NCurses and Perl, any guides? [closed] - perl

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need to use NCurses, with Perl. I found some very short bits of text about it but no example at all.
Is there anyone aware of any existing guide online?
The examples from are:
Also, from
For a good example of using curses
with Perl, you might want to pick up a
copy of Steven L Kunz's* perl
menus'' package ('') via
anonymous FTP from
``''. It's in the
directory /pub/perl as:
Another possibility is to use Henk
Penning's cterm package, a curses
emulation library written in perl.
cterm is actually a separate program
with which you communicate via a pipe.
It is available from
[] via anonymous ftp. in
the directory pub/PERL.


perl module for creating CLI [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I wish to know is there any existing perl module which can provide the framework
to create new CLI commands ?
There are lots and lots of them. For example see here.
To get you started, perhaps have a look at Getopt::Long::Descriptive. Another suggesion, if you want to create command-driven applications (like git commands) is to have a look at App::Cmd.
If you're using Moose, there are modules which integrate it with the above (e.g. MooseX::Getopt and MooseX::App::Cmd) though I find the start up time quite slow.
I have used MooseX::App with success in my last project. It's a Moose based solution, and it's easy to use.
If you donĀ“t want Moose, App::Cmd is good.

Is there any way to convert text file to LaTEX using perl? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I basically want to convert a text file to pdf and other formats. So i am thinking if i could first convert it into LaTEX then i can go ahead with pdf conversion. Is this feasible?
As you say that you are familiar with LaTeX, you know that there are only a few special characters. Aside from that, regular text and LaTeX markup are very similar; it isn't until you get to formatting and figures and math that it gets more involved. That said it wouldn't take much to setup a few regular expressions to escape the incoming text.
It would seem that someone has already made such a module: TeX::Encode. Going to try it out myself too. There is a dependency problem, you must manually install Test::Pod::Coverage before you can install TeX::Encode; yes that is embarrassing.

Whatever happened to PerlScript? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
My ActivePerl documentation has a section dedicated to this seemingly little-known technology.
I guess that the technology didn't really catch on.
A couple of questions:
where would PerlScript be useful as a drop-in replacement for an equivalent technology like VBScript?
does anyone know of any examples where businesses have employed PerlScript?
ActiveState implemented this for Microsoft IIS, allowing Perl to be used in lieu of VBScript or JScript there. My guess, therefore, is that most Microsoft shops look to Microsoft tools and hence there is limited adoption.

Perl packet crafting and injection module [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Could someone provide if there are a perl packet crafting and injecting module that works on windows xp sp2 or windows vista ,
if not could someone provide which libraries i need to build such tool ?
Try out the Net::Pcap Perl module.
Scaperl (Scapy for Perl) is a toolkit for packet capture, construction, manipulation, and injection.

What is the best perl module to extract text from a pdf? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is the best way to extract text from a pdf?
The CAM::PDF module is pretty useful for extracting text and maintaining some information about where it came from in the document. It installs /usr/local/bin/ which demonstrates simple extraction. However, CAM::PDF can only read PDFs that are completely valid.
If you are dealing with ill-formed PDFs, you may need a more lenient parser, such as pdftotext. It dumps foo.pdf to foo.txt, which you could then read into Perl.