Which Perl module can handle a variety of date formats containing unicode characters? - perl

My requirement is parsing xml files which contains wide varieties of timestamps based on the locales at which they are written. They may contain Unicode characters in case of Chinese or Korean locales. I have to parse these timestamps and put then in a standard format something like 2009-11-26 12:40:54 to put them in a oracle database. Sometimes I may not even know the locale and yet I have to parse the timestamps.
I am looking for a module that automatically detects the timestamp format (including unicode characters for am and pm in their local language) and converts in to epoch time so that I can convert it back to what ever way I like to.
I have gone through similar questions in this forum. Few suggested DateFormat module, and Date::Parse module. The perl distribution I am using is 5.10 so Date::Manip doesn't come as a core module. As I am supposed to use just the basic core modules and few CPAN modules(on request I cannot ask for all),
I request you to kindly suggest me a good module that suffices all my requirements.
Thanks in advance

DateTime::Locale should do what you want.

You might have a look at Date::Manip. Don't know if it supports the languages you need but there is some UTF8 support in it. In any case once you get the dates extracted it has a UnixDate method to easily output in whatever format you want. Also resolves time zones.


What's a good method for writing fixed width field files?

I need to write a file that is probably being interpreted by something like RPG IV on an AS/400 (but I don't know that). The file will be created by reading data from our MySQL database and then writing it in the specified format. It could be quite large ( potentially measured in GB but haven't determined yet ). Right now I'm thinking Perl's built in format might actually be my best bet, because things like Xslate, and Template Toolkit are more designed for things that aren't fixed width (HTML). My only concern there is that format doesn't appear to have conditionals and it looks like I may need them (I found a format left justified if field A is set, right justified and padded if not)
Other possibilities that come to mind are pack and the sprintf family of functions.
I don't think pack supports right-justified text, so that wouldn't be an option.
That leaves (s)printf. You can build format specifiers programatically to support your conditional logic for justification.
Template Toolkit can do a serviceable job at creating fixed width formatted files. The trick is to use the templates to describe the file and record structure, but have a Perl function format the data for each field.
It may be easier to skip the templates and do all the formatting in Perl. Either way you need to consider how you need to format your fields. In my experience sprintf is better and handling more of the formatting cases required by fixed width formatted files. You will probably still need to implement a few helper functions the hand oddities (like EBCDIC/COBOL signed numbers encoded in ASCII, if your unlucky enough).
There are a thousand odd special cases in legacy fixed width formatted files, it's almost enough to make me like XML data files, typically it's the oddest special case in the end that determines what the best method for formatting the file is.

Character Encoding Issue

I'm using an API that processes my files and presents optimized output, but some special characters are not preserved, for example:
Input: äöü
Output: äöü
How do I fix this? What encoding should I use?
Many thanks for your help!
It really depend what processing you are done to your data. But in general, one powerful technique is to convert it to UTF-8 by Iconv, for example, and pass it through ASCII-capable API or functions. In general, if those functions don't mess with data they don't understand as ASCII, then the UTF-8 is preserved -- that's a nice property of UTF-8.
I am not sure what language you're using, but things like this occur when there is a mismatch between the encoding of the content when entered and encoding of the content when read in.
So, you might want to specify exactly what encoding to read the data. You may have to play with the actual encoding you need to use
Also, do some research about the system where this data is coming from. For example, web services from ASP.NET deliver the content as UTF-16LE, but Java uses UTF-16BE encoding. When these two system talk to each other with extended characters, they might not understand each other exactly the same way.

What encoding does InstallShield expect non-latin-alphabet string table entries to use?

I work on an app that gets distributed via a single installer containing multiple localizations. The build process includes a script that updates the .ism string table with translations for each supported language.
This works fine for languages like French and German. But when testing the installer in, i.e. Japanese, the text shows up as a series of squares. It's unlikely to be a font problem, since the InstallShield-supplied strings show up fine; only the string table entries are mangled. So the problem seems to be that the strings are in the wrong encoding.
The .ism is in XML format, with UTF-8 declared as its encoding, so I assumed the strings needed to be UTF-8 encoded as well. Do they actually need to use the encoding of the target platform? Is there any concern, then, about targets having different encodings, i.e. Chinese systems using one GB-encoding versus another? What is the right thing to do here?
Edit: Using InstallShield 2009, since there is apparently a difference between that and 2010.
In InstallShield 2009 and earlier, the encoding is a base-64 encoding of the binary string in the ANSI encoding specific to the language in question (e.g. CP932 for Japanese). In InstallShield 2010 and later, it will still accept that or use UTF-8, depending on other columns in that table.
Thanks (up-voted his answer) go to Michael Urman, for pointing us in the right direction. But this is the actual working (with InstallShield 2009) algorithm, reverse-engineered by a co-worker:
Start with a unicode (multi-byte-character) string
Write out the length as the encoded-length field in the ism-file
Encode the string as UTF-16-little-endian
Base-64 using the uuencode dictionary, except with ` (back-tick) instead of spaces.
Write the result to the ism-file, escaping XML entities
Be aware that base-64ing using the uuencode dictionary is not the same as using the uuencode algorithm. Standard uuencode produces a set of newline-separated lines, including a header, footers and one or more data lines, each of which begins with a length-character. If you're implementing this using a uuencode codec, you'll need to strip all of that off.
I'm also trying to figure this out...
I've inhereted some Installshield 12 (which is pre-2009) projects with string table entries containing characters outside the range of base64 'target' characters.
For example, one of the Japanese strings is:
After much searching I happened upon Base85 encoding, which looks much closer to being plausible, but have not yet verified this to be the solution.

What problems should I expect when moving legacy Perl code to UTF-8?

Until now, the project I work in used ASCII only in the source code. Due to several upcoming changes in I18N area and also because we need some Unicode strings in our tests, we are thinking about biting the bullet and move the source code to UTF-8, while using the utf8 pragma (use utf8;)
Since the code is in ASCII now, I don't expect to have any troubles with the code itself. However, I'm not quite aware of any side effects we might be getting, while I think it's quite probable that I will get some, considering our environment (perl5.8.8, Apache2, mod_perl, MSSQL Server with FreeTDS driver).
If you have done such migrations in the past: what problems can I expect? How can I manage them?
The utf8 pragma merely tells Perl that your source code is UTF-8 encoded. If you have only used ASCII in your source, you won't have any problems with Perl understanding the source code. You might want to make a branch in your source control just to be safe. :)
If you need to deal with UTF-8 data from files, or write UTF-8 to files, you'll need to set the encodings on your filehandles and encode your data as external bits expect it. See, for instance, With a utf8-encoded Perl script, can it open a filename encoded as GB2312?.
Check out the Perl documentation that tells you about Unicode:
Also see Juerd's Perl Unicode Advice.
A few years ago I moved our in-house mod_perl platform (~35k LOC) to UTF-8. Here are the things which we had to consider/change:
despite the perl doc advice of 'only where necessary', go for using 'use utf8;' in every source file - it gives you consistency.
convert your database to UTF-8 and ensure your DB config sets the connection charset to UTF-8 (in MySQL, watch out for field length issues with VARCHARs when doing this)
use a recent version of DBI - older versions don't correctly set the utf8 flag on returned scalars
use the Encode module, avoid using perl's built in utf8 functions unless you know exactly what data you're dealing with
when reading UTF-8 files, specify the layer - open($fh,"<:utf8",$filename)
on a RedHat-style OS (even 2008 releases) the included libraries won't like reading XML files stored in utf8 scalars - upgrade perl or just use the :raw layer
in older perls (even 5.8.x versions) some older string functions can be unpredictable - eg. $b=substr(lc($utf8string),0,2048) fails randomly but $a=lc($utf8string);$b=substr($a,0,2048) works!
remember to convert your input - eg. in a web app, incoming form data may need decoding
ensure all dev staff know which way around the terms encode/decode are - a 'utf8 string' in perl is in /de/-coded form, a raw byte string containg utf8 data is /en/-coded
handle your URLs properly - /en/-code a utf8 string into bytes and then do the %xx encoding to produce the ASCII form of the URL, and /de/-code it when reading it from mod_perl (eg. $uri=utf_decode($r->uri()))
one more for web apps, remember the charset in the HTTP header overrides the charset specified with <meta>
I'm sure this one goes without saying - if you do any byte operations (eg. packet data, bitwise operations, even an MIME Content-Length header) make sure you're calculating with bytes and not chars
make sure your developers know how to ensure their text editors are set to UTF-8 even if there's no BOM on a given file
remember to ensure your revision control system (for google's benefit - subversion/svn) will correctly handle the files
where possible, stick to ASCII for filenames and variable names - this avoids portability issues when moving code around or using different dev tools
One more - this is the golden rule - don't just hack til it works, make sure you fully understand what's happening in a given en/decoding situation!
I'm sure you already had most of these sorted out but hopefully all that helps someone out there avoid the many hours debugging which we went through.

Using Tcl encoding command to convert from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese

I support a website written in Tcl which displays data in Traditional Chinese (big5). We then have a Java servlet, using the translation code from mandarintools.com, to translate a page request into Simplified Chinese. The conversion as specified to the translation code is from UTF-8 to UTF-8S; Java is apparently correctly translating the data to UTF-8 as it comes in.
The Java translation code works but is slow, and since the website is written in Tcl someone on another list suggested I try using that. Unfortunately, Tcl doesn't support UTF-8S and I have been unable to figure out what translation to use in its place. I've tried gb2312, gb2312-raw,gb1988, euc-cn... all result in gibberish. My assumption is that Tcl is also translating to UTF-8 as it comes in, though I have tried converting from big5 first and it doesn't help.
My test code looks like this:
set page_body [ns_httpget http://www.mysite.com]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 $page_body]
ns_write $translated_page_body
I have also tried
set page_body [ns_httpget http://www.mysite.com]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 [encoding convertfrom big5 $page_body]]
ns_write $translated_page_body
But it didn't change anything.
Does anyone out there have enough experience with this to help me figure it out?
FYI for completeness' sake, I've been told by Tcl experts that you can't do the conversion this way, it has to be done via character replacement.
By any chance, are you grabbing your data from Oracle?
If so, see if you can use the CONVERT function to convert to from "utf8" to "al32utf8", which is the true Utf8 standard and which Tcl should work-with seamlessly.
If not, well, I guess I'll wait for you comment(s).