How can I start Emacs with one process in the top window and another in the lower window of a frame? - emacs

I have some processes that run from functions, i.e.:
M-x run-proc1
M-x run-proc2
I would like to know what command to issue from the command line to run emacs with run-proc1 running in the upper window and run-proc2 running in the lower window.

You might get better answers later, but appending this to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el might work.
Alternatively (for another approach), see this link.


Emacs Comint History: Search Rather Than Navigate One By One

I would like to, after switching to the buffer where I usually run commands, navigate the history by searching it, rather than navigate one-command-at-a-time at the end of the buffer (e.g. C-p).
Basically I would like to "Reverse I-search" the command history at the end of the buffer, rather than search the buffer.
Did anyone code a working solution? Note that I noticed there is a Command History buffer available, but here it is just a bunch of text and it is not grouped well enough I think to use.
As in a terminal, you can use M-r to search backward. It works in comint-mode, but it also work elsewhere, like in M-x (M-xM-rpatternRET).
Yes, with Icicles.
In Icicle mode, command icicle-comint-search is bound to C-c ` in shell buffers. It gives you the behavior you are looking for. It is described here.
It uses only stuff that is in the currently visible history as candidates, however. If you want to access stuff from your history from previous sessions then use command comint-input-ring, bound to C-c TAB, instead. (This is explained in the same doc.)

Running python interpreter or language X in Emacs

Every time I start the interpreter for a programming language (lets consider python in this case) emacs opens the interpreter in the window which is not current. Note that I have two windows open, so the interpreter is always opening in the opposite window that I am currently in. This is annoying because then I always have to switch windows after I open an interpreter...
How can I get the python interpreter to open in the current window inside emacs?
Can I solve this problem generally for other programs/shells/buffers that do not open in the current window?
I note that this also happens frequently with other emacs commands (such as C-h v and the description of the variable opens in the window that is not current)
All help is greatly appreciated!
Interpreter-buffers connect with a process. If not already there, it must be a different one than the buffer called from - otherwise the current buffers contents is lost.
You might be interested in org-mode, org-babel, which provides a way to insert results in current buffer when executing source-code.
With python-mode.el, set py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p to non-nil. After M-x py-shell, cursor is in new shell.
If py-split-windows-on-execute-p is nil, M-x py-shell should switch to Python shell without splitting the window. See more options if re-using an existing py-shell etc.
With python.el, M-x run-python switches into the Python-shell.
See also customizable variable pop-up-windows.

Emacs, GDB, and multiple X windows

I use gdb-many-windows in emacs for my debugging.
Recently, I discovered how to move a buffer to another X window using C-x 5 2.
I find it convenient: since I use multiple displays, I can have one window with source and variables, and gdb's command line in another window.
But my problem is when I perform a step-by-step in gdb: when it opens another source file, it does that in the same window where the command line is located, while I expect it to be updated in the other window.
Does anybody know how to tweak gdb or emacs to do that? Thanks,
The value display-buffer-reuse-frames does address exactly this "issue". Session-wide setting in configuration file:
(setq-default display-buffer-reuse-frames t)

Running octave in Emacs

I am using run-octave in Emacs to trigger octave. Something is acting abnormally.
Every time I hit TAB to complete, there would be a tailing ^M; If I edit a .m file using edit a.m, it would start a new frame instead of a new buffer and the prompt is waiting for the closure of that frame so it would not respond to any input. How could I configure .emacs so that run-octave would behave normally?
Any comment is appreciated!
You seem to have two problems. I'm not sure about the trailing ^M, which seems to be caused by some sort of Windows/Unix CR/LF problem, but maybe I can help with the second problem.
The edit command uses the EDITOR environment variable to decide what to run. It seems that yours is either set to emacsclient or has defaulted to it. You haven't said whether you're on Unix or Windows, so I'm going to assume the former: you'll have to change this a bit for Windows.
To avoid the waiting thing, try running octave with a different EDITOR. For example, try out running
EDITOR='emacsclient -n' octave
When you type edit foo, it should bring up an Emacs buffer (if you want a new frame as well, use -c too) but not wait until you're done.
If this fixes things for you, you could change your ~/.bashrc to include the line
export EDITOR='emacsclient -n'

Windows and Minibuffer floating over the frame

When I start Emacs, its windows and its minibuffer start up floating on the main frame, leaving a lot of empty space (see: here and here). Any idea of what is going on and how to fix it?
I'm using emacs version 23.1.1 on Xmonad
I get the same thing occasionally when doing a TAB expand in shell mode. I don't end up with an empty mini-buf, it usually has all the contents from the shell expand. The only solution I've found so far is to kill the current shell buffer
You might try C-l (recenter-top-bottom). I've used this over the years as a pretty reliable "repaint" operation that will clear up various detritus that occurs on the frame. It is even more helpful when you do not have a window system.
It looks like an odd interaction between Emacs and your window manager. It's as if Emacs is configuring itself to have a certain number of lines and columns in its active window, but the frame the window manager has allocated it is larger.
Can you try running X without Xmonad (ie. just run startX) and then run Emacs? You won't get frame decorations, but you can still use xterm to start it and see what 'natural' size it gets allocated. With the same Emacs configuration, that would narrow it down to some issue with Xmonad.
It's not obvious from the screenshots, as one is definitely in GUI mode, but the other (green on black) looks like it is in text mode. If you force it to run in text mode (emacs -nw), does it take up the same size? Within the shell, do normal commands take up the entire size of the allocated window?
Are the shell variables COLUMNS or LINES set correctly? Do they match the window dimensions? Assuming you are running bash, is shopt checkwinsize turned on? Do regular commands such as ls wrap at the expected margins and scroll to use the entire window?
It is worth ensuring that text mode is being configured correctly before getting GUI mode to work. I have a hunch the way that Xmonad is managing its window sizing may be the culprit, if it is 'forcing' windows to tile in certain arrangements, and the correct X hints aren't being sent. But - that's all just supposition for now...
This partially works (taken from here):
(defun fullscreen ()
(set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen
(if (frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen) nil 'fullboth)))
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'fullscreen)
The windows get corrected, although the mini-buffer is still larger than the usual.
Sounds like a bug, to me. Consider reporting it: M-x report-emacs-bug. Try to provide a recipe starting from emacs -Q.