Where can I find PrimitiveArrays in Guava? - guava

I was using com.google.common.collect.PrimitiveArrays from Google Collections, however I cannot find it in Guava, was it renamed? Where can I find it?

There are classes in com.google.common.primitives such as Ints, Doubles, Floats, etc. that I think have the functionality of the old PrimitiveArrays class (and then some).


Universal copy function as a Macro

I'd really like to use case classes' copy feature in my project, but unfortunately I also need inheritance, which doesn't work well with case classes. So, I'm wondering if it's possible to write a macro which will generate a method for creating copy-with-changes object for an arbitrary class. What stops me there at the moment is the fact that AFAIK macros don't support named parameters. Has anyone found a way around that or, alternatively, can suggest other way for easy creating of copies which use inheritance?
That will be possible with type macros and/or annotation macros. The current macros do not support this.
Do look at lenses work, though. There's quite a few macro-based versions around, such as Shapeless.
You could also take a look at https://github.com/dicarlo2/ScalaEquals

Scala binary serialization library

I'm interested in canvasing opinion about options for Scala data-structure serialization. I'd like to find something which is developed enough to allow (if possible) efficient binary serialization of the Scala collection types (i.e. not using generic Java reflection - I don't want to be serializing all parts of a collection class, including internal book-keeping data) but also allows me to extend functionality for my own purposes/classes: I am more than happy to have to write serialization code for each of our own classes, but would rather not have to do it for collections from the Scala standard libraries. In C++ I get a lot of this functionality from the Boost serialization library.
I've used SBinary in the past and it does some of what I want, but is not getting obvious active maintenance and doesn't seem (afaik) to keep track of objects already serialized (e.g. for DAGs or cyclic datastructures).
Are there other Scala-specific solutions, or if not, what are your recommendations for efficient binary serialization?
Probably, if you only need to serialize data and not whole java objects, best solutions are :
BSON (implementation),
protocol buffers.
I am using msgpack and bson in several projects and they work pretty well. I really recommend msgpack – has most efficient binary representation (of these three) and is fully JSON compatibile.
A protocol buffers compiler for Scala: https://github.com/SandroGrzicic/ScalaBuff - perhaps this can help?
There's a couple of other links at the bottom of this page: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/scala/serialization.html

Bit fields in Scala

How to simulate bit fields in Scala? The bit fields are used to access some bits of one type (like this in C link). I know it's possible to write with bit operators, but I think there a better way if not consider the performance.
Thanks for every hint that might give.
If you just want single bits, then collection.BitSet will work for you.
If you want a proper bit field class, then you're out of luck for two reasons. First, because Scala doesn't have one. Second, because even if it did, the space savings would probably not be very impressive since the overhead of the enclosing object would probably be large compared to your bits.
There are a couple of ways out of this with some work: a custom-defined class that wraps an integer and lets you operate on parts of it as bit fields; when you go to store the integer, though, you just have it saved as a primtive int. Or you could create an array of bit field structs (of arbitrary length) that are implemented as an array of integers. But there's nothing like that built in; you'll have to roll your own.
Sadly not... The shift operators and bitwise boolean operators are pretty much all you've got.
There's also this repo,
word-aligned compressed variant of the Java bitset class. It uses a 64-bit run-length encoding (RLE) compression scheme.

Transient collections for Scala?

Clojure has a very nice concept of transient collections. Is there a library providing those for Scala (or F#)?
This sounds like a really great concept for language like F#, thanks for an interesting link!
When programming with arrays, F# programmers use exactly the same pattern. For example, create a mutable array, initialize it imperatively, return it and then work with it using functions that treat it as immutable such as Array.map (even though the array can actually be mutated as there is no transient array).
Using seq<'a> type: One way to do something similar is to convert the data structure to a generic sequence (seq<'a>) which is an immutable data type and so you cannot (directly) modify the original data structure via seq<'a>. For example:
let test () =
let arr = Array.create 10 0
for i in 0 .. (arr.Length - 1) do
arr.[i] <- // some calculation
Array.toSeq arr
The good thing is that the conversion is usually O(1) (arrays/lists/.. implement seq<'a> as an interface, so this is just cast). However, seq<'a> doesn't preserve properties of the source collection (such as efficiency, etc) and you can process it only using generic functions for working with sequences (from the Seq module). However, I think this is relatively close to the transient collections pattern.
Similar .NET type is also ReadOnlyCollection<'a> which wraps a collection type (somewhat more powerful than seq<'a>) into an immutable wrapper whose operations for modifying collection throw exception.
Related types: For more complicated types of collections, F#/.NET usually have both mutable and immutable implementation (the immutable one coming from F# libraries). The types are usually quite different, but sometimes share a common interface. This makes it possible to use one type when you use mutation and convert it to the other type when you know that you won't need it anymore. However, here you need copy data between different structures, so the conversion definitely isn't O(1). It may be something between O(n) and O(n*log n).
Examples of similar collections are mutable Dictionary<'Key, 'Value> with immutable Map<'Key, 'Value> and mutable HashSet<'T> or SortedSet<'T> with immutable set<'T> (from F# libraries).
I don't know of any library for this in F# (nothing in the standard library, and I don't recall seeing anyone blog anything like this, though there are a number of libraries for simple persistent/immutable structures). It would be great for some third-party to create such a library. Rich Hickey is the man these days when it comes to these awesome practical (mostly-)functional data structures, I love reading about that stuff.
Please have a look at the following post by Daniel Spiewak:
He also ported the algorithm by Rich Hickey to Scala. In the article IntMap is also mentioned which is almost as fast the Clojure implementation.

Is there a way in scala to convert from any Map to java.util.Map?

I use a lot of scala maps, occasionally I want to pass them in as a map to a legacy java api which wants a java.util.Map (and I don't care if it throws away any changes).
An excellent library I have found that does a better job of this:
(bad name, awesome library). You explicitly invoke .asJava or .asScala depending on what direction you want to go. No surprises.
Scala provides wrappers for Java collections so that they can be used as Scala collections but not the other way around. That being said it probably wouldn't be hard to write your own wrapper and I'm sure it would be useful for the community. This question comes up on a regular basis.
This question and answer discuss this exact problem and the possible solutions. It advises against transparent conversions as they can have very strange side-effects. It advocates using scala-javautils instead. I've been using them in a large project for a few months now and have found them to be very reliable and easy to use.