All menu items in TinyMCE SplitButton using same callback - tinymce

I created a SplitButton in TinyMCE and I am using a for loop to add buttons, but for some reason the buttons' onclick is always calling the same one (the last from the for loop). It seems every time I add a menu option, the callback is being overwritten.
Let me describe what I mean.
var c = cm.createSplitButton('optionsList', {
title : 'Options',
c.onRenderMenu.add(function(c, m){
var Opts1 = options[0];
var Opts2 = options[1];
var Opts3 = options[2];
var sub1 = m.addMenu({title: "Options 1"});
for(var x in Opts1){
sub1.add({title: Opts1[x], onclick: function(){
var sub2 = m.addMenu({title: "Options 2"});
for(var y in Opts2){
sub2.add({title: Opts2[y], onclick: function(){
var sub3 = m.addMenu({title: "Options 3"});
for(var z in Opts3){
sub3.add({title: Opts3[z], onclick: function(){
The menus are created correctly, but for example if I select 'Options 1' and select any option, tinyMCE will print the last option from that subMenu. I don't know how to fix this.

I fixed it, so I'll answer my own question. I needed to use a closure. The solution was:
var insertVar = function(val){
return function(){tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false,val);}
var sub1 = m.addMenu({title: "Options 1"});
for(var x in Opts1){
var variable = insertVar(Opts1[x]);
sub1.add({title: Opts1[x], onclick: variable});


sap.m.table multi checkbox make it READ ONLY - On Condition + SAP UI5

This is my first post to Stack, appreciate the work you guys do, amazing.
I have a sap.m.table sap ui5 and i have 4 records
out of 4, 2 are selected by default, i want to disable the preselected once based on condition.
I have tried below code but its not working, any input please?
/results' }" **mode="MultiSelect"**
Controller logic
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId('idImpactTable');
var header = tbl.$().find('thead');
var selectAllCb = header.find('.sapMCb');
tbl.getItems().forEach(function(r) {
var obj = r.getBindingContext("impactModel").getObject();
var oStatus = obj.COMPLETED;
var cb = r.$().find('.sapMCb');
var oCb = sap.ui.getCore().byId(cb.attr('id'));
if (oStatus === "X") {
} else {
Multiselect Mode Table - Make selected check box read only
Last time I tried this I found it easiest to use the updateFinished event on the table, and then use an internal property of the column list item, like so:
onTableUpdateFinished: function (oEvent) {
oEvent.getSource().getItems().forEach(function (item) {
var data = item.getBindingContext().getObject();
item._oMultiSelectControl.setEnabled(!data.IsEnabled); //whatever your check is
You'll have to find a way to keep them disabled though when using the Select All checkbox at the top of the table. I ended up extending sap.m.Table to accomplish that, there might be easier ways...
My extension is like this
], function(Control) {
return Control.extend("myapp.controls.MyTable", {
updateSelectAllCheckbox: function(oEvent) {
if (this._selectAllCheckBox && this.getMode() === "MultiSelect") {
var aItems = this.getItems();
var iSelectedItemCount = this.getSelectedItems().length;
var iSelectableItemCount = aItems.filter(function(oItem) {
//standard table does not check if the item is enabled
return oItem.getSelected() || oItem._oMultiSelectControl.getEnabled();
// set state of the checkbox by comparing item length and selected item length
this._selectAllCheckBox.setSelected(aItems.length > 0 && iSelectedItemCount === iSelectableItemCount);
And just the standard renderer
], function(Control) {
return Control.extend("myapp.controls.MyTableRenderer", {
I suppose I could have extended the ColumnListItem but that was more effort than I wanted to put into the table extension
I have managed to find the solution, please find sample code to achieve.
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId("idImpactTable");
var header = tbl.$().find("thead");
var selectAllCb = header.find(".sapMCb");
var aItems = that.byId("idImpactTable").getItems();
//---> Check individual item property value and select the item
aItems.forEach(function(oItem) {
//---> If using OData Model items Binding, get the item object
var mObject = oItem.getBindingContext().getObject();
var sPath = oItem.getBindingContextPath();
var completed = oItem.oBindingContexts.impactModel.getProperty("COMPLETED");
//--->get the id of Multi Checkbox
var cb = oItem.$().find(".sapMCb");
var oCb = sap.ui.getCore().byId(cb.attr("id"));
if (completed === "X") {
} else {
Thank you,
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId('idImpactTable');
tbl.getItems().forEach(function(r) {
// this makes the trick --->
var oMultiSelCtrl = r.getMultiSelectControl();
oMultiSelCtrl.setDisplayOnly( true );

How to show/hide dialog fields with a checkbox in AEM Touch UI

I am relatively new to AEM and I am trying to hide/show dialog fields on checkbox click. I have tried some ways but failed to achieve this functionality. This is just for my own learning. How can I achieve this?
I have tried adding the js clientlib and adding some classes and target to the checkbox and target fields respectively as suggested in other answers but it didn't seem to work. Please help.
First you need to create a clientLibs and add categories as cq.authoring.dialog.all, see the code below:
(function($, $document) {
$document.on("dialog-ready", function() {
Coral.commons.ready($document, function () {
$(document).on('change', '#showText', function() {
$(document).on('change', '#showTable', function() {
function hide(index){
var tab = $document.find("[id='compareImgId-"+index+"']").closest(".coral3-Panel");
var tab2 = tab.attr("aria-labelledby");
var tab3 = $document.find("[id='"+tab2+"']");
function show(index){
var tab = $document.find("[id='compareImgId-"+index+"']").closest(".coral3-Panel");
var tab2 = tab.attr("aria-labelledby");
var tab3 = $document.find("[id='"+tab2+"']");
function dispalyOrHideTabs(){
var editable =;
var node = Granite.HTTP.eval( + ".json");
var storedTextValue = node.showText;
var storedTableValue = node.showTable;
})($, $(document));
Add granite:id property as showText of the checkbox resource type.
And below is the dialog tabs which will be hidden and shown:

How to get the data of a view

I´m using SAPUI5, I have a MasterPage and a DetailPage, in the MasterPage I have a List and when I select de Item in the List the information is displayed in the DetailPage.
In the DetailPage I have a PositiveAction, When I press the PositiveAction I need to get the Data of the DetailPage but I don't know how to do this.
My code of the Item Press
onPoSelect : function(oEvent) {
var oListItem = oEvent.getParameter('listItem');
var oRouter = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
oRouter.navTo("DetailPanel", {
invoicePath: oListItem.getBindingContext("solped").getPath().substr(1)
My code in the DetailPanel
onInit: function (){
var oRouter = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
oRouter.getRoute("DetailPanel").attachPatternMatched(this._onObjectMatched, this);
_onObjectMatched: function (oEvent) {
path: "/" + oEvent.getParameter("arguments").invoicePath,
model: "solped"
The line "oEvent.getParameter("arguments").invoicePath,"
returns this.
Invoices(CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste',Discount=0f,OrderID=10702,ProductID=3,ProductName='Aniseed Syrup',Quantity=6,Salesperson='Margaret Peacock',ShipperName='Speedy Express',UnitPrice=10.0000M)
I have the information but it is a String, How can I convert this String in an Object? Or, how else can I access the information in the view?
The image of the View
enter image description here
I assume you can already see the data of the detail in your Detail view.
You binded the data to the view by bindElement function and to retrieve them back in the code you are looking for "getBindingContext" function.
Create following function in your Detail controller:
// this must be connected to Button -> <Button press="onPositivePress">
onPositivePress: function(oEvent) {
var oBindingContext = this.getView().getBindingContext("solped");
// this is the path you can use to call odata service
var sPath = oBindingContext.getPath();
// this is data you are looking for
var oReqData = oBindingContext.getObject();
You can get all the properties as an object by passing the binding path as an argument to the getProperty function of the underlying Data model.
var oModel = this.getView().getModel("solped");
var oProps = oModel.getProperty(oListItem.getBindingContext("solped").getPath());
You can then access these properties as
for converting string to object see below example.
var a = "how r u";
var b = [a];
you will get object of a in b.

Dojo domConstruct - Inserting rows into a table

I'm working on an application that will allow people to select which data fields they would like a form to have. I had it working but when I tried to move the form fields into a table for a bit of visual structure I'm running into a problem.
// Now print the form to a new div
array.forEach(selectedFields, function(item, i) {
var l = domConstruct.create("label", {
innerHTML: item + ': ',
class: "dataFieldLabel",
for: item
var r = new TextBox({
class: "dataField",
name: item,
label: item,
title: item
var a = domConstruct.toDom("<tr><td>" + l + r + "</td></tr>");, "displayDataForm");
When I run the code I can select the fields I want but instead of textboxes being drawn on the screen text like:
[object HTMLLabelElement][Widget dijit.form.TextBox, dijit_form_TextBox_0]
[object HTMLLabelElement][Widget dijit.form.TextBox, dijit_form_TextBox_1]
Is printed to the screen instead. I think this is because I am passing a mixture of text and objects. Any ideas about how to work around this? Thanks!
Try this :
require(["dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dojo/domReady!"], function(array, domConstruct, TextBox){
var selectedFields = ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"];
array.forEach(selectedFields, function(item, i) {
var tr = domConstruct.create("tr", {}, "displayDataForm"),
td = domConstruct.create("td", {}, tr),
l = domConstruct.create("label", {
innerHTML: item + ': ',
'class': 'dataFieldLabel',
'for': item
}, td, 'first'),
r = new TextBox({
'class': 'dataField',
name: item,
title: item
}).placeAt(td, 'last');
This assumes you have this in your html :
<table id="displayDataForm"></table>
Don't forget to quote "class" and "for" as these are part of javascript's grammar.
The domConstruct functions will not work with widgets. You can create the html and then query for the input node and create the test box.
var root = dom.byId("displayDataForm");,
'<tr><td><label class="dataFieldLabel" for="{0}>{0}:</label><input class="inputNode"></input></td></tr>',
query('.inputNode', root).forEach(function(node){
var r = new TextBox({
'class': "dataField",
name: item,
label: item,
title: item
Craig thank you for all your help, you were right except that in the call to the first argument is the node to append and the second argument is the refNode to append to. Thank you.
// Now print the form to a new div
array.forEach(selectedFields, function(item, i) {
var root = dom.byId("displayDataForm");
'<tr><td><label class="dataFieldLabel" for="{0}">{0}: </label><input class="dataField"></input></td></tr>',
[item]), root
query('.dataField', root).forEach(function(node) {
var r = new TextBox({
'class': "dataField",
name: item,
label: item,
title: item

jscrollPane destroy(); and modernizr

Currently trying to remove jScrollPane when the width is a certain size. It appears to be working, I can trigger alert with
if ("screen and (max-width:715px)")) {
alert('hello world');
And I can remove jScrollPane with click functionality
$('.st-accordion a').click(function() {
var element = $('.hs-content').jScrollPane({});
var api ='jsp');
But for whatever reason I can't trigger destroy(); with the modernizr conditional
if ("screen and (max-width:715px)")) {
var element = $('.hs-content').jScrollPane({});
var api ='jsp');
Any ideas?
Never mind, I got it by enclosing it all in the same function. A moment of clarity.
$('.hs-content').jScrollPane({ autoReinitialise: true, hideFocus: true });
$('.hs-menu nav').jScrollPane({ autoReinitialise: true, hideFocus: true });
if ("screen and (max-width:715px)")) {
var element = $('.hs-content').jScrollPane({});
var api ='jsp');