How to hide border of cells in wpf toolkit datagrid? - c#-3.0

I want to hide the borders of cells in wpf toolkit datagrid (like ShowGridLine property of WPF grid).
How can I achive this behaviour?

It can be achieved by setting GridLinesVisibility="None"


Enable align buttons on toolbar in Netbean

How can I enable align buttons on toolbar? I´m using Netbean v12
Your layout must be set to Free Design and you must have selected two or more components to have those buttons enabled.

Kendo grid MVVM

I have kendo grid with column re-sizable option. When I double click on column header that column should re-size to auto width (ref:"").
I need this options through MVVM (Model-View-View Model). I am new to this kendo & mvvm concepts, please help me.
To add your double-click handler you would need to make a custom MVVM binder.
There is some documentation on making a custom binder here:
Then your grid element could have something like
data-bind="gridColumnResize: x"
Another alternative is to extend the default Grid widget and make your own, and in the init you can add your double-click handler.
Since this is JavaScript, you could even overwrite the existing Kendo Grid widget and add this feature to all grids.

how to customize eclipse-rcp application's look and feel?

Use presentation solution can only change the look&feel of Views and Editors,
Can I change the look&feel of swt widgets, such as Tree, Table , TextInput ...and the background-color of all the gray panels
You can use the e4's CSS engine to render the elements. It works well with 3.x as well.

Disable Selection for GWT CellList

I'm trying to build a website similar to, at least with respect to how it displays and filters results. I'm using GWT and have built a Composite widget which uses a CellList to display the results.
I'm not happy with how the cells are selectable. I've tried setting the SelectionModel of the CellList to an instance of NoSelectionModel, but that doesn't seem to work. Really, I just want to display some text and a few hyperlinks in each cell and only give the user visual feedback (change the mouse pointer, etc.) when the mouse is over a hyperlink.
See if this works for you:
to disable selection on a CellList.

Telerik Grid MVC 2 Changing Css Properties

I have a SELECTABLE telerik grid with a checkbox column. When the checkbox is selected I change the background color of the row to yellow using javascript.
I would like to restore the original css of the grid when the checkbox is deselected using javascript. I can toggle the row background color but because the grid is selectable the css doesn't act the same way the default grid. This is having alternating background colors for rows and a row hover background color change.
Is this possible, and how is it done? Thanks.
Telerik mvc grid has built in row selection capabilities. Take a look at this page : Client Side Selection in TELERIK MVC GRID.
Only adding the following to your grid
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelected("onRowSelected"))
should work