Facebook Photo Contest App Against FB's TOS? - facebook

What would be possible/best practice for a Photo Contest app?
Saving photos to a database and refreshing the contents with an "infinite session"? Exporting photos to my site getting written consent from my user?
I've gathered that it won't be possible to present users with a number of photos to vote on because the permissions for user's photos will often not allow just anyone (the public) to view them.
I've looked at SnapIt! Photo Contest on Facebook and it appears they are successful with what I'm trying to do. Are they breaking the Facebook TOS?
I'm new to Facebook development and want to be sure it is possible to do what I want before I become very invested. Any advice would be much appreciated!

You will need to get a facebook account representative to approve any competitions or sweepstakes. They may be able to guide you as to what you can and can't do.

If you upload a photo to SnapIt, then the photo is entirely under the control of SnapIt, and it shouldn't violate any of the Facebook rules that I am aware of.
But to be honest, you might want to check with a lawyer on that first, as I can't give true legal advice.


Facebook Permission For Use of Content

I am hoping a Facebook developer will see this and get back to me. I am working on a science fair project and wondering if it would be ok to download some of my friends profile pictures so I can write a program that use it for facial recognition? I have realized that Facebook's API does not support this when I tried to use the Facebook Graph Explorer API, but I just wanted to know to make sure that I have Facebook's permission to do so.
Just ask your friends for their profile pictures, no need to ask Facebook for permission
It´s very simple: do not use ANY data/media from anyone without authorization. That means, you can create an App, let your friends authorize it and then get the profile pictures of your friends. And you need to make sure everyone knows what you are doing with their data/media.
It´s not even just about Facebook, it´s a general data usage rule not to use anything from anyone without authorization.

App autopost to Facebook

So, I want to build a web app that posts let say funny cat pics to a users Facebook wall. The user allows the web app to do this via the publish_actions command. Yeah, I know this sounds spammy but it isn't.
Now, on Facebook Developer documentation pages it's described as follows:
"Enables your app to post content, comments and likes to a user's
stream and requires extra permissions from a person using your app.
So, to me this sounds that it's possible for an web app to publish content without the need for the user to grant every single update?
But, reading about it in the "Login Best Practices" section I read the following sentence:
When displaying the Log in with Facebook button, emphasize that
your app will not post to Facebook without people's permission
So, my question is – is it or isn't it possible?
To my knowledge, the publish_actions permission allows your app to post to the user's wall without having facebook itself ask for permission again.
However, it is good ("best") practice to always make it explicitly clear inside your app that "by clicking here, I will post to your timeline".
Basically, this is Facebook saying that you should handle this asking inside your application, in a way that best fits your application's logic.

Providing users with a way to detag their Facebook photos

I run a social membership club and my website users can log into my site with each having their own profile page.
On each of my user's profile pages, I want to display a list of photos which have been tagged with that user on Facebook. I know this part is possible.
The bit I am struggling with is giving each of my users the ability to 'untag' themselves in each photo of them that is displayed in the list. The 'untagging' should happen directly from my site. Is this possible and how could I go about doing this?
Hope someone can help/has ideas?
Unfortunately, there's no facbeook API that allows removal of photo tags at this time of writing.
Its not documented and I haven't tested this but I'd chance issuing a DELTE request to
Worth a shot through the graph explorer anyway.

Determine if user has shared on facebook via my app

I want to know if is there any way to check if the user has shared a link to my app via facebook.
I have implemented the ability to share a link to my app, and I just want to know if the user has shared it or not.
Thanks in advance.
When user share from your app you can store user's post id.
You can't look at a user's facebook posts without permission from the user. What would be a good idea is to, when you do create the link-sharing code, store the information that the user shared the link. Not the most ideal solution but, you know, privacy laws and stuff.

Can I grab the picture of a person from facebook?

I'm trying to grab someones facebook picture from their page while just knowing their email address. I know that the service gravatar.com does this, but a lot of people don't have accounts there so I would like to grab the pictures from facebook. Is this possible? I didn't find anything about this in the developers part of facebook.
Programatically? You may not necessarily have the right to use others photographs. Facebook can because the users have agreed to their T&Cs and uploaded the pictures but I don't think you have any rights concerning the pictures without first contacting the owner.
just a quick look at facebook and i've found that when you are logged in to facebook you can search for users based on email address and that will bring back the avatar. i'd be surprised if neither the api nor the FQL supports this functionality since it seems pretty basic.
+1 evernoob on the legality part. altho it is available to you when you're logged in so i can't see why they'd specifically restrict you.
good luck and let us know the results.