Perl, evaluate string lazily - perl

Consider the following Perl code.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $a="${b}";
print $a;
The script obviously outputs 1. I would like it to be whatever the current value of $b is.
What would be the smartest way in Perl to achieve lazy evaluation like this? I would like the ${b} to remain "unreplaced" until $a is needed.

I'm more interested in knowing why you want to do this. You could use a variety of approaches depending on what you really need to do.
You could wrap up the code in a coderef, and only evaluate it when you need it:
use strict; use warnings;
my $b = '1';
my $a = sub { $b };
$b = '2';
print $a->();
A variant of this would be to use a named function as a closure (this is probably the best approach, in the larger context of your calling code):
my $b = '1';
sub print_b
print $b;
$b = '2';
You could use a reference to the original variable, and dereference it as needed:
my $b = '1';
my $a = \$b;
$b = '2';
print $$a;

What you want is not lazy evaluation, but late binding. To get it in Perl, you need to use eval.
my $number = 3;
my $val = "";
my $x = '$val="${number}"';
$number = 42;
eval $x;
print "val is now $val\n";
Be advised that eval is usually inefficient as well as methodically atrocious. You are almost certainly better off using a solution from one of the other answers.

Perl will interpolate a string when the code runs, and i don't know of a way to make it not do so, short of formats (which are ugly IMO). What you could do, though, is change "when the code runs" to something more convenient, by wrapping the string in a sub and calling it when you need the string interpolated...
$b = "1";
my $a = sub { "\$b is $b" };
$b = "2";
print &$a;
Or, you could do some eval magic, but it's a bit more intrusive (you'd need to do some manipulation of the string in order to achieve it).

As others have mentioned, Perl will only evaluate strings as you have written them using eval to invoke the compiler at runtime. You could use references as pointed out in some other answers, but that changes the way the code looks ($$a vs $a). However, this being Perl, there is a way to hide advanced functionality behind a simple variable, by using tie.
{package Lazy;
sub TIESCALAR {bless \$_[1]} # store a reference to $b
sub FETCH {${$_[0]}} # dereference $b
sub STORE {${$_[0]} = $_[1]} # dereference $b and assign to it
sub new {tie $_[1] => $_[0], $_[2]} # syntactic sugar
my $b = 1;
Lazy->new( my $a => $b ); # '=>' or ',' but not '='
print "$a\n"; # prints 1
$b = 2;
print "$a\n"; # prints 2
You can lookup the documentation for tie, but in a nutshell, it allows you to define your own implementation of a variable (for scalars, arrays, hashes, or file handles). So this code creates the new variable $a with an implementation that gets or sets the current value of $b (by storing a reference to $b internally). The new method is not strictly needed (the constructor is actually TIESCALAR) but is provided as syntactic sugar to avoid having to use tie directly in the calling code.
(which would be tie my $a, 'Lazy', $b;)

You wish to pretend that $a refers to something that is evaluated when $a is used... You can only do that if $a is not truly a scalar, it could be a function (as cHao's answer) or, in this simple case, a reference to the other variable
my $b="1";
my $a= \$b;
print $$a;

I would like the ${b} to remain "unreplaced" until $a is needed.
Then I'd recommend eschewing string interpolation, instead using sprintf, so that you "interpolate" when needed.
Of course, on this basis you could tie together something quick(ish) and dirty:
use strict;
use warnings;
package LazySprintf;
# oh, yuck
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; bless \#_, $class; }
sub FETCH { my $self = shift; sprintf $self->[0], #$self[1..$#$self]; }
package main;
my $var = "foo";
tie my $lazy, 'LazySprintf', '%s', $var;
print "$lazy\n"; # prints "foo\n"
$var = "bar";
print "$lazy\n"; # prints "bar\n";
Works with more exotic format specifiers, too. Yuck.


Perl: How do I get the value of a variable in a loop if it is in a1 a2 a3 format

Basically i am trying to access the predefined variable in a perl program.
the variables are in the form a1 a2 a3 format.
I want to access them in a loop. In the loop I will increment postfix scalar value
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3)= (10,12,14,16);
for(my $i=0; $i<=3; $i++) {
my $var = ${a$i};
print $var;
When I print $var in loop, I need the values 10,12 .. defined earlier.
I am aware that such situation can be handled with a hash. But I do not have any control over the variable naming, hence I can not use hash or change variable format.
I appreciate your help!
If you want to avoid turning off strict, you could use eval:
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3)= (10,12,14,16);
for(my $i=0; $i<=3; $i++) {
print eval "\$a$i";
Update: using more readable version suggested by Сухой27 in the comments
Use an array instead of multiple similarly named variables, as this is their main use case,
use strict;
use warnings;
my #a = (10,12,14,16);
for my $i (0 .. $#a) {
my $var = $a[$i];
print $var, "\n";
alternatively you can use array of scalar references
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3) = (10,12,14,16);
my #a = \($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3);
for my $i (0 .. $#a) {
my $var = ${ $a[$i] };
print $var, "\n";
What you are doing here is called a symbolic reference, and it is an EXTREMELY bad idea.
Please take a look through this article:
But the long and short of it is - using a variable as a variable name - which you're doing - is dangerous and unnecessary. It causes all sorts of potential problems in your code, including bugs in completely unrelated pieces of code. This is why strict won't let you do it.
More importantly - it's completely unnecessary, because perl has the hash as a native data type.
Instead of your code, consider instead:
my %h;
( $h{0}, $h{1}, $h{2}, $h{3} ) = ( 10, 12, 14, 16 );
foreach my $key ( sort keys %h ) {
print "$key = $h{$key}\n";
Now, it's added a few characters to your code, but by doing so - you've created a lexically scoped namespace called %h. (I'd suggest calling it something more meaningful, personally - and definitely avoid $a and $b because they have special meanings).
But there is no danger of this namespace trampling over other parts of your code, and for bonus points - you no longer need your 'for' loop, you can simply iterate on keys instead. (So you always have the right number).
(Or as another user has suggested - just use an array)
You can get round strict's restriction on dynamic variable names like this.
use strict;
use warnings;
no strict 'refs';
my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3)= (10,12,14,16);
for(my $i=0; $i<=3; $i++) {
my $var = ${a$i};
print $var;
I don't think this is a good idea, though!

Why isn't my sort working in Perl?

I have never used Perl, but I need to complete this exercise. My task is to sort an array in a few different ways. I've been provided with a test script. This script puts together the array and prints statements for each stage of it's sorting. I've named it
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyIxHash;
my %myhash;
my $t = tie(%myhash, "MyIxHash", 'a' => 1, 'abe' => 2, 'cat'=>'3');
$myhash{b} = 4;
$myhash{da} = 5;
$myhash{bob} = 6;
print join(", ", map { "$_ => $myhash{$_}" } keys %myhash) . " are the starting key => val pairs\n";
$t->SortByKey; # sort alphabetically
print join(", ", map { "$_ => $myhash{$_}" } keys %myhash) . " are the alphabetized key => val pairs\n";
$t->SortKeyByFunc(sub {my ($a, $b) = #_; return ($b cmp $a)}); # sort alphabetically in reverse order
print join(", ", map { "$_ => $myhash{$_}" } keys %myhash) . " are the reverse alphabetized key => val pairs\n";
$t->SortKeyByFunc(\&abcByLength); # use abcByLength to sort
print join(", ", map { "$_ => $myhash{$_}" } keys %myhash) . " are the abcByLength sorted key => val pairs\n";
print "Done\n\n";
sub abcByLength {
my ($a, $b) = #_;
if(length($a) == length($b)) { return $a cmp $b; }
else { return length($a) <=> length($b) }
} uses a package called MyIxHash which I've created a module for called The script runs through the alphabetical sort: "SortByKey", which I've inherited via the "IxHash" package in my module. The last two sorts are the ones giving me issues. When the sub I've created: "SortKeyByFunc" is ran on the array, it passes in the array and a subroutine as arguments. I've attempted to take those arguments and associate them with variables.
The final sort is supposed to sort by string length, then alphabetically. A subroutine for this is provided at the bottom of as "abcByLength". In the same way as the reverse alpha sort, this subroutine is being passed as a parameter to my SortKeyByFunc subroutine.
For both of these sorts, it seems the actual sorting work is done for me, and I just need to apply this subroutine to my array.
My main issue here seems to be that I don't know how, if possible, to take my subroutine argument and run my array through it as a parameter. I'm a running my method on my array incorrectly?
package MyIxHash;
#use strict;
use warnings;
use parent Tie::IxHash;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
sub SortKeyByFunc {
#my $class = shift;
my ($a, $b) = #_;
#this is a reference to the already alphabetaized array being passed in
my #letters = $_[0][1];
#this is a reference to the sub being passed in as a parameter
my $reverse = $_[1];
#this is my variable to contain my reverse sorted array
my #sorted = #letters->$reverse();
return #sorted;
"My problem occurs where I try: my #sorted = #letters->$reverse(); I've also tried: my #sorted = sort {$reverse} #letters;"
You were really close; the correct syntax is:
my $reverse = sub { $b cmp $a };
# ...
my #sorted = sort $reverse #letters;
Also note that, for what are basically historical reasons, sort passes the arguments to the comparison function in the (slightly) magic globals $a and $b, not in #_, so you don't need to (and indeed shouldn't) do my ($a, $b) = #_; in your sortsubs (unless you declare them with a prototype; see perldoc -f sort for the gritty details).
Edit: If you're given a comparison function that for some reason does expect its arguments in #_, and you can't change the definition of that function, then your best bet is probably to wrap it in a closure like this:
my $fixed_sortsub = sub { $weird_sortsub->($a, $b) };
my #sorted = sort $fixed_sortsub #letters;
or simply:
my #sorted = sort { $weird_sortsub->($a, $b) } #letters;
Edit 2: Ah, I see the/a problem. When you write:
my #letters = $_[0][1];
what you end up with a is a single-element array containing whatever $_[0][1] is, which is presumably an array reference. You should either dereference it immediately, like this:
my #letters = #{ $_[0][1] };
or just keep is as a reference for now and dereference it when you use it:
my $letters = $_[0][1];
# ...
my #sorted = sort $whatever #$letters;
Edit 3: Once you do manage to sort the keys, then, as duskwuff notes in his original answer, you'll also need to call the Reorder() method from your parent class, Tie::IxHash to actually change the order of the keys. Also, the first line:
my ($a, $b) = #_;
is completely out of place in what's supposed to be an object method that takes a code reference (and, in fact, lexicalizing $a and $b is a bad idea anyway if you want to call sort later in the same code block). What it should read is something like:
my ($self, $sortfunc) = #_;
In fact, rather than enumerating all the things that seem to be wrong with your original code, it might be easier to just fix it:
package MyIxHash;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Tie::IxHash';
sub SortKeyByFunc {
my ($self, $sortfunc) = #_;
my #unsorted = $self->Keys();
my #sorted = sort { $sortfunc->($a, $b) } #unsorted;
$self->Reorder( #sorted );
or simply:
sub SortKeyByFunc {
my ($self, $sortfunc) = #_;
$self->Reorder( sort { $sortfunc->($a, $b) } $self->Keys() );
(Ps. I now see why the comparison functions were specified as taking their arguments in #_ rather than in the globals $a and $b where sort normally puts them: it's because the comparison functions belong to a different package, and $a and $b are not magical enough to be the same in every package like, say, $_ and #_ are. I guess that could be worked around, but it would take some quite non-trivial trickery with caller.)
(Pps. Please do credit me and duskwuff / Stack Overflow when you hand in your exercise. And good luck with learning Perl — trust me, it'll be a useful skill to have.)
Your SortKeyByFunc method returns the results of sorting the array (#sorted), but it doesn't modify the array "in place". As a result, just calling $t->SortKeyByFunc(...); doesn't end up having any visible permanent effects.
You'll need to call $t->Reorder() within your SortKeyByFunc method to have any lasting impact on the array. I haven't tried it, but something like:
at the end of your method may be sufficient.

Why is Perl foreach variable assignment modifying the values in the array?

OK, I have the following code:
use strict;
my #ar = (1, 2, 3);
foreach my $a (#ar)
$a = $a + 1;
print join ", ", #ar;
and the output?
2, 3, 4
What the heck? Why does it do that? Will this always happen? is $a not really a local variable? What where they thinking?
Perl has lots of these almost-odd syntax things which greatly simplify common tasks (like iterating over a list and changing the contents in some way), but can trip you up if you're not aware of them.
$a is aliased to the value in the array - this allows you to modify the array inside the loop. If you don't want to do that, don't modify $a.
See perldoc perlsyn:
If any element of LIST is an lvalue, you can modify it by modifying VAR inside the loop. Conversely, if any element of LIST is NOT an lvalue, any attempt to modify that element will fail. In other words, the foreach loop index variable is an implicit alias for each item in the list that you're looping over.
There is nothing weird or odd about a documented language feature although I do find it odd how many people refuse check the docs upon encountering behavior they do not understand.
$a in this case is an alias to the array element. Just don't have $a = in your code and you won't modify the array. :-)
If I remember correctly, map, grep, etc. all have the same aliasing behaviour.
As others have said, this is documented.
My understanding is that the aliasing behavior of #_, for, map and grep provides a speed and memory optimization as well as providing interesting possibilities for the creative. What happens is essentially, a pass-by-reference invocation of the construct's block. This saves time and memory by avoiding unnecessary data copying.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw(apply);
my #array = qw( cat dog horse kanagaroo );
print join "\n", '', 'foo()', #array;
my #mapped = map { s/oo/ee/g } #array;
print join "\n", '', 'map-array', #array;
print join "\n", '', 'map-mapped', #mapped;
my #applied = apply { s/fee//g } #array;
print join "\n", '', 'apply-array', #array;
print join "\n", '', 'apply-applied', #applied;
sub foo {
$_ .= 'foo' for #_;
Note the use of List::MoreUtils apply function. It works like map but makes a copy of the topic variable, rather than using a reference. If you hate writing code like:
my #foo = map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/foo/bar/ } #bar;
you'll love apply, which makes it into:
my #foo = apply { s/foo/bar/ } #bar;
Something to watch out for: if you pass read only values into one of these constructs that modifies its input values, you will get a "Modification of a read-only value attempted" error.
perl -e '$_++ for "o"'
the important distinction here is that when you declare a my variable in the initialization section of a for loop, it seems to share some properties of both locals and lexicals (someone with more knowledge of the internals care to clarify?)
my #src = 1 .. 10;
for my $x (#src) {
# $x is an alias to elements of #src
for (#src) {
my $x = $_;
# $_ is an alias but $x is not an alias
the interesting side effect of this is that in the first case, a sub{} defined within the for loop is a closure around whatever element of the list $x was aliased to. knowing this, it is possible (although a bit odd) to close around an aliased value which could even be a global, which I don't think is possible with any other construct.
our #global = 1 .. 10;
my #subs;
for my $x (#global) {
push #subs, sub {++$x}
$subs[5](); # modifies the #global array
Your $a is simply being used as an alias for each element of the list as you loop over it. It's being used in place of $_. You can tell that $a is not a local variable because it is declared outside of the block.
It's more obvious why assigning to $a changes the contents of the list if you think about it as being a stand in for $_ (which is what it is). In fact, $_ doesn't exist if you define your own iterator like that.
foreach my $a (1..10)
print $_; # error
If you're wondering what the point is, consider the case:
my #row = (1..10);
my #col = (1..10);
foreach (#row){
print $_;
print $_;
In this case it is more readable to provide a friendlier name for $_
foreach my $x (#row){
print $x;
foreach my $y (#col){
print $y;
foreach my $a (#_ = #ar)
now modifying $a does not modify #ar.
Works for me on v5.20.2

Is there some way to make variables like $a and $b in regard to strict?

In light of Michael Carman's comment, I have decided to rewrite the question. Note that 11 comments appear before this edit, and give credence to Michael's observation that I did not write the question in a way that made it clear what I was asking.
Question: What is the standard--or cleanest way--to fake the special status that $a and $b have in regard to strict by simply importing a module?
First of all some setup. The following works:
use strict;
print "\$a=$a\n";
print "\$b=$b\n";
If I add one more line:
print "\$c=$c\n";
I get an error at compile time, which means that none of my dazzling print code gets to run.
If I comment out use strict; it runs fine. Outside of strictures, $a and $b are mainly special in that sort passes the two values to be compared with those names.
my #reverse_order = sort { $b <=> $a } #unsorted;
Thus the main functional difference about $a and $b--even though Perl "knows their names"--is that you'd better know this when you sort, or use some of the functions in List::Util.
It's only when you use strict, that $a and $b become special variables in a whole new way. They are the only variables that strict will pass over without complaining that they are not declared.
: Now, I like strict, but it strikes me that if TIMTOWTDI (There is more than one way to do it) is Rule #1 in Perl, this is not very TIMTOWDI. It says that $a and $b are special and that's it. If you want to use variables you don't have to declare $a and $b are your guys. If you want to have three variables by adding $c, suddenly there's a whole other way to do it.
Nevermind that in manipulating hashes $k and $v might make more sense:
my %starts_upper_1_to_25
= skim { $k =~ m/^\p{IsUpper}/ && ( 1 <= $v && $v <= 25 ) } %my_hash
Now, I use and I like strict. But I just want $k and $v to be visible to skim for the most compact syntax. And I'd like it to be visible simply by
use Hash::Helper qw<skim>;
I'm not asking this question to know how to black-magic it. My "answer" below, should let you know that I know enough Perl to be dangerous. I'm asking if there is a way to make strict accept other variables, or what is the cleanest solution. The answer could well be no. If that's the case, it simply does not seem very TIMTOWTDI.
Others mentioned how to 'use vars' and 'our' - I just wanted to add that $a and $b are special cases, since they're used internally by the sort routines. Here's the note from the docs:
Because of their special use by sort(), the variables $a and $b are
exempted from this check.
$a and $b are special because they're a part of the core language. While I can see why you might say that the inability to create similarly-special variables of your own is anti-TIMTOWTDI, I would say that it's no more so than the inability to create new basic commands on the order of 'print' or 'sort'. (You can define subs in modules, but that doesn't make them true keywords. It's the equivalent of using 'our $k', which you seem to be saying doesn't make $k enough like $a for you.)
For pushing names into someone else's namespace, this should be a working example of Exporter:
package SpecialK;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
our #EXPORT = qw( $k );
our $k;
Save this to and 'use SpecialK' should then make $k available to you. Note that only 'our' variables can be exported, not 'my'.
If I understand correctly, what you want is:
use vars qw($a $b); # Pre-5.6
our ($a, $b); # 5.6 +
You can read about it here.
If I'm understanding your question you want to write a module that declares variables in the user's namespace (so they don't have to) and which get localized automatically in callbacks. Is that right?
You can do this by declaring globals and exporting them. (Though do note that it's generally considered bad form to export things without being asked to.)
package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT = qw(*k *v hashmap);
our ($k, $v);
sub hashmap(&\%) {
my $code = shift;
my $hash = shift;
while (local ($k, $v) = each %$hash) {
Note: The export is of *k and *v, not $k and $v. If you don't export the entire typeglob the local in hashmap won't work correctly from the user's package. A side effect of this is that all of the various forms of k and v (%k, #v, etc.) get declared and aliased. For a full explanation of this, see Symbol Tables in perlmod.
Then in your script:
use Foo; # exports $k and $v
my %h = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
hashmap { print "$k => $v\n" } %h;
c => 3
a => 1
b => 2
In Perl 5.6 and later, you can use our:
our ($k, $v);
Or you can stick with the older "use vars":
use vars qw($k $v);
Or you might just stick with "my", e.g.:
my %hash;
my ($k,$v);
while (<>) {
/^KEY=(.*)/ and $k = $1 and next;
/^VALUE=(.*)/ and $v = $1;
$hash{$k} = $v;
print "$k $v\n";
Making a global $v is not really necessary in the example above, but hopefully you get the idea ($k on the other hand needs to be scoped outside the while block).
Alternatively, you can use fully qualified variable names:
$a and $b are just global variables. You can achieve similar effects by simply declaring $k and $v:
use strict;
our ($k, $v);
(In this case $k and $v are not global variables, but lexically scoped aliases for package variables. But if you don't cross the boundaries it's similarly enough.)
It sounds like you want to do the sort of magic that List::MoreUtils does:
use strict;
my #a = (1, 2);
my #b = (3, 4);
my #x = pairwise { $a + $b } #a, #b;
I'd suggest just looking at the pairwise sub in the List::MoreUtils source. It uses some clever symbol table fiddling to inject $a and $b into the caller's namespace and then localize them to just within the sub body. I think.
This worked for me:
package Special;
use base qw<Exporter>;
# use staging; -> commented out, my module for development
our $c;
our #EXPORT = qw<manip_c>;
sub import {
*{caller().'::c'} = *c;
my $import_sub = Exporter->can( 'import' );
goto &$import_sub;
And it passes $c through strict, too.
package main;
use feature 'say';
use strict;
use Special;
use strict;
say "In main: \$c=$c";
manip_c( 'f', sub {
say "In anon sub: \$c=$c\n"; # In anon sub: $c=f
say "In main: \$c=$c";
Yeah, it's kind of dumb that I bracketed my modules with "use strict", but I don't know the internals, and that takes care of potential sequencing issues.
I'm not sure if anyone's clarified this, but strict does not whitelist $a and $b just because they are really convenient variable names for you to use in your own routines. $a and $b have special meaning for the sort operator. This is good from the point of view within such a sort routine, but kind of bad design from outside. :) You shouldn't be using $a and $b in other contexts, if you are.
$a and $b aren't normal variables, though, and can't be easily replicated by either lexical declarations or explicit exports or messing about with the symbol table. For instance, using the debugger as a shell:
DB<1> #foo = sort { $b cmp $a } qw(foo bar baz wibble);
DB<2> x #foo
0 'wibble'
1 'foo'
2 'baz'
3 'bar'
DB<3> x $a
0 undef
DB<4> x $b
0 undef
$a and $b only exist within the block passed to sort(), don't exist afterwards, and have scope in such a way that any further calls to sort don't tread on them.
To replicate that, you probably need to start messing about with source filters, to turn your preferred notation
my %starts_upper_1_to_25
= skim { $k =~ m/^\p{IsUpper}/ && ( 1 <= $v && $v <= 25 ) } %my_hash
into effectively
my %starts_upper_1_to_25
= map { my $k = $_; my $v = $my_hash{$v};
$k =~ m/^\p{IsUpper}/ && ( 1 <= $v && $v <=> 25 ) } keys %my_hash
$a and $b are as special as $_ and #_, and while there's no easy way to change those names in Perl 5, Perl 6 does indeed fix this, with the given keyword. "given" is a rubbish term to search on, but may be a good place to start.
Is this what your after?.....
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
sub hash_baz (&#) {
my $code = shift;
my $caller = caller;
my %hash = ();
use vars qw($k $v);
no strict 'refs';
local *{ $caller . '::k' } = \my $k;
local *{ $caller . '::v' } = \my $v;
while ( #_ ) {
$k = shift;
$v = shift;
$hash{ $k } = $code->() || $v;
return %hash;
my %hash = (
blue_cat => 'blue',
purple_dog => 'purple',
ginger_cat => 'ginger',
purple_cat => 'purple' );
my %new_hash = hash_baz { uc $v if $k =~ m/purple/ } %hash;
say "#{[ %new_hash ]}";
# => purple_dog PURPLE ginger_cat ginger purple_cat PURPLE blue_cat blue
The modules suggested that use export are really no different from use vars.
But the use vars would need to be done in each package that used the $a-like variable.
And our() would need to be done in each outer scope.
Note that you can avoid using $a and $b even for sort by using a $$-prototyped sub:
sub lccmp($$) { lc($_[0]) cmp lc($_[1]) }
print join ' ', sort lccmp
qw/I met this guy and he looked like he might have been a hat-check clerk/;
This is essential when using a compare routine in a different package than the sort call.
EDIT - this is actually incorrect, see the comments. Leaving it here to give other people a chance to learn from my mistake :)
Oh, you're asking if there's a way for a module to declare $k and $v in the CALLER's namespace? You can use Exporter to push up your variables to the caller:
use strict;
package Test;
use Exporter;
my #ISA = qw/Exporter/;
my $c = 3;
my #EXPORT = qw/$c/;
package main;
print $c;

Can't dereference scalar in Perl

Can anyone tell me why this prints REF(*) instead of 0?
$a = 0;
$a = \$a;
print $$a . "\n";
Erm, because $a doesn't contain 0 any more, but instead a reference to itself. You overwrote it in the second line!
If you want to set $a to a reference to $a's original value then you can write
$a = \"$a"
which works by using an expression that happens to evaluate to the value of $a, and taking a reference to that. This will fail if $a starts out as something other than a simple string or number, such as a reference or any value which changes when it is stringified. Then you could write an identity function such as
sub i { shift }
and use
$a = \i($a)
Your last assignment makes $a to reference to itself, so dereferencing it makes sense as chasing own tail in circular manner,
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$a = 0;
$a = \$a;
print Dumper $a;
$VAR1 = \$VAR1;
You might want to make reference to a list of values which does what you want,
($a) = \map { $_ } $a;
print Dumper $a;
$VAR1 = \0;