ASP.NET MVC 2.0: How to read querystring value -

I am trying to build a small ASP.NET MVC 2 application.I have a controller class with the below method in it
public ActionResult Index()
TestMvc.Models.PersonalInformation objPerson = new TestMvc.Models.PersonalInformation();
objPerson.FirstName = "Shyju";
objPerson.LastName = "K";
return View(objPerson);
And when the page (View) being called, i can see this data there as my view has these data's displaying. Now i want to know how can i pass a query string in the url and use that id to build the PersonalInformation object.Hoe can i read the querystring value ? Where to read ?
I want the quesrtstring to be like
http://www.sitename/user/4234 where 4234 is the user id

http://www.sitename/user/4234 is not a querystring. The querystring is the part of the URL that comes after the ?, as in http://www.sitename/user?userId=42
However, the default routes that come with the MVC project template should allow you to simply change the signature of your action method to
public ActionResult Index(int id)
and you should get the desired result. You should look into how routing works in MVC if you want full control of your URLs.
Also, note that the index action is usually used for showing a list of all objects, so you probably want the Details action for showing 1 user object.

What you want is to modify your action to accept an id like so:
public ActionResult Index(string id)
TestMvc.Models.PersonalInformation objPerson = new TestMvc.Models.PersonalInformation();
if (!string.isNullOrEmpty(id))
objPerson = getPerson(id);
return View(objPerson);
Then add a route to your global.asax:
"MyRoute", // Route name
"user/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "mycontroller", action = "index", id = ""} // Parameter defaults


Force route placeholder to be always treated as query string parameter

I have the following route on an action within an controller that has a route prefix:
[Route("{page?}", Name = "MyRoute")]
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(int page = 1)
IUrlHelper.RouteUrl gives me an url ending with /1 for MyRoute and Page = 1 as route values. This isn't wrong but I'd like page to always be a query string parameter.
How can I do this in MVC 6? If possible I want to avoid parsing the result of RouteUrl method and setting the page as query string parameter myself. Routing docs are still empty. This answer suggests using [FromUri]attribute although it sounds like this serves a different purpose and it seems not be available in MVC 6.
I got it to work by not having the parameter {page?} in the route.
Initially I had [Route("Bar/{page?}", Name = "BarRoute")] which was giving me /Bar/1
I got it to work with an Action set up like:
[Route("Bar", Name = "BarRoute")]
public IActionResult Foo(string page)
ViewBag.PN = page;
return View("Index");
This razor mark up:
<li>#Html.RouteLink("Click here!", "BarRoute", new { page = 1 })</li>
<li>Click here!</li>
And in a Controller:
ViewBag.Thing = this.Url.RouteUrl("BarRoute", new { page = 1 });
Additionally, [Route("", Name = "BarRoute")] generated http://localhost:62405/?page=1

Generating link using urlhelper in MVC 6 controller (vNext)

I am trying to learn the new MVC 6. I never used the Microsoft MVC framework before.
I am trying to enhance an simple tutorial web API by adding links to different actions of my controllers using the URL (urlhelper) of the controller (Home controller showing what the API can do).
But when I use:
this.Url.Action("Get", new {id = id});
I get a query string with the URL. I'd like a more restful-style URL.
I thought when using the attributes routing, I do not have to map a specific route like I see in old tutorials of WebApi.
Do I have to map a route ?
What do I have to do to get a more restful URL style ?
You can add a name to the route attributes in your controller, then use the extension method IUrlHelper.RouteUrl to generate the url.
For example, given the following web api controller:
public class UsersController : Controller
// GET: api/users
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET api/users/5
[HttpGet("{id}", Name ="UsersGet")]
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
//additional methods...
You can generate the url api/users/123 for the specific get by id action using #Url.RouteUrl("UsersGet", new { id = 123 }).
The problem when using the Url.Action extension method is that if you have a controller like in the example above with 2 actions named "Get", this will use the route for the action without parameters and generate /api/Users?id=123. However if you comment that method, you will see that #Url.Action("Get", "Users", new { id = 123 }) also gives you the expected url.

Optional route parameters and action selection

I use the default route definition:
where id = UrlParameter.Optional. As much as I understand it this means when id is not being part of the URL this route value will not exists in the RouteValues dictionary.
So this also seems perfectly possible (both GET):
public ActionResult Index() { ... } // handle URLs: controller/action
public ActionResult Index(int id) { ... } // handle URLs: controller/action/id
When id is missing the first action would be executed, but when id is present, the second one would execute. Fine, but it doesn't work. It can't resolve actions.
How can I accomplish this?
I'm thinking of writing a custom action method selector attribute like:
[RequiresRouteValue(string valueName)]
This would make it possible to use this kind of action methods. But is this the only way of doing it?
Is there something built-in I can hang on to?
Use either:
public ActionResult Index() { ... } // handle URLs: controller/action
public ActionResult Index(int id) { ... } // handle URLs: controller/action/id
Or just have one with a nullable param:
public ActionResult Index(int? id) { ... } // handles both instances
Would something like this work?
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Login", action = "Index" } // Parameter defaults
"DefaultWithValue", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Login", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
Well from the exception that action can't be determines is pretty clear that actions are resolved first then data binder comes into play and examines action's parameters and tries to data bind values to them. Makes perfect sense.
This makes perfect sense. There would be no point in first trying to data bind values to all possible types and see what we get and then look for an appropriate action. That would be next to impossible.
So. Since action selection is the problem here I guess the best (and only) way to solve this (if I don't want to use a multifaceted single action method) is to write a custom action method selector attribute.
You can read all the details and get the code on my blog:
Improving MVC maintainability and RESTful conformance

Return PartialView in MVC3 Area is not searching in area

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC 3 RC project. I have one area named Drivers. I have a LoadPartial() action in a controller in the Drivers area that returns a PartialView(string, object); When this is returned I get an error on my webpage that says "The partial view 'PublicAttendanceCode' was not found." It searched the following locations:
Why is it not searching in the Drivers Area?
I have the following pretty basic routes in Global.asax.cs:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home",
action = "Index",
id = UrlParameter.Optional // Parameter defaults
And in DriversAreaRegistration.cs
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "RequestLeave", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
What am I missing that will make it look in the drivers area for the partial?
How are you providing area name to PartialView() method? I think you should be passing it in new { area = "Drivers" } as routeValues parameter.
The way that the MVC view engines know the area that they should look in is based on the route that was used to process the request.
In the case of the controller action that you have, are you certain that the request was processed by the area's route definition, or is it possible that the request was processed by the more general route that you defined in global.asax?
There are only four overloads of the method PartialView and it seems like neither of them accept routeValues as a parameter.
I solved this problem like this:
return PartialView(
It works, but looks ugly.
This works too:
return PartialView("~/Areas/Admin/Views/Shared/MyView.cshtml", model);

MapRoute (Asp.Net MVC 2.0 .NET 4.0)

is there any possibility to create a maproute which would use always one method and it won't be necessary to put it in address?
I mean I've got controller with one method (Index) and it displays items depend on methods argument.
public ActionResult Index(string TabName)
var tab = (from t in BlogDB.Tabs
where t.TabName == TabName
select t).SingleOrDefault();
ViewData.Model =(Tab)tab;
return View();
and what I want is that I can display items putting address "" without "/Index/" between Tabs and TabName. I've tried:
new { controller = "Tabs", action = "Index", TabName = UrlParameter.Optional }
But it doesn't work.
do you still have the default route? and if yes is it defined before this one?
Your problem is that mvc is trying to find the Tabs controller and the Tabname action.
Put this route before the default {controller}/{action} route