How can I do a CVS checkout without using the Cvs module? - perl

How to do CVS co using Perl without using Cvs module ?

system :

While you asked not to use a module, I always recommend it. CPAN kicks up Cvs::Simple. You may want to consider using it as a reference if you have business case reasons for not using a module.

I wrote this up in my blog but here it is in plain text.
I had to download and install expectperl and the IO::Tty perl module. This little perl script successfully does the cvs update, even with the ssh password prompting.
use Expect;
$ENV{"CVSROOT"} = "";
($cvs = Expect->spawn("cvs update -d -P")) || die "Couldn't spawn cvs, $!";
unless ($cvs->expect(30, "Enter passphrase for key '/files/hudson_local/.ssh/id_rsa':")) {
die "Never got the passphrase prompt";
print $cvs "not the real password\r";
unless ($cvs->expect(300, "cvs update: Updating www/legal/jsf-cddl")) {
die "Never saw update starting";


Colored output without Perl

I have a mailing script to send colored output, but I can't use it on a Unix machine as the MIME::Lite module is not installed on it.
Can anyone suggest an alternative to get the desired output in color?
use MIME::Lite;
my (#page_html, #sujet);
my $file = 'rpt.html';
open my $ifh, '<', $file
or die "Cannot open '$file' for reading: $!";
local $/ = "";
my $contents = <$ifh>;
close( $ifh );
my $msg = new MIME::Lite;
<tr><td>test1</td><td bgcolor=red>NOK</td></tr>
<tr><td>test2</td><td bgcolor=green>OK</td></tr>
<tr><td>test3</td><td bgcolor=green>OK</td></tr>
OK Should be in green
NOK should be red
The coloured output seems to be a complete red herring (hah!) here. You have a file which you want to send as an attachment to a MIME email.
If you're going to be using Perl, then you need to be in an environment where you can install modules from CPAN. Without CPAN, you're missing most of the power of modern Perl. I suggest that it's worth having whatever discussions you need to have in order to remove that major block to your Perl programming career.
If you really can't install modules into the system libraries, then you can install them into your home directory and use use lib or PERL5LIB to adjust the Perl library path as appropriate.
When you've solved the problem of how to use CPAN modules, can we talk about your choice of modules? MIME::Lite isn't exactly deprecated, but there have been better alternatives available for over ten years. Take a look at Email::Stuffer.
But if you're determined not to have the CPAN module installation discussion, the other approach is to use the command-line program mailx to send your message.
$ mailx -a rpt.html

Perl command failing if I use -e option to check whether the file exists or not

I have perl version v5.8.3 installed on my windows machine.
While running a perl script having the below code, failing.
if(-e $file1)
I knew that this checks whether file1 is present or not.
The error just shown "perl command failed". Nothing else.
Could you please help me on this
You're using a version of Perl from 2004. You should seriously consider upgrading.
The file test operators like -e have been part of Perl for a very long time. They are certainly supported by Perl 5.8.3.
You say that your error is "perl command failed". That is not an error that is generated by Perl, so I suspect there is something else going on here that you're not telling us about (presumably because you think it isn't important).
If I had to guess why your -e test is failing, I'd say that it's because $file1 doesn't contain any information about the directory where the file can be found, and therefore Perl is looking in the wrong place. Perhaps you can get more information with code like this:
use Cwd;
if (-e $file1) {
} else {
die "Can't find file: " . cwd() . '/' . $file1;
This will show you where Perl is looking for the file.

PERL SFTP using System, Cannot install SFTP module

I'm a bit new to perl and stackoverflow. If I could use a more familiar language I would, unfortunately I cannot due to certain circumstances. Thanks in advance for the help.
Modules Not Installed: Net::SFTP, WWW::CURL, Net::SSH2, Net::SFTP::Foriegn
Modules Installed: Net::FTP
I am unable to install modules.
Unable to use Net::FTP Tried Default port and port 22, with a username and password. All I get back from the other box's log when trying to connect is "Did not receive identification string from xx.xx.xx.xx" Also unable to use FTP in command line, times out.
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($box,Port=>22, Debug => 0)
or die print "Error: Cannot connect";
or die print "Error: Cannot login";
or die print "Error: Cannot change to Root";
or die print "Error: Cannot change to selected directory";
if($copyfile ne "" && $dir ne "")
$ftp->put($copyfile, $copyfile);
I can manually use SFTP through the linux command line, not FTP, so I have been trying to use the system command to SFTP into the other box. The other box's logs just say "Connection closed by xx.xx.xx.xx"
system('sftp '.$userBox.'#'.$box.' ENDOFINPUT'
cd ../../../
put '.$filename.' '.$dir.'
If anyone knows how to help me with my problem that'd be great :)
Let's approach this from another direction... when you say you're "unable to install modules", is that just because you don't have root permission? If that's the case, you can install them locally under a user account instead.
If the machine doesn't have an internet connection to even install them locally, you can use the same technique to install them on a different box, then gzip the entire local directory where you have them installed and copy them to the target machine, and add a "use lib" statement to get at them from your script.
Are you sure that the $passBox equivalent worked on the shell?
You should be able to set-up passwordless connectivity using key-pairs, which would make THAT problem go away quite quickly.

SVN Pre-Commit hook

I am new to svn.Svn repository is in Linux,and developers are working on windows using TSVN client.I implemented a per-commit hook with a proper comment of 32 is working in Linux.But i tried in TSVN client to commit the code with comment is less than 32 characters it is working.Can any one help me on this.
Here is the code:
$minchars = 10;
$svnlook = '/usr/bin/svnlook';
$repos = $ARGV[0];
$txn = $ARGV[1];
$comment = `$svnlook log -t "$txn" "$repos"`;
if ( length($comment) == 0 ) {
print STDERR "A comment is required!";
} elsif ( length($comment) < $minchars ) {
print STDERR "Comment must be at least $minchars characters.";
Try this:
Copy your script to another directory and modify it to use the -r parameter for the svnlook command rather than -t. Then, try it with a commit revision that should have failed.
For example:
$ cd $repo_dir/hooks
$ cp pre-commit $HOME
$ cd
$ vim pre-commit #Change from Transaction to Revision
$ # Revision #123 should have failed
$ ./pre-commit $repo $rev
If the script doesn't produce an error, you can try such things as printing out the comment in quotes to see whether or not it's zero in length, etc. It'll help you find the possible logic error in your script.
You should also use use strict; and use warnings; in your Perl scripts because it easily picks up errors you might not realize you have in your script. It's so easy to forget that a particular variable wasn't necessarily set, or that you mistyped a variable. These pragmas will pick up these types of errors which seem to cause about 90% of the problems in Perl:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $svnlook = "/usr/bin/svnlook";
my $minchars = 10;
my $repos = $ARGV[0];
my $txn = $ARGV[1];
chomp ( my $comment = qx($svnlook log -t $txn $repos) );
if (not $comment) {
die "A comment is required!\n";
elsif ( length $comment < $minchars ) {
die "Comment must be at least $minchars characters.\n";
exit 0;
You can also use my pre-commit script. It can be used to verify the length and structure of the commit comment. For example, you could require the commit comment to require a defect ID. It also allows you to control who has commit rights in what parts of your repository and also enforce the use of certain properties on certain files. For example, you might want to make sure all shell scripts and Perl scripts have the svn:eol-style set to either native or LF.
It can also allow users to create a tag, but not allow users to make changes in a tag once created. This prevents users from accidentally checking out a tag, making a change, and then committing it.
And, one more thing:
Take a look at a continuous build system such as Jenkins. One of the things I've discovered is that by merely doing continuous builds, developers naturally improve their commit messages without doing any sort of enforcement.
That's because commit messages are now easily visible. Jenkins shows the changes in each build, whether the build itself was successful, test results, etc. It shows the changes and the commit comments. Suddenly, the commit comments become much more useful to the developers themselves, and they simply do better comments.
You can look at an svn log and see when I implemented Jenkins: Before there were either no commit comments, or such useful things as "reformatted code" or the very helpful "made changes" (both longer than 10 characters). Suddenly the comments are "Fixed BUG-1233. Checked for null pointer before passing it to foo method".

How can I tell if a Perl module is core or part of the standard install?

How can I check if a Perl module is part of the core - i.e. it is part of the standard installation?
I'm looking for:
a command-line command:
a Perl subroutine/function to check within code
Perhaps the question should be: How can I tell what modules were originally provided with the specific Perl installation on a machine? (Actually, it is now asked as How can I tell what modules were originally provided with the specific Perl installation on a machine?.)
Given that there now appears to not to be an overall Perl standard installation, at least the answer to this new question will tell me what I originally had in the installation when it was first installed.
With that knowledge and if I keep the original installer image/package OR know how to get the exact thing again online, then I have a repeatable Perl installation for several machines with the knowledge of what modules will be present and what modules will not.
To clarify further: I am looking at what came with the installation originally, what modules were provided as part of that installation, and what was built-in. NOT what has been installed since then.
And I want to be able to do this on the machine that has the installation. So for this I would be relying upon the installation to have a record in some form as to what it has originally.
I asked spin-off question:
How can I tell what modules were originally provided with the specific Perl installation on a machine? (How can I tell what modules were originally provided with the specific Perl installation on a machine?)
The corelist command from the Module::CoreList module will determine if a module is Core or not.
> corelist Carp
Carp was first release with perl 5
> corelist XML::Twig
XML::Twig was not in CORE (or so I think)
Here is one way to use it in a script. The Module::CoreList POD is too terse -- you have to go hunting through the source code to find what methods to call:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Module::CoreList;
my $mod = 'Carp';
#my $mod = 'XML::Twig';
my #ms = Module::CoreList->find_modules(qr/^$mod$/);
if (#ms) {
print "$mod in core\n";
else {
print "$mod not in core\n";
Carp in core
You could check perlmodlib in a sub:
my %_stdmod;
sub is_standard_module {
my($module) = #_;
unless (keys %_stdmod) {
chomp(my $perlmodlib = `perldoc -l perlmodlib`);
die "cannot locate perlmodlib\n" unless $perlmodlib;
open my $fh, "<", $perlmodlib
or die "$0: open $perlmodlib: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
next unless /^=head\d\s+Pragmatic\s+Modules/ ..
if (/^=item\s+(\w+(::\w+)*)/) {
++$_stdmod{ lc $1 };
exists $_stdmod{ lc $module } ? $module : ();
Example usage:
die "Usage: $0 module..\n" unless #ARGV;
foreach my $mod (#ARGV) {
my $stdmod = is_standard_module $mod;
print "$0: $mod is ", ($stdmod ? "" : "not "), "standard\n";
$ ./isstdmod threads::shared AnyDBM_File CGI LWP::Simple
./isstdmod: threads::shared is standard
./isstdmod: AnyDBM_File is standard
./isstdmod: CGI is standard
./isstdmod: LWP::Simple is not standard
perldoc is most definitely part of the Perl's true core and standard installation. The source distribution for perl-5.10.1, for example, contains
perldoc.PL, generates perldoc as part of the standard installation
perlmodlib.PL, generates perlmodlib.pod as part of the standard installation
This is not a new addition. Perl-5.6.0, about ten years old, had perlmodlib as part of its true-core, standard installation.
Installations that do not contain these items are non-standard. Yes, I appreciate that it may seem academic from your perspective, but your vendor's packaging permitted a non-standard installation that breaks otherwise working programs.
With Debian's package manager, you can get the standard Perl installation with
$ apt-get --install-recommends install perl
There really is no such thing as "core" any more. There used to be a standard Perl distribution, but a lot of people don't have a standard Perl distribution. Operating system distributions modify it by either adding or removing modules, changing modules, and so on. You can't rely on the standard distribution being actually standard. Some Linux distributions don't even include the Perl documentation as part of the base Perl installation.
You mention that you can't use Module::CoreList because it isn't core, but if you can create files, you can install the module. You can even pretend that you wrote it yourself.
For the really lazy, there's the Core Modules list on the website.
You can use (for example, search for Net::FTP):
perl -MNet::FTP -e 1
If it doesn't have output, then it's installed.
Other resources
perldoc perlmodlib
perldoc perllocal
A node from perlmonks
In a response to a comment of Gbacon's, you say that you want the answer to be platform neutral. I don't know of such a solution, but I wonder if it's even the right way to go.
If your goal is to find out on specific machines, I would use the tools that come with the platform. On Debian, that would include dpkg (pre-installed on any Debian system) or apt-file (not pre-installed necessarily) or other APT tools.
As an example, take a look at the output of this:
dpkg-query -L perl | less
You would obviously need to parse the output, but it strikes me as a start precisely because it is specific to the machine in question.
From the command-line:
Let's say that you want to know
whether module Tie::Hash is
To find out, execute
the following from the command line:
perl -MTie::Hash -e 1
If you don't get any output from the above command then the module is installed; if you get an error, it's not installed.
For making this check from within the script you can make use of Module::Load::Conditional.