between each image and the original and graph it.
I am horrible with understanding loops and output, but this is what I have tried:
%read the image and store it as matrix B, convert the image to a grayscale
%photo and convert the image to a class 'double'
for N=[5,10,25,50,100]
%Use singular value decomposition on the image doubleB, create a new matrix
%C (for Compression diagonal) and zero out all entries above N, (which in
%this case is 100). Then construct a new image, D, by using the new
%diagonal matrix C.
Obviously there are some errors because I don't get multiple pictures or know how to "graph" the error matrix
Although this question is old, it has helped me a lot to understand SVD. I have modified the code you have written in your question to make it work.
I believe you might have solved the problem, however just for the future reference for anyone visiting this page, I am including the complete code here with the output images and graph.
Below is the code:
close all
clear all
%reading and converting the image
% decomposing the image using singular value decomposition
% Using different number of singular values (diagonal of S) to compress and
% reconstruct the image
dispEr = [];
numSVals = [];
for N=5:25:300
% store the singular values in a temporary var
C = S;
% discard the diagonal values not required for compression
% Construct an Image using the selected singular values
% display and compute error
buffer = sprintf('Image output using %d singular values', N)
% store vals for display
dispEr = [dispEr; error];
numSVals = [numSVals; N];
% dislay the error graph
title('Error in compression');
plot(numSVals, dispEr);
grid on
xlabel('Number of Singular Values used');
ylabel('Error between compress and original image');
Applying this to the following image:
Gives the following result with only first 5 Singular Values,
with first 30 Singular Values,
and the first 55 Singular Values,
The change in error with increasing number of singular values can be seen in the graph below.
Here you can notice the graph is showing that using approximately 200 first singular values yields to approximately zero error.
Just to start, I assume you're aware that the SVD is really not the best tool to decorrelate the pixels in a single image. But it is good practice.
OK, so we know that B = U*S*V'. And we know S is diagonal, and sorted by magnitude. So by using only the top few values of S, you'll get an approximation of your image. Let's say C=U*S2*V', where S2 is your modified S. The sizes of U and V haven't changed, so the easiest thing to do for now is to zero the elements of S that you don't want to use, and run the reconstruction. (Easiest way to do this: S2=S; S2(N+1:end, :) = 0; S2(:, N+1:end) = 0;).
Now for the compression part. U is full, and so is V, so no matter what happens to S2, your data volume doesn't change. But look at what happens to U*S2. (Plot the image). If you kept N singular values in S2, then only the first N rows of S2 are nonzero. Compression! Except you still have to deal with V. You can't use the same trick after you've already done (U*S2), since more of U*S2 is nonzero than S2 was by itself. How can we use S2 on both sides? Well, it's diagonal, so use D=sqrt(S2), and now C=U*D*D*V'. So now U*D has only N nonzero rows, and D*V' has only N nonzero columns. Transmit only those quantities, and you can reconstruct C, which is approximately like B.
For example, here's a 512 x 512 B&W image of Lena:
We compute the SVD of Lena. Choosing the singular values above 1% of the maximum singular value, we are left with just 53 singular values. Reconstructing Lena with these singular values and the corresponding (left and right) singular vectors, we obtain a low-rank approximation of Lena:
Instead of storing 512 * 512 = 262144 values (each taking 8 bits), we can store 2 x (512 x 53) + 53 = 54325 values, which is approximately 20% of the original size. This is one example of how SVD can be used to do lossy image compression.
Here's the MATLAB code:
% open Lena image and convert from uint8 to double
Lena = double(imread('LenaBW.bmp'));
% perform SVD on Lena
[U,S,V] = svd(Lena);
% extract singular values
singvals = diag(S);
% find out where to truncate the U, S, V matrices
indices = find(singvals >= 0.01 * singvals(1));
% reduce SVD matrices
U_red = U(:,indices);
S_red = S(indices,indices);
V_red = V(:,indices);
% construct low-rank approximation of Lena
Lena_red = U_red * S_red * V_red';
% print results to command window
r = num2str(length(indices));
m = num2str(length(singvals));
disp(['Low-rank approximation used ',r,' of ',m,' singular values']);
% save reduced Lena
imwrite(uint8(Lena_red),'Reduced Lena.bmp');
taking the first n max number of eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors may solve your problem.For PCA, the original data multiplied by the first ascending eigenvectors will construct your image by n x d where d represents the number of eigenvectors.

Is there an efficient way to pad a matrix with zeros on all sides?

I'm performing texture synthesis on images using the Efros and Leung Algorithm. My goal is to grow the size of my current textured image and, to do it, I'd like to pad the current image matrix with zeros on all sides.
My current plan given an original image matrix of size MxN and a desired growth size of P:
(1) Create a target matrix of size (M+2P)x(N+2P)
(2) Set the value of target(i+P,j+P) = original(i,j)
(3) Run Efros and Leung
Is there a way I can eliminate (1) and (2) and just operate on the original image to pad it in all directions with P zeros?
If you have access to the Image Processing Toolbox, you can use the function PADARRAY:
imgPadded = padarray(img, [p p], 0, 'both');
Otherwise you can simply use matrix indexing:
sz = size(img);
imgPadded = zeros([sz(1:2)+2*p size(img,3)], class(img));
imgPadded((1:sz(1))+p, (1:sz(2))+p, :) = img;
This should work for both grayscale and RGB images.
>> y = [zeros(P,N+2*P) ; [zeros(M,P), x, zeros(M,P)] ; zeros(P,N+2*P)];
where x is the original image matrix and y is the output should work. If the matrix has 3 planes, adjust to:
>> y = [zeros(P,N+2*P,3) ; [zeros(M,P,3), x, zeros(M,P,3)] ; zeros(P,N+2*P,3)];
Use padarray:
y = padarray(x, [P P]);