iphone app emoticons - iphone

I have made an iphone application that allows users to send text messages for free to any mobile. I want to allow users to add emoticons into their message from standard set provided by me. What might be the best possible solution for this scenario?
ayaz Alavi

The typical way is to use UTF8 codes which map to images on the users' phones.
However, unless the recipients of the text have configured/setup their phone to support these codes ala the [Emoji app of the day], they will see little square boxes.
If both the sender and the recipient have your application, then you can handle it directly, of course.
So basically, you are SOL. There isn't anything you can do besides recommend your users install an emoji app. Sorry.

You can add like this
NSString *comment = [comment stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#":)" withString:#"\ue415"];
Find some emotions code here


Mass texting - iOS

This is in regard to Objective-C in an iPhone app...
I have figured out how to get a list of all contacts on my iPhone, but is it possible to send out a mass text? I know I can make a message composer which has an array of recipients, but that will end up sending the text as a group text, not as an individual text to each person.
Also, is there a way to send a text message in iOS without using a message composer?
Most likely no, at least not without jailbreaking. This is the sort of thing that Apple wouldn't allow developers access to just to prevent any possible abuse by the same (especially when it might cost a user a small chunk of change if a mass-text got sent out).
MFMessageComposeViewController is your best bet. You'll be able to specify an array of phone numbers to send SMS to. As for group messaging, I would assume it would default to the users settings. (This is an option in Settings.app) It's simple enough to test but the documentation doesn't mention it.

Overriding UIPasteboard Globally for iOS/iPhone

The purpose of my application is to extend the functionality of the UIPasteboard across all applications on the iPhone. So if you are composing a text message, you could doubletap and access the extended UIPasteboard functionality. The same goes for email, Twitter, or any other occasion where a text field is present.
I don't really need an example or explanation of how to extend the UIPasteboard, I can figure that part out. The part I'm unsure of is creating a background application that can intercept events from other applications. I've never built one that was meant to sit around until someone performed a certain action in another application.
Any ideas or pointers? Thanks!
Not possible on a non-jailbroken device, I'm afraid. iOS apps are tightly sandboxed, for security and UX reasons—third-party software doesn’t get to mess with system-wide functionality.

How to hook text messages in iphone

I'm trying to develope an iphone application which helps for filtering spam text messages.
But I don't know how to hook text messages.
Please help me.
You just can't. iOS API as of today does not give you access to text messages. Not to read them, not to send them, not to filter them. Sorry to break you bad news.
If your phone is jailbroken, you could do it by accessing the SQLITE database where text messages are stored. But you definitely won't be able to distribute your application through AppStore.
In order to do what you are trying to do, you are going to need to hook into the API. It is possible to jailbreak an iPhone without it being identified as 'jail-broken', though it's a bit tricky and a single screw up can deem your HID jailbroken for life.
If you're attempting to make a program usable for any user, this is not the method you want to use.
The only way this would be possible, is through a virus.

SMS to multiple numbers (iPhone SDK)

Is it possible to copy multiple numbers from a table to the clipboard then paste the same to the SMS.app's To-field, like possible using commas after each number?
Thanks in advance!! :)
This is not a full answer, but check out UIPasteboard which allows you to manipulate the system clipboard. You might try adding multiple NSURL 'sms:...' "items" to the general pasteboard to see if the sms app interprets them appropriately. Please reply and let me know if it works.
Also check out MFMailComposeViewController. I don't think it will internally support SMS, but you could use it to email multiple SMS numbers using a general SMS gateway, or use a lookup table of cell phone providers by number allocation block to use individual providers' gateways. Advantage of using MFMailComposeViewController is that you don't need to quit your app.
There are some "free text message", "free MMS message" apps on the app store that seem to use the later approach.

Emoji usage in a UILabel and appstore rules

Does anyone know if I use emoji unicode in an app's view if Apple considers this out of bounds? I'm not asking about enabling emoji or selling an app that is meant to enable emoji.
And example of the code - which is placing an NSString into a tableViewCell NSLabel:
if([combatCurrentHp intValue] <= [combatMaxHp intValue] / 2) {
characterStats = [characterStats stringByAppendingString:#" \uE022"];
This makes an emoji heart appear in the string. Do you guys know if there is a hard and fast rule on if that would get kicked back out of the app store?
I've seen applications that use the Emoji codepoints in the App Store, but I'm not sure if it's permitted or those apps just snuck through. I don't think there is a strict policy on this.
Enabling the emoji keyboard however is forbidden.
2 years late, but just in case anyone else is interested in this question, the official answer is that there's no problem using emoji in your UILabels.
My email to App Review team a year ago:
I'd like to seek clarification with regard to the usage of emoji
within an app.
Although emoji input is not enabled for non-Japanese users, all iPhone
can view emoji whether or not emoji input is enabled.
User interface elements such as UILabel can thus display emoji if they
used the appropriate unicode in the text string.
I'm currently working on the next update of my app where I'd like to
display some icons within my text labels, and I couldn't find any
guidelines with regard to the usage of emoji in this manner.
I've attached a screenshot for your reference. I would like to check
if this usage is appropriate for the App Store. Much thanks!
Their response:
We see no issues with the use of emoji within the app. Please let us
know if you have additional questions.
Best Regards,
App Review Team iOS Developer Program
Also, my app has been using the emoji for the past one year with no issue.
I don't believe that enabling the Emoji keyboard is forbidden as it is enabled as standard in all Asian countries and there are dozens of apps available in the app store for unlocking it in other countries. Why would Apple incorporate the keyboard in the system if they intended to forbid anyone from ever using it?!