Mobile Specific Site Development. Where to start? - iphone

I'm beginning the process of learning the ins and outs of developing sites for mobile web browsers. Are there any good resources/communities online that discuss mobile specific site development issues?
My initial understanding is that to cover different phones you need to build one site that is enabled for browsers with the webkit engine (iphone, android, etc.) and another more basic site for other older browsers, is this assumption correct?
Also what does developing for webkit mean exactly? How is it different than just using javascript/css/html? Is it the same except that you limit yourself to webkit specific functions and css? I looked on the webkit site, but it didn't explain it in those terms.
Are there any other snafus I need to watch out for when developing for mobile browsers?

Your assumption is correct, you will need to develop multiple versions of your site targeted at different browser types.
Webkit is the engine used by Safari (mobile Safari), Chrome, and Andriod Browser (mobile Chrome?) you can use standard Javascript, XHTML, and CSS, the main thing, is making your site "fat-finger-friendly" since these devices are all driven by touch screens.
What I mean by "fat-finger-friendly" is that you have large links/buttons that are easy to hit with your finger, most mobile browsers are good at approximating which link you intended to touch, but if you have alot of stuff jammed together, it frequently gusses wrong.
Another consiteration is screen size, and thus the width/height of your site.
The best illustration I have of this is from Ars Technica -- checkout their site in your desktop browser, then check out their site in your mobile browser. Its a very slick version of the site. (

Webkit is rendering engine designed to allow web browsers to render web pages. It provides the set of classes to display the web content in windows and implement different features which are provided by browser (such as links, fwd/backward etc).
You don't need to build the different sites for different rendering engines such as webkit. Designing of mobile web site should consider the screen size and how different components look/behave in different rendering engines.
Look at this question for more details of how to build the mobile friendly site.

If you want to support older browsers, then you should have multiple sites. But take a look at mobile browser stats first to decide if it's worth it. If you just want to make your existing website work for iPhone/Android or other phones with A-grade browsers, then you can customize with a mobile friendly CSS (for small screens). But to get good performance on mobile devices on slow/unreliable connections, you probably need to have a separate stripped down html.
Apple has a very good guide to help you optimize your site for iPhone. Most of it will also work on modern mobile browsers:
Peter Paul Koch has done an excellent research on different mobile browsers. He has several articles, but this one is a good start:
Like Nate Bross mentioned, you should optimize for touch devices. Unfortunately it's very difficult to know if a device has touch or not, since there is no media query for it. You can do user agent sniffing for some devices, but I don't recommend it. More discussion here: Optimize website for touch devices
For the moment, I detect touch events (with an exception for Chrome). If this returns true, I inject a touch CSS. A bit nasty, but the other options are worse:
function() {
if( /Chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
You specifically asked for sites for mobile web browsers, but you might also check out the possibilities of creating a mobile web app. It looks like an iPhone app (or Android for that matter), but it's built with the help of HTML5. You can do pretty slick animations with the CSS3 in the webkit image, and iPhone also has meta tags to hide the Safari navigation toolbars. Users can then bookmark your page to their home screen, and it will work just like a normal iPhone app. Of course you're limited to the browser and it's performance. But you can create multiplatform apps :) HTML5 + JS is the only multi-mobile-platform language Steve Jobs approves, and with the help of PhoneGap you can even get it into the AppStore!
If web-app sounds interesting you should check out jQTouch, jQuery CSS Transition plugin and of course Building iPhone apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript by Jonathan Stark.

If your site is pretty simple (just content delivery) I'd suggest a service like mobify:
A lot of big publications use it, and I have too. In fact, Ars Technica (which Nate Bross pointed to in an earlier reply) uses this service to display their mobile content.
You have control over style, and that's about it, so if your site is more complex it might not be for you. Otherwise, it's a good service. You can have a mobile site up almost as quickly as it takes for the DNS for your mobile site's address to update.

I disagree that you need to build multiple versions of a Web site.
One simple HTML5 Web site will work across all mobile browsers and desktop browsers too.
The beauty of the latest developments of HTML5 is that you could use new Iphone/Android features like Geolocation, and older browsers will simply ignore the JS code if you carefully put it within try catch statements.
For "fat finger" type problems you can serve a different CSS which makes buttons bigger if you really must. Good browsers should make default buttons easy to press in any case.
Keep it simple and you won't have to see these fragmented & costly device dependent approaches. Write HTML5 by hand and use a validator. Good luck!


About making a mobile version of a website

I want to make a mobile version of a website (you know, those with .m in the URL). How is this done, and what is different from a regular website? Can I still make my website in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, or do I also need some additional tools for mobile sites?
Final question - is there a difference viewing a mobile website on an Android phone versus an iPhone?
How is this done?
In the same way as you do websites, is just HTML/CSS/JS and a bit more.
What is different from a regular website?
Basically but not only:
The display size is the biggest (or in this case, the smaller) difference, you have to take care of small displays and viewports.
The user will interact with the finger and not with the mouse, so the clickable area must be bigger.
Can I still make my website in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, or do I also need some additional tools for mobile sites?
Yes you can (and should) use just HTML/CSS/JS but check for the different video/audio tags already on webkit mobile.
Is there a difference viewing a mobile website on an Android phone versus an iPhone?
Both come from webkit but they have small differences (like the touch events) but for mostly websites the differences are minimal.
A website, even a mobile one, is still a website, which means you'll use the same stuff as for any other normal website : HTML, CSS, Javascript, images...
The main thing you'll generally have to think about are :
Mobile devices often have small screens, and various resolutions,
Mobile networks are not really fast, and sometimes have awful ping ; so, your pages must be lightweight, and not include too many external files/images.
Touch-screens mean you'll have to put some spaces arround the things that must be clickable (to prevent the user from clicking the wrong link because two are too close)
iPhones and recent Android devices have some quite advanced browsers ; there should not be that many differences between them (you might find more differences between android 1.6 and 2.3 than between android 2.3 and iPhone ; and there are also many different browsers on android) -- still, don't forget testing on as many devices as possible
You can make your mobile version using HTML/CSS just like any other website. There are guidelines you can follow to help you with the process. Search Google.
You can also look at platforms that help you put things together like jqTouch

HTML5 web app vs Native mobile apps

Hi I have been recently exploring some of the Javascript mobile frameworks that can be used for developing mobile web apps like Sencha, JQTouch, JQuery mobile etc.
I know the adv and disadvantages of both.
I just need some recent stats which show the market's adoption or opinion.
I tried three ways to develop mobile applications.
First method is to use frameworks that will take your html/css/js files and package them into mobile applications depending on your targets (BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, ...). I used PhoneGap (known today as Cordova). I didn't like it at all because the UI's rendering is so ugly on some devices and the user experience is broken. I had to use it with jQuery Mobile because it gave me a good UI design start. I tried some Phonegap Android generated applications on my personal device and it's really horrible. Some of them got rejected by Apple because of that ...
Second method is to use Appcelerator Titanium SDK. One word to sum it up: Awesome. One language to use (javascript) to create your UI/Controller. It's so easy to learn, so powerful to develop with and it has many out-of-the-box functionnalities (like facebook API, Yahoo Query Language, ...) that will allow you to put in place solutions easily for both Android and iPhone. BlackBerry is coming soon. What I liked the most is that it converts the written Javascript into the targetted platform with the default UI. It's really great. And, above all, the UI is easily customizable (with a css like system).
Personally, I put in place apps that can: Take a photo with the device then send it to a remote server, send messages to twitter/facebook, advanced geolocation, etc.
Third method: Native! It would take time if you target both iPhone and Android but, the big advantage is that you can create anything you want without being tied to a Framework for areas such as games, augmented reality , etc.
In my opinion, if you want to create simple applications with some nice features (weather, twitter feeds, sending on a facebook wall, ...), use Appcelerator Titanium SDK.
It converts your code into NATIVE.
If you have time to spend learning native languages, do it. It's the best way ;)
Hope it helps.
I've summed up my thoughts on the whole "native vs. web" discussion in a blog post here:
In a nutshell: You can't get around getting to know the platform you are targeting if you want to provide a great user experience. Plus, you shouldn't try to mimic native UI/UX in a web application, it will only disappoint your users.
here are some pros and cons of native apps vs. web apps:
Native apps:
Native apps have more security
Native apps have higher user engagement, it has higher click-through rate (CTR) among the ad-serving publishers
When it comes to aesthetics and overall user experience, it is incredibly difficult for web apps to trump native apps
you don't have to buy a server and maintain it, therefore, for small businesses it is the ideal solution, not web apps which require a server.
Web apps:
it's cross platform - that means your one app will work on both iphone and android
cheaper and faster to develop and maintain
you will find programmers easier than native apps
updates are easier
Check out this post for some more opinion -
In particular, the last paragraph is worth noting. If you go down the path of building an HTML5 app, it is worth having some type of background "syncing" of content so you are not always pulling it from the web in real time. The app will be much more responsive if you load HTML pages from disk.
From my experience, the success rate of a native apps are much better than html or javascript based ones. I do not have sufficient numbers to back it up, but these are some issues that may crop up when trying to build html5 apps for different platforms. e.g.
Browser OS or webkit differences can cause unexpected bugs, css issues that could take quite a while to debug.
Your app is running on top of a webkit browser engine which takes up additional resources.
Older or non-smart phone devices may not have a modern webkit engine.
Nevertheless if you have good web skills over native, then getting an app to the market the quicket and cheapest route would be html5. Some apps lend very well for html5 such as data listing, and text content driven apps. I have written a writeup on HTML5 vs Native on my blog. Hope its useful.

What are the iphone/android specific Web features?

I'm trying to list Web features (HTML, CSS, Javascript, APIs)
that can be used for mobile web pages, things we don't usually
use on Desktop browsers.
So far, I have:
viewport (width, scale)
map and youtube links open in a dedicated app
tel: links support
specific keyboard layout depending on the form (type=number, email, ...)
What do I miss here?
The question would be: "If I am a Desktop Web developer, what should I consider to build a mobile version of my website?"
Actually, a lot of these are already in the HTML5 standard. They are not, in fact, Android/iPhone specific.
For example, the following are part of the HTML5 spec:
Geolocation: already implemented in Gecko (Firefox) and Webkit (Safari/Chrome)
Viewport: accessible using Javascript
Number/email/phone number-specific fields: implemented in part by several browsers
Your major concern when dealing with mobile versions of your site (assuming you mean touch-enabled smartphone) is the size of your icons/buttons/text/controls/etc. Anything else, including multi-touch, is simply an extra.
As for other extras, you could consider using something like JQTouch ( to provide a more "native" look and feel on the mobile client. JQTouch provides things like native animations, AJAX interface, specialized buttons/toggles/text fields, and themes that make iPhone web apps look better. It should also work on Android, since its browser is also based on Webkit.
For more information on iPhone/Android web frameworks, see

Creating a mobile version of a website

I'm looking to create a mobile version of our website/web app. What's a good way to provide the best, most fully featured version.
Part of the reason for creating it is instead of an iPhone app, so I'd like to offer an iPhone web app that takes full advantage of the iPhone's version of WebKit (so CSS animations, being able to rely on good javascript support etc). However, I'd also like the site to work well on other smart phones as well as more basic mobile phones as well.
Do I create two sites (Mobile WebKit and basic mobile web) and redirect based on User Agent? Can I create one site that degrades well? What are the possibilities, and how do other people handle it?
Also: are mobile web simulators worth a damn? I have an iPhone, so can test easily on that. If I want to test on Blackberry/Palm Pre do I really need a device or are there reliable simulators?
These are some of the iPhone specific libraries that provide a native look and feel on webkit:
Sencha Touch
Getting it to work on most phones will definitely be an issue with most libraries as they are built around with the iPhone's screen size (320x480) in mind.
To get a wider coverage of devices including Android and J2ME phones, checkout Yahoo Blueprint. It's a markup language that translates for various platforms and devices.
You could either get the mobile view based on User Agent by dynamically switching the stylesheet on your server when spitting the page. This is not a recommended approach though for heavy-duty pages as you will still be sending huge chunks of data that would not be rendered. Alternatively, if you have a clear separation of your views, you can templatize the view based on User Agent and/or other parameters. This has the advantage of keeping your controller logic in one place with only changing views. You could use the above libraries for iPhone/iPod Touch and switch to a simpler mobile version for other smartphones or tweak it as you want.
Creating a separate mobile version of the site can be painstakingly difficult to maintain when changes arise.
The iPhone and Android simulators are as close as it gets to the real deal. The iPhone won't let you do stuff like make calls on the simulator for obvious reasons, but the Android provides mock implementations for basically everything on the device.

How do I develop a Web based application in ASP.NET 3.5 that can be viewed on an iPhone 3G?

I want to develop a mobile web application using 3.5 that can be viewed on an iPhone but there is no longer a template in VS2008 to enable mobile development. Can this be done ?
the iphone uses the "regular" version of your website so developing a "mobile" version would nto accomplish what you're looking for. You should check the browser headers and redirect people to the iPhone version of your site if you detect mobile safari.
Another option (if you're using MVC) is to have your controller detect the browser and show a different view if it catches mobile safari. This way you wouldn't need a duplicate site, just two sets of views.
A web application (via Asp.Net 3.5) would be accessible over the Internet and would be accessible via the iPhone's Safari browser. There isn't anything truly special you need for it unless you want to make a true web application for mobile devices like the iPhone and Blackberries. In that case, you are looking purely at design aspects since it's still just a website. Due to the diversity of mobile browser capabilities, you'll need to do some research to find out what is recommended for the specific mobile browsers you want to access (the BBC's website comes to mind as a good example of mobile rendering).
Ultimately, the user agent is evaluated by your system and then it renders (or redirects) appropriately. Everything else is design if you want the page to render differently for the iPhone than any other browser on the web.
If you can get your hands on a copy of .Net magazine (a.k.a. Practical Web Design in the U.S.) issue 178, there is a great article on what you need to be aware of when doing mobile development and how the iPhone's browser is a lot different than others.
The iPhone (at least mine which is the 3G version) have full support for "normal" web apps with Ajax and everything. So mostly any Ajax library would be 100% compatible with the iPhone, at least as long as the Ajax library is focusing on Open Standards and such...
[Shameless-Plug I work with Ra-Ajax]
Ra-Ajax have 100% support for iPhone except for "dragging and dropping" which interferes with scrolling on the iPhone. This means that you can use Ra-Ajax (which is an LGPL licensed and Free of Charge library for ASP.NET) to create a "normal" website which will work 100% perfectly (except for dragging and dropping, which is used in e.g. Ra-Windows etc) on the iPhone...
Even the really "advanced" stuff like our Ajax Calendar sample works flawlessly with the iPhone :)