How to automate a build for a Visual FoxPro project? - command-line

I'm interested in figuring out how to automate a build from Visual FoxPro similar to how we can build .NET projects from the command line using MSBuild.
It seems that it is possible to pass command line arguments to VFP.exe which may include the ability to specify some initial startup prg that runs however it is unclear how well starting up the IDE will work from non-interactive accounts such as the Network Service on Windows which is likely where an automated build would run.
Has anybody attempt this before or read about anybody attempting to script a VFP build like this? I would be grateful for any pointers that may lead me to a solution.

A simple solution is to create a program file that builds the application, and call VFP to execute that program. You can also add any pre or post build commands to that program file.
Create a VFP configuration text file, called BUILD.FPW
Then create C:\Project\BUILD.PRG
Modify Project C:\Project\MyProject Nowait
_vfp.Projects.Item(1).Build("C:\Project\myapp.exe", 3, .f., .f.)
If file("C:\Project\myapp.err")
* Do something for build errors
* No errors
Finally, to build it
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\vfp9.exe -CBUILD.FPW
VFP will build it non-interactively. It will log build errors to myapp.err. If it builds successfully, no error file is created.

Experience in Automate VFP Project
Build (FinalBuilder Route)
Automated Build


NUnit 3.2: Autorun tests after compile (Windows)

On a new VS solution, I've started using NUnit 3.2. Older versions (2.6) had a external NUnit GUI, that made it possible to watch assemblies and automatically run tests on modifications. But I cannot find anything similar to this for 3.2 - neither in the docs nor through Google.
I've installed NUnit.3.2.0.msi, I've also installed the NUnit3 Test Adapter in VS + NUnit3.2 nuget package for my project.
I can easily run all my tests through VS' Test Explorer. But I miss some way to run them automatically. Anyone know how?
In older versions of Visual Studio, there used to be an option to run tests after every build, but it was removed. It was always buggy and tended to lock files and prevent you from rebuilding.
You could set a post build command on your test project to automatically run NUnit console whenever your test project recompiles. You have NUnit console installed, so you could point to that, or use the NUnit.Runners package to install it into the packages folder of your solution.
Open your test project settings and go to the Build Events tab. Click on Edit Post-Build. Enter the following;
"C:\Program Files (x86)\\nunit-console\nunit3-console.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
Now, whenever you build, your tests will be run and the results will appear in the output window.
Maybe not ideal if there is a lot of build output after your tests but it works.
FYI, the colour in the build output is a side-effect of the VSColorOutput Visual Studio extension, it is not from NUnit.
Visual Studio captures STDOUT, so I haven't been able to get it to open a CMD window and run the tests. If anyone knows how to do that, add a comment and I will update.
There is a GUI for NUnit 3 under developement on GitHub - but it's not advised for production use yet.
We set our tests up using the NUnitLite runner. This allows you to turn your test assembly into an executable - and on run, will launch the console and run all tests. [Documentation]

Visual Studio Online / Azure stopping and starting web applications using Powershell

I'm using Visual Studio Online's build tools to deploy web applications from a single solution. I've occasionally been running into file locking issues.
Error: Web Deploy cannot modify the file 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll' on the destination because it is locked by an external process.
After some Googling, I believe the "fix" is to stop the web applications before deployment on Azure and start it back up after. Sounds legit.
However, there does not seem to be a straight forward way to do this directly on VSO's build definitions. I've created an "Azure Powershell" build task, but it wants a PS1 file from the repository. It doesn't seem to let me just run Azure Powershell commands (e.g. Stop-AzureWebsite) from here. My team has created a work-around where we have a "run.ps1" that just executes the command you pass as a parameter, but none of us are satisfied by that.
What are we missing? There has got to be an easier way to do this without having a PS1 script checked into source control.
I solved this by installing Azure App Services - Start and Stop extension from Visual Studio Marketplace.
When installed, it will allow you to wrap the Deploy Website to Azure task in your Release definition with Azure AppServices Stop and Azure AppServices Start tasks, effectively eliminating the lock issues.
Check if you are using "/" on the "Web Deploy Package" path for folder separators instead of "\".
i.e. change
$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/My Project/drop/MyFolder/
$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\My Project\drop\MyFolder\
I noticed that was the only difference between the one I was getting the error and the others (the Restart step I added was not helping). Once I modified the path, I got it working.
Sounds crappy, but fixed my issue.
Did you use the Build Deployment Template that sets the correct msbuild parameters for you for your package? You can see how here. I would create a build using that template and see if you have the same issues. If so ping me on Twitter #DonovanBrown and I will see if I can figure what is going on.
As a rule it is good practice to have any scripts or commands required to deploy your software to be checked into source control as part of your build. They can then be easily run repeatedly with little configuration at the build level. This provides consistency and transparency.
Even better is to have deployment scripts output as part of the build and use a Release Management tool to control the actual deployment.
Regardless having configuration as code is a mantra that all Dev and Ops teams should live by.

Incremental Build with MSBuild.exe

I'm building a Visual Studio 2010 solution through Python with a call to subprocess. When called directly from the command line it takes ~15 seconds to start. But when called from Python this jumps up to ~1.5 minutes.
Naturally I'm hoping to remove that dead time from our build. So I decided to test out MSBuild.exe (from .NET 4). It looks like MSBuild.exe runs instantly. But... it seems to do a full build every time and not an incremental.
The command I'm using is
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" "C:\path\to\my\project.sln" /target:build /maxcpucount:8 /property:Configuration=Release
It seems like this should support an incremental build. But I've seen posts online indicating that msbuild may not be able to support a incremental build like this.
Is this possible? If so what am I doing wrong?
I've read into this a bit more. Based on
It seems like I need the Input and Output properties set in my .vcxproj files. Checking out my files these are indeed missing.
When would they be generated? Most my .vcxproj files were converted over from Visual Studio 2008. But I also generated a new project which is missing the Input and Output properties as well.
Does VS2010 not create projects with these properties?
Update: We've since upgrade to VS 2013. Now msbuild supports incremental builds. Never got to the bottom of the VS 2010 issue.
I think that fact that Incremental builds are not supported is a false Statement from according to official sources,Managed Incremental Build this feature and was included in VS2010 SP1
We first introduced the managed incremental build feature in VS2008.
In VS2010, we were not able to re-implement the managed incremental
build feature with the build system moving to MSBuild. We received
strong customer requests for this feature. As a result, we
re-implemented this feature and it is included in VS2010 SP1.
Other Solutions I found on Web
Projects should build incrementally already (just make sure that you
do Build instead of Rebuild). The best way to check if incremental
building works is to run the build from the command line. The second
time you build it should take almost no time.
If things are still getting rebuilt, then perhaps you've modified
your projects in some way that's messing up with the build order.
Looking at the build logs (via the /v option) can help you poinpoint
what's going on.
Other reason which can cause problems with the incremental build is GenerateResource.TrackFileAccess PropertyThis API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Gets or sets a switch that specifies whether we should be tracking file access patterns.

Invalid file names when trying to deploy SSDT project with TeamCity 8

I am trying to deploy Visual Studio 2012 SSDT project to Sql Server using TeamCity 8 and MSBuild Publish task but the deployment fails.
When I look at TeamCity logs and use /v:diag switch in my build configuration I see that for unknown reason MSBuild searches for MyProject.sqlproj.publish.sql and for MyProject.sqlproj.dacpac files.
The exact error:
[SqlPublishTask] C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\SSDT\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets(1233, 5): File "C:\Program Files\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\abf8bc05a2cfe7f\*MyProject*\bin\Debug\*MyProject*.sqlproj.dacpac" does not exist.
The correct .sql and .dacpac files get generated (without the .sqlproj in the middel) in buildAgent/work/identificator/*MySolution*/MyProject/bin/Debug folder.
My TeamCity build step is configured as follows:
Runner type: MSbuild
Build file path: MyProject/*MyProject*.sqlproj
MSBuild version: 4.5
MsBuild ToolsVersion: 4.0
Run platform: 4.0
Targets: Publish
Command line parameters: /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="Debug.publish.xml" /p:Configuration=Debug
If I execute this from commandline I get no errors.
Any ideas on how can I configure TeamCity to search for correct files or configure my project to generate the files that TeamCity is searching for.
Or is my plan to use MSBuild's Publish task futile and I should utilise sqlpackage.exe instead?
After spending almost three days trying to figure this out I gave up and used sqlpackage.exe which works like a charm.
But I would still be interested in an answer though, passing paths to executables in build servers seems a bit crude way to accomplish things.
I had a similar issue and came to the conclusion that the way TeamCity produces "pseudo-project" files with *.teamcity suffixes is confusing something in the MSBuild/SSDT target chain.
I simply replaced the MSBuild runner build step with a pure Command Line step and the problem went away.
We lose the user friendliness of the TeamCity MSBuild runner configuration, but if it works, it's a compromise I'm willing to make.
Note - we are running TeamCity 7 - I am not sure if this has been addressed in later versions.
I found out you can set a System Property named "system.SqlTargetName" on the build configuration to override the default value.
Setting this to your project name without the ".sqlproj" makes the error go away.

Automatic installer deploy to remote server using TeamCity and MSBuild

I'm having a .net WPF project that compiles to a bunch of dlls. I also have another project that compiles all the dlls and creates an installator exe.
I am also using TeamCity to automatically do those tasks for me with a press of a button.
The problem is that I want to have a separate TeamCity build configuration intended to automatically copy the result installator exe to a number of remote machines, each having specific credentials. But, unfortunately, I don't get how do I do this.
I have found some articles on automatic deploying (like this, but, obviously, they are very specific for web projects.
So, how should I correctly deploy my installator on build?
Your best bet is to research NAnt and make a simple task that will copy the TeamCity artifact (installer) out to the specified location.
All you would need to do is have TeamCity execute the specified NAnt task after the installer has been built.
Also, check out this question for solutions on specifying the credentials for the copy task.
OK, I've found out that it's pretty easy to do this using the FtpUpload MSBuild community task. There, one can set up the credentials and all other stuff needed for uploading a file (or a set of files) via ftp.