Adding a Image Service layer to an ArcMap project with ArcObjects - arcobjects

I would like to add an ArcGIS Image Service programmaticaly using ArcObjects. My Image Service specs are below.
Data Type: ArcGIS Image Service
Service Name: Aerial Imagery 2008
AIS Service URL: ImageService://gisimage/2008_DOQQ
Data Representation Type: RGB
Thanks in advance.

See the example here:
Use IImageServerLayer instead of IImageServerLayer2 though.


OSRM for airports/aerodrome

Has anyone tried to setup OSRM so it works in aerodromes. So, instead of routing on roads (highway:trunk, highway:primary, etc..) I can route on a aerodrome:runway, aerodrome:taxiway and aerodrome:parking_position.
According to, the WayHandlers file needs to be updated (as well as updating the profile).
However, there isn't any info on what specifically to do. I'm also using the docker images (osrm/osrm-backend) - is the profile/WayHandlers processing done only in the osrm-extract phase?

Annotation data for northwind odata service

I am creating sapui application in sap web IDE.
I am trying to connect Northwind Odata service in IDE.
I am following this video
I have created services and configure it in IDE. but in last step it is asking me to Choose annotation data from one of the sources listed below.
step 3:
strp 4:
What do I need to add in annotaion ?
Thanks in advance.
you don't need the annotation file.
Annotation files are only relevant when you are working with Smart Controls, for example a Smart Form:
As of today the how-to-guide to create annotations in the SAP Gateway or the ABAP CDS views are not released. Maybe more after the TechEd October 2015 in Las Vegas.

How to get road coordinates between two markers google map api

I need to create path exactly according to road coordinates from google map api.I am partially successful with the help of this ",%#&destination=%#,%#&sensor=false" service.
But this service provide me the coordinates as show in this image .
When we zoom this path it looks like this image .
Actually, I want to get exactly road coordinates with every curve.
Firstly I did this task with the javascript file which was in one of the tutorial of google map (SBMapwithRoute)but don't know why that javascript file stop responding now.
If any body know how this task will perform than please help me.Thank you
I have posted one artical on my blog may be help full check it
May be hellfull for you
if you wants get waypoints from your google maps waypath. then use this
NSMutableArray *wayPointsArray = [self decodePolyLine:polyline.path.encodedPath];
here decodePolyline is function that you seen on my blog
polyline is object of GMSPolyline *_polyline;

How can I edit the installed nominatim server data?

I have installed a nominatim server(using for reverse geocoding and now I want to edit some data into it(add/edit new addresses), how I can do that? What tools I need for that?
Thanks for any help.
So the question is, how your workflow should be:
1. Using OSM itself:
You can use OSM editing and the main DB to add your new data and setup an update of your nominatim instance:
2. Using OSM offline:
You might create OSM files using OSM editors and submit them to your instance instead of the full planet dumps.
3. Manual patching DB:
Sadly I don't find any details about the DB schema, but it makes use of osm2pgsql and you will get an idea if you view at the source:

Using charts in iPhone applications

I want to add charts feature in my application..
I have gone through with various links in OLD posts.Most of the links are not working.
And I am unable to checkout core plot API with below link
core plot api
getting error Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed)
So can any one suggest OR provide link for Any latest libraries or API which i can use ?
You can download latest Core Plot chart library release from this link:
You will get core clot library and an example using the above downloaded link.
Below is the link for instructions to integrate this in your application:
Hope this would be helpful for you.