Problem with embedding activemq to jboss application server - jboss

I'm totally a newbie in Java Enterprise and I have a lot stuff yet to learn. Right now I'm working which involves JMS using JBoss and ActiveMQ. An application sends messages to queues in JBoss and my goal is to access those messages using any message broker (in this case I tried to use ActiveMQ). So I think it's better for me to embed ActiveMQ to JBoss. I used the link below as the guidance :
I followed every single steps in the guide except that I used JBoss 4.2.3 and ActiveMQ 5.1.1. If this problem results from the different version of the tools, I think I can't help it out because other versions seem does not work on my machine. When I run JBoss to test whether the embedding is working or not, I can't see anything running on port localhost:61616 which is the default port for ActiveMQ, although JBoss seems run well. My question is :
Is any one know how to fix this? Or has anyone ever experienced such problem?
Is there any way to access queue in Jboss?
If this question is pretty ambiguous or need more details, let me know. Thanks in advance for any help.

I'm quite sure the embedded broker is started (transport vm://localhost) which results in a working JMS broker for that VM. But this broker isn't reachable from outside (via tcp or anything else)

Do you see any error in the log when launching jboss? I managed to make it work with Jboss 4.2 and ActiveMQ 5.4, and once integrated it only gives you a small hint that is working correctly with some info message saying "broker started in port ..." .
Also you can try to use the sample producers and receivers in ActiveMQ to test if the queue is working correctly.
If you still have problems I can try to help


Can't Access ActiveMQ Web Console

I am having trouble accessing ActiveMQ's web console.
On their website it says you can access the console through the URL : localhost:8161/admin
But all I get when I try this is "This webpage is not available"
I found another site saying I can access it through port '61616', which gives me a response in the form of the following :
I have done some extensive searching on this issue, and have found others with the same problem, but have not come across a solution.
I am fairly new to using ActiveMQ so please excuse me if I have left out any relevant information.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The admin console is a web application (WAR-file) deployed in an embedded Jetty server that starts up along with ActiveMQ standalone distribution.
Since you intend to run ActiveMQ inside a web application inside Tomcat, it would not make sense to fire up a jetty server.
Simply deploy the web console WAR to your Tomcat. You need to point out the JMS/OpenWire connection URI as well as JMX connection URI to ActiveMQ Web Console to get it going. Typically in Tomcat (or similar file):
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dwebconsole.type=properties -Dwebconsole.jms.url=tcp://localhost:61616- Dwebconsole.jmx.url=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi -Dwebconsole.jmx.user=admin -Dwebconsole.jmx.password=mypassw0rd"
This requires you to have JMX setup on your Tomcat instance. If not, check this Tomcat doc page out.
This will deploy the console just like any app in your Tomcat (not port 8161).
Off-topic, but a nice feature with decoupling the web console from the actual broker is that you can access a the activem broker of a master/slave pair using failover protocol and comma separated jmx settings.

XMPP broker support in activemq 5.7 and 5.8

IS XMPP broker supported in activemq version 5.7 and 5.8. I am able to create topic but during creation of queue it is throwing me exceptions.
Any help is appreciated.
The XMPP module is there is both v5.7 and v5.8. As of v5.8 its deprecated and won't be included going forward. The module is not well maintained and is quite tricky to get working correctly which is why we have chosen to drop it.
Since you haven't indicated what the exception is there no way to guess what might be going wrong. I'd suggest looking into one of the many other protocols that are well supported in AMQ like STOMP for instance.
Edit: From the exception you've given in the comments it looks as though the activemq-xmpp.jar is not located on the classpath. Make sure you put that jar into the proper location so your broker can find the fictory bean for the XMPP Transport.

Creating JMS message using activemq and eclipse and automated with ANT?

I am very novice in Java programming but In my course have to do JMS work. But I don't know how to do. and can anyone help me by sending the very clear step by step process for creating the publisher/subscriber model using activemq and eclipse? how to integrate these two and I also have to make it automated using ant but i don't know how to do.
You can get them by simply google "Getting started with ActiveMQ" So alwayts try to google first and then ask here.Anyway ActiveMQ is a messaging service. These 1 , 2 , 3 are very clear tutorials.By using them You can build a simple messaging service either it use queue or topic.But I strongly suggest you to follow ActiveMQ guide for help in your case.Now You also want to setup eclipse and ant(as i am unable to understand why you need ant) then follow this step by step tutorial.This may be a better tutorial among allNow You can find a step by step configurtation of activemq with eclipse here

Jboss ESB Services on multiple machines

I am very new to jboss esb and trying to learn and configure a new startup project.
The project deals with using ESB as the backbone and multiple applications connecting to it for Intg.
I have gone through each of the examples provided and was able to reach to a certain level, but little confused on few other stuff.
1) Use ESB to be hosted on machine1 (consumer) and process this message (it works).
2) Now the sender and ESB consumer are on 2 different machines. The sender is unable to locate/load the esb consumer.
I believe you might have enough experience working through this, so would you know how do I get this resolved.
you can reach out to me on
Your help would be appreciated!!!
This will probably help:

HornetQ lost its all topics

I would like to use hornetQ server as stand-alone without JNDI.
I started hornetQ server and added 10 topics with jconsole.
Then I made a test that restart hornetQ server in a loop.
At the abour 10th restart hornetQ server lost all the topics it had.
(I'm using hornetQ client with spring)
Any idea what cause hornetQ to lost the topics? How could I avoid it?
You would need to provide a testcase showing it's either a bug or a configuration mistake you made. It's hard to say what's going on.
There was a recent bug fix about deleting JMS destinations though. I'm not sure it would be related to this.