Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) - perl

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) got this error while i am trying to cvs checkout from perl.
what is issue and how to reslove this ?
Code :
system ( "CSVROOT:--- CVSRSH:--- cvs co a ");
# i have proper value in cvs root and cvs rsh .
its running alone and using ssh key

Steps to diagnose the error:
Are you using an SSH key?
Does that key have a passphrase?
Does it work when you run it by hand?
Is the script running as the same user as when you run it by hand?
Is the script running under the same environment as when you run it by hand? (e.g. cron jobs do not run under the same environment)
If you think all of the answers are yes, then most likely the last answer is really no. If the script is running from a scheduler like cron it most likely does not run with the same environment as when you run it by hand. The way I normally solve this is to use a shell script between the scheduler and the Perl script:
source /home/USERNAME/.profile
#set any other environment variables it needs like
export CSVROOT=:pserver:USERNAME#HOST:/path/to/repo
export CVSRSH=ssh

Follow-up investigations after Chas.'s questions:
Does that command normally run under /bin/sh or some other shell?
To test, execute /bin/sh command to start Bourne shell and try the command by hand again.
I'm not familiar with "CVSROOT:---" notation - is that meant to set CVSROOT environmental variable? In Bourne shell it's usually done using "=", never saw ":" used.
Does the command, when run by hand, expect some input from you? I never saw cvs co to do so, but I don't use it with ssh.
Try to add a redirect to the end of the command and look what's in the file after running:
system ( "CSVROOT:--- CVSRSH:--- cvs co a > /tmp/log_cmd 2>&1");


BiqQuery detected on windows command prompt but not on Bash

I've installed Cloud SDK on my windows 10 machine and I'm able to run commands like "gcloud", "gsutil" and "bq" on my command prompt. However, when I run "gsutil" or "bq" on Bash, this is the error I'm getting.
$ bq
bash: bq: command not found
Then I added this location to PATH C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin, and afterwards I seem to be able to call gsutil and bq using gsutil.cmd and bq.cmd. But of course, I'd prefer calling bq / gsutil directly.
Has anyone has this problem before? Thank you!
I found one possible solution!
In Bash, go to the root bash folder by typing cd
Type touch .bashrc
write alias bq="bq.cmd" or alias gsutil="gsutil.cmd" or both
Press Esc and type :qa and Enter to save and exit
This tells Bash to remember bq as invoking bq.cmd, hence now I can invoke bq anywhere -- as far as I know.
If anyone has a better suggestion, please let me know! Thank you!
In the bash session itself, check what echo $PATH returns. It should inherit the path that was defined on Windows.
So open a new CMD session, and:
make sure the %PATH% does include C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin,
then call C:\path\to\Git\bin\bash.exe to open a bash session
bq should work in such a shell session.

Run a perl script on remote machine from local machine using Telnet or SSH with Perl

I want to run a Perl script in a remote machine using telnet or ssh. The script is on my local can do this. Can anyone please help me on this?
If you for some reason don't want to copy the script to the remote host and then run it, you can send the script to the Perl interpreter over stdin. If perl doesn't get either a script name of a script on the command line it tries to read the script on stdin. So this would work:
ssh user#remote perl <
Of course this requires that all necessary modules are already installed on the remote host. If you script only have pure perl dependencies you can work around this restriction by using App::FatPacker to make your script (more) self contained.
But if this is an recurring task I would recommend getting the script deployed correctly to your remote host.
scp your script to remote machine.
ssh user#remote 'perl /path/to/remote/'
Using HERE document across SSH might also do the trick you are after. You can run at least a BASH script without first separately copying it to remote. I have not verified anything else than BASH but no reason to doubt either. Please see:
ssh + here document + interactive mode

Why my perl script requires to export packages path into #INC to run remotely via ssh

The server perl script - with its required packages - works locally by the user "my_user".
But if I run the script remotely (ssh), I need to export PERL5LIB=/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/my_modules before calling the perl script to get it working.
Why this and how can I turn around this in order to avoid exporting PERLIB each time I need to call a remote perl script ?
ssh my_user#remote_server "export PERL5LIB=/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/my_modules; /cgi-bin/ --option1 foo --option2 '*';"
ssh my_user#remote_server "/cgi-bin/ --option1 foo --option2 '*';"
returns :
Can't locate in #INC
That might be rather an ssh question than a strict perl point : why the remote user running the perl script does not inherit from its ENV local datas.
As suggested by #mu_is_too_short (no friction is good as well), and linking to a more detailed explanation here, there are different types of shells : "the SSH command execution shell is a non-interactive shell, whereas your normal shell is either a login shell or an interactive shell".
So the solution is what I did on purpose (eg adding "export PERL5LIB" before running the script), or better, source the whole environement from the remote user to run the remote shell with the expected behavior.

Perl script works but not via CRON

I have a perl script (which syncs delicious to wp) which:
runs via the shell but
does not run via cron (and i dont get an error)
The only thing I can think of is that it read the config file wrongly but... it is defined via the full path (i think).
I read my config file as:
my $config = Config::Simple->import_from('/home/12345/data/scripts/delicious/wpds.ini',
\my %config);
(I am hosted on mediatemple)
Does anybody have a clue?
update 1: HERE is the complete code: (but I have added the path as above to the configuration file location as difference)
update 2: crossposted on
update 3: the full path did the trick, solved
The difference between a cron job and a job run from the shell is 'environment'. The primary difference is that your profile and the like are not run for a cron job, so any environment variables you have set in your normal shell environment are not set the same in the cron environment - no extensions to PATH, no environment variables identifying where Delicious and/or WP are hosted, etc.
Suggestion: create a cron job that simply reports the environment to a known file:
env > /home/27632/tmp/env.27632
Then see what is set in your own shell environment in comparison. Chances are, that will reveal the trouble.
Failing that, other environmental differences are that a cron job has no terminal, and has /dev/null for input and output - so interactive stuff does not work well.
it seems the problem is not in running perl, but locating the Config library
you should try:
perl -e "print #INC"
and run a similar perl script in cron, and read the output
it possible that they differ
I suggest looking at my answer to How to simulate the environment cron executes a script with?
This is an similar Jonathan's answer but goes a bit further.
Based on your crontab, and depending on your installation, the problem might be the "perl". As others note the environment, particularly the $PATH variable, is different for cron. perl may not be in the path so you need to put the full path to perl in the cron command.
You can determine the path with the command $ type perl
I run into the same problem ...
Perl script works but not via CRON => error: "perl: command not found"
... after an update from Plesk 12.0 to Plesk 12.5. But the existing answers were not very helpful for me.
It took some time, but than I found this thread in the Odin forum which helps me:
They suggest the following:
/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -crontab-secure-shell ""
That deletes in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs files the line:
After that, my cron jobs run with out any error.
(Ubuntu 14.04 with Plesk 12.5)
If the perl script runs fine manually, but not from crontab, then
there is some environment path needed by the some package that is not
getting through `cron`. Run your command as follows:
suppose your cron entry like:
* 13 * * * /usr/bin/perl /home/username/public_html/ >/dev/null 2>&1
env - /home/username/public_html/
The output will show you the missing package. export that package path in
$PATH variables

Is it possible to have Perl run shell script aliases?

Is it possible to have a Perl script run shell aliases? I am running into a situation where we've got a Perl module I don't have access to modify and one of the things it does is logs into multiple servers via SSH to run some commands remotely. Sadly some of the systems (which I also don't have access to modify) have a buggy SSH server that will disconnect as soon as my system tries to send an SSH public key. I have the SSH agent running because I need it to connect to some other servers.
My initial solution was to set up an alias to set ssh to ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no, but Perl runs the ssh binary it finds in the PATH instead of trying to use the alias.
It looks like the only solutions are disable the SSH agent while I am connecting to the problem servers or override the Perl module that does the actual connection.
Perhaps you could put a command called ssh in PATH ahead of the ssh which runs ssh as you want it to be run.
Alter the PATH before you run the perl script, or use this in your .ssh/config
Host *
PubkeyAuthentication no
Why don't you skip the alias and just create a shell script called ssh in a directory somewhere, then change the path to put that directory before the one containing the real ssh?
I had to do this recently with iostat because the new version output a different format that a third-party product couldn't handle (it scanned the output to generate a report).
I just created an iostat shell script which called the real iostat (with hardcoded path, but you could be more sophisticated), passing the output through an awk script to massage it into the original format. Then, I changed the path for the third-party program and it started working fine.
You could declare a function in .bashrc (or .profile or whatever) with that name. It could look like this (might break):
function ssh {
/usr/bin/ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no "$#"
But using a config file might be the best solution in your case.